The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 152: Between Thoughts

Chapter 152

After Cao Cao was granted the title of Yanzhou Shepherd by the imperial court, Guo Jia followed closely and went to Chang'an. Li Jue and Guo Si were dumbfounded in the face of this unexpected situation. The attitude of the court is completely different than before.

At least it shows that the princes recognized the court they controlled and did not treat them like they were attacking Dong Zhuo. This was something they were caught off guard, and it was always a good thing for them.

Cao Cao was a staunch supporter of the League of Discussing Dong, but at this time he nominally asked the imperial court to confer on him as Yanzhou Shepherd, and he got his wish. Guo Jia had never participated in the League of Disputing Dong, and had a little friction with Dong Zhuo, but he had never had a relationship with Li Jue and Guo Si. There was a head-on conflict, and he also helped them kill the Bingzhou army under the command of their arch-rival Lu Bu. Because of emotion and reason, Li Jue and Guo Si were both grateful and afraid of Guo Jia.

There is still a Sizhou between the three assistants of Guanzhong and the princes of the Guandong. If Guo Jia sends troops to attack Chang'an and enters Chang'an from Hanzhong, it will be a blink of an eye. Therefore, Li Jue and Guo Si are afraid of Guo Jia. Therefore, in response to Guo Jia's request, Guo Jia was granted the title of Yizhou Shepherd, and they could only push the boat along.

The people from the imperial court left quickly, and those sent by the imperial court to issue the imperial edict also came quickly. Zhong Yao, the servant of Huangmen, came to Chengdu to convey the imperial edict to Guo Jia in person.

Zhong Yao and Guo Jia are fellow villagers. They are both from Yingchuan. They also became famous as teenagers. However, due to their different backgrounds, Zhong Yao became an official with Xiaolian in his early years. He has high weight and has two sons, one of whom is very famous in the late Three Kingdoms period, named Zhong Hui.

Zhong Yao was nearly 20 years older than Guo Jia, and when he came to Chengdu, he showed a humble look. After reading the imperial edict, the gentle middle-aged man handed it to Guo Jia in person, and said gently to Guo Jia: "Your Majesty, the dragon will look like the tiger, Flying all over the world, he will surely relieve His Majesty's worries and make outstanding contributions to the ZTE Great Han."

Guo Jia, who is often praised by others and has heard a lot of beautiful words, has long been immune. After a faint smile, he said: "You have come from a long distance, and the horses and horses are exhausted. You should rest for a while. I will hold a banquet in the mansion later. Take the wind and wash away the dust.”

Zhong Yao was led by his servants to the guest room to rest, Guo Jia took the imperial edict and walked to the side of the seat, threw the imperial edict on the table, looked back at Tang Zhongwen Wu, with a somewhat mocking tone.

"Zhong Yao is here, what do you think is his plan?"

Guo Jia was granted the title of Shepherd of Yizhou, so there was no need to send a serious official here, especially from the first time he saw Zhong Yao, Guo Jia knew that Zhong Yao must have a plan for coming this time.

The counselors in the hall couldn't figure out Zhong Yao's intentions. Anyway, the soldiers came to cover them with water and soil. A mere Zhong Yao was not enough to make them feel like they were facing a big enemy.

When hosting a banquet in honor of Zhong Yao, all the civil and military personnel from Chengdu were present. Zhong Yao spoke in a free and easy way, narrated his hometown with Guo Jia, and chatted about current affairs. people.

It stands to reason that Zhong Yao's task was completed, and Guo Jia also made a full scene to thank him, but Zhong Yao did not return to Chang'an for a long time, and visited Baijia School with great interest.

Guo Jia, who expected him to have ulterior motives, did not drive him away, he could do whatever he wanted, if something went wrong with his plot, Guo Jia would just question him again, courtesy first and then soldiers.

Assuming the position of Yizhou Mu, Guo Jia doesn't care about the official position. For him, whether it is the current Zhou Mu or the Taiping Army General he led himself before, there is no difference in essence. He is always the supreme ruler of Yizhou. But the key is that he was a thief and a bandit before, but now he is an out-and-out Hanchen. Who in the world can call him a traitor?The imperial court issued an imperial edict to appoint him as Yizhou shepherd. Doesn't scolding Guo Jia mean scolding the court, scolding the emperor?

This is Guo Jia's political strategy, and it is also a great step forward in his journey to contend for hegemony.

Whether it's recruiting talents or governing the region, Guo Jia can justifiably do what he wants to do.

They were playing chess with Zhen Jiang in the courtyard of the mansion, but there was a commotion outside the courtyard, Guo Jia stopped holding the chess pieces, and frowned.

Because he heard the voices of Cai Yan and Cai Yong.

"Father, don't go, my daughter, please, please don't worry about the affairs of the court."

"Father is a minister of the Han Dynasty. How can you just sit back and do nothing? If you stop Father, don't blame Father for not thinking of the love between father and daughter, and drive you out of the house."


After Zhen Jiang cleaned up the chessboard, he returned to his courtyard silently. Guo Jia walked over and came to the gate of the courtyard. He saw Cai Yan kneeling in front of Cai Yong to stop Cai Yong who was trying to barge in. Xiao Ren was in a dilemma. With Yan present, he can block Cai Yong without showing any sympathy.

"Get up, don't you feel ashamed? Mr. Cai, you are highly respected, and countless talents admire you. Are you doing this to your daughter? Daughter-in-law, you are too. If you can't persuade your father to do something, why bother?" Weeping and kneeling?"

