Chapter 197 Whimsical
Few of the counselors and generals under the tents of the princes of the world serve the monarch with the grand ideal of helping the world.

If the monarch they are loyal to only wants to stand still and keep the vested achievements, then the counselors and generals are pursuing to preserve the current interests.

If the monarch has ambitions to enter the world, the counselors and generals under his command will pursue extreme interests.

For a counselor like Guo Tu, no one can say that he has evil intentions. If Yuan Shao is defeated and the wall is overthrown, everyone will push him down. As Yuan Shao's counselor, his end will be bleak and desolate. He naturally hopes that Yuan Shao will be as strong as possible.

Conquer Guanzhong, expand the territory, take Liangzhou and Sizhou into the bag, and then unite with Liu Biao to form a pincer attack on Cao Cao. Yuan Shao's unification of the world is just around the corner.

At that time, it will be a matter of course that you will be named a marquis and worship a general, and your family will be prominent.

It's just that things are prioritized and eager for quick success, often haste makes waste.

Yuan Shao is about to unify Hebei, which can be said to swallow the world and penetrate Changhong.

It's okay for Guo Tu to daydream.

Every vassal has such advisers.

It is undeniable that there must be some people under Guo Jia's command who think that after taking Guanzhong, it is no problem to enter the Central Plains and sweep the world.

But counselors who know Guo Jia well will not rush to make rash advances to Guo Jia, that would be asking for trouble.

But Yuan Shao likes to hear compliments from people. He is proud of life, but he needs some voices of praise to show off.

But it is necessary to distinguish the occasion and the severity.

If you are blinded by victory, you will only mislead yourself and others.

At this moment, in Yuan Shao's mind, the idea of ​​attacking Guanzhong had already taken root. What he was worried about was that Cao Cao would be a hindrance, or that Cao Cao's incitement to him had bad intentions.

Yuan Shao even had a very vulgar idea:
In short, you can't listen to what Cao Cao says, just do what you want, whether it's fault-finding or making trouble for no reason, you have to add some chaos to Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao can't get what he wants.

Ju Shou is to assist Yuan Shao sincerely, for Yuan Shao's hegemony, sometimes even do such dangerous things as offending the lord.

"My lord, although Hangu Pass is not far from the southwest of Bingzhou, if my lord wants to send troops to attack Guo Jia in the pass, I will have to mobilize an army from Jizhou to go all the way. It is a heavy burden. My lord has been fighting Gongsun Zan all these years, and the three armies are exhausted and exhausted. At this time, it is not a good opportunity to mobilize troops."

Ju Shou's words are not difficult to understand.

Gongsun Zan hid in Yijing in Youzhou, which is a long way to the northeast of Jizhou, and Guanzhong is not a short distance to the west of Jizhou.

This journey from east to west is a hard job for the soldiers who have been fighting for years, not to mention the escort of food, grass and luggage, which is even more miserable.

In Jushou's view, if Yuan Shao wanted to fight this battle, first of all, his own preparations were insufficient, and he sent troops hastily, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"Although Guo Jia occupies the name of Guanzhong in name, it is not right and wrong, but he is indeed the hero who wiped out Li Jue and Guo Si. He is the hero who killed the rebels for the emperor and the world! My lord, you go to crusade against Guo Jia. Cao Cao is using the name of the Son of Heaven, are you willing to be ordered by Cao Cao?"

There must be a name for fighting. Of course, Cao Cao can use the name of the emperor to order Yuan Shao, and even use Guo Jia to occupy Guanzhong for no reason to make Yuan Shao send troops.

But who else in the world believes in this kind of reason?

If this kind of reason can be regarded as righteousness, is it true that Cao Cao used the name of the emperor to revoke Liu Biao's official position, and if Liu Biao refused, then Cao Cao could attack Liu Biao?
Yuan Shao's beating of Guo Jia was unjust and nameless, and he would even be cast aside by others.

Ju Shou analyzed from the essence of the situation, not only Yuan Shao, but everyone in the hall was lost in thought, Guo Tu was no exception, although he was selfish, he was not a mere profiteer.

Seeing that Yuan Shao calmed down and began to listen attentively, Ju Shou heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that Yuan Shao would send his army west on impulse.

"There is Xiongguan Pass in Guanzhong. Although Guo Jia has less than [-] troops stationed in Guanzhong, he should not be underestimated. As long as he sticks to it and does not fight, he will have to pay a huge price to conquer Hangu Pass. Guo Jia has a favorable location. His help, plus his kindness to the people, has a very good reputation among the people. If Guanzhong is attacked, the people of Guanzhong may become one with Guo Jia. What the lord has to do now is to destroy Gongsun Zan, and then compete in the Central Plains. After the lord defeats Cao Cao, Liu Biao, Yuan Shu and others are nothing to fear. Compete and decide the ownership of the world!"

Jushou's words were passionate, sonorous and powerful, his expression was dignified, and he stared at Yuan Shao with burning eyes.

As troops attacked Guanzhong, the idea of ​​unifying Kanxi gradually disappeared in his heart. Yuan Shao's mind could understand Jushou's analysis.

There was silence in the hall, but the gentle-looking judge suddenly said with a sad face: "My lord, I am worried. If Guo Jia unified the Kansai in advance before the lord swept the Central Plains, then when the lord went south, Guo Jia would take advantage of the fire to rob, or fall down." To side with Cao Cao is not good for the lord."

For the grasp of the future situation, everyone can only infer through guesswork.

