The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 972 Gu Wang Extra Story 90 Zhao Yinuo's Thoughts

Chapter 972 Gu Wang Extra Story 90 Zhao Yinuo's Thoughts
Back home, Zhao Yinuo hurried back to the bedroom to watch the children.

Before leaving, I specifically told Gu's mother that the little guy had already woken up, and Gu's mother was taking care of the little guy to drink milk powder.

"Mom, I'm back. When did Chen Hao wake up?" Zhao Yinuo said respectfully.

"Not long after waking up, Xiao Chen Hao was still crying when he just woke up. I fed him milk powder, and now he is well-behaved."

Looking at the good-looking grandson in her arms, Mother Gu's eyes were full of love.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mom, leave it to me."

Zhao Yinuo was a little embarrassed, and went shopping by himself, so he had to ask Mother Gu to take care of the child.

"Look at what you said, shouldn't I take care of my grandson, don't keep saying such outrageous things."

Mother Gu deliberately pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Got it, Mom."

Zhao Yinuo nodded obediently, he was indeed a little hypocritical, and he can't do this again in the future, so as not to affect the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

After a while, Mother Gu handed over the child to Zhao Yinuo, and went to do other things by herself.

After Zhao Yinuo fed the child, and after being intimate with the little guy for a while, the little guy fell asleep again.

The child is only a few days after the full moon, and he basically lives a life of eating, sleeping, and eating.

Putting the child gently on the bed, Zhao Yinuo tiptoed out of the bedroom.

"Enoch, what are you doing?"

Gu Wang was working in the study at this time, when he saw Zhao Yinuo coming out of the bedroom, he asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'll go to the living room to watch TV for a while, don't worry about me, just work hard."

Zhao Yinuo smiled sweetly at Gu Wang, and walked to the living room.

Sitting in front of the living room, Zhao Yinuo took out his passbook and bank card from under the table in the living room. These are all money he earned or pocket money that Gu Wang usually gave him.

Ever since he became Gu Wang's fiancée, Gu Wang was afraid that Zhao Yinuo would not be willing to spend money, so he had to transfer a large sum of money to Zhao Yinuo's bank card every month. Now Zhao Yinuo also has a few hundred dollars. A little rich woman with ten thousand pocket money.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Yinuo transferred 30 yuan from his bank card to his spare card, put the bank card in his hands, put on the clothes for going out, and came to the study, Zhao Yinuo said to Gu Wang: " Darling, take care of our baby, I'm going out for a while."

"Not long after you came back, why are you going out again? Where are you going this time?"

Although he believed in Zhao Yinuo 100%, Gu Wang still wanted to know what she was going to do.

"I'll tell you when I come back, my dear, let me keep it a secret for now."

Kissing Gu Wang's face, Zhao Yinuo said playfully.

"I don't need to ask about going out, but I have a request."

Staring at Zhao Yinuo, Gu Wang said seriously.

"What do you need to say?" Zhao Yinuo responded.

"Kiss me again." Gu Wang was like an emotional child.


Zhao Yinuo smiled helplessly, and then gently kissed Gu Wang's lips.

Gu Wang grabbed Zhao Yinuo's neck and kissed Zhao Yinuo's red lips passionately.

After some passionate kisses, Zhao Yinuo quickly pushed Gu Wang away, slightly out of breath, and gave Gu Wang a blank look: "Now you are satisfied, then I'll go out first, take care of the baby."

"Don't worry, come back quickly." Gu Wang also said contentedly.


After agreeing, Zhao Yinuo went out.

Arriving at the place where the two were tired from shopping just now, Zhao Yinuo began to look for Su Feifei.

However, she walked around the place where Su Feifei had set up a stall just now, but she didn't find Su Feifei's figure.

In desperation, Zhao Yinuo had no choice but to ask the owner of a grocery store on the street.

"Auntie, do you know where the pregnant woman who sold fruit here just now is?"

Zhao Yinuo politely asked the middle-aged woman who opened the grocery store.

"She was driven away by the urban management just now, and she should have gone to sell fruit in the alley in front. Alas, she is also a poor person. Her husband didn't care, and let her come out to sell fruit with her big belly. I really suffered a lot of grievances." The middle-aged woman sighed with some sympathy.

"Thank you, auntie."

After thanking the owner of the grocery store, Zhao Yinuo followed the direction she pointed just now.

Finally, in the alley on the other side of the intersection, Zhao Yinuo saw Su Feifei's figure.

At this time, Su Feifei was yelling hard, but because there were not many people in this area, not many people were willing to go to buy fruit.

Su Feifei sat there a little lonely, with her head down, not knowing what to think about.

Zhao Yinuo walked up to Su Feifei silently. At this time, Su Feifei didn't realize that someone was coming beside her, and she still lowered her head.

Zhao Yinuo was not in a hurry, but just stood there quietly.

As if sensing someone beside her, Su Feifei quickly raised her head and asked, "Do you want to buy some fruit?"

After seeing the person coming, Su Feifei opened her mouth wide in surprise. After a while, she seemed to suddenly realize something, and quickly lowered her head.

"Beauty, do you want to buy some fruit?"

Su Feifei wanted to pretend that she didn't know Zhao Yinuo, but her voice still trembled uncontrollably.

"Sophie Fei, how can I say that we were good friends before, aren't you going to look up at me?"

Zhao Yinuo looked at Su Feifei and said calmly.

"You mistook the beauty, I'm not the Su Feifei you said, I'm just a fruit seller." Su Feifei still insisted.

"You are Su Feifei, stop pretending, it's meaningless."

Su Feifei smiled helplessly, knowing that what should come will always come, she raised her head with some self-deprecation and said: "Mrs. Gu, so what if you recognize me, are you here to see my joke?"

"I didn't mean to read your joke, and I don't want to make trouble now, but I will say what I have to say."

Zhao Yinuo didn't show any affection to Su Feifei, "You can't blame anyone for the cause of all this, because you are responsible for it yourself. If you don't have so many bad intentions and don't want to come up with so many malicious ideas, you How could it be reduced to this point? So, I don't have any sympathy for you. "

Listening to Zhao Yinuo's words, the wry smile on Su Feifei's face became a little bit stronger.

"I know, all of this is my own fault. I don't mean to blame anyone. Even you, Zhao Yinuo, and Gu Wang, the two people I hated the most in the past, the two people I tried every means to destroy your relationship. , I don't have a trace of hatred now."

"I just want to live well now and give birth to my child so that he can live a good life. So, if there is nothing else, please leave and don't delay my business."

(End of this chapter)

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