The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 140 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 140 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

In Guo Jia's eyes, Wang Yun is a figure worthy of high regard, not because he designed to kill Dong Zhuo, but because Wang Yun really has the opportunity to turn the tide when the big man is in danger, the most important thing is how he treats the Bingzhou Army and Liangzhou Army.

The Bingzhou Army was led by Lu Bu and had been subdued by Wang Yun. However, after Dong Zhuo's death, the Liangzhou Army led by generals such as Li Jue and Guo Si not only had more than 15 troops, but also occupied the Sizhou area. At the very least, the Chang'an court must at least appease the Liangzhou army. Assuming that Wang Yun can start from the overall situation, see this clearly, and treat the Liangzhou army in the same way he treated Lu Bu, then the Chang'an court, the orthodox emperor of the Han Dynasty, will have instant control after Dong Zhuo's death. More than [-] troops.

With the army and the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, Wang Yun can appoint talents and select talents, and then give orders to the princes. Those who dare not follow, the imperial army can justifiably go to destroy them. If those princes disobey the Han Dynasty, they will be in a worse situation than Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo disrespects the Han Emperor and disrupts the court. What he did is the wolf ambition exposed by a powerful minister. But if the princes do not obey the Han Dynasty, it is Openly rebelling, Dong Zhuo is usurping, and the princes are rebelling, the meanings of the two are completely different, and the latter is even worse.

Now that the emperor has escaped from the tiger's mouth, Wang Yun has the opportunity to set things right, but whether he will miss the opportunity and push the Han Dynasty to a place where there will never be redemption. Seventy percent sure, but this matter cannot be taken lightly, so he hesitated for the last three points, and he hoped that Lu Bu would give him an answer.

Guo Jia still doesn't know how many troops Lu Bu brought with him when he attacked. As long as Wang Yun didn't subdue the Liangzhou army at the same time, Lu Bu's troops would not exceed 5, because when Lu Bu entered Chang'an with Dong Zhuo, he only had [-] under his command People and horses.

There are actually many routes to conquer Yizhou in the south, but Guo Jia predicted that Lu Bu would go south through the old road of Chencang. The old way is also the reason.

Lu Bu was born as a cavalry general, and he is good at playing cavalry. This has something to do with his refusal of the Xianbei miscellaneous Hus in Suidingyuan North of Bingzhou. He was able to gain the upper hand against the barbarians on the grassland, and he still relied on cavalry, which is enough to show that Lu Bu's ability on horseback is in the world Rarely, in history, when he begged Cao Cao to surrender, he said that Cao Cao could conquer the world with him. The reason is that Cao Cao led the infantry and he led the cavalry.Even if he speaks boldly to increase his survival chips, it is by no means aimless.

Guo Jia also had cavalry under his command, but not many. The first [-] cavalry trapped in the camp were carefully selected by the Zhen family from the grassland horse dealers. As Guo Jia went south to rule Yizhou, he made countless military exploits. In addition to the suppression of Xu He's rebellion, there are only [-] of the [-] cavalry left. The camp that has grown up from the bloody battle is elite soldiers and strong generals. The reason is that most of Xiliang's iron cavalry are Qianghu people, and most of the soldiers of Baima Yicong are selected by Gongsun Zan to be able to ride and shoot well. The cavalry in the Jiazhu camp can only use melee weapons, which are naturally more powerful, commonly known as string control.

There are also many types of cavalry, for example Xiliang iron cavalry and Baima Yicong are mostly light cavalry. Most of the soldiers wear light armor or even no armor to speed up the charge of the horses. To resist them requires a strong fortified city, otherwise they will be trampled. Ping, to restrain them, you need a fine bow and strong crossbow with a long range, and a powerful crossbow can shoot and kill the opponent before the cavalry gets close.Heavy cavalry is difficult to form because of armor cost, horse breed, and cavalry physique.Heavy cavalry first requires soldiers with excellent equestrian skills, and they can move freely while wearing heavy armor. The horses are also armored, and there are cavalry straddling them. If the horses are not of good breed, they cannot support the weight of armor and people. The power will be greatly reduced. Although iron smelting has been popularized in the Han Dynasty, the cost of making heavy armor is unimaginable. Not only must the blacksmith have skillful skills, but the iron materials must also be excellent, otherwise the heavy armor produced will not be able to stop it. What is the use of the penetrating power of bow and crossbow arrows?
Yizhou has dangerous mountains and powerful passes, and the cavalry cannot be used. It is easy to keep Lu Bu away for thousands of miles. But to defeat Lu Bu, Guo Jia can't just defend and not fight, so he decided to lead the army north to meet the enemy with Zhang Liao. Fazheng, Gao Shun, and the two thousand infantry trapped in the camp, these two thousand infantry were not only unstoppable in close combat under Gao Shun's training, but also mastered the ability to use a strong crossbow and shoot well.

Guo Jia did not bring cavalry because of tactical and long-term considerations. His cavalry is precious and cannot be easily worn out. The south is not without horses, but the horses in the south are still not as wild as the north. Southern horses are fine, but when fighting the enemy in battle, the cavalry pays attention to overall speed and quickness, coming and going like the wind and being able to fight for a long time, so it is difficult for southern horses to make it to the big scene.

