The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 976 Gu Wang Extra Story 94 Preparing to Go to School Again

Chapter 976 Gu Wang 94 Ready to go back to school
"What did you say?"

Hearing Gu Wang's words, Zhao Yinuo didn't react for a while, "Go back to school? Is it really possible?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. As long as you want, we can go back and finish our studies at any time."

Gu Wang said firmly to Zhao Yinuo.

In the process of going to university, many students suspended or dropped out of school for some reason, and many of them returned to school to complete their studies after solving their problems. This kind of thing is very normal in Gu Wang's view.

"Then you knew it could be like this, why didn't you tell me earlier."

Zhao Yinuo's mood improved a lot in an instant, and when he thought that Gu Wangming knew about this kind of thing but didn't tell him, he suddenly asked with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't know that you have been brooding over this matter." Gu Wang yelled, "If I had known that you had such thoughts, I would have sent you back to school."

"Even if I said it before, it's impossible to go back to school early, because there are too many things that have happened before."

Zhao Yinuo even smiled brightly when he thought that he could continue to fulfill his previous dream.

Also, there were too many things that happened before, and Zhao Yinuo became pregnant later, and now everything has been resolved, Zhao Yinuo can finally calm down and enjoy the unfinished university time.

"Since you have always wanted to go to school, let's prepare early and go in a few days."

Going back to school is easy to say, but the procedure is still very complicated. There are some cumbersome procedures that Gu Wang has to go through.

But Gu Wang didn't take it to heart, after all, money can turn ghosts around, this sentence is valid no matter it is in the past or now.

Gu Wangben graduated from Beicheng University. After graduation, he also contributed a lot to the construction and development of the school. He has already become a man of the year in Beicheng University.

After a phone call, Gu Wang easily got in touch with the principal of Beicheng University.

"Hello, who are you?"

After Gu Wang made the call, a mature and stable male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Principal Zhang, I'm Gu Wang, do you still remember me?" Gu Wang said politely.

"Who am I? It turns out to be Xiao Gu. How can I not remember you?"

Hearing the caller clearly, Principal Zhang's voice became more cordial.

"Little Gu, why are you calling me this time?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Principal Zhang also asked directly.

"There are indeed some things that I want to bother Principal Zhang." Gu Wang smiled.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. You have made so many contributions to our school, and we are very happy to be able to help you."

Principal Zhang also smiled. He was very happy to be able to help Gu Wang.

"My wife, Zhao Yinuo, used to be a student of our North City University, but she was seriously ill that year, and had no choice but to suspend school for medical treatment, and failed to complete her studies. Now she wants to go back to North City University to start anew. Finish the unfinished studies, I wonder if you can help her realize this wish."

Gu Wang said it very tactfully, with a pleading tone, but he also knew that Principal Zhang would definitely help with this matter.

"Hey, I thought it was a big deal. It turned out that I just wanted your wife to go back to school. You can just ask about this kind of thing. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't worry, I will arrange it right away, yours The wife will be back in class soon."

Principal Zhang said enthusiastically that it would be a good thing for him to make Gu Wang owe him a favor.

"By the way, Xiao Gu, your wife dropped out of school when she was in senior year. I will contact the relevant teacher immediately." Principal Zhang continued.

"Then please trouble Principal Zhang." Gu Wang thanked and said, "My wife used to be a sophomore Hugh's student."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now, but Xiao Gu, you didn't do it right. How could you not notify me of your marriage? Do you look down on someone like Zhang?"

Principal Zhang pretended to be dissatisfied and said.

"Principal Zhang, what did you say? I just didn't notify you because you were too busy at the time. How about it? Enuo and I treat you to dinner some other day to make amends."

Gu Wang had never seen any kind of person before, and when he heard what Principal Zhang said, he knew what he was thinking.

"Haha, okay, then it's settled."

A few days later, news came from Beicheng University, asking Zhao Yinuo to return to school before the start of school.

Zhao Yinuo has been looking forward to hearing news about Beicheng University these days, so when Gu Wang got the news, he also notified Zhao Yinuo immediately.

"Enuo, Principal Zhang told you to go back to school before school starts, and prepare to go back to school again."

"Wow, that's great, I can finally finish my studies!"

Hearing Gu Wang's words, Zhao Yinuo danced happily, "I'm going to prepare things now!"

"Don't worry about preparing things. Let's go together when I go back."

Afraid that Zhao Yinuo would forget this and that, Gu Wang said.

"That's fine, Chen Hao is about to wake up too, I'm going to take care of him too, I'll wait for you to come back at home."

After kissing Gu Wang sweetly across the phone, Zhao Yinuo hung up the phone.

After Gu Wang returned home, he and Zhao Yinuo prepared various necessities for going back to school.

It's easy to pack things, the only difficulty is what to do with their children.

You can't take your child to the classroom when you are in class. What should you do if your child cries and makes a fuss?
Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Zhao Yinuo to live in the dormitory, so Gu Wang bought a house next to Beicheng University. Usually the three of them live in the house, and they also found a very experienced The nannies take care of the children and take care of the housework at home.

And Gu Wang could only act as Zhao Yinuo's driver, taking Zhao Yinuo to and from get out of class.

After making all the preparations, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo were ready to bid farewell to their father and mother.

Beicheng University is in W City, which is far away from M City, and if they want to meet each other in the future, they can only meet each other on weekends or during holidays when Zhao Yinuo has no classes.

Before leaving, Gu's father was fine, and expressed his strong support for Zhao Yinuo's wanting to go back to study again, but Gu's mother's eyes were red when they parted.

The reason is very simple, she is really worried about their family of three going so far away.

I have long been used to holding my grandson in my arms every day, so what should I do if I miss my grandson after not seeing him for such a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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