The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 946 Gu Wang Extra 64 People Always Have to Look Ahead

Chapter 946 Gu Wang Extra 64 People Always Have to Look Ahead
After performing several missions, the relationship between the eight of us has heated up rapidly, and the tacit understanding with each other has also risen to an enviable level.

In front of everyone in the team, we received praise from our leader.

Since then, we've been something everyone chased and surpassed, but they never got the chance.

The eight of us became closer than brothers. Although I was the youngest among them, the entire team had survived life-and-death crises several times because of my leadership, and they all willingly called me the boss.

Everything is beautiful. I challenge myself every day and work hard to live. I also have a group of good brothers who live and die together. This is the purpose of my coming to the special forces.

I still can't understand the meaning of my father's words, but I don't care, because I like this place, and I hope that I can always be a special soldier and never leave.

The eight of us were appreciated by the leader, who wanted to promote us.

But we all refused, being with each other has become a habit, why should we separate!
Together we have taken on large and small tasks, some of which can be easily completed, while others have to bear great risks.

Fortunately, we all survived without any major casualties.

Until that time, the superior assigned us a very dangerous special task.

When the leader received us, he seriously explained the danger and importance of this mission. He said that the probability of all eight of us surviving this mission is only [-]%.

The hearts of the eight of us are heavy. Never has a mission been as dangerous as this one.

The most important thing is that we have to go. This is our responsibility and obligation. It is also a great honor to win glory for the country.

At that moment, I seemed to understand the meaning of what my father said.

Our mission was to go to Burma to complete. At the beginning, the mission was completed very smoothly. Several of us were a little happy, and felt that the leader was alarmist.

Halfway through the completion of the mission, because someone on our side leaked the secret, all eight of us were exposed and were surrounded by more than 300 special forces from the enemy.

Only then did we discover the danger of this mission, but it was too late, the mission had failed, and what we had to do was to escape as much as possible.

We fought bloody battles along the way and finally escaped.

Of the eight of us, only five came back, and two were seriously injured and unconscious. We didn't even bring back their bodies for the remaining three.

I still remember what the fourth brother said to me before he died: "Boss, hurry up, without your command, the brothers can't escape at all, take good care of the brothers, and take good care of my old parents at home!"

The fourth child jumped out and attracted all the attention of the enemy, and I took this opportunity to escape. Do you know how uncomfortable I was at that time?
The fourth child died because of me. I watched him fall slowly, and he didn’t even dare to look at me for the last time, for fear of being discovered by the enemy. His heart felt as if he was being dug out piece by piece with a knife. !
But I can't die. This life is not only mine, but also my brother's. I also want to help the parents of the fourth child to take care of them. I still have my mission!

Only then did I understand what my father said to me, a good special soldier is not as simple as I thought, and being a special soldier means responsibility, mission, and responsibility!

But it was too late to understand, three of our eight life-and-death brothers will never come back.

Of the two seriously injured brothers, one had a crippled right hand and the other lost both legs, but they never regretted it, because as a special soldier, they had to be mentally prepared for this.

The two of them finally left the army, found a good job under the arrangement of the leader, and prepared to spend the rest of their lives in peace.

The hot blood in their hearts has not subsided, but they have lost the right to continue.

The remaining three of us also applied for discharge.

On the one hand, we did not complete the task. Although it was not our fault, it is still to blame. On the other hand, several of us were tired and wanted to go home.

The leader did not embarrass us, and directly approved us to leave the team, and did not arrange corresponding work for us at our request.

After leaving the army, my third child and my seventh child found the fifth and sixth child who had already worked. We didn't say a thousand words, but just gave each other a big hug.

That night, we were all drunk and wept like children.

The past, everything that used to be in the past, tonight is not only remembering the past, but also thinking about the future.

"Boss, what are you going to do in the future?" The fifth child asked us.

I said that I would go home to inherit my father's company, and the third child said that I would go back to my hometown and live a quiet life for a while.

Lao Qi said: "Boss, I've already been used to being led by you, and I don't want to bother thinking about anything, so I'll just follow you and be your bodyguard!"

I know that Lao Qi is serious. He is the most emotional person among us, and the one with the most genuine temperament. He still hasn't been able to get out of that incident, and he still hopes to stay by my side all the time.

The seventh child is Bobcat, the brother I take care of the most, and also the brother who relies on me the most. "

Gu Wang finished all this calmly, but tears were streaming down his face, and his body was trembling non-stop, apparently desperately trying to control his emotions.

Zhao Yinuo's eyes were also red from crying. She didn't expect that Shanmao, who is usually carefree, has experienced so much.

She never thought that Gu Wang's past, when mentioned, would be a kind of sadness that would break even her heart.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have to ask you these things, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Zhao Yinuo hugged Gu Wang who was still immersed in sadness, his voice was full of self-blame.

"No, it's not your fault. It makes me feel a lot better to have someone to talk to." Gu Wangqiang said with a smile.

Looking at Gu Wang's far-fetched smile, Zhao Yinuo's heart ached.

"Actually, the saddest person is Lao Qi. Don't look at him usually with a carefree look, but when he is emotional, he is the most real and the most difficult to forget the past."

Gu Wang's eyes were full of distress, for his brother.

"I didn't expect your past to be full of legends. My dear, the past must always pass, and people always have to look forward. The spirits of your brothers in the sky will be very happy to see that you are living well now." Glad."

Zhao Yinuo comforted Gu Wangdao, "The most important thing is that you still have me! I will always be with you, and we will never be separated!"

"Well, as long as you are here, I can overcome any difficulties. You are right. People always have to look forward. Remembering can only remember. Living well now is the key."

Gu Wang grabbed Zhao Yinuo's hand, as if grasping the world.

(End of this chapter)

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