Chapter 981
The white plane with the destination of M City flew across the sky, leaving the smoke of the plane like a stroke on a painter's drawing board. In the first-class cabin, a man in a black coat was reading the most prominent news in the city's newspaper, frowning Slightly wrinkled.

"May I help you with something?" The beautiful stewardess asked respectfully standing in front of him.

"Just give me a cup of hot tea."

Soon the steaming green tea was delivered to him, he put down the newspaper, his eyes were still as warm as yesterday, and the contents of the newspaper were vividly displayed in front of his eyes.

President Gu married a mysterious woman, and the two tied the knot in M ​​City.

After thinking for a moment, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message to a contact named 'Nuo': "Enuo, I'm back in China, I only know you in M ​​City, and you will arrive at about three o'clock in the afternoon. I see your figure."

In less than a moment, the phone screen lit up again, with a few neat words: "Okay, I'll wait for you at the exit."

Zhao Yinuo didn't tell Gu Wang about going to see Ling Chen. She knew that if she told Gu Wang, then Gu Wang would definitely propose to pick him up with her.

It would have been fine if this matter had been put in the past, but apart from Ling Chen saving her own life, she did not forget what he said the day he left more than a year ago.

The airport was crowded with people, especially when there was a holiday soon, and there were even more people rushing back from far away for a reunion. Zhao Yinuo struggled for a long time to find a good place where he could be easily seen.

As soon as he came out of the security check with his suitcase in hand, Ling Chen saw that slender figure from a distance, like a small flower in a bush, not eye-catching, but blooming with an incomparably bright light.

Zhao Yinuo's eyes were still jumping in the crowd, Ling Chen suddenly wanted to tease her like this, so he deliberately walked around the crowd, and lightly patted her on the shoulder when she was not paying attention.

She didn't turn around immediately, so Ling Chen had no choice but to say: "I'm here."

This sound startled Zhao Yinuo a lot. When he realized it, he couldn't help but reach out and thump his next door. The force was not strong, but Ling Chen felt that his heart was lightly touched by something.

"Your work in the United States is over?" Zhao Yinuo smiled, "I thought you were going to stay there for three to five years. When you sent me a message, I was still thinking, will you come back this time? Bring back a big blonde beauty."

Ling Chen is very good at focusing on the key points: "You...don't want me to come back?"

Zhao Yinuo's expression was a bit awkward, she didn't mean that, but it seemed that he understood correctly, and she replied after a long time: "Why, I mean your research is progressing really fast, it's amazing Medical students bow down."

"Although the foreign research is going on very quickly, it is not completely over. I just reported to the dean and applied to return to China to continue researching this content. I..."

I think it is too difficult to think about you, so I choose this decision.

Ling Chen didn't say this sentence, he had already hesitated when he was abroad, but now, when he saw the newspaper, he chose not to say it, because she was married.

It was too difficult to say the words of blessing, Ling Chen could only spit out a few sporadic words: "I want to ask... are you and Gu Wang okay?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he wanted to slap himself. Now that she is married to Gu Wang, how can she have a bad life?
Seeing that Ling Chen took the initiative to mention Gu Wang, Zhao Yinuo was overjoyed. He thought that Ling Chen had forgotten everything in the past, so he replied happily: "Of course, if you have time someday, we can have dinner together. , You are also welcome to come to our house for dinner at any time."

Ling Chen felt even worse. In this world, anyone who likes someone should have the freedom and right to pursue, but he doesn't.Originally, he still believed in long-term love, and he wanted to take her away, but the hope at that time was shattered the moment she left.

He still played an unreasonable trick: "I asked my colleague to book a table for me at a nearby western restaurant. If I don't go, I will let him down. Are you free at night? We have been there for a long time." We haven't eaten together yet."

Zhao Yinuo's character is valuing love and justice but not good at refusing, Ling Chen is sure of her, and also predicts that she will not refuse.

Sure enough, Zhao Yinuo nodded and agreed after a long pause: "Yes, yes, but I have to talk to Gu Wang about it."

Gu Wang's phone was not connected all the way, and he was not contacted until the two of them arrived at the restaurant.

There was a sweet smile on Zhao Yinuo's face, which was different from other people, it was not a kind of restrained and polite smile, but a happy smile from the heart.

"Gu Wang, I won't be going back for dinner tonight. I have a friend who just came back from abroad..."

"Male or female?" Gu Wang seemed a little busy, and spoke a little too fast. He didn't ask who it was, but asked the gender directly.

At this time, the girl at the table behind Zhao Yinuo happened to order the waiter, her voice was a bit loud, and Gu Wang over there happened to hear it.

"Okay, I got it, go home early, by the way, if you need a bobcat to pick you up at night, just say hello in advance, I'll try to go back early." Gu Wang reminded, it sounded really busy.

If Zhao Yinuo at that time would have known that this small misunderstanding would expand, she would have said before Gu Wang that the person who came out to eat with me was a man.

"He is very good to you." Ling Chen narrowed his eyes, took a sip of the red wine, and said it to Zhao Yinuo, but it seemed to be himself.

The smile on Zhao Yinuo's face became more enthusiastic: "He, he is always worried about this and that, forgetting that I am not a child anymore, just saying that I have gone, and you, do you have any peach blossoms abroad?"

Ling Chen avoided her gaze without making a sound: "Me? A little doctor soaked in potions all day, how can I have such peach blossoms?"

"Are you coming back this time to work in the most advanced medical research institute in M ​​City?"

"No, the higher-ups arranged me to be a professor of medicine in the Department of Medicine of N University. You know, this way, the working hours are less and more time can be allocated freely. It is also very convenient for me to discuss experiments." Ling Chen said .

Zhao Yinuo's eyes widened. Her eyes were as bright as those of an elk. There was a trace of disbelief in her voice: "Really? You work at N University?"

Ling Chen put down his wine glass: "What's wrong?"

"Didn't I tell you that I had a regret when I was abroad? You may not believe it. I got a chance to realize my dream. Now that I have resumed my studies, I can continue to stay in N University. I will get a graduation certificate from N University in the next year!"

(End of this chapter)

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