The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 931 Gu Wang Extra 49 Never stop until the goal is achieved

Chapter 931 Gu Wang Extra 49 Never stop until the goal is achieved
The driver was wearing a peaked cap with the brim pulled down low, as if afraid of being seen.

Gu Wang quietly looked at the driver from the side, always feeling that this person was a bit abnormal.

The driver was driving very slowly, but it was already night, so it would be fine if he drove slower, neither of them cared.

"Master, are you from this place?" Gu Wang asked.

"No, my daughter goes to school here, and her mother and I moved to this city. We had nothing to do, so we started driving."

The driver's voice is not loud, but it gives people a feeling of oppression.

"No wonder, hearing the voice, I think you are not a local." Gu Wang continued.

Before this person became a taxi driver, I am afraid it was not easy.

Gu Wang has seen this kind of trait in the driver before. Only after going through the wind and waves, and the hardships of life and death, can he develop such a temperament.

Gu Wang is very familiar with this trait, because he had it before, but with the passage of time, or changes in his interpersonal circle, he had to hide this trait.

and many more!

Gu Wang was suddenly taken aback by his own thoughts, that is this driver, a killer!
This feeling is not wrong, the driver has all the qualities of a killer: low-key, camouflaged and vaguely murderous.

Is this person coming after me and Enuo, or is it just that he used to be a killer and has already retired from the arena?
Gu Wang thought secretly, but no matter what, Gu Wang was still on guard.

"Gu Wang, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Gu Wang in a daze, Zhao Yinuo asked.

"It's okay, I thought of something, I'll tell you when I get back."

Gu Wang smiled, pretending to be relaxed, but the string in his heart was already taut.

"Oh, it's okay, we should be arriving at the hotel soon."

Zhao Yinuo asked, supposedly he should have arrived at the hotel by this time.

"Well, it's probably coming soon."

Gu Wang said and looked around, but found that it was not the place he had seen before.

Although this is a strange city to Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, Gu Wang can still vaguely remember the surrounding scenery.

Gu Wang said badly in his heart, now that he can confirm the identity of the driver, he is the killer, and he came after them!

Thinking of this, Gu Wang broke out in a cold sweat.

He wasn't afraid of these so-called killers, but what about Zhao Yinuo!
"Master, pull over and stop the car, I want to get off." Gu Wang said to the driver.

The driver did not speak, but continued to drive silently.

"I said stop the car, I'm in a hurry!"

Seeing that the driver ignored him, Gu Wang continued to speak again.

"What's the matter, sir?"

The driver finally spoke.

"You don't have to worry about my business, you just need to stop the car"

Gu Wang said coldly, looking at the driver with a cold look in his eyes.

"Excuse me sir, my car won't stop until it reaches the finish line."

The driver smiled strangely and accelerated suddenly.

Zhao Yinuo also saw that something was wrong at this time, and asked nervously, "Gu Wang, what should we do?"

Gu Wang gave her a comforting look, and then said: "It's okay, I'm here."

"It's useless without you, you won't be able to leave today!"

The driver finally showed his ferocious fangs and said coldly.

Gu Wang didn't speak, he knew it was useless to say anything now, because he was worried that Zhao Yinuo would be hurt, he didn't even dare to fight for the driver's killer's steering wheel.

However, although the scene was very tense, Gu Wang was still extremely calm. He had seen a lot of strong winds and waves. In his opinion, this kind of situation was nothing more than a child's disease, not to mention that he had a strong backup.


After a sudden slam on the brakes, the car finally stopped.

The huge inertia of the car almost threw Zhao Yinuo out of the window, but fortunately Gu Wang kept hugging her, so she was not affected.

"Get out of the car, someone wants to see you." The killer said coldly.

"Gu Wang, what should we do!"

Zhao Yinuo panicked and was at a loss.

"It's okay, since this is the case, we might as well get out of the car."

Seeing that the killer didn't attack directly, Gu Wang calmed down even more.

Gu Wang helped Zhao Yinuo out of the car, looked around, and found that this is a demolition area, which should be under reconstruction, and bringing them here can prevent anyone from finding out.

The killer who pretended to be the driver got out of the car and came together with several other people, standing opposite Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, staring at them blankly.

Gu Wang also looked at them calmly. There were five people in front of him, all dressed in black, with big masks on their faces, so they couldn't see their real faces clearly.

"Tell me, what's the matter with bringing us here."

No clues were found, so Gu Wang could only speak.

"As expected of the president of the Gu Corporation, in the face of danger, this demeanor is still convincing." A killer said coldly.

"I think we should just leave out these useless words. Tell me, what purpose do you have? It shouldn't be to kill us."

Gu Wang said confidently, if the other party wants their lives, why waste their saliva with a dead person here.

"President Gu is really smart."

The man spoke again, obviously the person in charge of this operation.

"Offending you and the Gu Group is something we can't do. You know, in our business, we will do things for whoever pays. Today, we won't make it too difficult for you, just want Gu An arm of the president and Mrs. Gu."

Listening to their conversation, Zhao Yinuo finally understood the purpose of these killers, and immediately became more nervous, grabbing Gu Wang's sleeve tightly.

Feeling the tension from Zhao Yinuo's heart, Gu Wang quickly patted Zhao Yinuo's hand to express his comfort.

"My friend, since it is for money and there is no deep hatred, it will be easier."

Gu Wang stared at the person in charge and said: "How much money the employer gave you, I will pay double. You tell me his name, how about we just let this matter pass today?"

Fearing that Zhao Yinuo would suffer unexpected harm, Gu Wang felt that it would be best to solve this problem through conversation.

"President Gu, you should know the rules of our business. We will definitely do our best to complete the task of our employer. If we fail to achieve our goal, we will never stop. So, offended!"

After the person in charge finished speaking, he was the first to draw out a knife, and went straight to Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo.


I don't know who said it, and the remaining four people also rushed towards Gu Wang's direction.

Everyone knew that after Gu Wang was dealt with, the remaining Zhao Yinuo was nothing to be afraid of, so for a moment, all the blades greeted Gu Wang.

"Enoch, run back!"

At a critical moment, Gu Wang said loudly to Zhao Yinuo who was beside him.

Zhao Yinuo also knew that staying by Gu Wang's side would only distract him. After hearing Gu Wang's words, Zhao Yinuo turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Gu Wang, you have to be careful."

Zhao Yinuo shouted while running.

(End of this chapter)

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