Chapter 211
Zheng County, Hangu Pass, and Wu Pass are three points in a trio. From the overall situation, Guo Jia is located in Zheng County, which is not only conducive to command and dispatch, but also makes the three points closely linked.

The fly in the ointment is that Zheng County does not have such geographical advantages as Hangu Pass and Wu Pass.

The walls of the small county town are neither high nor thick, and it is not a problem to accommodate Guo Jia's [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, but it definitely does not have any advantage in defending the city.

After leading the army to Zheng County, the first military order issued by Guo Jia was to expand the defense facilities of the county.

If the city wall is not high or strong, then build it.

There is no moat outside the city, it doesn't matter, just dig a horse pit.

The soldiers who had just arrived in Zheng County were very busy, and there was a busy scene inside and outside the city.

The people in the city have temporarily moved to Chang'an for refuge. Guo Jia is staying in the government office in the city. At this time, he is staring intently at the map of Zheng County, Hangu Pass, and Wuguan.

Tang Xiafa was looking at Guo Jia's back, silent, waiting for orders all the time.

"Are all the craftsmen in place?"

Guo Jia asked calmly without turning around.

Upon hearing this, Fazheng replied, "All are in place, under the supervision of General Gao. It is expected that the task of the Lord will be completed within two months."

Guo Jia hummed lightly, and then did not answer.

Not long after, Xu Chu came to the hall with a piece of information. After seeing Guo Jia, he directly presented the urgent report sent by Zhang Liao to Guo Jia.

After taking it, Guo Jia unfolded it for a look, read it and handed it to Fazheng, and fell into deep thought.

Fazheng and Xu Chu were also thoughtful after reading the information.

"Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are attacking Hangu Pass together with great fanfare? Oh, it's a coincidence. If I were Cao Cao, if the big flag was at Hangu Pass, I would definitely send out surprise troops to attack Wuguan. They all raised the banner with Yuan characters to confuse the enemy's sight. Wuguan is in danger, Xu Chu, go and call Gan Ning to me."

Guo Jia is not afraid at all, no matter which general uses troops, it is impossible to present his own strength to the enemy in a down-to-earth manner, whether it is the superficial or the essence, a general will be so little.

Just like Yuan Shao's and Cao Cao's banners are at Hangu Pass, Guo Jia knew that there must be fraud.

It is nothing more than a situation where Hangu Pass was attacked by heavy troops and was in danger, and then Wuguan was taken by surprise.

Although the Four Great Passes in Guanzhong and Wuguan are not as good as Hangu Pass, they are not easily breached in a short while.

After a while, Gan Ning, who was tall and mighty, came to Guo Jia, clasped his fists in salute, and waited for his order.

Of the [-] Jinfan Army, [-] were handed over to Wu Ban and Meng Da to guard against Han Sui and Ma Teng in Fufeng.

Another [-] are pawns, and [-] are silver-feathered flying cavalry.

Whether it is Wuguan or Hanguguan, the terrain is steep in the east and flat in the west.

Since it is not a plain and the roads are not open, there is very little space for the cavalry to play.

"Xingba, you lead your army to reinforce Wuguan immediately, and the Yinling Flying Cavalry stay behind. I will let you take away [-] infantry. Within three days, there will be a large army besieging Wuguan. Half a day before you lead your army to Wuguan, You need to recharge your energy first. After entering Wuguan, the first thing you need to do is to ask Pang Tong if he can send troops to fight first. No matter who the generals who besieged Wuguan, even Cao Cao himself, may not have expected it. I dare to send troops to fight, of course, if Pang Tong objects, then this surprise attack tactic will be abandoned."

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao commanded more than [-] troops to invade Guanzhong, and everyone in the world would probably think that Guo Jia could only be a tortoise at this moment, using the location of the great pass to resist the enemy, and being able to protect himself would be a blessing to God.

Guo Jia wanted to do the opposite. At the beginning of the war, his attitude of fighting or defending did not spread to Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. They must have preconceived that when they came to attack, Guo Jia could only defend. Therefore, the real The ones who could make a surprise attack in the first battle were not Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, but Guo Jia.

When Pang Tong was in Wuguan, he must know more about the enemy's situation than Guo Jia. If Pang Tong did not support this tactic, it would mean that nothing could be done, and Guo Jia would not go his own way. The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. In the future, the situation will be completely different.

Gan Ning took the order and left without the slightest hesitation.

Xiong Dao, who led [-] infantrymen, left Zheng County in high spirits, and hurried towards Wuguan in the southeast.

One and a half days later, Gan Ning led his army to Wuguan, which was less than half a day away, so the soldiers had to rest for half a day before entering Wuguan at Pangwan.

When Pang Tong and Yan Yan saw Gan Ning leading an army to help, they were overjoyed and went out to greet them.

Regardless of washing away the wind and dust, Gan Ning came to the hall wearing armor and directly asked Pang Tong about the situation east of Wuguan.

After Pang Tong and Yan Yan looked at each other, Pang Tong asked in surprise: "The cavalry who delivered the letter rushed to Zheng County early this morning. How did General Gan know that there was an enemy coming from the east of Wuguan? Could it be that he met the messenger on the road? cavalry?"

Gan Ning's face sank like water, he shook his head and said: "Your Majesty guessed two days ago that Wuguan was about to face a big enemy, so he ordered me to lead the army to help, and asked me to ask the military advisor, can I go out to meet the enemy?"

