The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 965 Gu Wang Extra Story 83 Crisis Resolved

Chapter 965 Gu Wang Extra Story 83 Crisis Resolved
When Yamada Zhiyuan passed Shan Mao and the two slowly, Gu Wang knew that the time had come, and said, "You were sent by Jiang Chuan."

Although Gu Wang's voice was very soft, it was full of affirmation, as if what he said was the truth.

Yamada Zhiyuan's eyelids twitched involuntarily, his expression didn't change at all, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

Could it be that he already knew about himself and Jiang Chuan?And all of this was just for him to show on purpose?Yamada Zhiyuan suspected that Gu Wang had already seen through the plan this time, and suddenly became a little hesitant.

"It doesn't matter who I sent, what matters is that your child is still in my hands."

I was already terrified in my heart, but Yamada Zhiyuan still said sternly.

"To make the Japanese underworld work for him, Jiang Chuan gave you a lot of money, right?"

Gu Wang said with a half-smile.

Yamada Zhiyuan's face was full of horror. If he had some doubts just now, he is almost sure now that Gu Wang already knew everything!
"you you."

Yamada Zhiyuan was shocked, looking at Gu Wang, he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Shanmao finally waited for an opportunity to move. Taking advantage of Yamada Zhiyuan's unsteady mind, Shanmao rushed to the former's side, grabbed Yamada Zhiyuan's hand on the child's throat, and twisted hard!
Shan Mao, who was born in a special soldier, was far more powerful than ordinary people. With a "click", Yamada Zhiyuan's arm snapped off.


Yamada Zhiyuan, who was in a panic, felt the sharp pain from his wrist, and screamed miserably, and was about to throw the child to the ground with his other hand.

After crippling one of Yamada Zhiyuan's arms, Shanmao didn't hesitate, like a spinning top, he came directly to the other side of Yamada Zhiyuan, caught the child who had let go of the latter with light strength, and held the child in his arms After the middle, he kicked Zhiyuan Yamada to the ground.

It's a long story, but the occurrence of this series of things is only in the blink of an eye.

The crisis was over, Gu Wang supported Zhao Yinuo and walked slowly to Shanmao.

"My child, my child."

Zhao Yinuo quickly took the child from Shanmao's arms, checked the little guy up and down carefully, and after confirming that there was no injury, Zhao Yinuo also hugged the child tightly in his arms, as if to It's like melting into your own body.

"Baby, you scared Mommy to death."

Zhao Yinuo said in shock that if something happened to his child, Zhao Yinuo really didn't know how he should live.

When he was hugged by Zhiyuan Yamada just now, the little guy didn't make a sound at all. Now that he's back in Zhao Yinuo's arms, feeling the warmth and kindness that belongs to his mother, the little guy burst into tears, as if I was venting my grievance just now.

Hearing the cry of the child, Zhao Yinuo's heart was about to melt, and without further hesitation, he told Gu Wang and Shanmao, and returned to the ward with the support of Shangguan Nana.

What happened just now has already attracted the attention of all the doctors and nurses. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, there will be no more accidents with Zhao Yinuo and the child.

Seeing Zhao Yinuo leave, Gu Wang then withdrew his gaze, and began to look at Yamada Zhiyuan who was lying on the ground crying endlessly.

Pulling off the mask on Yamada Zhiyuan's mouth, Gu Wang finally saw the latter's true face.

Yamada Zhiyuan looked at Gu Wang with fear on his face, and now he finally understood how terrifying his job was.

Even if he succeeded in this operation, with the identity and strength of the person in front of him, he might not be able to return to Japan safe and sound.

Yamada Zhiyuan was filled with regret, looking at Gu Wang's murderous eyes, he finally admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I was ordered to do this by someone else, and I have no other choice!"

Now that things are up to now, perhaps only if he refuses to admit it and puts all the crimes on Jiang Chuan, he will have a chance of survival.

"Do you think I will still believe what you say now?"

Gu Wang sneered and said: "Stop making unnecessary sophistry, I think you might as well admit it generously, so as not to make me think you Japanese are cowards!"

The most intolerable thing for a self-righteous person like Zhiyuan Yamada who thinks his eyes are too high is to be looked down upon by others.

Gu Wang's words have already reached this point, and Zhiyuan Yamada knew that what he said was useless, so he might as well admit it.

"I know it's useless to say anything. Although I have participated in this matter, the real mastermind is indeed Jiang Chuan. So I hope you can let me go. I am from the Yamaguchi-gumi. If you let me go, maybe we There is no guarantee that there will be opportunities for cooperation, and we will not know each other at that time."

Speaking of this, Zhiyuan Yamada smiled friendlyly. He still has confidence. For such a large organization of the Yamaguchi-gumi, no matter who it is, it will give some face.

Thinking that Gu Wang might please himself in order to make friends with the Yamaguchi-gumi in the future, Zhiyuan Yamada smiled smugly.

Gu Wang saw all of Yamada Zhiyuan's reaction. At this moment, this person is still daydreaming here. I have to say that this kind of self-righteous person is really different from others.

"Don't daydream here, don't say you are just a small leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi, even if you are a high-level Yamaguchi-gumi, I don't see it at all. What are you!" Gu Wang said contemptuously.

Gu Wang didn't show any kindness, which made Yamada Zhiyuan very angry: "You self-righteous Chinese, I advise you to let me go earlier, otherwise our Yamaguchi-gumi will definitely not let you go!"

"You don't need to worry about this, because you can never go back to Japan."

Gu Wang smiled, like a demon from hell.

"Shanmao, take him back and greet him well. After greeting him enough, send him to the police station. Why don't we make some contributions to the public safety of M City?"


Knowing what Gu Wang meant, Shanmao directly carried Yamada Zhiyuan and walked to the car parked at the door.

"Gu Wang, the Yamaguchi-gumi will not let you go, you will definitely die!"

Yamada Zhiyuan knew that he might never be able to come out after this trip, so he cursed in despair.

Afraid that Yamada Zhiyuan's yelling would disturb others, Shanmao unceremoniously punched him in the lower abdomen.

Yamada Zhiyuan suddenly curled up in pain like a cooked prawn, unable to speak anymore.

The other person who acted with Yamada Zhiyuan thought he could get away, but then he was directly caught by the person called by Bobcat, and was taken into the car with Yamada Zhiyuan.

The fate of the next two people basically drew a terminator.

(End of this chapter)

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