Going north along the Jiange Road, in Zitong County, Gan Ning has already assembled his army, when Guo Jia left Chengdu, all the people he brought came on horseback, and they joined Gan Ning in less than two days.

Inside the big tent of the Jinfan Army, it was already sunset when Guo Jia arrived, so he planned to rest for the night before setting off tomorrow.

"Xingba, you have suffered here for more than a year, how is the morale of the army?" Guo Jia, who was sitting in the big tent, began to ask for warmth.

It is hard work for the Jinfan Army to build and expand the Jiange Road, but it must be done by someone. The purpose is to strengthen the connection between Hanzhong and Chengdu. Whether the army passes here or transports food and supplies, the rugged section of the Jiange Road is an obstacle, and the mountain must be dug Open the way for future needs.

Gan Ning, who was much darker than before, shook his head with a smile on his face and said: "At first, the soldiers complained, but the Lord gave them half a year more food and salary, so no one complained anymore. They used to be ordinary people. The goal is to have enough food and clothing. Now many people have settled down in Yizhou. Joining the army alone can not only support themselves, but also supplement some household expenses. For them, they are already very satisfied. I am prepared, I am not even afraid of death, and the sun and rain are nothing."

Guo Jia smiled gratifiedly. As long as the morale of the army is stable, he can rest assured. It is a hard job to build and expand the Sword Pavilion, but it is also a great contribution. Guo Jia asked Gan Ning to do this because he wanted to take this The credit is placed on his head, and he will not cause others to slander if he is entrusted with a heavy responsibility in the future.

After greeting Wu Yi and Meng Da, when Guo Jia was going to let them all go down to rest, someone from outside the tent came to report.

Wu Yi presented a letter from Hanzhong to Guo Jia. After Guo Jia read it, he handed it to Gan Ning.

"Lü Bu has already led his army into Chencang, and within three days, he will definitely send his troops south from the old road. Wen Yuan found out that Lv Bu led [-] cavalry and [-] infantry for this expedition, a total of [-] soldiers and horses."

Guo Jia stood up and paced back and forth. In addition to training and preparing for war in Hanzhong, Zhang Liao also kept an eye on the movements in Guanzhong. When Lu Bu left Chang'an, he got the news and sent people to continue to inquire about the military situation. Now that the situation of Lu Bu's troops has been confirmed , Notify Guo Jia immediately.

After Gan Ning saw it, his expression was a little hard to understand. He looked towards Guo Jia and asked, "My lord, Lv Bu dared to attack Yizhou with 15 troops? Doesn't he know that the lord has more than [-] troops in Yizhou? At the foot of Xiaoshan Mountain, Lv Bu once suffered a disadvantage under the hands of the lord, but Dong Zhuo dare not fight with the lord, he must be too arrogant, right?"

Fazheng also read the information, shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I'm afraid Lu Bu is not planning to take down the entire Yizhou, but Hanzhong. My lord was once defeated by Liu Biao in Jingzhou. After learning about this, Lu Bu must despise my lord. Firstly, since Dong Zhuo moved the capital to Chang'an, the people in Guanzhong have been living in dire straits, and the people have complained a lot. The reason is that Dong Zhuo was uneasy about the rule of the people, and allowed the soldiers to plunder the people. Under the rule of the lord, Yizhou has a happy life and a prosperous family. Hanzhong is the gateway to Yizhou. The lord ordered General Zhang to station troops in Hanzhong. There must be plenty of grain stored in Hanzhong. Lü Bu led the army to attack Hanzhong. To take down Hanzhong to obtain food, grass and supplies, General Zhang has [-] soldiers and horses, although he only has [-], but Lu Bu may not take it seriously, this is the second."

Zhang Liao was not well-known, and Lu Bu must have looked down on him. Zhang Liao, with [-] troops, would surely be able to stop Lu Bu's [-] army, but Guo Jia still decided to lead the Jinfan Army to the north.

Because he had to get the news he wanted from Lu Bu, and at the same time, he had to fight back immediately after Wang Yun issued his message to the world, and slap him hard in the face!

Turning around to face the map of the border between Hanzhong and Guanzhong, Guo Jia followed the terrain around the old road for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Send someone to deliver a secret report to Zhang Liao overnight. Five days later, lure the enemy to go deep, put Lü Bu's army into the old road, and hold the southern end of the old road, absolutely not let Lv Bu go out of the old road to plunder the people, within twenty days, I will lead the army to wipe out Lv Bu's entire army!"

Everyone looked at Guo Jia's back with shocked expressions. Everyone thought that Guo Jia was planning to resist Lu Bu, but they didn't expect that he wanted to bury Lu Bu's army in the old way.

But even if Lu Bu couldn't beat him, he could still retreat to Chen Cang and then retreat to Chang'an. How could Guo Jia say that Lu Bu's entire army would be wiped out?

At the beginning when he decided to go north, Guo Jia wanted to make Lu Bu retreat, but now, he had to give all the princes and the Chang'an court a blow, and let them know what would happen to those who came to make plans for Yizhou!
Beating a snake won't kill you, but you will suffer from it. If Lu Bu really has the intention of plundering Yizhou's resources, repelling him will not prevent future troubles. Therefore, if you want to fight, you will beat him so hard that he can't turn himself over, and he will kill the chicken as an example to the princes of the world!
(End of this chapter)

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