The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 269 Three points of conspiracy

Chapter 269
Chen Qun came in a hurry and left in a hurry. When he arrived in Chengdu, he met Guo Jia. After talking about business, he left Cao Cao's two daughters and followed him in a carriage on his way home.

After leaving Chengdu for two hundred miles, Chen Qun's carriage stopped suddenly. There was a carriage that had been parked beside the official road in the wilderness for more than two days.

Man Chong got off the carriage and got into the carriage where Chen Qun was.

At this moment, Chen Qun, who was sitting in the car, was calm and composed, and he was completely different from his panic and nervous expression in front of Guo Jia.

The eyes of the two met, and after giving each other a proper look, Man Chong said softly: "North, middle, south, three matters, only Zhong Yuanchang is left to encourage Han Sui."

Chen Qun raised the corners of his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Han Sui is ambitious. If Ma Chao and Guo Jia really jointly attacked the Central Plains, how could Han Sui be willing to be lonely? The Central Plains War is imminent, and Kansai just wants to reap the benefits. Guo Fengxiao, you are too naive gone."

The two carriages started slowly on the road and returned to the Central Plains.

Cao Xian and Cao Jie are two pawns, but Guo Jia can't face them with an indifferent attitude.

In the backyard of the mansion, Guo Jia and Zhen Jiang looked at the two well-dressed little girls in the corridor. Guo Jin held the bamboo slips and told them stories, but Cao Jie's face was still full of tears and uneasy fear.

The attitudes of the two sisters are also completely different. Cao Xian is a little calm, and Cao Jie has been crying for several days. It seems that because they are living under the fence, even if the children cry, they are silent.

"Husband, is this okay?"

Zhen Jiang was deeply worried. As a mother, she felt sad about what happened to Cao Xian and Cao Jie, and at the same time wanted to be tolerant and accepting of them, but after all, they were Cao Cao's daughters and the daughters of Guo Jia's enemies. Zhen Jiang was afraid of this pair. Girls will affect Guo Jin's future, and Zhen Jiang still can't treat other people's children before his own.

"They are victims of the troubled times. I hope you will treat them equally and don't be prejudiced against them. Ten years later, if they want to marry Jin'er, they can marry. If they don't want to, they can decide for themselves."

Guo Jia hugged Zhen Jiang and sighed.

Even if they are Cao Cao's daughters, their impression of Cao Cao and their affection for the Cao family may not be very deep at this age. Ten years later, when they grow up, they will be free to choose whatever they want, and Guo Jia will not force them. What, this political marriage only needs a symbolic meaning. Cao Cao and Guo Jia have not turned their faces, and the marriage represents the sincerity of the friendship between the two families.

Whether Cao Cao is wishful thinking, and whether Guo Jia will ignore his sincerity, in fact, the two monarchs have answers in their hearts.

Just like Guo Jia's tried and tested strategy of showing weakness, Cao Cao sent Chen Qun to marry in a low voice. Who can deny that this is not a strategy of Cao Cao to paralyze Guo Jia?

The envoys of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao came to visit one after another, with different methods but the same purpose. They all hoped that Guo Jia would sit on the sidelines and not disturb their struggle.

Guo Jia agreed to Yuan Shao and accepted Cao Cao's marriage proposal, but he still had to do the work that should be done.

Jia Xu, who had been idle for more than two years, was suddenly called by Guo Jia to go to the barracks together.

The barracks in Chengdu are where the guards are stationed. The selection criteria for the guards are relatively strict. First of all, there must be no outsiders. Their responsibility is to be responsible for the safety of Chengdu and Shu County, so their families live in Chengdu. The generous treatment offered by Guo Jia is only to let their homes be in Chengdu. Then when Chengdu is in crisis, the combat power of these soldiers will be improved to a higher level, and they will truly protect their homes.

Badong and Hanzhong each have [-] naval divisions, and together with Zhang Yan's [-] troops, Yan Yan has also recruited [-] new troops in Hanzhong in the past two years.

