Chapter 223
Stepping into Hangu Pass, jaws open with mixed feelings.

He should be very excited to capture Hangu Pass, but at the moment he is worried.

Zhang Liao voluntarily withdrew from Hangu Pass instead of running out of troops.

What made Zhang Liao give up his resistance?
Is it because Guo Jia is unwilling to lose troops and lose generals?

Or is there another conspiracy?

Zhang Jaw couldn't figure it out, but there was an unexplainable worry lingering in his heart.

Wen Chou came to Zhang Jaw very excitedly, and with a hearty smile, he cupped his hands and congratulated: "Jun Yi has made such a remarkable achievement, the Lord will definitely reward Jun Yi when he finds out."

Zhang Jai reluctantly spoke a few words of humility, and then saw a soldier under his command strutting forward to report to him.

"General, there are kerosene and coke hidden in the buildings in the pass. If the general did not order his subordinates to carefully investigate the movement in the pass, I am afraid that the enemy's army will catch fire, and our army will be in an unimaginable situation."

Wen Chou was startled, and shouted: "Zhang Liao is so cunning! Set a trap and wait for me."

His complexion softened, Wen Chou smiled at Zhang Jaw again and said, "It's better that Jun Yi has a good plan and checked before entering the customs, otherwise he will fall into Zhang Liao's poisonous plan."

Zhang Jaw looked dazed.


Is this also called a poison trick?

Guo Jia was almost buried in Jingzhou back then, didn't Liu Biao use the flames to burn the city against him?

Could it be that Zhang Liao is really imitating the trap set by Liu Biao in Jingzhou back then?
With this consequence, Dong Shi imitated, did Zhang Liao miss a move and fail?
Zhang Jaw didn't let go of everything, he entered Hangu Pass, he took every step cautiously, in three days, he lost [-] soldiers and horses, Zhang Liao lost [-], now Zhang Liao has [-] left, and he still has [-] soldiers left. There were [-] soldiers and horses entering Hangu Pass, Zhang Jai also let [-] soldiers and horses station outside the pass first, and [-] soldiers and horses entered the pass to investigate first.

The situation at this time is very different from when Guo Jia was calculated in Jingzhou.

At least if there is a fire inside the pass, Zhang Jaw has a way out, enter the pass from the east, and then retreat outside the pass.

"Maybe Zhang Liao did this to delay our army."

Zhang Jaw said softly.

Not long after Zhang Liao withdrew his army, he headed west, the exit was Tongguan, and further west was the Sanfu land where Chang'an was located.

After hearing this, Wen Chou rolled his eyes, moved his heart intentionally, and asked Zhang Jai: "Jun Yi, Zhang Liao hastily withdrew his troops, he must have wanted to garrison Tongguan to stop our army, and now he must be staying to the west of Hangu Pass to set fire to the pass. As for the enemy army in the house, it is better for me to lead the army to chase Zhang Liao overnight and kill him by surprise."

Wen Chou is not inferior to Zhang Jai in essence. Zhang Jai was appointed by Yuan Shao to attack Hangu Pass. Now that Hangu Pass has been obtained and the mission has been completed, Wen Chou can lead the army himself if he wants to pursue the enemy. Unbearable, as long as Wen Chou is successful in killing the enemy, no one will ask whether he was acting under Yuan Shao's order.

Zhang Jak knew that Wen Chou was eager to make contributions at this time, especially after Hangu Pass was breached.

But Zhang Jaw was restless, the joy of conquering Hangu Pass did not fill his heart, instead there was a haze.

Because this strategy of burying fire oil and coke in the pass is too superficial, it is obviously not very good to use it here in Hangu Pass. If Zhang Liao really wants to block his way with fire, he can directly set it on fire when he withdraws his troops.

"General Wen, let's wait until the lord leads the army to Hangu Pass before making a decision. Zhang Liao retreats to the west. I'm afraid Guo Jia will lead his army to help him. General Wen will go after him. If we meet Guo Jia and Zhang Liao's combined army, I'm afraid will come back in vain.”

