Chapter 113 Ingratitude
A day later, Guo Jia finally returned to Chengdu.

Although the battlefield outside the east gate has been cleaned, there is still a faint smell of blood in the air. The dark red blood stains on the ground are shocking. Feeling dizzy again, Xu Shu saw Guo Jia's teetering appearance and wanted to help him, but Guo Jia waved his hand to signal him. After pulling himself together, Guo Jia strode towards Chengdu with his head held high.

The battle to welcome Guo Jia was not extravagant. Wen Dong and Wu Xi stood in two rows. Guo Jia walked up to Xi Zhicai, headed by a counselor, and said indifferently: "Zhicai, you have worked hard for days. You have worked hard."

Against Xu He and Zhang Baiqi, the pressure is all in Chengdu. No one can understand the burden on Xi Zhicai's shoulders. Even Guo Jia can't put himself in the shoes and truly understand the hardships.

Xi Zhicai smiled, lowered his head slightly and said to Guo Jia: "My lord is in poor health, you should go to the city as soon as possible, it is very windy here."

The friendship between the two was unspoken. Guo Jia nodded, turned around again, and moved to the general. Gao Shun stood behind Gan Ning with a calm expression. Guo Jia said to him with great relief and joy: "Gong Xiao, Trapped in the camp deserves to be the elite of our Taiping Army. This time, the defeat of the rebels, the trapping of the camp is indispensable, and those who have meritorious service will be rewarded again, and those who are killed and wounded will be rewarded even more. This time, no matter how you stop me, it will not work."

In the past, the treatment for being trapped in the camp was already very high. Gao Shunsheng was afraid that the soldiers would slacken their training after going from thrift to extravagance, so Guo Jia wanted to reward the trapping camp several times but was stopped by Gao Shun, but this time, Gao Shun didn't stop him anymore. Guo Jia, [-] soldiers were trapped in the camp, and now after being lost, only [-] are left. I want to ask for more rewards for those brothers who are dead or seriously injured and can no longer serve in the army, and provide a guarantee for their families and their own future. It was something Gao Shunyi could not refuse, and Guo Jia brought it up, and Gao Shun was very moved. As for himself, Guo Jia didn't mention it. It wasn't that Guo Jia didn't value him, but that Guo Jia knew Gao Shun, and Gao Shun would rather not have anything. , but will definitely strive for some benefits for the soldiers and reward Gao Shun, it is better to reward the soldiers directly.

Turning his eyes again, he looked at Gan Ning, whom he hadn't seen for several months. Jinfan Qu was still handsome, and Guo Jia smiled gently: "Xingba, these days are hard for you and the Jinfan Army. The army will spend the winter in Chengdu for the time being, and return to Zitong to repair and expand the Jiange Road after the spring of the next year warms up."

Gan Ning cupped his fists and said without any hesitation, "Thank you, Lord."

After commending several civil and military officials one after another, Guo Jia walked towards Chengdu with his head held high, followed closely by civil and military officials.

Although Chengdu has experienced Xu He's rebellion, and the nobles have followed the trend, Guo Jia has not been affected by the war all the way, and everything in the city is in order, just like when he left, but the streets are deserted and depressed .

When he came outside the General's Mansion, Xi Zhicai suddenly stepped forward and whispered beside Guo Jia: "My lord, Xu and his father and son are tied up in the meeting hall, waiting for the lord's release."

The footsteps stopped, the gentle expression disappeared, and it became cold and cold. Guo Jia let out a long breath, looked sharply at the general's mansion, and stepped up the stone steps.

Crossing the threshold and entering the front yard, from a distance, Guo Jia saw two men with broken armor kneeling with their backs facing him in the conference hall. Looking from the back, the slightly shorter man should belong to Xu He. son.

Xiao Ren and Xiao Yi, who were standing by the outer door of the hall, were about to come up to salute Guo Jia, but Guo Jia turned a blind eye and kept walking, pulling out Xiao Ren's saber as he passed by Xiao Ren.

The crisp sword rang, and Guo Jia, who was fitted with a snow-white cloak, walked into the meeting hall, passed between Xu He and his son, and raised the sharp sword in his hand. .

Blood gushed out from Xu Hezi's chest, and at the same time, the tip of the sword glowing with gloom pierced out.

He fell face down, blood dripping from Xu Hezi's body, and the sharp sword stuck in his back trembled back and forth.

Xu He, who had already surrendered like death, did not expect the shock to come so quickly. He knew that he would die, but he hoped to meet Guo Jia to find a way out for his son and his generals. The only son who fell beside him was lying on the ground. In the pool of blood, there was no sound, a young face pressed against the ground facing Xu He, the eyes that were not closed in time were dark and dull.

"Guo Jia, I, Xu He, are the ones who rebelled. You killed my son! You are ungrateful! You are coming at me for revenge! My son is not yet twenty! Killing him is nothing! Guo Jia, I, Taiping Dao, are at odds with you! "

Although his hands were tied behind his back, Xu He was still like a wounded beast, roaring and struggling to stand up and rush towards Guo Jia.

Everything happened too fast, before Xiao Ren and Xiao Yi entered the lobby, Guo Jia killed Xu He and his son, and Xu He also suddenly launched an attack.

