Chapter 136
Just when Guo Jia was about to inquire about Gao Shun's martial arts results, there was a thunderous applause from the side of the school grounds.

Looking up, I saw a middle-aged strong man calmly facing three young guards on the martial field over there, holding a long knife in his hand to deftly move back and forth, and the weapons collided with crisp sounds.

The three personal guards surrounded the middle-aged strong man in a three-footed posture, his figure swayed, and his sword was raised, but the middle-aged strong man resisted back and forth with ease, dodging around, his face was relaxed, and he was also full of confidence.

The four of them were fighting fiercely in the arena, and the people on the sidelines kept applauding, watching intently, for fear of missing the exciting scene in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly jumping out from the situation surrounded by three people, the middle-aged strong man slashed his sword horizontally, blocking the joint attack of the three swords, and after he slammed the three people back with a strong force, he turned back, just happened to be a weapon rack, and picked it up With a longbow, three arrows were skillfully attached, the bow was drawn like a moon, a smile appeared on his rough but domineering face, his eyes burst out with brilliance, he let go of the bowstring, and the three arrows shot away .

bang bang

The whole place was silent!

The three arrows hit the swords of the three guards respectively, making a crisp sound. The three young guards were even shocked back a step. When they raised their heads again, the middle-aged general had put down his long bow and clasped his fists at them. Yili said in a deep voice, "Accept."

The stunned audience cheered loudly, and Guo Jia, who was in the distance, also heaved a sigh of relief. The martial arts competition was over, and the man who bent his bow and set his arrow just now really made him break out in a cold sweat.

"My lord, this person is Yan Yan. I went to his home to solicit him for my lord half a year ago, but he didn't agree, nor did he refuse in person." Wu Yi introduced at the right time.

In fact, Guo Jia has already guessed [-] points, but he is just not sure. Now, he is in a good mood and leads everyone to go forward. When the guards saw Guo Jia coming, they hurriedly saluted. Yan Yan, who saluted him, smiled and said: "This hero, you are very polite."

After finishing speaking, Guo Jia bowed his hands to Yan Yan, bowed his head slightly and saluted.

After winning ten consecutive battles, Yan Yan fought against the three of them again, but he was not panting, and his expression was normal. Without a solid foundation in martial arts, it is absolutely impossible to be so relaxed. His fists and feet are good, and his archery is also first-rate. He is definitely a rare general. .

When he saw Guo Jia bowing to him in front of everyone, he was a little surprised, so he returned the salute: "I am Yan Yan, whose name is Heber, and I have seen the general."

The most important reason for Yan Yan to participate in the martial arts is that Guo Jia's deeds have been recognized by him. He doesn't care how the gentry and nobles live. He doesn't care who is the master of the world. He only cares about the people in Yizhou. Can the folks live and work in peace and contentment? Now the people in Yizhou often talk about Guo Jia. They often talk about how Qie Jian was a Yizhou shepherd in the past, and how Liu Yan was a Yizhou shepherd. Now Guo Jia is a great general. How about leading Yizhou?

The benefits of the common people are all based on feelings. This is not something that can be fooled simply by fanning the flames of the gentry and wealthy families. If Guo Jia wants to win people's hearts, he will not pretend to just talk and quit. People's hearts can't be won by shouting slogans.

However, although Yan Yan is nearly forty years old, he has strong physical strength and extraordinary martial arts. At this time, he has defeated Guo Jia's personal guards in a row, and even has the upper hand with one against three. He would like to see if Guo Jia's subordinates can impress him. generals.

"General, can you send the future to fight with me? To be honest, my muscles and bones have just been flexed." Yan Yan's words were not contemptuous, more like a taste of making friends through martial arts.

I was despised by others.

Guo Jia shook his head and smiled lightly. Xu Chu and Dian Wei, who were already gearing up behind them, looked at each other, and both of them didn't want to give in. They clasped their fists together and said to Guo Jia, "My lord, please let me fight."

