Chapter 279
To be on the safe side, Yong Kai chose the route to Xuchang to avoid Guo Jia's territory, so he went from the bottom of Berkshire to Jingzhou, and then turned to the northeast to Xuchang. A little more security.

It was a cool autumn day, and Yong Kai sat in the carriage with high spirits, hugging his wife and concubines, sometimes singing songs and reciting poems, he was simply overwhelmed with complacency.

When he was about to enter Jingzhou, his carriage stopped on the mountain road in the wilderness, and his guards ran to his car in panic, shouting in panic: "It's not good! There are troops ahead!"

The smile froze, his face suddenly turned pale, Yong Kai pushed away his wife and concubine, opened the curtain of the car and walked out, looking at the army slowly approaching from a distance, it seemed that there were only a thousand people.

Yong Kai's expression changed, this place is the junction of Jingzhou and Yizhou, and no one can guess which side's soldiers and horses it is.

"Go back, turn back."

Yong Kai's voice was out of tune and he ordered.

But just as they turned the car around, they saw nearly a thousand troops encircling them from behind.

With a pale face, Yong Kai stood tremblingly in front of the carriage, as if waiting for the verdict of fate.

His entourage was only a few hundred, and he didn't have the courage to resist in the face of an army of two thousand.

These guards can handle bandits and thieves, but if they face the regular army, it is impossible to fight back.

Looking at the soldiers of these armies staring at each other, even their expressions and eyes have the aura of devouring people's hearts, and looking at their fully armed appearance, it is definitely not the configuration of an ordinary army.

The expressionless general came on horseback, and the army that surrounded Yong Kai parted ways. The general came to Yong Kai, and did not even look at the guards who knelt down and surrendered their weapons.

"Who are you? What's your last name?"

Gao Shun asked calmly while riding on the horse.

When Yong Kai heard such a question, his mind quickly thought about how to deal with it and how to answer it.

"The villain's surname is Zhang Mingle, and he is a commoner in Yongchang County. Recently, there has been a war and chaos. The villain and his family want to go to relatives in Jingzhou."

Gao Shun had never met Yong Kai before, so he didn't know that the person in front of him was the instigator of the southern rebellion. However, Gao Shun could tell whether Yong Kai's words were true or not.

Ordinary people can have hundreds of guards?
How can ordinary people dress so luxuriously?

Gao Shun didn't make any statement. He rode to the front of the motorcade and opened the curtain with his saber. When he saw the four women huddled together timidly inside, Gao Shun put down the curtain, turned his head and glanced playfully. Eye Yongkai.

Ordinary people can marry so many wives and concubines?

Continue to ride to the back, there are three carts of goods behind the carriage, Gao Shun split the lock on the box with his sword.

Yong Kai watched Gao Shun's movements, forced a smile, but cold sweat kept falling down his cheeks.

Dang bang
The lock was split by Gao Shun, and when he opened the box, the reflected light under the sunlight was extremely dazzling.

Gao Shun turned his head to look at Yong Kai, and said, "It seems that your step must be a big man with a reputation in Yongchang County."

How can an unknown person have a box full of gold, silver and jewelry without making a sound?Underneath it is pressed fine silk and satin made of finely handcrafted materials.

Yong Kai came to Gao Shun's horse in a cold sweat, and said in a low voice with a bit of flattery: "The villain is a businessman in Yongchang, and these are left by the ancestors and accumulated by the villain for more than ten years."

Speaking of this, Yong Kai lowered his voice and said to Gao Shun: "If the general doesn't dislike it, why not leave this carriage to the general and reward the general's brothers."

Gao Shun swung his sword lightly, and the edge of the sword pressed on Yong Kai's shoulder. Yong Kai was so frightened that he fell silent and dared not say another word.

Slowly moving the sword, Yong Kai was pushed aside by Gao Shun like this.

When he came to the carriage behind, Gao Shun opened the box in the same way, and the two boxes behind were also filled with precious treasures such as gold, silver, jewellery, silk and satin.

Turning the horse's head around, Gao Shun looked down at Yong Kai from a high position, and said calmly, "Please go down to Chengdu."

"General, general, I just went to Jingzhou to seek refuge with my relatives, and I did not commit any crime. Please, general, please forgive me. Otherwise, two cars, no, these belongings are all given to the general, which is considered a villain's kindness."

As soon as Yong Kai heard the word Chengdu, he knew that the other party must be Guo Jia's subordinate.

He must not go to Chengdu, and he will definitely die if he goes there.

The general in front of him didn't know him, but in Chengdu at least Qin Mi had dealt with him head-on.

Money and wealth are foreign objects, and it is better to exchange one's life to go back than to lose money and money.

Gao Shun was just doing business, the other party concealed his identity, and Gao Shun didn't think of the other party as any important person.

After Guo Jia returned to Chengdu, he not only sent troops to support Zhang Yan, but also sent Gao Shun to lead the trapped camp to lay a defense line along the border east of Yizhou.

Nanban Meng Huo, Yue Junyi Wang Gao Ding, and Yong Kai are all clowns who are not worth mentioning in Guo Jia's eyes.

In history, Zhuge Liang conquered the southern barbarians with ease. The current Guo Jia is much stronger than the Shu Han in history, and Zhuge Liang was able to capture and release Meng Huo. , did you let him go?

