Chapter 273
Gu Yong failed to complete what Sun Ce ordered and returned without success.

At least on the surface, he failed to persuade Guo Jia to send troops from Hangu Pass to join Yuan Cao's battle.

Guo Jia put on a posture that he was determined to fight Jingzhou.

No matter how Gu Yong justified what Yuan Shao said about Cao Cao's attack, it should be echoed by the people of the world, but Guo Jia remained unmoved.

At the head of Chengdu city, watching Gu Yong's carriage go away, although Guo Jia didn't let him go back to report to Sun Ce with the good news, at least he was polite and sent him to the gate of the city himself.

The breeze was gentle, the sky was sunny and the sun was warm, and Guo Jia, who stood proudly on the top of the city, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Raising his hand as if trying to pull the receding carriage back to his eyes, Guo Jia closed his eyes and sighed softly, his arms slowly dropped.

"Jiangdong is about to undergo great changes, Sun Bofu, the hero of the overlord, can you escape the fate in history?"

In this year in history, the most sensational event in the Central Plains was undoubtedly Yuan Shao's defeat at Guandu, and after this far-reaching event, the fall of Jiangdong's little overlord Sun Ce, and the young hero Sun Zhongmou officially entered the world stage.

Guo Jia actually appreciates Sun Ce's achievements in these years from the bottom of his heart. It is not easy to develop. Sun Ce's ability to rise bravely after Sun Jian's death instead of being depressed is enough to make Guo Jia admire him. Once upon a time, Guo Jia saw him in Changsha City. The old Sun Ce is just a young man with nothing but bravery and ruthlessness, but Sun Ce, who has grown up rapidly in these years, is definitely an idol-level figure that young people yearn for. The people in Jiangdong love Sun Ce and affectionately call him Sun Lang. His policy of benefiting the people is more about his youthful self-reliance and charisma.

Guo Jia hesitated when he raised his arm earlier, he was considering whether to ask Gu Yong to bring a word to Sun Ce so that Sun Ce could escape the trouble.

In the end, Guo Jia chose to give up and let nature take its course. He was afraid of self-defeating. If his warning was conveyed to Sun Ce, and Sun Ce still failed to escape the fate, would the Sun family plant this hatred on Guo Jia? head?

Huang Quan, who followed Guo Jia and returned to the city, asked with some doubts: "Is the lord really going to attack Liu Biao? Didn't you say last month that you would send troops to the Central Plains?"

Guo Jia turned his head and glanced at Huang Quan playfully. This man is a bit brainy, but it doesn't hurt.

"I hit Liu Biao to tell Gu Yong to tell Sun Ce."

Huang Quan was even more confused, he asked in a low voice: "If my lord is still going to attack the Central Plains, why did you reject Jiang Dong's proposal? Wouldn't it be more likely to win by taking advantage of Jiang Dong's help to reject Yuan Shao together?"

Guo Jia shook his head slightly.

Now everyone in the world believes that Yuan Shao will win and Cao Cao will lose.

When the people on the roadside saw Guo Jia passing by, they voluntarily moved out of the way and stood on both sides to salute Guo Jia.

Guo Jia has long been used to this kind of scene, and he said as he walked, "The battle of the Central Plains should not have too many variables. If Sun Ce wants to intervene, it will be difficult for me to restrain him, but at least I will let him hesitate for a while."

Huang Quan thought for a while, and felt that what Guo Jia said made sense. It is difficult for two heroes to stand side by side. If there is a three-legged trend, the variables will be too great. Guo Jia wants to join the battle between Yuan and Cao. If there is another Sun Ce, the situation will change. Unpredictably complex.

"My lord rejected Jiang Dong's proposal, so wouldn't Sun Ce not respond to Yuan Shao?"

Seeing that the gate of the mansion was close in front of him, Guo Jia stopped, turned around and said to Huang Quan: "I promised Sun Ce, and Sun Ce will be ready to reap the benefits. Now I reject him and tell Gu Yong that I want to fight." Jingzhou, if you were Sun Ce, what would you think when you heard the news? Jingzhou fell, and to the east, whose territory is it?"

Huang Quan suddenly realized that Gu Yong's arrival might also be due to the momentum of Guo Jia's navy on the border of Yizhou and Jingzhou, which made Sun Ce feel the crisis.

If Guo Jia really captured Jingzhou, it would not only restrict the development space of Jiangdong Sun Ce, but even Sun Ce's own safety would be threatened. If Guo Jia was encouraged to send troops from Hangu Pass, it might be that Sun Ce wanted to reap the benefits, or it might be to divert Guo Jia. Jia's attention made Guo Jia dispel his greed for Jingzhou.

In the era when heroes and heroes came together, each sweeping the snow in front of the door would often not end well. Even for the princes who were far away, a small movement would affect the whole body.

It is a feint against Jingzhou, and Guo Jia's real intention is to swallow the Central Plains.

After the siege of Baimajin, Cao Cao spent two months before leading his army to the front line in April.

In order to rescue Liu Yan who was besieged in Baimajin, Cao Cao divided his troops to attack Yanjin County, where Yuan Shao sent troops to defend, in order to lure Yuan Shao to send troops to rescue.

Sure enough, Yuan Shao was fooled and sent heavy troops to Yanjin to rescue.

When Yuan Shao's main force moved to Yanjin to strengthen its defense, Cao Cao suddenly moved his army to rescue Baimajin.

Yan Liang, a famous Hebei general, couldn't hold his breath. Facing Cao Cao's army, he led his army to charge directly. He wanted to defeat Cao Cao in one go, but he was cut off by Guan Yu, who was in Cao's camp, in the first round of the confrontation.