Guo Jia, who walked to the main seat, turned around, raised his foot and kicked Xu He who was rushing towards him as if he had been prepared for a long time.

Taking a few steps back and staggering, Xu He fell on his back, but perseveringly turned over and stood up again, wanting to rush up and put Guo Jia to death, step on it, hit him with his body, bite with his teeth, no matter what, Xu He And both rushed to Guo Jia.

But as soon as he took a step, someone kicked his back knees hard from behind, bent his legs, and knelt down again. He wanted to get up, but was held down by his shoulders.

Xiao Ren and Xiao Yi subdue Xu He, one on the left and one on the right, waiting for Guo Jia's order.

Standing in front of the low table at the main seat, Guo Jia gently untied the belt on his chest, took off his snow-white cloak and threw it on the table. Walking slowly in front of Xu He, he raised his head and gritted his teeth at him. Xu He sneered, "Xu He, am I ungrateful? If you can explain this truth clearly today, I, Guo Jia, will let you handle it."

The civil and military officials had already entered the hall and lined up on both sides. Whether it was the military generals headed by Gan Ning and Zhang Yan, or the counselors headed by Xi Zhicai Xu Shu, all of them were expressionless and treated Xu He indifferently.

With disheveled hair and blood-stained face, Xu He gritted his teeth and hissed at Guo Jia, "Isn't what you did ungrateful? I captured Yizhou on the Taiping Road, why did other generals Enjoying happiness in Chengdu, Sima and I are together, but Zhang Baiqi is going to a remote place? Isn’t it the credit of my Taipingdao to help you that you are here today? You said that you want to let the people of Taipingdao live and work in peace and contentment, but my soldiers even There is no place to live, how can we live in peace? How can the relatives at home be happy? Guo Jia, isn’t this ungrateful?”

Hearing Xu He's accusation, Guo Jia was furious and laughed back. Many soldiers of the Taiping Army did not even have a hut, but the military camps were their shelters. The people who migrated after Guo Jia attacked Yizhou, Guo Jia didn't forget it, but things were prioritized. It was impossible for him to take Yizhou and offend the interests of the rich, and carve up their land for the families of the Taiping Army to farm.

"Guo Jia, what are you laughing at? Am I wrong?" Xu He yelled at Guo Jia with hatred and anger.

Guo Jia put away his smile and bent down to stare at Xu He. His handsome face was emotionless, and he said coldly: "Xu He! Please listen to me clearly. You said that other generals are enjoying happiness in Chengdu? Go ask Gao Shun, he lives in the barracks every day. Did he live in the house I gave him for a day? You can ask Gan Ning again. He led the Jinfan Army to build and expand Jiange Road in Zitong County. It's freezing cold, can he enjoy a day of peace and happiness? Most of the other generals in Chengdu ate and slept with the soldiers in the barracks, but you, Zhang Baiqi, Sima Ju, how did you come here these few months? What do you eat? What do you wear? Where do you live? When you are full of wine and food, there are still colleagues who are hungry and cold! Don't compare them to you!"

Xu He's face froze, and the surging hatred and anger surged back as if resisted, but Guo Jia hadn't finished speaking yet.

"You have made contributions, and so have your soldiers. I never dare to forget. Do you think it is a simple matter to let the people live and work in peace and contentment? Who will build their houses? Who will provide them with food and clothing? They want to cultivate land to do it. Live, who will give me the land? I have been in Yizhou for less than half a year, you want me to let the people have enough food and clothing immediately, I can’t do it! But, think about it, before you served me, you lived in the mountains and forests What do you eat and what do you wear? After your soldiers arrived in Yizhou, did they not have enough food for a day? Do you think it is hard for the soldiers to live in the barracks? If it is hard, don’t join the army! Go back and be wimpy and be ridden on your head for the rest of your life!"

Xu He was dumbfounded by the refutation, but he was still not reconciled, and still hated Guo Jia: "Then why did you kill Sima Ju? Sima Ju has made great contributions to you, and you can't kill anyone you kill!"

Mentioning this, Guo Jia became even more furious, and said coldly to Xu He: "Should Sima Ju be killed or not? It's not about how much credit he has made, but whether he has committed a capital crime! Xu He, you know that Sima Ju is here. What did Badong County do? You keep saying that you want to seek justice for him, but is Sima Ju worth it? He recruited troops privately, oppressed the people, and was extravagant. You have sued me before, have you not thought about it, three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago, you were all ordinary people, you were oppressed and had nowhere to go before you rose up, now, you are promising and capable If you make meritorious deeds for me, Guo Jia, can you ride on the heads of the common people and do your best?"

Looking up at everyone in the lobby, Guo Jia glanced at everyone coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Listen to me clearly! With me, Guo Jia, there is no such thing as merit and demerit! You have merit, I will reward! You have Yes, I will punish you!"

Xu He hung his head as if he had a nervous breakdown, mumbling something in his mouth.

Guo Jia looked down at Xu He with some regret for a while, then closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Xu He, you could have lived your life on the credit book, but you were killed by yourself in the end. Up to now, I'm afraid you still can't bear it." I don’t know that you are just being used as a knife.”

(End of this chapter)

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