The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 927 Gu Wang Extra Story 45 The Beginning of Revenge

Chapter 927 Gu Wang Extra Story 45 The Beginning of Revenge

After saying these two sentences, both of them had nothing to say.

Gu Wang didn't know how to speak, Zhao Yinuo was even more nervous and at a loss.

The two soon came to the school cafeteria. At that time, Gu Wang didn't have any experience in love, and he didn't know that he should go to a high-end restaurant to invite girls to dinner.

"What do you want to eat?" Gu Wang asked softly.

"How about I pay for it myself, and you don't need to treat me." Zhao Yinuo bowed his head and said.

"Then how can it work, I said I invite you, so I will invite you!" Gu Wang said noncommittally.

"That's up to you, I can eat anything."

Zhao Yinuo still looked cautious.

After randomly ordering two lunch boxes, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo just started eating.

This incident was always used by Zhao Yinuo to complain about Gu Wang, which made Gu Wang very embarrassed. Of course, this happened after they got to know each other later.

Neither of them expected that the first meal they ate after they met was a boxed lunch in the school cafeteria.

Neither of them spoke, and finished their meal quietly.

"I'm going back."

Zhao Yinuo looked at Gu Wang and said, "Thank you for inviting me to dinner."

"You're welcome, let's go."

Gu Wang also stood up and prepared to leave.

For a period of time after that, Gu Wang still went to the basketball court to play every day, even more frequently than before, and Zhao Yinuo still sat in the same place and watched him.

It was the same as before, except that the two had a lot more contact. Gu Wang would stare in Zhao Yinuo's direction from time to time on the court, and Zhao Yinuo would always smile back at him at that time.

The school's basketball court became a place where they got acquainted.

After Gu Wang finished playing in the afternoon, he would always go to the restaurant in the cafeteria with Zhao Yinuo to eat, but after Zhao Yinuo refused a few times, he no longer objected, and eating together gradually became a habit of them .

It's not as romantic as imagined, and it's not a vigorous love story. It's a matter of course, and the two are together.

On the day the two established their relationship, Gu Wang said a word to Zhao Yinuo: "Wait for me at the basketball court at night."

Although he didn't know what Gu Wang asked her to do, Zhao Yinuo still came to the basketball court on time.

Gu Wang stood there with a basketball in his arms. The shadow under the streetlight was stretched very long. Under the streetlight, he could vaguely see a handsome face with sharp edges and corners. There is no momentum.

Seeing Zhao Yinuo walking towards him step by step, the corners of Gu Wang's mouth raised a slight arc, and he put on a smile that is so charming that people don't pay for their lives.

Seeing Gu Wang looking at himself intently, in his gaze was the affection that Zhao Yinuo was about to melt into.

Zhao Yinuo suddenly felt his heart beat, she knew that something would happen next, which made him a little nervous and expectant.

"Gu Wang, what do you want me to do?"

Zhao Yinuo was a little nervous and lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

"Well, something happened."

Gu Wang's voice was full of magnetism, which made Zhao Yinuo's heart beat even faster.

"Enoch, I asked you to come today, I just want to ask you, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

Gu Wang's voice was not as calm as before, with a hint of urgency and anticipation.

Hearing Gu Wang's words, Zhao Yinuo's mind suddenly went blank.

He said, let me be his girlfriend?
Am I going to be his girlfriend?
After a short period of sluggishness, Zhao Yinuo suddenly felt so happy that he couldn't breathe.

This is something she never dared to dream about, and it will come true today!
"It's fine if you don't want to."

Seeing that Zhao Yinuo didn't speak, Gu Wang thought she didn't want to agree, so he turned around and left disheartened.

"I am willing!"

Zhao Yinuo spoke quickly, how could she disagree, this is something she has been thinking about day and night.

Gu Wang hurriedly turned around with a look of surprise, with a silly smile on his face.

"Then, I'll give you this basketball. It's a special birthday present from my dad. It also has Kobe's autograph on it!"

Gu Wang handed the basketball in his hand to Zhao Yinuo.

Zhao Yinuo was holding the basketball, his face full of astonishment.

Could this be the first gift Gu Wang gave her?

I have to say, this gift is really special enough.

After becoming a couple, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo soon fell in love and couldn't help themselves.There is no need to say more about what happened later.

The two who came back to their senses laughed at the same time, their eyes full of nostalgia for the past.

"It's a pity that Kobe has retired, you can't see him play."

Zhao Yinuo said to Gu Wang with regret.

"It's okay, as long as you are by my side, it doesn't matter where you go or who you meet." Gu Wang said with a smile.

Zhao Yinuo's heart was full of sweetness.

"Let's go, it's the last stop, let's go around and see what's interesting and delicious."

Gu Wang took Zhao Yinuo's hand and walked forward.

Zhao Yinuo's eyes lit up when he heard that there was something delicious.

"Okay, okay, let's go and see what's delicious." Zhao Yinuo urged.

"I heard that there is a delicious snack up front." Gu Wang deliberately teased Zhao Yinuo.

"What's delicious?"

"I won't tell you! Hahaha."

"You bastard, stop for me!"

Zhao Yinuo shouted angrily, but let Gu Wang hold hands and walk forward.

Jiang Chuan was waiting for someone in a restaurant at this time. Although he had waited for a long time and the other party hadn't come yet, Jiang Chuan was very sure that she would definitely come.

After a while, a woman with a good figure wearing a black coat came into the restaurant. She couldn't see her real appearance clearly with sunglasses, but what was certain was that this woman was very beautiful.

After looking around the restaurant for a week, the woman's eyes lit up when she saw Jiang Chuan, and she walked in quickly towards Jiang Chuan.

When she came to Jiang Chuan's table, the woman sat directly opposite Jiang Chuan and slowly took off her glasses. It was Su Feifei.

Looking at Su Feifei in front of him, Jiang Chuan laughed.

After drinking with a few gangsters, Jiang Chuan got out of their mouths the contact information of a few desperadoes who wandered outside the society.

Jiang Chuan is living a miserable life now. Not only has he lost the good opportunity to climb up the big tree of the Su family, but he has also lost his identity as the heir of the family.

Those flattering people who used to follow behind him also started to raise their eyebrows at him.

During this period of time, Jiang Chuan has tasted the fickleness of the world and the warmth and coldness of the world.

He hated Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, if it wasn't for them, how could he have ended up in this situation.

Therefore, he wanted to take revenge crazily, and only by destroying them could he obtain spiritual satisfaction.

He contacted a few desperadoes, hoping that they could help him kill Gu Wang or Zhao Yinuo, and even if he didn't do so, he would have to make them lose a layer of skin, break their arms or legs, so that he could experience that The pleasure of changing ~ state.

(End of this chapter)

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