The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 987 Gu Wang Extra Story 104 His Selfishness

Chapter 987 Gu Wang Extra Story 104 His Selfishness
What Gu Wang and Shanmao didn't know was that when they were arguing in the office that day, a pair of ears stuck to the door and could hear their conversation clearly. At this moment, the owner of those ears was sitting on the leather sofa , very comfortable lighting a cigarette.

Blue smoke spit out from his mouth, filled the air, he crossed his legs and looked leisurely, the gramophone beside him was full of the color of the years, playing a piece of Russian classical music "Red Plum Blossoms" constantly rotating open".

"Ling Chen, why do you have to make this news so big." He flicked off the cigarette ash lightly, "Brother, I didn't blow it up, you are really capable, even Gu Wang and Shanmao were surrounded by you."

The corners of Ling Chen's mouth turned up, he took a sip of the green tea on the table, and continued to listen to the man's words: "Ling Chen, why do you think you have to spend so much time, it must not have been so many years, you haven't Put that woman down."

"What do you mean, she is an unbearable burden in my life. If I let her go, why would I fly back here from abroad?"

The man shook off the cigarette butt: "As a brother, I can tell you that the person surnamed Zhao is not only married, but she has already given birth to a child. You are not short of money. You are a university professor at a young age, and a well-known name in the medical field." Bachelor, why do you have to hang her on a tree?"

Ling Chen drank the tea in his hand.

"You, you're still too young. It's not easy to have someone you like in your life, and it's even more difficult to have a chance to chase after someone you like."

"What's the matter, are you still planning to separate the two of them?" The man raised his eyebrows: "Take a step back, even if you separate the two of them, this child is indisputably true." , you can really be so magnanimous, magnanimous enough to accompany that woman and raise children for others?"

Ling Chen didn't reply to his words, but listened to his words and laughed.

"Shanmao, drink some water, don't sit there alone." Shangguan Nana held a glass in her slender hand and stood timidly behind Shanmao.

Bobcat's hair was fluffy and messy, and she had never seen him look helpless since she knew him.

"Shanmao, please say something, okay, I'm worried about you..." Seeing that Shanmao ignored her, Shangguan Nana stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Nana, we shouldn't hide it from the boss. We know that this kind of thing can't be hidden from him, but we choose this stupid way. Do you know how disappointed the boss looked at me this morning? After the two survived from the army, the boss has always trusted me so much, but this time he is really desperate."

Shangguan Nana was also full of guilt. If it weren't for her hesitation at the beginning, Gu Wang and Shanmao wouldn't have made the relationship so stiff now.

It's just that the only doubt in her heart is, according to Zhao Yinuo's character, how could she do such a thing that misunderstood others and made Gu Wang furious?

Shangguan Nana stretched out her arms to hug Shanmao, the aura on Shanmao was quite different from the sunny aura when she first met him, and Shanmao was also full of sadness towards her.

They also just got married, and they didn't expect to encounter problems so soon. Although it was a friend around them who encountered an emotional crisis, the relationship between them could be said to be better than that of biological brothers and sisters.

"...I'm sorry master, ma'am, it's the young lady who came here. She said she would take the young master out to bask in the sun. She is the young master's wife. I don't think there is anything wrong with her taking the child..." The nanny stood timidly. in front of them.

Gu's mother was sweating profusely: "No one answered the phone, she has no problem with taking care of the child, why can't she bring it back after taking it out?"

Father Gu also took his mobile phone and called Gu Wang's company, but the line was busy all the time, and Father Gu, who had always been very good-tempered, became impatient.

He rolled up his sleeves and threw his phone to the sofa: "I'm busy, I don't know what I'm busy with all day long, my son doesn't care!"

"Do you think he would have quarreled with Enuo, and Enuo took the child away when he got angry?" Mother Gu frowned, pulled his clothes twice, and said with a sad face: "You said What if Nuo takes Chen Hao away and won't let us see him, Chen Hao is a child of our Gu family!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, it gave me a headache, did Enuo get through the phone?"

Mother Gu was so anxious that she was about to cry: "No, no one answered the phone just now, and now they are all turned off!"

Gu's father frowned even tighter, and suddenly he realized: "Shanmao! Call Shanmao!"

Shangguan Nana patted Shan Mao on the shoulder: "It's okay, I believe that as long as you really love each other, no matter what difficulties, you will definitely get through it calmly."

The peace between the two was shattered by the ringing of the phone. Shanmao held the phone in front of her. The two looked at each other, and then pressed the answer button: "Hello, is this Uncle Gu?"

"Shanmao, are you with Gu Wang now? Do you know where the two of them took the child?"

When Shanmao heard it, his whole heart was suspended: "I'm not with the boss, what's the matter, what happened?!"

Gu's mother grabbed the phone and said, "Zhao Yinuo doesn't know where he took Chen Hao. Did she and Gu Wang quarrel? Why didn't she come back with the child? Will she go out?" What's the matter?"

Shanmao remembered that those villains threatened Zhao Yinuo with hideous faces before. He also knew that there were many competitors in the industry, and there were countless people who wanted to destroy their relationship. At this time, he did not dare to express his inner doubts. He swallowed anxiously.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely use all the power I can to bring the child back safely!"

Shan Mao said so, and he did so. He contacted all the spare police officers in the police department, called up the surveillance video of this villa area that day, and saw that it was Zhao Yinuo who was carrying the child out of here that day. .

Shanmao followed Zhao Yinuo's whereabouts that day, called out the surveillance cameras on the street all the way, and finally locked on Zhao Yinuo's residence.

When he was about to come to the door with Shangguan Nana, trying to persuade Zhao Yinuo to go home, he suddenly received a call from Gu Wang.

Gu Wang told him on the other end of the phone that Zhao Yinuo had returned, and asked him to stop tracking Zhao Yinuo immediately. Both Shan Mao and Shangguan Nana were at a loss.

If the investigation is stopped, does it mean that the misunderstanding between the two people has been resolved?If the misunderstanding is resolved, then why didn't Zhao Yinuo come back with Gu Chenhao?

(End of this chapter)

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