Chapter 19
"Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao are here."

The two torches at the head of Changshe City were lit, and Guo Jia appeared on the top of the city by the light of the fire, and looked at Bocai not far below the city indifferently.

Seeing that the person at the head of the city was indeed Guo Jia, Bocai felt confident. He was worried that Guo Jia would not be in the Changsha, and the trip would return in vain. It seemed that everything was as he had expected.

Holding the reins straight, Bo Cai said proudly: "Young Grandpa, you are well-known in Yingchuan, and I love your talent. As long as you go out of the city and join me in Taiping Dao today, I will strike out and leave. How about that?" ?”

As soon as Bocai's words fell, the city of Changshe was in an uproar.

Everyone secretly slandered: The reason why the Yellow Turban bandit invaded Yingchuan was because of Guo Jia?Then we waited for the laborers to mobilize all the people to defend the city with blood, isn't it because of Guo Jia alone?
At the same time, many suspicious eyes were fixed on Guo Jia: This person is favored by the Yellow Turban Thieves, what should we do?Kill him as a traitor?Or tied up and sent to the yellow turban outside the city?
Guo Jia was very annoyed in his heart, this time Bocai uttered the words of hatred, now Guo Fengxiao is riding a tiger, and now, Guo Jia can't expect Bocai to retreat, otherwise he will be even more confused, if he doesn't kill more yellow scarves, The position is ambiguous.

"Differences do not conspire with each other, listen to me, retreat quickly, otherwise the swords and soldiers will meet, and I am afraid that there will be a catastrophe." Guo Jia's righteousness is awe-inspiring, but the children of the surrounding aristocratic families don't think so, they hope that Guo Jia will take the initiative to leave the city Firstly, they can make Bocai retreat, and secondly, they can get rid of Guo Jia, the madman they have hated for a long time.

Bo Cai chuckled a few times, then turned to the top of the city and said loudly: "People in the city, listen, now you have two ways to go, first, send Guo Jia to my rebel tent, I will retreat and leave. Second, tomorrow I will lead the army to attack the city, and when the city is broken, no chicken or dog will be left! How to choose, you can think for yourself."

Bo Cai, who turned around and returned, raised a faint smile, and after returning to the army formation, he ordered to the left and right: "Set up camp on the spot, send people to build the siege ladder overnight, and the rest of the soldiers should rest earlier. People come down and attack the city with all their strength."

A group of people headed by Xun Yan at the head of the Changsha city watched as Bocai's army set up camp, and at the same time, some soldiers entered the nearby forest to cut down trees, apparently to build siege equipment. After a while, several camps came into view.

The Yellow Turban over there was busy in an orderly manner, and Xun Yan, the head of the Changshe City here, looked back, frowned and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Several descendants of aristocratic families surrounded Guo Jia secretly, pressing their hands on the hilt of their swords, and might draw out their weapons at any time.

The scene suddenly fell into a brief silence and strangeness. The children of the Xun family headed by Xun Yan showed displeasure, while the children of the other aristocratic families seemed to be about to explode. Only Guo Jia was calm and indifferent, with his usual expression.

At this moment, Chen Qun paced to Guo Jia's side, as if making clear his position, and jokingly said: "How can we easily fall for such clumsy tricks of the Yellow Turban Bandits? Everyone, just imagine, how can the Yellow Turban Bandits Reckless use of war for the sake of one person? This is the yellow turban thief's clumsy plan, so don't pay attention to it. I guess the yellow turban thief must want to disturb our army's morale. If I wait until the yellow turban thief manipulates me, then I will make progress, and then let me wait until I hand over brother Xiuruo , what should we do then? Hehe."

"What Changwen said is right. How can we compromise with the wolves? Everyone, go back and rest for now. There will be a fierce battle tomorrow." Xun Yan presides over the overall situation. On the surface, no one will violate his resolution.

From the beginning to the end, Xi Zhicai and Xu Shu didn't say a word, they just stood by Guo Jia's side and were always ready to respond. However, people with status and status such as Xun Yan or Chen Qun could only stand up and say, , the two of Xu can be said to be soft-spoken here, the more they explain, the more malicious the children of the aristocratic families who are about to move will become.

Everyone retreated obediently, Guo Jia, Xu Shu, and Xi Zhicai walked to a corner of the city, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, under the faint moonlight, the camp of Bocai's army was in front of them.

