Chapter 162
Time goes by, the sun and the moon fly by.

The war in Kanto continued, and the battle in Hebei was gradually coming to an end. Yuan Shao pushed Gongsun Zan into a desperate situation, and it was only a matter of time before he wiped out Gongsun Zan and ruled Hebei.

After Cao Cao regained Yanzhou from Lu Bu, he took Yuzhou, raised the Central Plains, and looked everywhere.

After Tao Qian settled down, the Xuzhou gentry headed by Mi Zhu embraced Liu Bei and got Yuan Shao's support immediately. Liu Bei wanted to stabilize Xuzhou Mu, not by the emperor's approval, but by Yuan Shao's nod.When Mi Zhu sent Yuan Shao's document to Jizhou, Yuan Shao recognized Liu Bei as the new Xuzhou shepherd in order to let Liu Bei suppress Yuan Shu in the south in Xuzhou and contain Cao Cao who was gradually becoming stronger.

Lü Bu was defeated by Cao Cao, and he took the remnants of the army to Xuzhou in the future. Lv Bu was the hero who killed Dong Zhuo. Liu Bei could only treat Lv Bu kindly out of benevolence and righteousness.

Liu Biao of Jingzhou sticks to his territory as always, and has no ambition to make progress. Even though the situation in the Central Plains has given him countless good opportunities in the past few years, he has never left Jingzhou.

Yuan Shu lived in Yangzhou and designated Huainan as his land. He also snatched the Jade Seal of Chuanguo from Sun Jian's wife's family and began to plan to proclaim himself emperor and build a country. However, Sun Ce, who was under his tent, led Sun Jian's old troops across the river to the east, in the name of attacking Liu Yao. Wanting to get rid of himself, Sun Ce, who returned to Jiangdong, in order to quickly expand his strength, recruited soldiers with the slogan of serving him, exempt from taxes and taxes, and his family members were also exempted. Therefore, Sun Ce had tens of thousands of troops in the blink of an eye, even though he was still under Yuan Shu's command. , but Yuan Shu could no longer control Sun Ce.

Since Dong Zhuo's death, Lv Bu went south to attack Yizhou, and the whole army was wiped out in the old way. There has been no war in Yizhou. Guo Jia's policy of recuperation has been well rewarded. Now food and grass are abundant, and the army is strong.

Ma Jun, who has always been kind to Guo Jia, repays Guo Jia with concrete results.

He made two kinds of equipment, the keel waterwheel and the new weaving machine.

The keel waterwheel saves manpower, is beneficial to irrigation, and plays a non-negligible role in agricultural development.

The new damask weaving machine is more refined, more practical and simpler, and has increased the efficiency of silk weaving by four or five times.

The rapid promotion of these two devices in Yizhou has had an immediate effect on promoting the production and development of Yizhou.

In addition, Ma Jun also contributed to the improvement of bows and crossbows. Zhang Liao in Hanzhong finally understood what Guo Jia once said that Ma Jun would not be exchanged for millions of dollars and [-] soldiers. From Guo Jia to lower-level officials, everyone valued Ma Jun's existence, which made the skilled craftsmen headed by Ma Jun extremely proud.

When Huaxia was swept by the flames of war, the peaceful and peaceful Yizhou gradually started to call for war.

With the saturation of officials, the selection conditions for the imperial examinations are becoming increasingly harsh every year. Talented people who want to stand out not only hope to stay in Yizhou to avoid the suffering of war, but also want to be an official to honor their ancestors, but Yizhou is so big, and the official position is so small So, scholars want Guo Jia to expand his territory, so that officials who are already in office will have room for promotion, and talents who have not yet served will also have opportunities.

The number of people migrating to Yizhou from all over the country gradually increased, but not every family had land. They cultivated the land of the government, but they were not satisfied. They wanted to own their own fields. Military rewards are very generous, whether it is money, land, or promotion, they can get rid of poverty and become rich. Therefore, when Guo Jia ordered the recruitment of [-] soldiers, more than [-] people actively signed up, but Guo Jia could only recruit [-] soldiers. Fifth, the number of troops must be controlled within the range that Yizhou can afford.

All walks of life are thriving. The military workshop in Yizhou has brought together many workers. They have been helping Guo Jia to build war equipment. With the supply of military supplies, their work is naturally lighter, but their income has decreased. Therefore, they also hope to fight. The huge war consumption is enough to allow them to continuously increase their income.

The Yizhou Chamber of Commerce is the group that most supports Guo Jia's outward expansion. If they want to expand their business and make more money, they must have a stable environment. The people in the Central Plains were displaced, and the Yizhou Chamber of Commerce was not satisfied with the status quo, and called on Guo Jia to expand the territory, open up business routes for them, and smooth out the thorns before the way of making money.

War is a continuation of politics. If Guo Jia wants to take the initiative to start a war and expand outward, it must be in line with political interests. Under this premise, if he also meets the interests of the people, then he will have the capital and confidence to start the war.

Essentially speaking, if Guo Jia expands his territory, the Taiping Army is an "aggressor". They want to plunder the land and expand the area of ​​rule. Gain benefits through wars of external expansion.

When war is no longer a burden, but a tool for profit, Guo Jia has the prerequisites to launch a war, but he still lacks an opportunity.

King of Righteous Soldiers, a righteousness that can make Guo Jia stand on the political commanding heights!

Heaven pays off, Guo Jia has waited for this opportunity!

In recent years, Guo Jia, who has been cultivating his mind and character, seldom goes out to show off. He usually handles political affairs in the government and spends time with his family. His mood has become more stable.

