Chapter 110
When the rebel army approached the city, Xi Zhicai desperately opened the city gate to let the trapped camp out of the city to fight Xu He.

The [-] soldiers faced more than [-] rebels, and the difference in strength was nearly ten times.

When the trapped camp slowly left the city, Guo Ping, who was inside the city, stepped up to the tower, walked up to Xi Zhicai and said in a low voice, "The wealthy families in the city are about to move."

As expected, Xi Zhicai sneered and said: "Let them make trouble, as long as General Gao defeats the rebels outside the city in one fell swoop, what they do in the city will be digging their own grave."

Having already sent people to spy on the rich and powerful families in the city, Xi Zhicai is not at all surprised that there will be people in the city cooperating with Xu He inside and outside.

If they can't hold on, and the powerful families in the city attack the gates on all sides, Chengdu may fall in an instant, but Gao Shun leads the trapped camp out of the city to fight Xu He, so what if the wealthy families in the city open the other three gates at this moment?Could it be that Xu He would turn around and enter the city through other city gates regardless of being trapped in the camp in front of him?
There are Xiao Ren and Xiao Yi's personal guards at the east gate. Although there are less than a thousand people, they are all young men with extraordinary martial arts. Facing ordinary soldiers on the battlefield, they are at least one against three.

The trapped camp outside the east gate of Chengdu faced Xu He's army across the moat.

The cavalry is on the left and right wings, and the central army is in front of a thousand crossbowmen, and behind them are two thousand swordsmen and pikemen.

The suspension bridge was slowly lowered, and the road leading to Chengdu was already in front of him, but Xu He didn't dare to order the march rashly, instead he ordered the army to retreat for a mile.

Because on the way through the suspension bridge, Xu He has already seen the crossbowmen waiting in full force. His subordinates are all infantry, all of which are for close combat. There are neither cavalry nor crossbowmen. If he rushes across the suspension bridge, it is tantamount to death After retreating for a mile and letting the trapped camp pass the suspension bridge, the battlefield suddenly became clear, and the [-] army could calmly encircle the trapped camp.

The people of the Qin family didn't know the art of war, even Xu He's superficial knowledge of military strategy was inferior. Seeing Xu He ordered the army to retreat, holding back the fire, they could only shout that the militiamen also retreated.

Gao Shun commanded the soldiers to cross the suspension bridge on guard, and at the same time observed Xu He's army, and he already had a very objective understanding of Xu He's army.

It seems that the [-]-strong army has obvious advantages, but only Xu He's [-]-strong army has real combat power, and this [-]-strong army is in the middle, surrounded by mob militiamen, unable to move left and right, and has no way to retreat. Can advance, but the more than [-] militiamen can't even stand up in an army formation. If they are afraid of them just because of their numbers, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the lord's name and high expectations to fall into the camp?
At the beginning of Gao Shun’s military training, Guo Jia had high hopes. Except for the rest of the Yellow Turban, he only gave Gao Shun soldiers and horses. Later, he captured Hanzhong and Chengdu. Gao Shun said: But if you need something, just speak up.

High remuneration necessarily requires high dedication. Being trapped in the camp trains hard every day and never slacks off. The soldiers are as tough as wolves and tigers. They are the most powerful elite divisions under Guo Jia's command.

When the trapped camp passed the suspension bridge and formed a formation outside the moat, the suspension bridge slowly rose again. At this moment, they were in a situation of fighting to the death.

"Qin Ye, you lead an army of [-] on the left wing, Qin Wu, you lead an army of [-] on the right wing, and join me in encircling the enemy on three sides."

Xu He issued the military order calmly, but when he turned his head, he found that Qin Ye and Qin Wu hadn't moved, frowning endlessly.

"What are you two hesitating about?"

Qin Ye and Qin Wu's father and son were indeed hesitant. They wanted Xu He to take the lead in this charge, and now Xu He put on airs to command them. When the overall situation has been decided, it's just a matter of going through the motions. If you really want to go into battle, you will be timid in an instant.

The trapped camp was full of murderous spirit and full of fighting spirit. Gao Shun didn't care if Xu He issued the military order or not. When the suspension bridge was raised and Gao Shun, who straddled his horse in the middle of the army formation, made a gesture, the cavalry on both wings immediately ordered The ground galloped away.

Three thousand cavalry took three routes, intending to rush in from the left, right, and rear of Xu He's army.

The infantry of the trapped camp advanced steadily, and when the rebels came into range, the crossbowmen released their arrows in unison.

With the sound of horseshoes in the sky, three teams of thousands of cavalry were approaching the two wings and the rear of the army, and there were dense arrows shooting in front of them. After hundreds of infantry fell in front of Xu He, he roared: " The whole army charges!"

The army behind them rushed forward like a wave, approaching step by step while the crossbowmen caught up with the arrows.

The scene became a bit chaotic, but it was all the rebels. Xu and the [-] troops did charge, and even his son rushed up with an indomitable momentum, but only less than [-] of the [-] militiamen rushed up. The rest stood where they were.

None of them obeyed Xu He, and the power of being trapped in the camp made them terrified, and they were timid before fighting.

The shouts of killing resounded all over the world, Xu He found that there were at least [-] militiamen around him who did not rush forward, and immediately shouted at Qin Ye beside him: "Let them charge! Are you stupid to stand still and wait to die?"