"Feng Xiao, do you know what to do now?" Xi Zhicai showed worry, and Xu Shu also frowned.

Guo Jia looked up to the sky and sighed, and said with a wry smile: "For today's plan, I was afraid of Bo before withdrawing troops. If he withdraws, after the Taiping Dao rebellion is put down, today's affairs will be used by villains, and I, Guo Fengxiao, will become Taiping Dao One of the rebels. In order to stop Youyou from expressing his position, he must at least severely injure Bo Cai's army, and if possible, personally cut off Bo Cai's head to show his will."

Walking to Guo Jia's side, Xu Shu said in a low voice: "The sons of the noble families in the city are all greedy for life and afraid of death. I'm afraid they will gang up and send Fengxiao out of the city."

Putting one hand on the broken and cold city wall, Guo Jia sneered and said: "Although Chang Wen has analyzed Bo Cai's intentions just now, Chang Wen is only half right. I guess Bo Cai did come for me, but he He won't kill me, but take me to Zhang Jiao to claim credit. However, Changwen still hits one thing, even if he sends me, Guo Fengxiao, to Bocai, Bocai won't keep his promise and stop fighting. He Bo Cai defeated Huangfu Song's [-] troops. This matter has spread throughout the country. The world thinks that Bo Cai is a peerless general who uses soldiers like a god. Otherwise, how could he defeat [-] enemies and kill countless generals? Perhaps even Bo Cai himself is He thinks so, so he will not retreat. If Changshe is such a small town, if he stops, his prestige will be damaged. How can it be so? If those gentry children who call themselves Yingchuan heroes and virtuous talents can’t even see this , that is, I, Guo Fengxiao, was wrong, I misread them, it turned out that they are not just mediocre, but stupid."

Just at this time, a strong wind suddenly blew up, the hair of the three was flying, and the clothes were dancing. The three of them looked up at the sky together, and then looked at the direction of the wind, and they all locked their eyes on the Bocai camp.

Outside the city of Changshe, weeds are overgrown and extremely lush, and the place where Bocai camped is no exception.

Immediately, the faces of the three showed joy, Guo Jia saw the excitement on the faces of the two of them, and smiled lightly: "The waves can be broken."

"God helps." Xi Zhicai said.

"Wildfire starts a prairie fire!" Xu Shu said with a final word.

The three hurried down to the top of the city. Xu Shu and Xi Zhicai proposed to go to the county government to inform Xun Yan, but Guo Jia shook his head and said, "It's not too late. I'll just lead my children out of the city to defeat the enemy."

Thinking about it carefully, Xi Zhicai and Xu Shu also nodded in agreement, and then came to the west of the city together. When they first moved into the city, Guo Jia brought more than [-] households here and settled them here. , covered with thin clothes, sleeping on the ground.

At this moment, Zuo Ci was lying in a remote corner and sleeping soundly, his usual image of immortality was gone, dozens of commoner children were sitting neatly around Zuo Ci, many of them were dozing off, but There were also people who opened their eyes vigilantly and patrolled around. When they saw Guo Jia coming, they hurriedly got up and saluted in a low voice: "Little Grandpa."

Looking at these teenagers, Guo Jia couldn't bear it, but in this troubled time, he didn't care too much, so he called together nearly a hundred teenagers, and the commoner boys who had been trained by Guo Jia himself for the past six months were all in uniform. They walked to the avenue in an orderly manner, and in the blink of an eye, the team stood neatly in front of Guo Jia.

On the other side, Xu Shu and Xi Zhicai also pushed a car over. There were unlit torches on the car, and they were distributed to these commoner youths. Each of them had two torches. After Guo Jia briefly informed them of the plan, he added He said: "The risk of going out of the city this time is extremely high. If the Yellow Turban Army discovers our intentions, it will inevitably lead to a fight. If you are worried, you can stay. I, Guo Jia, will not blame me."

Nearly a hundred young people stood in front of Guo Jia, without any hesitation, Xi Zhicai and Xu Shu nodded slightly at the side.

"Zhicai, I leave all matters in the city to you. If I, Guo Jiafu, fail to return this trip, I hope you will take good care of these people." Before leaving, Guo Jia held Xi Zhicai's hand with a serious expression on his face.

