The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 925 Gu Wang Extra 43 Go Where You Want

Chapter 925 Gu Wang Extra 43 Go Where You Want

After a few hours.

"Brother Jiang Jiang, thank you for today's drink, the brothers will leave first, and we will treat you another day."

The bastard said with his tongue out.

"Slow down, you guys, I won't send you off."

Jiang Chuan was also a little dizzy, but he remained awake.

Several people trembled and walked away supporting each other, leaving Jiang Chuan alone.

From the mouths of a few gangsters, he still got the news and contact information of those desperadoes.

Jiang Chuan smiled coldly, picked up the glass and drank it down, then turned and left.

Waking up early in the morning, Gu Wang looked at Zhao Yinuo who was still sleeping beside the pillow, kissed her lightly on the face, then got up and went to the study.

Zhao Yinuo is really tired these days, and has been spending it under depression. Gu Wang thinks it's time to take Zhao Yinuo out for a walk and relax.

After dealing with some affairs in the study, Zhao Yinuo tiptoed in and quietly came behind Gu Wang.

Gu Wang had already heard the voice when Zhao Yinuo first came in, but he just pretended not to know.

Just when Zhao Yinuo approached Gu Wang lightly, the latter turned around and hugged Zhao Yinuo's waist.

Zhao Yinuo let out a soft cry, and then fell on Gu Wang's lap.

"How did you know I was here?" Zhao Yinuo said dissatisfied.

"Idiot, I can smell your fragrance."

Gu Wang buried his head in Zhao Yinuo's hair, and said with a wicked smile.

Looking at Zhao Yinuo's delicate face, Gu Wang was filled with joy, and felt that he couldn't get enough of it.

"Enoch." Gu Wang called softly.

"Well, what's wrong."

Zhao Yinuo was also enjoying this rare warmth.

Gu Wang has been dealing with things for the past few days, and she has also spent the whole day in tension, and she is really exhausted physically and mentally.

"Let's take you out to play today. We haven't traveled seriously yet."

Gu Wang thought that he was always busy with work and rarely took Zhao Yinuo out to play, so he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.


Zhao Yinuo looked up from Gu Wanghuai, and said with some joy.

She wanted to go out with Gu Wang for a long time and have a good time, to see the beautiful scenery.

But Gu Wang was too busy, and couldn't bear to see him so tired and took him out, so Zhao Yinuo never mentioned it.

But Zhao Yinuo really likes to travel, especially with his beloved.

Although I didn't mention it, I have already shouted thousands of times in my heart.

"of course it's true."

Seeing Zhao Yinuo's surprised appearance, he knew that she had been waiting for a day for a long time, and instantly felt even more guilty.

In the future, I must spend more time with Enuo, Gu Wang thought determinedly.

"Okay, then where are we going!" Zhao Yinuo cheered.

"Go wherever you want."

There was endless love in Gu Wang's voice.

"Great, we can finally go on a trip!"

Zhao Yinuo was as happy as a child, thinking that she could take her child to all the places she wanted to go with Gu Wang, she felt extremely happy.

Feeling the joy from Gu Wang's heart, Gu Wang is also sincerely happy.

"Enoch, in the future we will often travel and do whatever you want, as long as you are happy, I am willing to do anything."

Gu Wang's eyes were full of affection, looking at Zhao Yinuo, it was like seeing the whole world.

Hearing Gu Wang's affectionate confession, Zhao Yinuo was moved for no reason. Being able to be with Gu Wang was the best decision she made in this life.

Without too many plans and arrangements, Gu Wang directly handed over the company's affairs to a trustworthy person to take care of, and then took Zhao Yinuo with him for a walk-and-go trip.

Happiness is sometimes as simple as that.

Since Gu Wang had to come back to handle company affairs within a week, they didn't decide to go far away.

After simply packing up my luggage, I got on the bus for travel.

Unless it is a self-driving tour, otherwise, the joy of traveling by car is much stronger than traveling by car.

Driving all the way in the car, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo left laughter and laughter all the way.

This is the most relaxed moment since they established their relationship. Putting aside all their troubles, they don't have any other distracting thoughts in their eyes, only each other.

"Gu Wang, let's see if it looks good there."

"Gu Wang, it's so beautiful there!"

"Honey, take a picture of me quickly, come on, come and take a picture together!"

"Honey, I want to eat that!"

"Gu Wang, you stinky bastard, so many people are watching!"

Zhao Yinuo was like a talking bird, covering Gu Wang's entire world with joyful notes.

Good times are always so short, a few days passed by in a flash, and the trip of Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo gradually came to an end.

Their current location is in City H, a city not far from City M, the last stop of their trip.

"Time flies, Gu Wang, we're going home tomorrow. But I'm really, really, really happy."

The two were walking on the streets of City H, Zhao Yinuo had a happy smile on his face.

"As long as you are happy, then we will go out to play more often in the future. After a while, the company's business will not be so much, and we will go abroad to visit all the countries you like." Gu Wang said with a smile.

Zhao Yinuo likes Paris, which she told him personally. She said that he likes the romantic atmosphere there, the rich humanistic culture there, the customs and customs there, and the couples that can be seen everywhere on the streets there.

But when she went there, there was no him by her side.

Now, you have me by your side, and you will always have me.

Gu Wang looked at Zhao Yinuo, thinking happily.

"Okay, we're going to Paris!"

Without even thinking about it, she said where she wanted to go the most.

She is going to the most romantic place, with the person she loves the most.

"Well, then we'll go to Paris first."

Gu Wang nodded, as long as she likes him, he will obey anything.

"Then, we have to go to New York, to England, to Italy."

Zhao Yinuo counted every place he likes with his fingers, and the look of thinking with his head sideways is extremely cute.

"By the way, we're going to Los Angeles! We must go to Los Angeles. Do you remember why we went there?"

Zhao Yinuo looked at Gu Wang playfully as if he had thought of something.

(End of this chapter)

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