In Guanzhong, Zhang Liao had [-] troops, Gao Shun led [-] soldiers, Xu Chu used to have [-] troops, but now he has [-] soldiers, Dian Wei's tiger guards have also increased to [-], and Yinling Flying Cavalry It was temporarily handed over to Wu Yi to lead. Due to the scarcity of war horses, the supply of war horses in the northwest has been in short supply. Guo Jia has only increased the number of silver-feathered flying cavalry to [-] in two years through various channels.

Guanzhong has 20 soldiers and horses, and Yizhou has [-] soldiers and horses.

Jia Xu accompanied Guo Jia on the sidelines of the barracks. The soldiers were still training hard. Guo Jia sometimes looked at the soldiers and sometimes looked up at the sky, as if he was worried.

"The lord is considering how many soldiers and horses to bring to the Central Plains?"

Jia Xu asked softly.

In fact, Guo Jia had to consider a lot of things at this time, but to fight the Central Plains, how many soldiers and horses he brought was the key. He planned a strategy to win thousands of miles. In fact, the source of confidence was the number of troops and the strength of their combat power.

Guo Jia stopped and turned around, staring at Jia Xu, and asked indifferently: "If I send [-] troops, can we sweep the Central Plains?"

After thinking for a while, Jia Xu said: "How many troops my lord will bring depends on the result of the decisive battle between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. The best time to attack the Central Plains is when the battle is about to settle. As long as one side shows signs of defeat, the lord will be able to attack the Central Plains." At that time, the army marched eastward. Yuan Shaosheng, the lord's [-] soldiers and horses may not be able to do anything. Cao Cao won, his soldiers and horses will not be less, and he has just experienced a big battle, and the morale of the army is exhausted. Wan Jinjun waited for work with ease and could catch Cao Cao by surprise. However, Cao Shengyuan lost, the probability of this outcome..."

Guo Jia wants to control the battle of Guandu, and the target of his eastward march will only be Cao Cao.

Hebei is far away, and the Central Plains is near.

If Yuan Shao is defeated, he will not leave behind.

If Cao Cao is defeated, he fears that he will never stand up.

Guo Jia, who had only 30 soldiers and horses, was considering the number of troops to send. The number of [-] troops was not even comparable to Cao Cao's soldiers and horses.

Therefore, Yuan Shao went south with 70 soldiers and horses. If he defeated Cao Cao, Guo Jia's [-] soldiers and horses would also die.

If Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, there would definitely be many casualties, and the three armies were exhausted after the war, and Guo Jia's [-] elite sweeping the Central Plains would not be exhausting.

Jia Xu had a plan in mind that he wanted to present to Guo Jia, so he said: "My lord, why not take advantage of the opportunity of marrying Cao Cao to form an alliance with Cao Cao. At this time, the lord can change the target and put Cao Cao to death."

This strategy is poisonous, ruthless, and even more despicable!

If this strategy is adopted, Guo Jia will lose his trust in the world and will be scolded countless times.

But as long as he wins the Central Plains, Guo Jia can take advantage of the victory and take Jingzhou and Yangzhou into his pocket within a year. In that case, the world will change hands, and it may not be a bad thing to be a founding king who is scolded for being unfaithful and unrighteous. .

Those who scold Guo Jia will only be Guo Jia's enemies. If the enemies are wiped out, what else is there to worry about?

If Yuan Shao is defeated, if Cao Cao dies, who will Guo Jia, who is in full swing, be afraid of?

Liu Biao?Dying people waiting to die.

Sun Ce?Can the land of six counties compete with half of the country?
Guo Jia never flaunts himself as a benevolent gentleman, he just uses his actions to put a moral coat on himself, it is enough to make people look comfortable and envious, and he will not look forward and backward when it is time to be despicable.

After thinking about Jia Xu's strategy, Guo Jia looked at Jia Xu and asked, "Did Wenhe predict that Cao Cao would lose?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "Yuan is strong and Cao is weak, Yuan Shao has a better chance of winning than Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao has more troops than Cao Cao. I don't think Yuan Shao will win, but I hope my lord can prevent Yuan Shao from winning."