When Yuan Shao heard this, his mind became confused.

In the situation before him, Gongsun Zan still had some breath, but Guo Jia had already captured Guanzhong. As long as the initial stage was slowed down, Guo Jia would immediately become stronger.

And if he wants to send his army south, he needs to prepare for a year or two. During this time, if Guo Jia is safe and sound, he will definitely have the strength to decide the situation in the Central Plains before he attacks the Central Plains.

The current Guo Jia can be said to be the second largest prince in the world below Yuan Shao.

"Well, it's not about fighting, and it's not about not fighting. Alas..."

Yuan Shao was angry, worried and angry.

He is also afraid that Guo Jia and Cao Cao will unite. This situation is very delicate. If there are only two parties fighting, it is okay to say, but since Guo Jia took Guanzhong, to the north of the Yangtze River, there are Guo Jia, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao. .

Among the three, Yuan Shao is the strongest. Generally speaking, it should be Cao Cao and Guo Jia who united against Yuan Shao.

However, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were confronting each other head-on, and Guo Jia was still unable to advance eastward for the time being, so he could not pose a threat to Cao Cao, and at the same time, he could not conquer Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao couldn't resist Yuan Shao, who was in full swing, and he was the weakest of the three, so he wanted to provoke Yuan Shao and Guo Jia to fight.

The effect of these remarks made Yuan Shao's idea of ​​attacking Guo Jia revived.

Yuan Shao was afraid that if he rejected Cao Cao this time, the next time, Cao Cao would form an alliance with Guo Jia to deal with him.

However, Yuan Shao kept an eye out.

"I will conceal a letter from Cao Ah today. Hmph, he wants me to fight Guo Jia, and he is watching a play on the sidelines, wishful thinking. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, prepare the army for war!"

Yuan Shao's decision was sudden, and he came to a conclusion without any warning.

Tian Feng and Jushou were astonished.

Didn't I make it clear just now? !
Why is the lord still preparing for battle?


Yuan Shao in Jizhou made a decision after a heated debate during the discussion.

Liu Biao, who was far away in the south, was relaxed.

Jingzhou is the sanctuary that the down-and-out gentry yearns for, and a large number of literati and refined scholars gathered in Xiangyang.

Since taking Jingzhou, Liu Biao rejected Guo Jia, defeated Yuan Shu, killed Sun Jian, blocked Zhang Ji, and fought a series of wonderful defensive battles.

People in the world can say that Liu Biao is a conservative king, but they can't criticize him for lack of ambition.

Because everything Liu Biao did was to abide by his duty.

He is the shepherd of Jingzhou, and he governs the territory honestly.

Who in the world dares to say that he is wrong if he does not expand the territory? !

He appeases the bandits, sweeps them away from thousands of miles away, and makes the people happy.

Compared with those heroes who are constantly expanding their territory, Liu Biao is more at ease.

There is nothing wrong with liking to sing the wind and enjoy the moon in my spare time, looking forward to a romantic life.

In the eyes of scholars, Liu Biao is an elegant pursuit.

It is not unreasonable for them to admire Liu Biao. A literati who can fight is worthy of admiration.

Xiangyang Prefecture Mufu Middle School
Liu Biao was writing Ci Fu, but this leisure time was destroyed by a secret edict.

Also convened counselors to discuss, Liu Biao seemed a little helpless, but not nervous.

Most of the advisers were sneering after reading the secret edict.

Cao Cao is really rude to make the princes with the emperor.

Do you really think of yourself as a prince? !
"Cao Mengde issued this secret edict in the name of the Son of Heaven, saying that Guo Jia occupied Guanzhong without obtaining the edict, and ordered me to send troops to attack Chengdu to attack Guo Jia. Guo Jia has made great achievements in destroying Li Jue and Guo Si, and he must not be attacked. You see, I should use What kind of excuse is there to reject this secret edict?"

Liu Biao is different from Yuan Shao in that Liu Biao has no idea of ​​dominating the world. He was nearly forty years old when he was promoted to Jingzhou Mu, and now he is more than half of forty years old. If he still dreams of unifying the world, it is no wonder that he died unexpectedly There are as many ignorant people as there are stars.

Cao Cao asked Liu Biao to attack Guo Jia as well, but it was only to attack Chengdu. Liu Biao would definitely not want to take on this errand. Now that Jingzhou is safe and sound, Yuan Shu's attention has also shifted to Xuzhou.

Don't offend anyone, and don't offend me.

Liu Biao is the kind of master who doesn't cause trouble, but is not afraid of trouble.

The counselors in the hall were a little bit downhearted.

They are conceited that they are talented, but now they can only help Liu Biao with some low-level ideas.

They are really not interested in such trivial matters as how to refuse Cao Cao.

"Guo Jia entered Guanzhong in the north, and the soldiers and horses in the eastern part of Yizhou did not move at all. Zhou Tai was in Badong, and Zhang Bai was riding in Fuling. , Cao Mengde is whimsical? Could it be that he deliberately made things difficult for the lord?"

Yi Ji shook his head and sighed.

In any case, Yizhou still has [-] soldiers and horses, and Liu Biao also has [-] soldiers, but can Liu Biao go out to fight Yizhou?
Even if Liu Biao wanted to fight, he might not be able to.

After finally living a peaceful life, Liu Biao didn't want his reputation to be ruined.

Taking the initiative to attack Guo Jia is tantamount to making an enemy at the door of the house, not to mention that it is impossible to win, and it is thankless.

(End of this chapter)

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