The two generals at the back called for a fight, and Guo Jia didn't want to dampen their and Yan Yan's interest, learning martial arts was not a fight, for generals, it was a joy in life, regardless of victory or defeat.

"Brother Xibo, you are the elder, and they are the younger generations. How about this, you choose an opponent from the two of them." Guo Jia handed over the choice to Yan Yan, but in fact it was difficult to choose from Xu Chu and Dian Wei. Anyone who chooses will make the other person unhappy.

Yan Yan looked at Xu Chu and Dian Wei strangely. He wondered if he was dazzled. Why did the two generals who looked like bears and tigers look at him beggingly? Should he choose or not?

Confused Yan Yan didn't think much about it, no matter how gentle Dian Wei's expression was, he would still look fierce, but Xu Chu looked more serious.

So Yan Yan picked Xu Chu, and Dian Wei slapped Xu Chu on the shoulder hard, and said in a low voice, "Deliberately lose!"

As long as Xu Chu loses, he will have a chance to play.

Xu Chu looked around the martial field, and it was already full of people watching the battle. Are you kidding me, deliberately losing in front of so many people?
Glancing at Dian Wei, Xu Chu also lowered his voice and said in a deep voice, "After a few days, I'll treat you to a drink."

This is tantamount to rejecting Dian Wei's proposal, and since Guo Jia promulgated the prohibition order for a long time, the merchants did not sell alcohol, and these generals who like to drink have gradually become less and less alcohol in their homes. Have a drink, Xu Chu said that inviting Dian Wei to drink will definitely make Dian Wei happy, and he will be bleeding heavily.

Touching the helpless Dian Wei with his bald head was not a pleasure, but it would be nice to think about getting Xu Chu to take out his wine.

Xu Chu and Yan Yan, who were not wearing armor, came to the martial field. Xu Chu's complexion changed, his expression was majestic, and he clasped his fists at Yan Yan and said, "Xu Chu, Xu Zhongkang, please enlighten me."

Yan Yan also had a solemn expression, and asked back in surprise, "But Xu Chu, who was undefeated in the battle with Dianwei and Lu Bu?"

On this point, Xu Chu said frankly, "Exactly."

He and Dian Wei can only draw with Lu Bu, is it a shame?Even if he is ashamed, it's a fact, he doesn't need a fig leaf, he doesn't care if others like to laugh or sarcasm, if he can beat him, he can beat him, and if he can't beat him, it's useless to deny it.

But Yan Yan didn't mean to ridicule him at all. Among them, Lu Bu is famous all over the world, beheaded generals and killed countless enemies. One Bingzhou Lu Bu can make countless people frightened. It is not a shame that the two generals under Guo Jia's command can match Lu Bu's prestige. It shows the strength of the combined force of these two generals.

Lu Bu, from ancient times to the present, how many people can win the title of the world's most powerful general?
Yan Yan used a sword, and Xu Chu also used a sword. If it was a horse fight, Yan Yan would carry a bow and arrow, while Xu Chu would also use a long-handled sword.

Xu Chu never underestimated any enemy, even if there was an unknown pawn in front of him, he would devote [-]% of his concentration to killing. This was his principle, to respect the opponent.

With the long knife in his hand, Xu Chu, who was in a stable position, stood still and waited for Yan Yan to make the first move, because this was a duel, and Yan Yan was the leader.

Seeing Xu Chu's immovable and unshakable posture, Yan Yan immediately knew that the person in front of him must not be in vain. The most famous army under Guo Jia's command was trapped in the camp. In terms of force, the most prestigious army in the army is This person in front of him and Dian Wei, who is known as the ancient evil.

Yan Yan not only put away his underestimation, but also focused on it, Yan Yan shouted violently, walked like flying, and rushed to Xu Chu, raised the long knife and raised a fluctuating white light, and the blade came down from the sky, as if cutting a mountain.