The crowd of 20 can be defeated in the blink of an eye, and after the defeat of the army, many wealthy families in the seven counties in the south must have fled with their families. Guo Jia sent Gao Shun to set up barriers on their way to escape.

Guo Jia doesn't care whether people are dead or alive.

Money and food must be kept.

Destroyed Guo Jia's plan to go out to the Kanto and sweep the Central Plains. Guo Jia didn't need to think deeply to know that only one Meng Huo was not enough to instigate the seven counties to rebel, and those local tyrants were indispensable.

The battle was defeated, and the people who died were ordinary people. For those wealthy families themselves, it was nothing more than a lack of private soldiers to fill their pockets, and they wanted to escape to other places to continue enjoying?How could Guo Jia let them get their wish?
If you flee to the west or south, Guo Jia can't control them, those places are wild, you have to suffer, please feel free, but if you want to go to Jingzhou and Yangzhou, you have to go through Gaoshun first.

He would rather give up all his property than go to Chengdu. Yong Kai is simply not asking for it. Gao Shun, who originally planned to send only a few people to escort Yong Kai, decided to send more people.

"You don't need to say too much, please go to Chengdu."

Gao Shun gave an order, and the soldiers of the trapped camp came up and tied up Yong Kai's five flowers. Yong Kai, who was about to cry but had no tears, kept begging for mercy, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being escorted to Chengdu.

Originally, Gao Shun didn't intend to tie people up and send them to Chengdu, but Yong Kai's behavior was so suspicious that Gao Shun had to treat it with caution.

During this turbulent period, Guo Jia was too lazy to think about whether he would wrong the good people. Anyway, all the wealthy families who were about to escape were brought to Chengdu first. Check, if someone is innocent, it will not be too late to let him go.

The army north of Lushui withdrew for thirty li and set up camp. Meng Huo led an army of one hundred thousand to cross the river.

Gao Ding, the king of Yuejunyi who was behind him, did not lead his army to follow closely.

Now Gao Ding, who also has [-] soldiers, took over the [-] private soldiers left by Yong Kai, instead of going north to join Meng Huo's swords, he withdrew his troops instead.

Meng Huo sent people to question Gao Ding, but Gao Ding turned his people away, and withdrew his troops as before, heading for the depths in the southwest of Yuejun County.

After the news reached Zhang Yan's camp, the generals and Pang Tong were deeply surprised.

"Military division, will there be fraud?"

Wu Yi asked Pang Tong.

Pang Tong sneered and teased, "General Wu still broods over the loss of the Jiange Dao battle?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on his face. Wu Yi would never forget that he guarded the Jiange for Liu Yan back then. Now that he is the enemy, he has to ponder for a long time, for fear of any conspiracy.

This is a good thing. It is better to think more about things than to have a blank mind.

Pang Tong continued: "It seems that there are ambitious people everywhere in the world. King Gaoding of Yi wants to draw a border with his lord in the north and south. Right now, I don't know if Meng Huo will withdraw his troops."

Xu Chu's mood faded, and the 20 enemy troops were reduced to [-] in a blink of an eye. He said in a muffled voice, "These southern barbarians are really popular."

"Hey, why should Zhongkang be so upset? The Yi king, Gao Ding, would not dare to come and beat the lord, but the lord might not spare his life. If my predictions are correct, after defeating the Nanman, the lord will order me to send troops south to subdue him. Seven Counties."

Yan Yan stroked his white beard and said with a smile.

On this point, Yan Yan did not guess wrong. Since Guo Jia's Eastern Expedition was hindered, after returning to Chengdu, the first thing to bear the brunt was to pacify the seven counties in southern Yizhou.

Meng Huo learned that Gao Ding had withdrawn his troops and intended to dominate the seven counties in the south. In comparison, Meng Huo hated the Han officials even more. Perhaps in his view, Gao Ding, the king of Yi, belonged to his own family. How my family fights and makes trouble, outsiders can't control the door behind closed doors, but since the army has already set foot on the road to attack Chengdu, it can't give up halfway.

After losing his temper in the camp, Meng Huo resolutely ordered the whole army to go north.

In terms of military strength, he has [-] troops, which already gave him the confidence to attack Chengdu.

The Nanman elephant opened the way, and Meng Huo rode on it and led his army away majestically.

Just as Meng Huo sent his army northward, among the mountains far to the west of Lushui River, there was an army of no less than a thousand people crossing the mountains and mountains, coming from the north and heading south.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that in the mountains to the east of Lushui, there was also a group of hundreds of people heading north. The leader turned out to be a woman. After dressing up in disguise, the woman in Han Chinese clothes still couldn't hide her exotic aura.

This group of people detoured from the mountain road to Jiangyang County, and then turned to Shu County where Chengdu is located. After entering Shu County, the team of hundreds of people broke up, broke up into pieces, and entered through the city gates around Chengdu in a low-key manner.

After entering the city, the group gathered again and sent people to find out where Neizhou Mu lived in Chengdu.

They thought their actions were airtight and had the effect of deceiving the world, but they didn't know that they were already being watched in the dark when they entered Chengdu in batches.

After listening to his subordinates' report, Xiao Ren said: "Follow them closely and see if anyone in the city is covering or providing assistance for them. Don't startle the enemy until the last moment. If there are their internal support in the city, I will catch them all."

(End of this chapter)

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