Guo Jia looked helpless, and Cai Yan, who was full of tears, turned her head and said with red eyes, "husband, this concubine is here to persuade my father to go back."

"Don't! It's already here, do you still persuade me to leave? Get up and go back to your room. Since Mr. Cai is here to look for me, it must be no small matter. I have no reason to keep him out."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, she turned around and walked back to the courtyard, sat down at the stone table, and asked Diao Chan to refill two cups of green tea.

Diao Chan, who was silent like a cicada, was frightened, turned around and left stiffly, and carefully put the tea on the stone table, Guo Jia told her: "Go down, don't let the servants disturb me and Mr. Cai."

Cai Yong came to the stone table in the courtyard and sat opposite to Guo Jia. Cai Yan wiped his tears and accompanied him, intending to sit down too, but Guo Jia said to her, "Go back to your room."

Cai Yan hesitated to speak, looking anxious, but Guo Jia had already spoken, so she could only follow through.

For Cai Yan to lose his composure to this point, the conversation between Cai Yong and Guo Jia must be of great importance, and the reason why Cai Yan stopped Cai Yong was because Cai Yong would anger Guo Jia. This simple reasoning, Guo Jia immediately I will understand.

"Cai Gong, before you express your intention, I would like to ask, are you representing yourself or Zhong Yao?"

Guo Jia's tone was light and tepid.

Both Zhong Yao and Cai Yong are masters of calligraphy. They used to be colleagues and friends in Luoyang. When they met in different places, Zhong Yao probably did it on purpose. He stayed in Baijia School for several days, mostly because of Cai Yong.

Guo Jia didn't know whether Cai Yong had been given the ecstasy soup or the heart-wrenching talisman, but there were some principled questions that needed to be asked clearly.

Cai Yong looked calm. He was angry with Cai Yan before, not Guo Jia. Before he came, he was calm. At this time, he had to be clear-headed, because he knew that the next conversation should not be carried on by emotion.

"Feng Xiao, the old man is here in his personal capacity and has nothing to do with others. I will not hide it from you. Zhong Yuanchang did look for me and had a secret talk with me for many days. You must know about it."

In Yizhou, it was easy for Guo Jia to deliberately stare at a person, and Zhong Yao's every move was clear to him.

Nodding slightly, Guo Jia signaled Cai Yong to get down to business.

Cai Yong always had a dignified expression on his face, staring at Guo Jia sincerely, speaking slowly and clearly.

"Feng Xiao, now that you have washed away your identity as a traitor, you are an important minister of the Han Dynasty. The old man knows that you have the common people in your heart and are determined to rule the country and the world. Guo Bang, at this moment, you must make a decision, go to Chang'an to rescue him, and then clear the world for His Majesty, and clarify that Yunei, you, have this ability. If you refuse to do this, even if you sit on a legitimate benefit today Zhou Mu, in the future, disobedience will also be shown to the world, everyone will despise you, and if you are disobedient, you will be in a place where you will never be restored. I hope you can see the situation clearly. A difference in one thought will result in eternal success or eternal infamy."

Cai Yong stared at the son-in-law in front of him. Before Guo Jia raised his troops, he did many things that violated the law, but what Guo Jia did at that time was for his own selfishness. Before the Qin Dynasty, Guo Jia, who owned Yizhou, was the monarch of the vassal states. He mobilized his whole body, and the stage he stood on was the world.

Cai Yong knew that it was an opportunity for Guo Jia at this moment, a good opportunity to achieve success and fame. As long as Guo Jia led his army to capture the land of Sanfu, rescue the emperor, and then serve the emperor and become the powerful arm of the emperor, Guo Jia would not have to suffer. Spite and scold, but also be famous forever.

Cai Yong doubted whether the former Guo Jia could save the emperor, but in the first battle of the old way, Guo Jia lost less than [-] troops and killed Lv Bu's [-] troops. Although there are complicated factors behind the victory, Cai Yong is convinced that Chang'an has less than [-] The strength of the troops will definitely not stop Guo Jia from marching northward.

Guo Jia sighed lightly, looked at Cai Yong calmly, and said, "Mr. Cai, I want to tell a story."

Cai Yong was stunned, but before he could speak, Guo Jia started talking.

"There was a family who had nothing. They were industrious and clever. They built a good house. The house was sheltered from the wind and rain. They lived in it very safely. They cultivated countless good fields and hired farmers to cultivate them for them. So this , The family began to live a carefree life without worrying about food and housing.

The descendants of this family naturally also inherited the family business of their elders and lived a stable and safe life, but the good times did not last long, the wind and rain, the house fell into disrepair over the years, and the rain and wind had begun to leak, and the farmers who plowed the land for them gradually became dishonest , and kept a lot of farming income privately. The descendants of this family did not know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace. If the house was broken and not repaired, the harvest would be less.

Suddenly one day, the dilapidated house caught fire, and the people inside ran out and shouted for the farmers to put out the fire. The fire grew stronger.

A fire burned the house to ruins, and the descendants of the family began to direct the farmers to help them build a new house. The farmers agreed, but ignored it in action.

The family, suffering from hunger and cold, could only yell for the farmers to build houses for them, and ask the farmers to bring them food and drink, but the farmers always just agreed with their mouths, but they gloated in their hearts. Then, the farmers started to build houses for themselves, Intending to live the life of the family's ancestors. "

After the story was finished, Guo Jia said calmly to Cai Yong, who was grieving, "Cai Gong, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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