Although Xi Zhicai followed Guo Jia and learned some superficial martial arts, it was not the material after all, and Xu Shu was already ready to go, obviously going with Guo Jia, this matter in the city, especially the more than [-] households who followed Guo Jia Civilians need someone to take care of them. Only then did Xi Zhi realize that such a heavy burden was his own, so he could only nod his head sadly. However, he was shocked soon and resolutely said: "Feng Xiao and Yuan Zhi go here, and they will succeed in one battle."

Guo Jia was no longer a mother-in-law, and Xu Shu and nearly a hundred commoner boys headed towards the west gate of Changshe.

When they arrived at the west gate, Xun Shao, the son of Xun Yan, was guarding the city gate. Although he was young, he was serious. When he saw Guo Jia coming with a young man of nearly a hundred years, he stepped forward and asked, "I don't know what the little grandpa is doing." What are you doing?"

Guo Jia pulled Xun Shao gently, and said in a low voice, "I want to lead my children out of the city to attack the camp."

"Does my father know about this?" Xun Shao frowned. He was about the same age as Guo Jia, but his father and uncles were almost equal to Guo Jia, so he was actually a little more humble when facing Guo Jia.

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "It's not too late, please put the overall situation first, sir."

"This..." Xun Shao was in a bit of a dilemma. The power of guarding the city had fallen into the hands of his father Xun Yan, and this was recognized by the wealthy Yingchuan gentry. Middleman, can Xun Yan restrain Guo Jia?Don't say that Xun Shao's brain can't turn around, I'm afraid Xun Yan himself can't tell.

"My lord, do you think there are any enemies outside the city? If not, let me go out of the city and close the gate, which will not affect your duty of guarding the city gate." At this time, the night wind was blowing, and Guo Jia was in a state of anxiety, fearing that the Lord would make an attack on this day. The good opportunity of beauty was delayed.

When Xun Shao heard Guo Jia's proposal, he thought it was reasonable, and after some investigation, he opened the gate to the west of the city, and closed the gate again after Guo Jia and his party went out.

The Bocai army was stationed in the north of Changshe City. Guo Jia and Xu Shu led the commoner youths out from the west gate. According to the agreement in advance, ten people formed a team. Guo Jia and Xu Shu each led half of the people. Sneaking past with the Yellow Turban camp.

The conversation was divided into two parts, and the children of the Yingchuan family who returned to the residence got together again, and after discussing for a while, they decided to tie up Guo Jia and send him to Bocai to avoid this innocent disaster.

The sons of the three families headed by Wang, Huang and Li gathered more than 50 people to find Guo Jia's shadow. They searched all over the city tower but couldn't find it. The children of the aristocratic family were shocked, holding torches, they hurried to the county government, but at the gate of the county government, they saw Xun Yan, Chen Qun, and Xi Zhicai.

"Brother Xiu Ruo, something is wrong, Guo Jia and his family have gone to join the Yellow Turban Bandits!"

"Absurd! Bloody mouth." Xi Zhicai was furious, thinking that Guo Jia and Xu Shu led those commoner youths who were only in their early ten years out of the city to kill the enemy, and these dudes only cared about their own lives. Now they not only want to arrest Guo Jia to show favor to the bandits What's even more abominable is that he was accused of being a thief without knowing the truth!

"Hmph!" Xun Yan looked gloomy, completely ignoring this group of children from aristocratic families who were usually supercilious but had no real talent, and walked towards the north of the city with the expressionless Chen Qun and the resentful Xi Zhicai.

When they climbed the tower, Xun Yan and his party felt as if they were struck by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and they were dumbfounded.

On a bright night, the wind blew past the grass and hissed, and the tents standing in the grass were in order.

The flames ignited quietly in an inconspicuous place, at one point, at two points, at three points... the sparks lit up at ten o'clock, but suddenly increased by ten times, the flames soared into the sky, and countless flames flew across the sky , just like a meteor falling, when it fell, it ignited a raging flame, and the ten flames from different directions were like ten mad dragons, rushing up and wreaking havoc away.

Riding on the strong wind, the fire dragon swept across the earth, burning up the vegetation, and the tents ignited into the sky with the wailing of people and the neighing of horses.

That night, the fire in Changsha started a prairie fire instantly, and the flames were raging to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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