When was he scolded like this five times and three times?Qin Ye secretly hated: Even Guo Jia came to Guanghan County, he had to humbly bow to our Qin family, what are you?
They rode away without looking back. Qin Ye, Qin Cheng, Qin Wu and the Qin family didn't want to stay by Xu He's side anymore. The war had already begun, and they sat and watched the success or failure. When both sides were hurt, they led their troops to capture Chengdu.

But Xu He didn't agree. Seeing that the Qin family didn't listen to the order at this time, he was furious. He drew out his machete and slapped his horse to catch up. He unexpectedly cut off Qin Wu's head from behind.

Qin Ye and Qin Cheng were startled. Qin Ye looked at the headless corpse of his son falling off the horse in disbelief. He staggered off the horse, his legs went limp, and he knelt down in front of his son's corpse, crying loudly.

With the knife on Qin Cheng's neck, Xu He yelled ferociously, "Dare to run? I'll kill you! Quickly order them to rush up and fight for me!"

Qin Cheng was so scared that his face turned pale, and he tremblingly said to the militiamen behind him who were also dumbfounded by the accident: "Hurry up!"

The militiamen were dumbfounded, but their brains were not stupid enough to die.

The three thousand cavalry in the trapped camp were fully armed, not only wearing solid armor, but even the horses were covered with light armor to protect their vital parts. Guo Jia spent a lot of money on the trapped camp, especially the scarcity of war horses, which is even more important. Meat is average.

Three teams of cavalry rushed into the rebel formation from the left, right and back. The cavalry waved their spears in their hands as if they were in no one's land. They stabbed to death one after another fiercely and decisively. Carrying the sword with him, he continued to lean over and slash and kill. The three cavalry teams instantly turned the enemy's formation upside down, causing chaos.

The infantry of the trapped camp confronted head-on without any fear of the [-] rebels rushing up. On the battlefield, when the rebel army approached less than [-] steps, Gao Shun waved his hand, and the crossbowmen retreated in unison, the sword and shield soldiers stepped forward and set up a solid shield, and the pikemen stood in the gap between the sword and shield soldiers , after the rebels came up, the spears stabbed out from the gap in the shield frequently, blood spattered, and the rebels fell one after another.

The successive rebels insisted on breaking through the defense line of the trapped camp, but the shields suddenly tilted back, and the rebels looked up. A few steps away, the stern-faced crossbowmen loaded their arrows again, pulled the crossbow strings, and the crossbowmen were aghast. The bows and crossbows are facing the rebels.

bang bang bang...

It was another round of shooting, and countless rebels fell down. After the arrows shot out, the shield stood up again, and the pikemen once again stood up and clenched their spears to reap the lives of the rebels!

The horseshoes of the cavalry trapped in the camp were like the horns of death, and bloody storms were set off wherever they went. How could the militiamen with agricultural iron tools resist it?Soon, some people threw away their iron tools and began to flee for their lives. Some led the way, and some followed suit. The militiamen who had no military discipline at all turned into birds and fled backwards.

"Who dares to be a deserter? I killed him!"

Xu He found that the army confronting Gao Shun's infantry in the front was frustrated, and there were people running for their lives in the rear. He was at a loss and raised his machete in a panic to frighten the deserters.

But as soon as his threatening words came out, there were more deserters, as if everyone had betrayed their relatives.

Qin Ye and Qin Cheng's faces were pale, and the scene in front of them was unexpected no matter what.

They didn't expect that more than [-] people came to attack Chengdu, which had less than [-] defenders. How could they end up like this?
Xu He, who was full of anger and hatred, gnashed his teeth at Qin Ye and Qin Cheng and glared at Qin Ye and Qin Cheng.

Dead or wounded, fleeing or surrendering, Xu He, who looked down on everyone in high spirits, was left with only a few thousand of his own army in an instant. More than [-] militiamen either threw down their weapons and fled for their lives, or were injured and fell on the ground before they could run away. Shouting words of begging for mercy.

"Xu He! Are you still stubborn now?"

Gao Shun straddled the horse with a stern expression. Although about a thousand of the three thousand infantry in front of him were killed or injured, they never panicked.

Not far in front of him, Xu He took the lead, but it was difficult to shake the unbreakable formation of the trapped camp. There were only less than 3000 soldiers left around him. When Xu He turned his head, a dim color appeared in his copper bell-like eyes, showing his defeat. in.

Only less than [-] of the [-] cavalry were lost, and more than [-] cavalry, armed with spears, lined up behind Xu He in a murderous manner.

In another viewing field, there were stumps and broken arms, rivers of blood, dead bodies everywhere, and the person who was lying on the ground tremblingly begging for mercy.

The infantry and cavalry trapped in the camp had formed a double-teaming trend against Xu and the remnant army.

With a clang, Xu He's machete fell to the ground, he got off his horse and knelt down, lowered his head, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, saying: "Xu He, surrender. General Gao, let my soldiers live."

Xu He's son knelt down with his father, and the other soldiers also dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

Gao Shun rode over slowly and ordered Xu He and the low-ranking generals in the rebel army to be tied up. Gao Shun said expressionlessly, "I have no right to decide how to deal with them. Everything is up to the Lord."

(End of this chapter)

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