Chapter 252
The courtyard was winding and secluded. Qin Mi walked through the courtyard and the path beside the lush forest, and heard the hearty laughter of Guo Jia Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu from a distance.

He should have been puzzled in his heart, Guo Jia and Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu, under the circumstances of their respective camps, the exchange of courtesy and courtesy should be stopped, as if they were laughing and chatting like this before him, it seems that they have already forgotten their respective identities.

But Qin Mi felt relieved in an instant, his lord was originally an outlier who acted unexpectedly, and it was in line with Guo Jia's usual style to have such a bond with Xun Yu that outsiders could not understand.

Qin Mi came outside the gazebo, bowed to the three of them, and then remained silent. His appearance was enough to explain his intentions, so there was no need to waste words.

It's time for Guo Jia to return to Chengdu.

We stayed in Mount Emei for three days. If it was in the past, Chengdu had Xizhi to sit in town. Qin Mi would not disturb Guo Jia's elegant mood, but now Chengdu obviously needs Guo Jia to hold the line. The accumulated official affairs must be dealt with as soon as possible without delay. .

The three of them chatted happily, but Guo Jia still sighed: "Wen Ruo, I reunited with you after a long time, and I have to say goodbye to the old days, alas, in this troubled world..."

Xun Yu smiled casually, looked at Guo Jia's sentimental expression, and said pointedly: "Hey, Feng Xiao's words are not right. If there were no such troubled times, the three of you and I would probably die of nothing. In troubled times, just at an extraordinary time, countless extraordinary people are born. Although the prosperous age is good, there are many people who follow blindly. Long, it is my generation’s luck that I did not end up in a state of depression.”

Xi Zhicai nodded frequently, and said calmly: "What Wen Ruo said is very close to my heart. Heroes come out of troubled times, and the world is in chaos. It is the common people who suffer. If we have any strengths, we should stand up and help the world. It's a pity that I With a solid body, it is a dream come true to want to carry a three-foot Qingfeng to create a peerless feat."

Xun Yu shook his head with a smile, and said, "There is no need to underestimate one's ambitions. You have to specialize in art. Since ancient times, the combination of civil and military forces has been able to calm chaos and rule the world. Fengxiao's achievements today, I am afraid that many of the unknown credits are due to you."

In front of Guo Jia, Xun Yu did not shy away.

Anyway, Guo Jia doesn't care, these are all the truth, the three of them chatted and never concealed it, even if Guo Jia satirized the gentry corpses and vegetarian meals in front of Xun Yu when he was young, he didn't care what Xun Yu would think when he heard it, smart People don't know their own numbers, they all have self-knowledge.

"It's getting late, Zhicai, Wen Ruo and I are leaving now, you can rest well in Tianshi Palace, when Zuo Ci tells me that you are healthy, I will open the door of Chengdu to welcome you."

This issue is not negotiable. Guo Jia would rather take more of Xi Zhicai's original work by himself, and he does not want Xi Zhicai to return to Chengdu before he fully recovers.

"If I remember correctly, this is Qin Ziying, right?"

Before leaving, Xun Yu cast his eyes on Qin Mi.

Qin Mi was very talented and famous in Yizhou since he was a child. Xun Yu heard of him occasionally but never met him.

At the banquet in Guo Jia's mansion, Xun Yu and Qin Mi met each other, and they just greeted each other superficially. in a carriage.

Now, Xun Yu became interested in Qin Mi.

Qin Mi has a gentle appearance and an elegant temperament.

Even if a person like him walks into a crowd of people, he can't conceal his outstanding light.

Knowing oneself, knowing the enemy and winning every battle, Xun Yu has a general understanding of Yizhou's civil and military affairs.

Just as he set an example for the gentry in the Central Plains by turning to Cao Cao, Qin Mi turned to Guo Jia and set a precedent for the gentry in Yizhou. Although Cao Cao used power to suppress the gentry, he also had a large number of scholars. Guo Jia used the imperial examination to establish a talent selection system for eclectic employment. In terms of function, Xun Yu was naturally more important than Qin Mi.

Xun Yu always pays attention to the intelligence of Yizhou, and even takes priority over the movements of the princes around the Central Plains.

There are some personal emotions in it, and he wants to know Guo Jia's every move.

There was a rebellion in Yizhou before. Before Zhang Baiqi, there was Xu He. That rebellion severely damaged the vitality of Yizhou's gentry and nobles. After that, they fell into a slump and were gradually wiped out by Guo Jia. Among them, Qin Mi's family members were Participated in the rebellion, even the mastermind, the information can be obtained without any difficult means, and the entire Yizhou officialdom is well aware of it, and Guo Jia's softness in the face of that rebellion, many years later, Xun Yu has a guess , maybe Guo Jia just wanted to get Qin Mi's support.

Qin Mi may not be well-known in the Central Plains, but in Yizhou, he is indeed well-known among the scholars. Because of his contribution, the younger generation in Yizhou came to compromise and bow to Guo Jia, and finally assimilated into the political group to which Guo Jia belonged. Among them, this is Qin Mi's value, but Xun Yu really wants to know Qin Mi's personal status in Guo Jia's eyes.

"Has Xun Lingjun heard of my name?"