There are many factors for the outcome of the battlefield, and the situation is treacherous and ever-changing. Jia Xu can't guarantee who will win and who will lose, but once Yuan Shao wins, Guo Jia's situation will be precarious.

After swallowing the Central Plains, Yuan Shao is by no means the only one who can compete with Guo Jia in Yizhou and Guanzhong.

In order to prevent this situation from happening and take the initiative to hold fate in his own hands, Guo Jia should take the initiative to guide the development of the situation. This is Jia Xu's opinion.

It is not as simple as dreaming to sit back and watch the success or failure of the fisherman. Guo Jia is planning, but Yuan Shao and Cao Cao just ignore it?
Now that Cao Cao is fighting Yuan Shao, I am afraid that except for the civil and military society that is loyal to Cao Cao and believes that Cao Cao is capable of competing with Yuan Shao, most of the others have a very pessimistic view of Cao Cao's prospects.

Historically, both Guo Jia and Xun Yu supported Cao Cao. Regardless of whether it was the theory of ten victories and ten defeats or four victories and four defeats, the objective analysis of the situation between the enemy and ourselves is the mainstay, but exaggeration must be indispensable to boost morale.

If Cao Cao is defeated, Cao Cao's supporters, civil servants and military generals, even if they surrender to Yuan Shao, may not be able to compare with their status under Cao Cao's command, let alone someone like Xun Yu who firmly believes that Cao Cao can achieve a unified world.

Jia Xu didn't answer but asked instead: "Then why did my lord predict that Cao Cao will win?"

If Guo Jia didn't firmly believe that Cao Cao would win, then he wouldn't just want to bring [-] soldiers and horses to level the Central Plains.

With such a small number of soldiers and horses, even elite soldiers and strong generals, compared with Yuan Shao's 70 soldiers and Cao Cao's nearly 15 troops, can they decide the outcome of the battle?
The premise that the [-] soldiers and horses can play the greatest role must be that Cao Cao wins, regardless of Yuan Shao's life or death, at least Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses withdraw to Hebei, so that Guo Jia's [-] elite troops can occupy the absolute advantage and sweep the Central Plains.

Jia Xu was deeply worried, afraid that Guo Jia guessed wrong this time, and if the war opportunity that Guo Jia had been waiting for for several years passed through his fingertips like this, it would be a pity for the owner, and even affect his life.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at each other for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said relaxedly: "Cao Mengde will win, you don't have to argue with me about this, Wenhe. Cao Mengde didn't take advantage of the right time and place, and the act of massacring the city lost everyone's hearts. It's a conspiracy, although he has few soldiers and horses, people have infinitely underestimated his chances of winning, in my opinion, Cao Mengde should have a five-point chance of winning."

The Wuchao fire that ruled out the outcome of the Guandu battle burned down Yuan Shao's army rations. Before that, the confrontation between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao was actually equal.

And Guo Jiasi thought about it, considering the variables in this war, such as Xu You's vote for Cao, Zhang Jai's betrayal of the master, and Yuan Shao's widowhood and other factors. He felt that the direction of this Guandu battle would not be the same as There are deviations in history, so he believes that Cao Cao will win.

Even without considering these, Guo Jia only has 30 soldiers and horses, and the number of troops he can bring to the Central Plains is very small. If he insists on intervening in the battle between Yuan and Cao when the outcome is not yet decided, I am afraid that he will steal the chicken and lose the rice. fate.

"I hope my lord's prediction is correct."

Jia Xu didn't refute Guo Jia either. Now that Guo Jia had made a decision, he stopped persuading him. His strategy wasn't absolutely sure to succeed, but it was just giving Guo Jia a choice.

In war, three points are strength, three points are manpower, three points are fighting spirit, and one point is God's will.

Guo Jia finally made a decision: "To be on the safe side, I will lead an army of 12 in the Kanto campaign. Yizhou will leave 16, and Guanzhong will leave [-]."

(End of this chapter)

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