The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 941 Gu Wang Extra Story 59 The Persevering Zhao Yinuo

Chapter 941 Gu Wang Extra Story 59 The Persevering Zhao Yinuo
Listening to Jiang Chuan's affectionate confession, Su Feifei finally couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes, which gushed out like a bank bursting.

She never expected that Jiang Chuan, whom she once despised and even hated extremely, would choose to confess to herself in her most difficult time. It turned out that she had misunderstood him all along, and he really loved her.

Thinking of this, Su Feifei suddenly felt a little bit of sweetness, although he was not good or even disabled.

But what Su Feifei lacks now is a home that can protect her from wind and rain, and a man who cares about her and takes care of her.

Just about to speak, Jiang Chuan said again: "Feifei, I know I'm not good enough, and now I have broken my legs because of some things, I really don't deserve you, but I really hope you can accept me.

Feifei, think about it carefully. If you want, I will pick you up at your place tomorrow.Let's go back to Jiang's house, to a place where someone cares about you and loves you. "

"Don't think about it, I am willing! I am willing!"

Su Feifei was already crying, and her last line of defense was broken by Jiang Chuan.

Jiang Chuan can give her everything she wants now, what else is she not willing to do!

"That's great, Feifei, I'm really happy. I didn't expect that you would really not dislike me. I thought you would reject me without hesitation!"

Jiang Chuan's tone was full of joy. After waiting for so long, he finally waited until today.

"What right do I have to despise you, as long as you don't think I'm a burden, I'm already satisfied."

Su Feifei was filled with emotions. After experiencing so many things, she found that her mentality had changed.

She is no longer the vain and cold-eyed Sophie Fei she used to be. Now she is just an ordinary person longing for a happy and stable life.

"Feifei, then prepare well. I'll pick you up at the place where you live tomorrow. We'll go back to Jiang's house first, and then discuss the marriage." Jiang Chuan said.

"Okay, I'll pack up first and wait for you to come over."

Su Feifei said with a smile, with sweetness in her tone.

Now, I'm not rootless anymore, I finally have my own home, and a man who loves me and loves me, who can protect me from wind and rain.We will have a good life in the future.

Sophie Fei is full of sweet fantasies, and it seems that a better life has beckoned to her.

After Jiang Chuan hung up the phone, he also returned to his original appearance.

"Sophie Fei, you finally stopped rejecting me, but do you think I will treat you as I said? You are just a plaything of mine. Once we get married, I will give you to you." My humiliation will be returned tenfold and a hundredfold."

Having achieved his goal, Jiang Chuan finally showed his fierce fangs. He still likes Su Feifei now, but it is completely different from before.

In the past, she was a fairy that he could not reach. Although he had fantasies about her, he knew that it would never be possible.

But it's different now, Jiang Chuan is simply obsessed with her body, enjoys the pleasure of being conquered by him as a fairy, and also wants to avenge Su Feifei's contempt and insult to him.

Su Feifei contacted the owner of the villa that day, refunded the rest of the rent, packed up all the things, and waited quietly for Jiang Chuan's arrival.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chuan arrived as scheduled.

"Feifei, I'm here."

Today's Jiang Chuan is very well dressed, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a polite smile like a gentleman on his face. In Su Feifei's opinion, he is actually a bit handsome.

Mentality is really a strange thing. Su Feifei, who used to hate him in every possible way and wished he would disappear by her side forever, now feels that Jiang Chuan is not hated at all, and even faintly likes him.

"Feifei, you are so beautiful."

Looking at Su Feifei in front of him, Jiang Chuan couldn't help but said ~.

It has to be said that Su Feifei was already very beautiful, and now she no longer wears those coquettish and expensive clothes, nor does she wear heavy makeup on her face.

But without those decorations, Su Feifei actually showed a simple and dignified beauty, which made Jiang Chuan feel a little crazy for a while.

I don't know what kind of pleasure it will be to press this kind of beauty under my body.

Jiang Chuan thought wickedly, after filling up so many pictures in his brain, Jiang Chuan's desire ~ fire was also aroused.

In order not to show it, Jiang Chuan quickly took a deep breath and suppressed his desire.

Jiang Chuan's praise made Su Feifei a little shy, she quickly lowered her head, too flustered to look at Jiang Chuan.

"Feifei, are your things ready?" Jiang Chuan asked, staring straight at Sophie.

"Well, everything is packed and ready to go at any time." Su Feifei said softly.

"Okay, then let's go, go back to Jiang's house, our own home." Jiang Chuan said with a smile.

Back to our own home?
Jiang Chuan's words made Su Feifei blush, and I finally have a home again, a place where there is no harm and no intrigue.

Sophie thought naively.

Looking for someone to put all the things Su Feifei packed into the car, Jiang Chuan said: "Let's go, Feifei, let's go home."

With the help of those around him, Jiang Chuan was carried into the car.

Seeing this, Su Feifei also got into the car, and the two went straight to Jiang's house.

"Shanmao, what is the relationship between you and Gu Wang?" Zhao Yinuo couldn't help asking again.

Ever since the assassination happened last time, Zhao Yinuo has been relying on Shanmao, wanting to learn something about Gu Wang from Shanmao, but Shanmao has been tight-lipped and never revealed anything.

"Don't ask, I won't tell you anything!"

Shan Mao wanted to escape, but Zhao Yinuo grabbed his sleeve.

"Just tell me, I really want to know, so just tell me a little bit!"

Zhao Yinuo took Shanmao's arm and said, but after all his good words, Shanmao still didn't say anything about Gu Wang, which made Zhao Yinuo very anxious.

"Grandma, the boss has told you that you must not reveal the past, or he will break my dog ​​legs, so please let me go! I am still young, and I want to live a few more years!"

For Zhao Yinuo's questioning, Shanmao complained endlessly.

But Zhao Yinuo was like a piece of gummy candy, he couldn't shake it off and drive him away, and most importantly, Zhao Yinuo couldn't beat him.

If other people, Shan Mao would have kicked her away, but this is the proprietress, if she dared to face Zhao Yinuo, Shan Mao's little life might not be saved!
(End of this chapter)

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