Yan Yan's saber style was nimble but implied power. Xu Chu raised the saber over the top, met the blade up and down, and faced each other tit for tat, making a clear and loud sound.

This shocking sound seemed to come with a surging momentum, making the audience in all directions hold their breath and concentrate, and couldn't help letting out a low gasp.

In the first moment of the confrontation, Yan Yan knew that he was not Xu Chu's opponent in terms of strength, because the long knife raised by Xu Chu was guarding, but it did not tilt down at all.

Quickly retracting his sword and changing his moves, Yan Yan's movements were faster than Xu Chu's, and he attacked repeatedly, retracting and releasing freely, while Xu Chu could only defend temporarily and did not attack, but he did not appear to be defeated, and he was able to deal with it with ease.

"Come on, how many tricks can Zhongkang defeat Heber?" Guo Jia asked softly, tilting his head.

Dian Wei took a step forward, and said listlessly: "Now Zhongkang is getting familiar with Yan Yan's moves. After he understands them, he will counterattack. If he doesn't make a hundred moves, Zhongkang will win."

Guo Jia smiled and didn't ask any more questions. In terms of martial arts alone, he was at the bottom of the middle rank among the generals, so he still had knowledge. Xu Chu's chance of winning against Yan Yan was at least [-]%.

In the martial arts field, the two fought fiercely, Yan Yan's sword was fierce, Xu Chu stood firm and did not show any flaws, the blades collided, and there were bursts of vibrations.

The people watching the battle around were fascinated and applauded again and again.

Xu Chu, who had been defending all the time, was already familiar with Yan Yan's moves, and predicted the direction of Yan Yan's next attack. As he expected, Yan Yan turned his blade and wanted to cut his ribs. Xu Chu had been prepared for a long time, and he swung his saber domineeringly with his backhand, knocking back the saber Yan Yan swung. Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Chu changed from defending to attacking, and rushed towards Yan Yan with a momentum of grabbing people, and swung the saber one after another. Three sabers, first slashing the middle of Yan Yan's face door, and after being blocked by Kan Kan, he slashed down obliquely, Yan Yan leaned back, stepped back and bent his knees to meet Xu Chu's domineering saber gesture.

After being blocked again from the attack, Yan Yan was a little embarrassed, but with a twist of Xu Chu's wrist, the blade fell from the sky reflecting the sunlight, and Yan Yan raised the knife to block it.


Yan Yan didn't take any effort, and suddenly knelt down with his bent left leg, and in front of his eyes, half of the blade fell to the ground, and on his shoulder, the long blade had already cut through his clothes, oozing blood, but it was just skin trauma.

Yan Yan, who was kneeling in front of Xu Chu holding the handle and raising the knife, couldn't believe it. The broken knife on top of his head was chopped off by Xu Chu, and Xu Chu stopped the knife suddenly at the very moment, otherwise Yan Yan would not only be chopped off. Arm, I am afraid there is life in danger.

Xu Chu took a step back with his sword drawn, exhaled turbid air, and clasped his fists at Yan Yan and said, "I hit hard, I offended you."

Yan Yan stood up, ignoring the small wound on his shoulder, threw away the broken knife, and said with a bold smile: "General Xu is indeed a rare and powerful general in the world, I am convinced, hahahaha."

But Xu Chu shook his head solemnly and said: "If the two armies are fighting, Brother Heber's marksmanship is the most defenseless. If you want to take my life, it's like picking something out of a bag."

Yan Yan laughed loudly, then turned around and cupped his fists toward Guo Jia on the sidelines, and said, "General, I'm going to win ten games in a row in martial arts, can I play for the general?"

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "With Heber's help, I can add another strong general, which is my dream."

At this time, everyone in the martial arts field recovered from the contest between Xu Chu and Yan Yan, and immediately shouted loudly, shouting that Xu Chu and Yan Yan are heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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