Wen Chou waved his hands indifferently and said, "If I really meet Guo Jia's army, I will retreat to Hangu Pass."

After all, Wen Chou led [-] soldiers out of the customs and pursued westward without waiting for Zhang Jaw's consent.

In the west, Wen Chou did encounter the Taiping Army. Only 500 archers were lighting fire and wanted to shoot rockets into the pass. A piece of armor is left behind.

Afterwards, Wen Chou ordered a rapid march to pursue Zhang Liao.

In Xiaoshan, Guo Jia once came here one step ahead of Dong Zhuo to set up an ambush. The time difference was that Dong Zhuo traveled westward to entrain millions of people and the emperor's hundred officials. The marching speed was too slow, and Guo Jia's light cavalry with thousands of maneuvers was far more powerful than Dong Zhuo's mighty The wandering army needs to be fast, so it has the upper hand.

Zhang Liao did not follow Guo Jia to set up an ambush to intercept Dong Zhuo at Xiaoshan, but this time, on Jia Xu's suggestion, he left Hangu Pass and headed west, and set up an ambush at Xiaoshan, waiting for the pursuers.

What Jia Xu expected was right, there were indeed pursuers, and just as he told Zhang Liao, it would not be Zhang Jaw, but Wen Chou.

When Wen Chou led [-] troops through the ancient Weihan Road, countless enemy troops suddenly appeared on the mountain. Bows and crossbows were fired at random, the ancient road was narrow, and Zhang Liao's army was condescending. Shooting and killing the pursuers was like slaughtering pigs and dogs. It was not only easy. , and unscrupulously.

On the Weihan Ancient Road in the dark night, screams broke through the sky, one after another.

Wen Chou was lost in the chaos of the army. He wanted to escape but was caught in the army by his own people, unable to advance or retreat.

Standing high in the forest, Zhang Liao asked Jia Xu with no expression on his face, "Military Master, why did you expect that the general who came to pursue him must be Wen Chou?"

In fact, Zhang Liao wanted to open his jaw more.

He and Zhang Jaw are indeed heroes, but they hope to put each other to death on the battlefield. They each have their own masters and different positions. It is their urgent wish to compete on the battlefield.

In the Battle of Hangu Pass, Zhang Liao admitted that Zhang Jaw’s tactics made him helpless, and the situation of the enemy’s strength and our weakness is also irreversible. Zhang Liao should be proud. After all, he lost [-] troops in exchange for more than [-] Yuan’s casualties .

However, he was not reconciled, even though the evacuation of Hangu Pass was a strategy that Guo Jia had already set, and when the time for retreat was ripe, Yuan Jun had to be given a chance to enter the pass.

Jia Xu turned around and stared at Zhang Liao, before saying calmly after a long time: "General, a qualified coach should not be swayed by emotion."

Zhang Liao woke up like a dream, closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, then cupped his hands towards Jia Xu without saying a word.

He shouldn't be determined to win or lose between his persistence and jaw opening. If his obsession is too deep, he will mistake himself and others.

Jia Xu turned his eyes to the scene of the slaughter on the ancient road down the mountain again, and said calmly: "Wen Chou has not made any achievements in conquering Hangu Pass. He is Yuan Shao's favorite general. Zhang Jaw can wait for Yuan Shao to come at Hangu Pass, but Wen Chou can't. He In order to make a contribution, the general withdrew his troops from Hangu Pass. Wen Chou thought that Yuan Jun was about to win a big victory. At this time, the chasing army would be able to fight again and win again, but Zhang Jai could not come. Zhang Jai and Wen Chou had to have one of them stay at Hangu Pass , Hangu Pass is the most important thing for Yuan Shao to sweep through Guanzhong."

Zhang Liao nodded silently.

Generals like Wen Chou are brave but not resourceful, and Zhang Liao has no sense of achievement in killing many people. Among the most famous brave generals, Lu Bu was also defeated by Zhang Liao a few years ago.

