The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 28 Sick and Disabled Women

Chapter 28 Sick and Disabled Women

After temporarily staying in the Taishou's Mansion in Changsha, Guo Jia felt more and more that living in the Taishou's Mansion was a kind of torture.

The one who bears the brunt is Sun Ce. The young and energetic little overlord has always had a grudge against him. It is probably because of that slap that made him grieve. When he saw Guo Jia, he always showed anger. Many times, Guo Jia even felt that he had the intention to draw his sword. impulse.

Moreover, the situation in Changsha City is treacherous, and Sun Jian, the Marquis of Wucheng, has only one way to govern Changsha City: Shunchang perishes.He has governed a county before, but can counties be compared with counties?How many wealthy families can there be in the county?It's fine to kill those who disobey, but the gentry in Changsha County are intricate, and Sun Jian wields a butcher's knife to want them to obey, which is simply whimsical.

Sun Jian now has Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Zu Mao, Huang Gai and his son Sun Ce under his command, so there are quite a few fierce generals, so Marquis Wu Cheng's victory in suppressing the rebellion in Jingzhou was accomplished in an instant, but he has no one who is good at internal politics. Talents, many things are taken for granted, and Sun Jian may not be clear about right and wrong. He follows the cat and draws the tiger, and he learns what other counties do, but other counties don’t kill nobles. Open, the gentry below are naturally at odds with him, duplicity.

In the past few days, Sun Jian also deeply felt that his people in Changsha County were against him, so he came to Guo Jia frequently to ask advice. Now the only person around him who can offer advice is Guo Jia.

"General, you can't kill me anymore. If you continue to kill, I'm afraid you'll have to go back to Jiangdong." Guo Jia sighed slightly. It was driven out by the Jiangdong gentry.

When Sun Jian was domineering in Jiangdong, many gentry were unwilling to be humiliated, so they jointly bribed the court and promoted Sun Jian, but they were transferred out of Jiangdong.

It is conceivable that if Sun Jian returned to Jiangdong in despair, it would definitely not be flowers and applause from Jiangdong's elders to greet him.

Guo Jiazhong's words were harsh, but Sun Jian couldn't stand it. He said angrily, "How can a man be controlled by others when he stands up to the sky? These noble clans are against me everywhere. If I give in and back down, they will definitely make progress!"

"General, a man is not only upright, but also able to bend and stretch. Alas, that's all, I, Guo Jia, have little talent and little knowledge, so I can't solve the general's confusion."

After Sun Jian left, Guo Jia stood in the courtyard with his eyes closed.

Kill it, when the entire Jingxiang family turns against you, Sun Jian, you may wake up, but at that time, you have nowhere to go and can only rely on Yuan Shu.

A person came out from another guest room in the courtyard, it was Gan Ning, he came to Guo Jia, sighed slightly and said, "Feng Xiao, when are you leaving?"

Guo Jia was taken aback, and asked back: "Xingba, these few days you have frequently followed Wu Chenghou to the school grounds to watch his soldiers manage the army. I thought you had made up your mind and planned to serve Wu Chenghou."

Gan Ning's original intention was indeed so, but after these few days, he deeply felt that he might be able to be reused by Sun Jian's side and show his talents, but in his eyes Sun Jian was a hero, but not a hero.

"Wu Chenghou is good at governing the army, and I admire him deeply, but Wu Chenghou has no way to govern the land. He is superior in military strategy and insufficient in culture. Following him is not a long-term solution. I often think that it is because I am the same kind of person as Wu Chenghou." Therefore, there is no future for following him. The one who can calm the troubled world must be the master of both wisdom and courage. A certain decision has been made, but when Feng Xiao leaves, let's leave."

In fact, Guo Jia had long intended to leave, and just when he was about to say goodbye to Sun Jian, Xiao Ren came to him and handed him an invitation.

Guo Jia opened the bamboo slips for a look, closed them after reading them, weighed them and said to Gan Ning, "Sima Hui, a well-known scholar from Jingxiang, invited me to visit Shuijing Villa. Is Xingba interested in going with me?"

Gan Ning shook his head and said, "You are the one who invited me, so I won't go. Even though I study hard day and night, I still look down on those sour and rotten celebrities."

