The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 923 Gu Wang Extra 41 The Truth Comes to the Surface

Chapter 923 Gu Wang Extra 41 The Truth Comes to the Surface
Of course, there are also a large number of media reporters who want to interview Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, hoping that they can give some reasonable explanations at this moment.

But they were disappointed, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo did not accept any interviews, even if there were rumors everywhere, they would ignore them.

When this farce kept fermenting and the rumors outside reached its peak, Gu Wang and the Gu Group finally took action, and Gu Wang directly announced that he would start accepting interviews with all reporters.

Upon hearing the news, a large number of reporters rushed to Gu's, wanting to see how Gu's would solve it this time.

Seeing that the reporters were almost here, Gu Wang didn't say anything nonsense, he directly signaled the reporters to be quiet, and then played a recording.

"Jiang Chuan, the matter has developed to this point, do you think you have a way to turn back? Besides, everything you do is based on your identity as a victim, and the Gu family dare not do anything to you. Once this happens It's settled, I'll tell my father about us right away, and then we'll get married!"

A female voice came from the recording, and then said this passage.

When the reporters heard that Gu Wang was going to play the recording for them, everyone felt baffled. What do you mean by playing the recording for us without any explanation or interview?
However, after they listened to the recording carefully, they understood a little bit.

What Gu Wang wanted to express was the woman in the recording and the farce directed by Jiang Chuan.

However, what can be explained by just a recording?
Questions were soon raised by reporters.

"Mr. Gu Wang, I don't know what you want to express by releasing this recording? It seems that we can't get anything substantive from it."

"Don't worry, this is only a small part of it." Gu Wang said unhurriedly.

"The woman in this recording is called Su Feifei. You should know that last time Su Feifei slandered Zhao Yinuo as a mistress and pretended to be my fiancée."

Before the reporters could speak, Gu Wang continued: "Sophie Fei has always held a grudge against me and my fiancee Zhao Yinuo, and that's why she directed this farce. She colluded with Jiang Chuan and deliberately let Jiang Chuan get close to Zhao Yinuo, Then I took a few photos saying that the two of them had an ambiguous relationship, and then framed the Gu Group and said that I threatened Jiang Chuan to destroy the relationship between him and Enuo.

In fact, Jiang Chuan and Zhao Yinuo had never known each other, and Jiang Chuan arranged for others to secretly take those photos when they first met.Besides, just a few photos can't explain anything, so don't listen to Jiang Chuan's one-sided words. "

"Mr. Gu Wang, you said you should not listen to Jiang Chuan's one-sided words, so how can we believe that what you said is true? You have evidence. At present, I only have a recording that I don't know who recorded it." A reporter asked suspiciously.

Gu Wang smiled slightly and said, "This doesn't explain anything, so don't worry, the next step is the main event."

"I believe everyone remembers what Jiang Chuan said when he was interviewed. He said that he just wanted to see Zhao Yinuo, and he didn't report these things to the media, so let's continue to watch."

As Gu Wang spoke, he took out another hard drive.

After opening it with a computer, everyone found that this was the newspaper office that first reported the incident, and the person who entered the newspaper office captured by the monitor was none other than Jiang Chuan.

Gu Wang said unhurriedly: "Everyone should be able to see clearly that the person here is Jiang Chuan, and what is his purpose of joining the newspaper office?"

None of the reporters spoke, apparently lost in thought.

None of them are fools. Jiang Chuan entered the newspaper office in a sneaky way. The purpose is self-evident, of course, to provide something.

The date on the monitor was also very clear, it was the day before the headline that the newspaper made the headline that Zhao Yinuo had a tryst with the mysterious man.

Everyone knows exactly what Jiang Chuan provided.

It's no wonder that Gu's Group can hold their breath so calmly. It turns out that they have already obtained some evidence.

Gu Wang could see the expressions of the reporters one by one, and he began to believe it when he saw the reporters.Gu Wang brought out another fact.

"Let me tell you another news. Jiang Chuan said at the time that he was hit by a car in order to save Zhao Yinuo and was sent to the hospital. You should know about this.

We have also found the driver who caused the accident. As for what the driver did, he will tell himself later. "

Gu Wang looked confident, and the reporters also wanted to know what happened next, so they all waited patiently.

Not long after, Shanmao brought in a man with a bruised nose and swollen face, who came to Gu Wang and stood aside with his head bowed.

"This is the driver who caused the accident back then. Let's listen to what happened at that time." Gu Wang looked at the man next to him.

The man hesitated, obviously weighing in his heart, Gu Wang looked at him quietly and didn't speak, but Shanmao didn't have such patience, so he snorted coldly.

The man shivered suddenly, and looked at Bobcat with some fear. After seeing the latter's cold and bloodthirsty eyes, he couldn't help swallowing, and began to speak.

"All of this has nothing to do with me. Jiang Chuan arranged for me to do it. He asked me to wait for him at the gate of Zhao Yinuo's company. Once he gave me the news, he asked me to drive over, pretending to hit Zhao Yinuo, and then He himself took the opportunity to rescue Zhao Yinuo, so that he could win her favor.

He also pretended to be injured and was admitted to the hospital. In fact, I didn't meet him at all. He pretended everything. "

The man said honestly, not daring to hide anything.

"Then why did you help him?" A reporter asked the man.

"Because he promised to give me a sum of money after things are done, I thought it was just a show and it was no big deal, so I agreed to him." The man replied.

"Is there anything else to say?" Gu Wang reminded in a timely manner.

"Yes, there is."

The man didn't dare to neglect Gu Wang at all, if he offended him, he would only be more miserable.

"The photos sent to the newspaper were all taken by Jiang Chuan. He asked me to take some photos pretending to be very close to Zhao Yinuo, and then said that he and Zhao Yinuo knew each other a long time ago. These are all fake of!"

Gu Wang seemed very satisfied with the man's understanding, and asked again: "What's the relationship between Jiang Chuan and Su Feifei? I hope you can answer well, so that your crime will be lighter."

The man hurriedly said: "Su Feifei asked Jiang Chuan to do these. Su Feifei said that once this matter is successful, she will marry Jiang Chuan, and then Jiang Chuan can inherit the Su family's property, so she doesn't care about offending the Gu family. The danger of the group, arranged this series of plans, in order to use the power of public opinion to crush the Gu group."

The reporters on the side listened quietly, and only then did they understand the whole story of the incident.

All the truth has surfaced, the Gu Group and Zhao Yinuo are both victims of this farce, the real culprits are Su Feifei and Jiang Chuan!

(End of this chapter)

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