Among the thousands of troops, Yan Liang, the top general under Yuan Shao's account, was suddenly killed in battle.

His death was so unexpected that Guan Yu beheaded him face to face.

Afterwards, the main general was killed, and Yuan Shao's army led by Yan Liang in Baimajin collapsed instantly. Cao Cao calmly and calmly arranged troops to break the siege of Baima, and rescued Liu Yan and the remaining troops.

After Liu Yan's troops merged with Cao Cao, Cao Cao led his troops to retreat westward along the south bank of the Yellow River, and camped in the south of Yanjin to confront Yuan Shao. , Cao Cao was defeated and retreated to Guandu, Yuan Shao stopped. Yuan Shao in Yanjin and Cao Cao in Guandu formed a confrontation and were at a stalemate.

The information in Guo Jia's hands was already sent back quickly by the scouts who were inquiring about the news ahead, but it was still a few days later.

Yan Liang was accidentally beheaded, and he was even ashamed of his reputation as a famous general in Hebei.

This Guo Jia can understand.

Guan Yu was Liu Bei's brother-in-law, and Liu Bei was Yuan Shao's guest at the time. Yan Liang took the lead, and Guan Yu also rode the best. When the two met, Guan Yu swung his knife. Yan Liang might want to say hello, but he ended up decapitated. end of the place.

When the battle between Yuan and Cao was at a stalemate, Guan Yu suddenly bid farewell to Cao Cao and headed for Yuan Shao's camp, seeking to reunite with Liu Bei's brothers.

Cao Cao was betrayed again, but he was aboveboard. He respected Guan Yu as a hero who stood up to heaven and earth. He was not a villain like Liu Bei who attacked Xuzhou. Hou's seal was also left behind.

Cao Cao didn't get in the way, heroes and heroes, due respect, Cao Cao will not be stingy.

Everyone has their own ambitions and cannot be forced. Cao Cao has kindness to Guan Yu, the kindness of not killing, and the kindness of treating generously. Down.

Guan Yu's departure was actually not tortuous. There was no such thing as going through five stages and beheading six generals in the Romance. If you just open the map and look at it, you can understand that Guan Yu's so-called "passing all stages and beheading generals" is a fabrication. The admiration of a hero who has never met but sincerely admires.

Guan Yu abandoned Cao Cao and left, and he may face Cao Cao's painful killer.

Guan Yu went to Yuan Shao's camp to find a reunion with his brothers. He killed Yan Liang, and Yuan Shao was very likely to use another head to pay homage to Yan Liang's dead soul.

The two sides are not happy, and both sides are in danger of death, but Guan Yu still has the duty to embark on this road.

With this kind of friendship without fear of life and death, Guan Yu does not need the myth of riding thousands of miles alone, and does not need the image of a warrior god who has passed the test, and Guo Jia has been respected like a god.

Ninety percent of the people who can sacrifice their lives for the sake of friendship can say it, but they can never do it!
Guo Jia wanted to meet Liu Bei very much. This man who used to be just a weaver of mats and shoes, what kind of demagogic skills did he have that made him follow him so desperately.

Cao Cao confronted Yuan Shao at Guandu. Guo Jia's plan to go north was originally planned in March, but it was delayed again and again because of the transportation of grain and grass. It rained several times in Yizhou this spring, and the roads were muddy. Ning once led the army to repair and expand the Jiange Road, but there are still narrow places that are not easy to pass through, and the grain cannot be transported in the rain. We must be lenient in dealing with it, and the law is not merciful, but Tianwei cannot be ignored.

At the beginning of June, Guo Jia finally completed all the preparations for marching eastward. Before leaving, he had to bid farewell to his family in the mansion.

Every time he leads an army to an expedition, perhaps, there may be no return. Guo Jia cherishes the last moment of reunion with his family, and is also very solemn about the farewell.

In the backyard of the mansion, Guo Jia sat with his family in the gazebo. His two sons sat on his left and right, and his daughter was held in his arms.

"Father, why don't you let the child go?"

Guo Jin couldn't understand Guo Jia's rejection of his proposal to join the army. He already knew that when Guo Jia attacked Guanzhong, he brought Guo Ye to the battlefield.

This time, Guo Jia did not bring her son, Guo Jin, or Guo Ye.

"The battlefield is too dangerous. Stay at home and be filial to your elders. Occasionally coax your sister. I will reward you when I come back."

Guo Jia didn't need to explain, the situation in the battle against Guanzhong was completely different from the situation in the Central Plains today. Even if Guo Jia had made all the preparations, it was still difficult for him to control the overall situation.

Zhen Jiang, Cai Yan, Xiao Qiao, Diao Chan, they forcefully smiled, saying that they were not worried about Guo Jia going to the battlefield, it was absolutely impossible.

Yuan Shao has an army of 70, Cao Cao has an army of tens of thousands, and Guo Jia has only 10,000+ soldiers and horses. With such a disparity in strength, if Guo Jia goes to join Yuan Cao in the battle, he will be killing himself.

"Don't make such an expression that I'm dead, are you crying or laughing?"

Faced with Guo Jia's ridicule, the five girls smiled helplessly and said goodbye to Guo Jia one by one. Apart from the congratulations on triumph, it was nothing more than God's blessing and safety...

When Guo Jia embarked on the journey to the north again, he left Chengdu before him, and a group of people from the south of Chengdu entered the city one step later, and immediately knocked on the door of Qin Mi's house.

(End of this chapter)

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