After bathing in the mansion, putting on a brand-new dark red brocade robe, the refreshed Guo Jia walked steadily to the meeting hall, with Chinese in the east and west in the hall, and they saluted Guo Jia in unison.

Kneeling down and holding his head high, Guo Jia casually asked, "Yuanzhi, how long has it been since I was defeated in Jingzhou?"

Xu Shu said indifferently: "In the past five years."

"Five years, five years, five years..."

Guo Jia murmured to himself that he didn't hate Liu Biao, in fact, he was even more grateful to Liu Biao for giving him a head-on blow when he was in full swing and waking him up.

Taking the world to become a hegemony is by no means as simple and easy as it is taken for granted.

"Guanzhong Battle Report, have you all read it?"

As soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, Wen and Wu nodded together, with solemn expressions.

Li Jue and Guo Si set up a boundary in Chang'an, each governed by himself, and robbed the emperor from each other. The people in Guanzhong were also ravaged by the Liangzhou army.

During this period, Ma Teng and Han Sui attacked Chang'an several times, but they all returned without success.

The latest news is that Zhang Ji, who was stationed in Hongnong, made a petition to the court to hope that the emperor would move to Sizhou. Li Jue unexpectedly agreed. The emperor led all the officials out of Chang'an and returned to the east. When he was halfway there, Li Jue regretted it and reconciled with Guo Si. , together led the army to hunt down the emperor and his party.

When they arrived in Sizhou, Yang Feng and Dong Cheng had only a few troops around the emperor, and his soldiers could not stop Li Jue and Guo Si. Seeing that the situation was critical, Dong Cheng asked the emperor to issue an edict to ask the Southern Huns who had surrendered to the Han Dynasty to come to rescue him.

King Zuo Xian went to Bei and brought his two nephews Yu Fuluo and Hu Chuquan to join the battle.

"Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Gao Shun."

Guo Jia closed his eyes and called out the three generals in a low voice.

The three of them came out and said in unison: "The end is here."

"You go back to the camp and gather your troops. After three days, follow me to the north. We will capture the land of Sanfu. Xu Shu, I order you to write an urgent report to Gan Ning and Zhang Liao immediately. The Jinfan Army will be in Hanzhong when I arrive. The whole army is on standby, Zhang Liao followed me northward into Guanzhong, and [-] soldiers and horses stayed behind in Hanzhong."

The three generals took the order and walked out of the lobby quickly, Xu Shu also received the errand and stepped back to do it.

Xi Zhicai frowned and came out, saying: "My lord, if we welcome the emperor back, it might be bad for my lord!"

It doesn't matter who is in the hands of the emperor, the key is that Guo Jia can't hold the emperor in his hands, because he will be on the cusp of the storm.

Guo Jia waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "I have only two purposes in entering the customs, first, to expand the territory, and second, to destroy Li Jue, Guo Si and Qubei."

The counselors in the hall were all surprised, and even more worried.

Fazheng came out and said, "My lord, how should Ma Teng, Han Sui and the Qianghu tribe in the north of Liangzhou deal with it? They have been coveting Guanzhong."

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Guo Jia said lightly: "It's just right, Fazheng, you can also help me write a letter to Ma Teng and Han Sui, and tell them that I am going to rescue him. If they come to help, the west of Fufeng County is theirs." , if you don’t come, then when I take Guanzhong, the two families should live in peace.”

Fazheng frowned, he didn't quite agree with Guo Jia's approach, wanted to say a few more words, but gave up after hesitation.

Guo Jia already had a strategy for Ma Teng and Han Sui. The first step was to give them benefits.

There are many factors to consider when expanding outwards and entering Guanzhong. Among them, the Xiliang warlords and the Qianghu Tribes in the west of Guanzhong cannot be ignored by Guo Jia.

The emperor was out of trouble, and asked the Southern Huns to help him resist Li Jue and Guo Si. In other words, whoever kills Li Jue and Guo Si now is in compliance with the Han Dynasty and in response to righteousness.

Therefore, Guo Jia now has a reason to send troops. He is called King Qin, but he is actually expanding.

All the counselors in the hall also knew that Guo Jia had made up his mind, and after years of recuperation, Yizhou had the strength to expand abroad.

But after this battle, one result must be avoided: the emperor cannot be in Guo Jia's hands!
Guo Jia knew this well, so he only suppressed thieves and occupied land, and would not welcome the emperor back to Chang'an.

Based on the other purpose just mentioned, the counselors were a little uncertain about Guo Jia's intentions.

Qin Mi stepped forward and said, "My lord, Qubei was invited by the emperor to rescue him. It is reasonable for my lord to send troops to destroy Li Jue and Guo Si, but if I meet with Qubei's soldiers, I'm afraid I will be criticized by others, and it will be immoral."

Guo Jia, who was sitting on the main seat, closed his eyes and sneered.


It is true that the Southern Huns surrendered to the Han, but so what?Shouldn't they still burn, kill and loot the Han people?
Qubei will kindly come to help the emperor of the Han Dynasty fight back against the enemy?It's just that the emperor gave him a legitimate excuse to plunder China!
What's more, it is Huaxia's own business to fight against the Central Plains. No matter when or under what circumstances, it is not up to foreign people to interfere!

Slowly opening his eyes, with a icy look, Guo Jia got up from his knees, glanced at the crowd, and said a word indifferently.

"If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different. How can foreigners interfere in China's affairs?"

Volume [-]: Take advantage of the border and risk the end

Next Volume: Tiger's Vision of the Central Plains
(End of this chapter)

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