Pang Tong was dumbfounded. In the urgent report he sent to Guo Jia, he was asking for troops to help.

Wuguan is located on a relatively flat highland in the canyon, with the steep Shaoxi Mountain in the north and dangerous points in the south.Guancheng is slightly square.One door is opened in the east and the west, and the volume hole is covered with bricks and stones.The terrain of Guanxi is relatively flat, but only going out of the Guandong, the mountainside twists and turns, the cliffs are high and the valleys are deep, narrow and difficult to walk, so Wuguan was a battleground for ancient military strategists.

At this moment, in the deep valley at the foot of the mountain to the east of Wuguan, there was already a large army gathered, and the word Xiahou was written on the handsome flag, which was obviously Cao Cao's soldiers and horses.

Wuguan has [-] soldiers and horses, led by Yan Yan, and Pang Tong sits in the town. According to Pang Tong, it is easy for the [-] soldiers and horses of Wuguan to defend the city, but now the best opportunity is a surprise attack, so he sent Guo Jia Go to the emergency report, ask for reinforcements, and strive to win the first battle and defeat the enemy's edge.

It's not that Pang Tong can't use the [-] defenders in Wuguan, but that Wuguan can't be lost, and he can't bear the risk. If Wuguan is lost, Hanguguan will be isolated and helpless, and the enemy can drive straight into the Sanfu.

Therefore, whether it is Hangu Pass or Wuguan Pass, the pass city cannot be empty. It is okay to go out for a surprise attack, but it must be ensured that there will be no losses in the pass city after the surprise attack fails. Therefore, the [-] defenders at Wuguan Pass are too stretched for Pang Tong to use. .

What Pang Tong didn't expect was that Guo Jiayuan was able to predict the enemy ahead of him a hundred miles away, and he coincided with him.

"Okay, my lord knows things like a god, and I will win this battle."

Pang Tong couldn't help being overjoyed and a little excited, but his smile froze for a moment, and he asked in a deep voice: "General Gan, you have led the army here, and you have marched in a hurry for days, and the soldiers still have the energy to fight against the enemy. ?"

Even if Cao Jun did not expect Guo Jia to send troops to attack, at least they had an absolute advantage in numbers.

If the army led by Gan Ning had no stamina and could not wipe out the enemy in one go, this surprise attack tactic would be greatly compromised.

Of course, things can be treated differently. If the Jinfan army is tired, then this surprise attack out of the city can only be retreated with one blow. How many enemies can be killed depends on the opponent's adaptability.

Gan Ning smiled when he heard the words, and said calmly: "The lord has already made arrangements. Before entering Wuguan, I ordered the soldiers to rest for half a day. Now they are full of energy and have more than enough strength to kill generals and kill enemies."

A series of joys made Pang Tong speechless. After adding a bit of admiration to Guo Jia, he discussed with Gan Ning and Yan Yan the strategy of going out of the city to rob the camp in the middle of the night.

It was Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan who stationed troops in the deep valley east of Wuguan.

Today is the second day after they arrived with their army. The valley is full of lush grass and trees. They led [-] soldiers and horses to station in the valley. They have been stepping up defense measures for the past two days.

It's a pity that there are few rocks where they set up their troops, and it takes a long time to erect the solid wall outside the camp. It's just the second day, and several camps have been set up, but the outer solid barrier has not yet formed.

In the darkness of night, two brothers Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan stood outside their tents, looking west with their hands behind their backs. You could see the majestic Guancheng of Wuguan standing on a high place.

"If we really fight Wuguan, the casualties will be terrible."

Xia Houyuan expressed his feelings.

The Taiping army waited for work with leisure, Cao Jun was a tired army, the Taiping Army was defending, and Cao Jun was attacking.

There is no way to go on both sides of Wuguan, standing between the roads and condescending, if there is no ingenuity to conquer this majestic pass, the battle loss ratio will be unimaginably huge.

The spring weather was cool and pleasant, Xiahou Dun's face sank like water, without a trace of emotion, but he said indifferently: "My lord has never had any intention of attacking Wuguan from the beginning to the end. I will station troops here to deter Wuguan. After Hangu Pass is broken, it will be easy to take Wuguan. But, hum, even if we attack Wuguan now, 3 people are enough."

Hangu Pass and Wuguan are in a state of turmoil. If one is lost, the other will be in danger, and the defense system in Guanzhong will collapse at the same time.

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan led the army this time, somewhat with a sense of loss and helplessness.

They were full of fighting spirit, but Cao Cao turned a blind eye.

Perhaps most generals believed that victory belonged to the side that survived on the battlefield.

But Cao Cao, or Guo Jia thinks that the one who lives longer is the ultimate winner.

If Cao Cao hadn't urged Yuan Shao to attack Guanzhong today, in his opinion, maybe one and a half years at the earliest, or three years at the latest, Yuan Shao would surely die if he sent his army south.

With today's Guanzhong battle, Cao Cao is sure that his life will be safe for at least three years, and after three to five years, he may have the strength to put Yuan Shao to death.

Only by looking far can we live long.

What Cao Cao thinks and does, there is no need to explain to his subordinates. You are a minister, and you should take care of your ministers. The counselors can guess Cao Cao's thoughts, but they will not reveal them, and they will not publicize them everywhere.

Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun didn't understand why Cao Cao asked them to come, it didn't matter, anyway, they had to come, and they had to carry out the military order, just maintain a posture of confrontation with Wuguan.

(End of this chapter)

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