The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 951 Gu Wang Extra 69 People Blinded by Hate

Chapter 951 Gu Wang Extra 69 People Blinded by Hate

The next day, accompanied by Gu Wang, Zhao Yinuo finally got his wish and walked out of Gu's house.

Breathing the fresh air outside, Zhao Yinuo was like a kite with a broken string, Ren Gu Wang couldn't stop it no matter what.

In the past two months at the Gu family, she was really anxious. Now the outside world is full of freshness for her, much more interesting than the dull Gu family.

Ignoring what Gu Wang said at all, in desperation, Gu Wang had no choice but to follow closely to avoid any accident to Zhao Yinuo.

Zhao Yinuo, who was five months pregnant, had a swollen belly, but her steps were still very light, and she still didn't show any signs of fatigue after walking for a long time.

"Gu Wang, come with me to the mall. I want to look at children's clothing and buy some clothes for our future children." Zhao Yinuo looked at Gu Wang and said playfully.

"There's no rush to buy clothes for the child. It's not too late to buy clothes after birth." Gu Wang dotingly looked at Zhao Yinuo, who was full of maternal love, and said with a smile: "But we should go shopping in the mall. Buy some maternity clothes."

"Then let's go!"

Zhao Yinuo took Gu Wang's hand and walked to the mall.

"But let's talk about it first. Go home after shopping in the mall. You have been walking for a long time, so you can't make yourself too tired."

Gu Wang said seriously.

"Oh, I got it, she's very long-winded, just like my mother." Zhao Yinuo muttered dissatisfied.

Gu Wang smiled helplessly, and actually said that he was like her mother, if it wasn't for the sake of your pregnancy, she would definitely spank your ass.

The two came to the shopping mall talking and laughing, Zhao Yinuo clamored to go to the children's clothing section, but Gu Wang insisted on going to the pregnant woman section.

In the end, he couldn't hold back the persistent Zhao Yinuo, so Gu Wang had no choice but to accompany Zhao Yinuo to the children's clothing area.

Every move of Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, all clearly fell into the eyes of a woman who was picking out clothes in the shopping mall. There was a flash of madness in her eyes. She pretended to be buying clothes and followed Zhao Yinuo and Gu forget.

Her name is Ding Xiang, and she is the wife of one of the killers who assassinated Gu Wang two days ago.

Ding Xiang is also a killer, a killer should not have any feelings, a cold killing machine, but during a mission, Ding Xiang and the killer unexpectedly fell in love, and the two have been out of control ever since.

Assassin is a dangerous profession that may lose one's life at any time. Both of them have their hearts on each other, and they are concerned about each other's safety. At the same time, they are tired of fighting and killing.

So I want to leave this circle and live my own life.

But people can't help themselves in the arena, and because Ding Xiang entered the industry too late, she has not yet been burdened with any murder.

But that killer was different. He had already been ridden with many crimes. After leaving the killer industry, he didn't even know what else he could do, so he didn't want to leave.

Later, Ding Xiang became pregnant, and she told the killer the news.

He was ecstatic, and said that he would take on a few more missions for a while, earn more money and save it for later life, and then he would never be a killer again.

Assassinating Zhao Yinuo and Gu Wang was the killer's last task.

Ding Xiang has been looking forward to, hoping that her beloved can return to her side sooner, so that she will no longer care about the fights and killings in the world, and live a happy life together.

Just when I was full of longing and fantasizing about a better life in the future, a bad news came.

The killer failed in his assassination mission and was caught by the police. He was finally sentenced to death for killing too many people.

The last time we met, it turned out to be a farewell.

Ding Xiang was in so much pain that she wanted to avenge her beloved and then leave with him.

But I am already eight months pregnant, it is his flesh and blood, the most urgent thing is to give birth to the child first, other things can only be discussed later.

With the arrival of the child, Ding Xiang's hatred has subsided a lot, revenge is not her most important thing, the most important thing now is to raise her and his flesh and blood.

Today, she came to the mall to buy some milk powder for her child, but unexpectedly, she happened to see the murderer who indirectly killed her husband!

The hatred that had long been buried in her heart surged out again at this time, she wanted revenge!
Even if you can't kill them, you still have to teach them a lesson to comfort your husband's spirit in heaven.

At this time, neither Gu Wang nor Zhao Yinuo realized that they had been targeted by someone, an infatuated person who was blinded by hatred.

"Gu Wang, what do you think of this outfit?" Zhao Yinuo pulled Gu Wang and asked.

"Well, it's beautiful. My dear, you have asked me more than ten times whether you have chosen it or not."

Gu Wang's face was full of entanglement, and he was almost driven crazy by Zhao Yinuo.

"Okay, okay, I'll take this one."

Ignoring Gu Wang's complaints, Zhao Yinuo happily picked out a piece of clothing.

It was finally over, Gu Wang let out a sigh of relief.

Then the two went to the maternity section and bought two maternity clothes for Zhao Yinuo. Zhao Yinuo wanted to continue shopping, but was dragged away by Gu Wang.

"Enoch, you are tired too, let's take a taxi back."

Gu Wang couldn't bear Zhao Yinuo to walk again, and said distressedly.

"Okay, then let's take a taxi."

After walking around for so long, Zhao Yinuo also felt a little tired, so he agreed to Gu Wang's request.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman selling flowers walked up to her.

"Selling flowers, selling flowers, fresh and beautiful flowers, for girlfriend, for wife, come and buy."

The middle-aged woman yelled, and walked towards Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo without any doubt.

It is Lilac who has been disguised.

Ding Xiang, who was born as a killer, is proficient in various makeup techniques, and it is just a piece of cake for her to pretend to be a flower seller.

"Gu Wang, you can buy me a bouquet of flowers, you have never sent me flowers before."

Seeing the brightly colored flowers, Zhao Yinuo said to Gu Wang coquettishly.

From college to now, Gu Wang has indeed never sent flowers once.

In the past, he didn't understand the mood, and even took Zhao Yinuo to the cafeteria for meals, but now he is too busy and always forgets.

"Okay, as long as you like."

Seeing Zhao Yinuo, who was full of girlish hearts, Gu Wang also agreed dotingly.

"Handsome and beautiful, do you want to buy flowers?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Ding Xiang, a middle-aged woman pretending to be a middle-aged woman, came over and said directly.

"Sister, how do you sell these flowers?" Zhao Yinuo said to Ding Xiang with a charming smile.

"Beauty, 20 yuan each."

Ding Xiang looked at Zhao Yinuo, a trace of strangeness flashed in her eyes, but she still said with a smile.

"Sister, give me nine."

Gu Wang didn't find anything abnormal about Ding Xiang, so he said directly to her.

"Okay, here you are, a total of 180."

Ding Xiang took out the flowers and handed them to Zhao Yinuo, while secretly observing Gu Wang.

Gu Wang was taking out his wallet from his pocket to pay for the flowers at this time. Seeing this, Ding Xiang's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out a dagger from under the flower basket, and stabbed Zhao Yinuo viciously.

You ruined my man, and I want you to pay the price, Ding Xiang's eyes are full of viciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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