When it comes to choosing opponents and assessing their level, Zhang Liao no longer only looks at the bravery of the generals, but also the generals.

The Weihan Ancient Road suddenly became noisy at night, but after two hours, the place returned to tranquility.

Zhang Liao and Jia Xu continued to retreat westward in a calm and orderly manner with their troops, aiming at Tongguan.

Zhang Liao and Jia Xu didn't care how many Yuan Jun died on the Weihan Ancient Road, and whether Wen Chou died here.

From Jia Xu's point of view, Wen Chou's death will anger Yuan Shao, which is beneficial to Guo Jia's strategy.

Anyway, regardless of Wen Chou's life or death, this ambush has achieved the expected goal.

Of the [-] pursuers, only [-] returned to Hangu Pass after being attacked.

Zhang Jai was shocked when he got the news, this time he led the remaining [-] soldiers and horses out.

Since Zhang Liao had already ambushed, there would be no second time. Zhang Jai led all his soldiers and horses to the west to search for Wen Chou.

The more than [-] people who fled back to Hangu Pass were scattered soldiers without a general. Wen Chou was missing, and Zhang Jaw knew something was wrong, so he led his army to look for it.

Wen Chou, the top three generals under Yuan Shao's command!

Live to see people, die to see corpses!
In the darkness of night, at the foot of the quiet Xiaoshan Mountain, people dismounted from their horses and walked with their jaws open. Wherever they passed, corpses filled their eyes. There were no broken limbs or broken arms. The dead had arrows stuck in their bodies. Obviously, they were all shot dead from a long distance. Killed in close combat.

Looking up at the dense scene of Xiaoshan, Zhang Jaw felt more and more ominous.

This is simply a natural cemetery!


A soldier shouted at Zhang Jaw beside the pile of corpses in the distance.

Zhang Jaw walked up with heavy steps, took the torch to illuminate the corpse, and Zhang Jaw closed his eyes in pain.

Wen Chou's body was full of arrows, and the silver light armor did not let Wen Chou die with dignity, but was covered with cuts and bruises.

Zhang Jai was depressed, his mind seemed to be simulating the scene of Wen Chou's death.

The general on horseback, with majestic armor and fluttering cloak, is definitely the most eye-catching target for the enemy.

No matter how powerful a general is, he can't stop a thousand arrows from firing.

Wen Chou is dead.

Die very useless.

He did not kill a single enemy.

A famous general in Hebei was buried on the Weihan Ancient Road.

Zhang Jai stretched out his hands to cover Wen Chou's already dim eyes, but he was unwilling to close them, and personally reached out to pull out one arrow after another from his body.

He and Wen Chou are far from siblings, but they respected each other in the past, and the love of colleagues is accumulated and sprouted over time.

After the 37 arrows were pulled out one by one by Zhang Jaw, Zhang Jaw picked up Wen Chou's body, gnashing his teeth with hatred, his eyes tearing apart.

"Zhang Liao! If I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a human being!"

Zhang Jaw roared loudly.

It doesn't matter whether he and Zhang Liao respect each other or not.

They are hostile.

If Zhang Jai is indifferent to Wen Chou's death, then Zhang Jai is not a real man with love and righteousness.

The opposition of camps is the best source of hatred.

If Zhang Liao were killed by Zhang Jai today, Xu Chu Dianwei, Gan Ning Gao Shun and others under Guo Jia's command who had a close relationship with Zhang Liao would definitely hate Zhang Jai to the bone.

The cloak after removing his armor, this cloak was rewarded by Yuan Shao to Zhang Jai, it is exquisitely crafted and made of fine silk, now, Zhang Jai uses this cloak to wrap Wen Chou's body.

Maybe it should be a horse leather shroud, but Zhang Jai didn't want Wen Chou to be so shabby after his death. Wen Chou liked extravagance all his life, so Zhang Jai made him look decent.

Carrying Wen Chou's body on his back, he returned to Hangu Pass with a sad face.

(End of this chapter)

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