Qin Mi just asked politely. Wang Zuozhi's Xun Yu is very dazzling. Whether it is his current official position or his ability under Cao Cao, people have to admire him, but Qin Mi will naturally not bow down in front of Xun Yu. Sister, Guo Jia and Xun Yu are friendly, it's a personal relationship, Qin Mi and Xun Yu don't even know each other, there is only camp opposition between them.

The thoughtful Xun Yu heard the indifference in Qin Mi's words, shook his head and didn't want to say anything more. In terms of age, he was much older than Qin Mi, so there was no need to haggle over every detail with the younger generation. Not pushy.

Guo Jia showed a playful smile, and Xun Yu mentioned Qin Mi's name in front of him. Obviously, he became curious about Qin Mi. Interested, Guo Jia naturally did as he wished.

cough cough.

After coughing twice, Guo Jia said to Qin Mi with a smile on his face, "Ziyu, let me ask you a few questions."

Qin Mi was at a loss. Although he and Guo Jia often drank and chatted in private, they had never seen such a conspiratorial smile on Guo Jia's face.

You are the host, you can just ask directly.

Qin Mi pondered in his heart and said cautiously, "Excuse me, my lord."

Guo Jia held back her laughter and cleared her throat with another cough.

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai met each other's eyes, this scene seemed familiar. Once upon a time, when Guo Jia played tricks on those self-proclaimed talents in Yingchuan, didn't he just pretend to be like an enemy?

Qin Mi, I'm in trouble.

The two paid attention to Guo Jia curiously, and they couldn't think of how Guo Jia would make things difficult for Qin Mi, maybe it was just a good-natured joke.

"Ziyu, let me ask you, does the sky have a head?"

Qin Mi looked at Guo Jia nervously, but he didn't expect to hear such a question. He frowned slightly, wondering why Guo Jia asked such a tricky question.

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai on the side also looked thoughtful, they looked at each other and shook their heads, as if they were admiring Guo Jia's way of making things difficult.

Just when the two thought that Qin Mi would be embarrassed, they didn't expect Qin Mi to frown and said calmly, "You have a head."

Guo Jia then asked, "Where is the head?"

Qin Mi replied: "It's in the west. The "Poetry" says: It's the west. Inferred from this, the head is in the west."

This answer made Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu dumbfounded. They didn't expect Qin Mi to give an answer with reason and evidence. On the other hand, Guo Jia didn't look discouraged at the moment, and seemed to be smiling even more.

"Ziyu, let me ask you again, does the sky have ears?"

Qin Mi guessed Guo Jia's intentions, it seemed that he was testing his own talents, and it seemed that he deliberately did all this to Xun Yu.

No matter what the purpose is, Qin Mi must cooperate with Guo Jia.

Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu locked their eyes on Qin Mi, with implicit expectations. The two of them could never think of an answer to such an unpopular and tricky question. They could only hope that Qin Mi would have the vigor to kill Guo Jia.

"The sky is high and the hearing is low. "Poetry" says: "He Ming Jiu Gao, the sound is heard in the sky." How can you hear without ears?"

After Qin Mi finished speaking, she looked at Guo Jia, her eyes seemed to say: My lord, don't ask any more...

But Guo Jia didn't notice his helpless gaze, and continued to ask: "Is there enough in the sky?"

Qin Mi sighed silently, his thoughts were running fast, maybe it was because Guo Jia asked the questions quickly, and the questions were urgent, so he also thought quickly, and there was no gap between the questions and the answers.

"There are feet. "Poetry" says: 'The sky is difficult.' How can you walk without feet?"

"Does heaven have a surname?"

"The last name is Liu."

After saying these two words, Qin Mi's heart tightened suddenly. He is a smart man. Although Guo Jia was a Han official, Guo Jia did many things that overthrew the foundation of the Han Dynasty. Kai Baijia, if Guo Jia can bring peace to the world, it seems that Tian's surname will change... But now, he has to say this, even if Guo Jia wants to hear Tian's surname is Guo, he still has to say that his surname is Liu.

"How do you know it?"

Guo Jia had a half-smile, and spoke softly.

After being silent for a while, Qin Mi said in a low voice, "The Son of Heaven's surname is Liu, so I know him from experience."


"Good! What a quick-witted, knowledgeable and wise Qin Ziying!"

Xun Yu was overjoyed, and was overwhelmed by Qin Mi's fluent performance in answering the questions!

Xi Zhicai also laughed heartily and said, "Ziyu, Ziyu, you really opened my eyes today, you can answer such tricky questions like my lord, in this world, if you talk about eloquence, you must be worthy of being the number one in the world." one."

Qin Mi was ashamed and repeatedly said modestly that she didn't dare to do it.

Seeing Qin Mi's talents, Xun Yu turned his head to look at Guo Jia and said, "Feng Xiao really has a discerning eye."

Guo Jia shrugged, not paying attention.

If you ask these few questions to people who are not familiar with them, they will probably be regarded as deliberately making things difficult. Anyway, Guo Jia is sure that Qin Mi can answer them. Song, ask Peng Yi, the other party will definitely not be able to answer.

Guo Jia didn't ask any more questions, Qin Mi heaved a sigh of relief, raised his hand to wipe away the cold sweat, but retracted it again.

Accompany Guo Jia and Xun Yu to say farewell to Zhicai, it's time for them to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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