The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 938 Gu Wang Extra Story 56 She Is No Longer the Su Family

Chapter 938 Gu Wang Extra Story 56 She Is No Longer the Su Family

Yes, just do it!After making up her mind, Su Feifei immediately went to find her father, and only he would help her at such a time.

Coming to Su Yongtian's study, Su Feifei immediately saw Su's father with a livid face. At this moment, Su Feifei burst into tears: "Dad, please help me!"

At this moment, Su Yongtian was still immersed in anger. Just now, the people below told him that something happened to Su Feifei. At first, Su Yongtian didn't believe it. His daughter had been staying at home recently, so how could she go out and cause trouble.

However, when his subordinates sent him a video, Su Yongtian was stunned.

Then he threw the computer on the table to the ground with a murderous look in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Feifei happened to come to look for him.

"Help you? How do you want me to help you?"

Seeing Su Feifei herself, Su Yongtian even lost the last sliver of sanity, walked directly in front of Su Feifei and slapped her down.

There was a crisp sound of "pa", leaving a clearly visible handprint on Su Feifei's face. After the slap, Su Yongtian was puzzled and wanted to slap again, but it happened to meet Su Feifei, who was flushed from crying and full of despair. gaze.

After hesitating for a while, Su Yongtian still couldn't make a move.

"You rebellious girl! How do you want me to help you after doing such an outrageous thing?"

Su Yongtian sighed heavily, his eyes full of desolation.

"Dad, only you can help me now, please help me, use our Su family's relationship, this matter will be settled soon, and I will never mess around again in the future!"

Su Feifei cried heartbreakingly, and there were real and fake tears in her tears.

Only the more pitiful she is, the more unbearable her father will choose to help her.

"The Su family is already in a precarious situation, and now this kind of thing has happened again. The economy has completely collapsed, and now this kind of thing has happened to the reputation. The Su family is over."

When he said this, Su Yongtian was full of affliction, the great Su family was destroyed by his daughter, he is a sinner!

"There must be a way, and there must be a way! Dad, find a way quickly, and help me."

Su Feifei could see Su Yongtian's attitude. Seeing that the last straw was about to be lost, Su Feifei grabbed Su Yongtian's arm helplessly.

"Now there is another way to save the Su family."

Su Yongtian sighed, looking at Su Feifei with complicated eyes.

"What can I do, Dad, tell me quickly."

Su Feifei seemed to see hope again, and said hastily.

"This matter needs your help, and you are the only one who can help the Su family."

Su Yongtian took a deep breath, as if he had made the final decision.

"Okay, as long as it can help the Su family, I'm willing to do anything. Tell me, Dad!"

Su Feifei expressed her attitude in a hurry. Only when the Su family is saved, can she have hope.

"This method is very simple, you have to be mentally prepared."

Su Yongtian said with a sigh, "That is, I, Su Yongtian, no longer recognize you as my daughter, and you are no longer a member of the Su family. Only in this way can the reputation of our Su family be preserved, and the Su family will be restored. There is hope of rising."

After saying these words, Su Yongtian seemed a little ashamed, he lowered his head and dared not look into his daughter's eyes.

"Dad, what did you say?"

Su Feifei was stunned. She never thought that her father's so-called plan was to abandon her and drive herself out of the Su family?
"Feifei, Dad did this as a last resort. It's just that you caused too much trouble this time. With the current situation of the Su family, it is impossible to protect you anymore."

Su Feifei saw Su Feifei's reaction. Although he felt distressed in his heart, he had to do this for the sake of the Su family.

"Father, it's not true, right? You lied to me, right? I'm your most beloved daughter!"

Su Feifei's voice couldn't stop trembling, looking at her most beloved father, her heart seemed to be broken into pieces.

"Feifei, forgive Dad, Dad really has nothing to do."

Su Yongtian's face was full of pain, "Tonight, our Su family will hold a press conference to announce the fact that you are no longer a child of my Su family. Get ready, pack up your things, and leave the Su family. Wait for this time to pass , after the Su family rises again, I will restore your identity again."

After saying this, Su Yongtian strode out of the study without waiting for Su Feifei's reaction. He couldn't bear to look at his daughter's despairing eyes, he was afraid that he would regret it if he stayed here.

He has no chance to make mistakes now, and if there are any mistakes in decision-making, the Su family will really be over!
After Su Yongtian left, Su Feifei stood there blankly by herself.

I thought that my father would help me through this difficult time, but I never expected that the father I loved the most was the one who gave up on me first.

"No! It's not true!"

Su Feifei's desperate voice was so sharp that it broke through the study and resounded throughout the entire Su family compound.

What kind of nonsense father-daughter relationship, what kind of love and doting, are all vulnerable to the so-called family interests!
"I hate you, I love you!!"

That night, the Su family wanted all the media to announce a press conference. Su Yongtian first gave an interview and briefly explained the recent economic problems that the Su family was facing.

When a reporter asked how to deal with the issue of Su Feifei's video, Su Yongtian announced a decision that shocked everyone, but after careful consideration, he had to make a decision: immediately drive Su Feifei out of Su's house, and Su Feifei will no longer She is Su Yongtian's daughter, and she is no longer a member of the Su family. What Su Feifei has done will no longer have any relationship with the Su family from now on. Whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with the Su family!

Su Yongtian still used the cruelest method to drive Su Feifei out of the house.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar from the outside world.

Publicly expelling one's daughter from the house was the first time in M ​​City. People were discussing it for a while. Some people thought that the Su family was too cruel, while others thought that Su Feifei deserved to be punished for doing so many bad things. punish.

Everyone has different opinions, but it has to be said that after this incident, the reputation of the Su family has been preserved, and people are only talking about Su Feifei, which clearly draws a clear line with the Su family.

On the night when Su Yongtian announced the news, someone claimed to have seen Su Feifei walking out of Su's house with her luggage, and she didn't know where she was going.

This well-known socialite in M ​​city, the woman who caused a storm in M ​​city again and again, was finally punished for her actions and disappeared from the public's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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