The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 959 Gu Wang Extra Story 77 Only One Can Be Saved

Chapter 959 Gu Wang Extra Story 77 Only One Can Be Saved

"Gu Wang, our child, will our child be okay? I'm so scared, Gu Wang!"

Clutching Gu Wang's hand tightly, Zhao Yinuo asked in a trembling voice.

"It's okay, the child will be fine! You will be fine too, don't worry, the doctor will be here soon."

Gu Wang's voice was full of tenderness, he forced himself to calm down, Zhao Yinuo was already so nervous, if he didn't calm down, Zhao Yinuo would go crazy!
Hearing this, Zhao Yinuo stopped screaming in panic and closed her mouth tightly, but she still groaned in pain, obviously she was enduring great pain.

Time seemed to have passed a century, and the sound of an ambulance gradually came from a distance, and Gu Wang was shocked: "Enuo, the doctor is here, we are fine!"

Slowly stopping in front of Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, two female doctors in white coats ran out of the ambulance.

"Doctor, take a look at my girlfriend, she must not let anything happen!"

Gu Wang's voice was full of urgency, and he said to the doctor.

"Patient's family members, please don't be nervous, we will do our best to save your girlfriend, please go to the side first, please?"

The doctor said politely that they would encounter many such situations every day, and they were full of calm when facing such things.

Knowing that he was delaying things here, Gu Wang quickly stepped aside and looked at Zhao Yinuo with concern.

The two doctors were busy doing a simple examination on Zhao Yinuo, then they frowned and said to Gu Wang with a serious expression: "The patient's amniotic fluid has broken and there is still bleeding, so he must be sent to the hospital immediately. Treatment, otherwise it will be life-threatening?"

"Life is in danger?"

Hearing the doctor's heavy words, Gu Wang couldn't keep calm anymore, grabbed the doctor's cuff, and said in a panic: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry to the hospital! Please save Enuo, don't let him What happened to her!"

Gu Wang's behavior was very impulsive, but the two doctors did not dare to be dissatisfied. Before they came, they had already been notified that it was the emergency call from Gu Wang, the president of the Gu Group, so they must not offend.

The doctor quickly responded: "Don't worry, we will do our best. Quickly, carefully put the patient on the ambulance."

Two medical staff put the stretcher lightly, carried Zhao Yinuo onto the stretcher, and then got into the car.

After Gu Wang explained a few words to the people around him, he also couldn't wait to get into the ambulance.

In the ambulance, Gu Wang looked at Zhao Yinuo with a worried face, thinking about what the doctor said just now, he couldn't help but feel tight.

Enoch, you must be safe!

Zhao Yinuo, who was lying on the stretcher, had fallen into a semi-conscious state at this time, but still frowned tightly, apparently enduring it in great pain.

As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Zhao Yinuo was carried to the operating room by the medical staff.

Gu Wang nervously wanted to follow in, but was stopped by the doctor in the operating room.

"Patient's family, the patient's condition is very bad now, we need to operate on him immediately, please wait patiently outside." The doctor said seriously.

"Doctor, please."

Gu Wang opened his mouth to say something, but the doctor ignored him and turned around to prepare for the operation.

An hour had passed since the lights in the operating room came on.

Gu Wang kept walking around the door, turning his head to look at the door of the operating room from time to time, how he wished that the operation would be over now, and he could go in and take a good look at Zhao Yinuo.

"Enoch, Enoch!"

With hurried footsteps accompanied by panicked shouts, Mother Gu arrived at the hospital accompanied by Father Gu.

"Gu Wang, what happened to Enuo?"

Seeing Gu Wang at a glance, Gu's mother's eyes lit up, she hurried to Gu Wang's side, and asked impatiently.

"The situation is not very good. Enoch is undergoing surgery inside now." Gu Wang said with a sullen face.

"That's fine, how could this happen?"

With a painful expression on her face, Gu's mother took Gu's father's arm and said.

"Don't let anything happen to this! If Enoch"

"Shut up!" Gu's father stared at Gu's mother and scolded: "This is not an operation, don't talk nonsense, just wait at ease, there is no use in being anxious!"

Seemingly realizing that she had made a mistake in her expression just now, Mother Gu lowered her head with some self-blame, stopped talking, and waited silently for the result of the operation. Just thinking of something, she secretly blushed.

Gu's father was no less nervous than Gu's mother, but he had seen a lot of strong winds and waves, and he knew that he couldn't mess around at this time, so he walked up to Gu Wang, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't just stand here, Sit down and rest well, and you will be busy after Enoch finishes the operation."

Knowing that Gu's father was telling the truth, Gu Wang nodded, turned around and sat on the bench in the corridor silently.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and another two hours passed.

At this time, the door of the operating room was opened, and the doctor walked out with some heavy weight.

Seeing the doctor come out, Gu Wang and Gu's father and mother rushed forward.

"Doctor, how is it? Is Enoch all right?"

Staring at the doctor, Gu Wang asked urgently.

"The patient is still not out of danger. The patient's amniotic fluid has broken, and the child inside may be born prematurely, but the bleeding indicates that the patient has signs of dystocia, so you must prepare for the worst." The doctor said seriously.

"What the worst plan."

Gu Wang felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body began to feel cool.

"The worst plan is that only one adult or child can be preserved. And if this happens, the adult will be infertile in the future."

The doctor didn't speak after finishing speaking, apparently waiting for Gu Wang to make a final decision.

"If there is the worst result, then I hope you can keep your lord."

Without even thinking about it, Gu Wang said it without hesitation.

Gu Wang's love for Zhao Yinuo was already deep in his bones. Although he was full of apologies for the unborn child, he must not hesitate at this time.

"Yes, let's keep the adults first."

Gu's mother didn't say anything, but Gu's father spoke first.

They have long hoped to have their grandson in their arms as soon as possible, but if this happens, keeping the adult is the best result. Even if Zhao Yinuo has no possibility of getting pregnant from now on, they may never be able to hold their grandson again, and they will No regrets.

Seeing that Gu Wang and the others discussed the final result, the doctor nodded and said: "Okay, if the worst result really happens, then we will save the adults first. But everything is unknown, adults and children will be saved at the same time. The chances are not small, you don't have to be disappointed now, we will do our best."

"Then I'll leave it to you, doctor."

Knowing that there is still hope for everything, Gu Wang said to the doctor expectantly.

The doctor gave Gu Wang an affirmative look, and then returned to the operating room.

(End of this chapter)

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