He didn't want to go, and Guo Jia didn't want to be difficult, so he took a fast horse and took Xiao Ren to Xiangyang.

Shuijing Villa is backed by Yuxi Mountain, surrounded by mountains, next to Yishui, with gurgling springs, like a paradise on earth, a fairyland on earth.

When he led his horse into Shuijing Mountain Villa, Guo Jia saw someone playing chess with chess pieces at the stone table in the courtyard, someone playing the piano and playing music in the gazebo, and someone drinking wine in front of the main hall of the villa.

Celebrities from Jingxiang, so this is what the celebrities did?The world is in turmoil, and talented people full of knowledge hide in the mountains and forests, singing the wind and playing the moon, playing the piano and playing chess...

Guo Jia was disdainful in his heart, but he had a gentle smile on his surface. After the guard boy of Shuijing Villa led the horse away, he strode into the room. Beside the door stood a refined and modest middle-aged man. Fifty more.

"Yingchuan Guo Jia, I was invited to visit Mr. Shui Jing."

The old man brought Guo Jia into the hall, and smiled as he walked, "Hehe, Fengxiao, please come in, Ziyu, Chengyan, this is Yingchuan's young grandpa, Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao."

There were also two middle-aged people in the hall. Guo Jia saw that they were all handsome and imposing, but he didn't expect that one was Pang Degong and the other was Huang Chengyan.

Greeting the two elders without being humble or overbearing, Guo Jia was ushered into the guest table, and the wine was boiled over a warm fire in the corner by the door, and the mellow fragrance permeated the room. This Shuijing Villa is indeed a paradise for seclusion.

Through a brief introduction, Guo Jia knew that there were quite a few celebrities in the Shuijing Villa.

The two playing chess outside the door were Shi Tao, Shi Guangyuan, and Meng Jian and Meng Gongwei, officials of the Cao Wei Dynasty in the future. The rest were mostly scholars who had taken refuge from the north and local celebrities in Jingxiang.

"Feng Xiao, you and I are from the same hometown, but I never expected to meet in Jingzhou. The world is impermanent, but there is a destiny." Sima Hui sat on the main seat, with a peaceful smile on his face.

Guo Jia actually knew Sima Hui very early. Among the famous scholars in Yingchuan, Sima Hui was not weak. It's true that people are fellow villagers, but they just don't know each other when they meet, and they have nothing to do with each other.Later, when the Taiping Road was in chaos, Sima Hui and many other famous people from Yingchuan went south to Jingxiang to take refuge. When Guo Jia really became famous all over the world, he also missed the opportunity to get acquainted with Sima Hui.

Guo Jia, who had no regrets in his heart, said calmly: "I am a latecomer, and the Yingchuan gentry often hate Jia for being arrogant and conceited. It is rare for Mr. Shui Jing to think highly of him, and Jia is ashamed."

Huang Chengyan and Pang Degong, who had been paying attention to Guo Jia, smiled at each other and shook their heads slightly.

Then the hall began to talk about it, Sima Hui, Huang Chengyan, and Pang Degong each expressed their views, especially Sima Hui talked about the past and the present, and his words were free and easy, which made the listeners feel calm and respectful.

The three elders are very eloquent and knowledgeable. They talked about current events to the point. Guo Jia was also inspired by listening, but so what?
You guys who are full of knowledge and knowledge are willing to be hermits. Does it help to talk about the world?Can a common people be saved?Can you call the emperor wise?Can it be said that eunuchs and relatives do not fight for power and profit?Can it be said that the gentry in the world put the people first?
In Guo Jia's view, talking about the world here is just nonsense, and saying right and wrong is just scratching the surface, which is of no help to the situation of the world.

"Taiping Dao gathered a crowd to rebel, and the people in the Central Plains were devastated. Zhang Jiao was a disaster for the whole world." Pang Degong, the leader of the Jingxiang family, made a statement that Guo Jia couldn't accept.

With a cold snort, Guo Jia put down his teacup and said with a sneer, "If the people live and work in peace and contentment, even if Zhang Jiao is a god descending to earth, how can he confuse half of the people in the country?"

Although the Yellow Turban Uprising did make people's lives more miserable, Guo Jia did not think that the Yellow Turban Uprising was wrong. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Regardless of the ambitious people killing here and there, they only hope that hard work can be exchanged for food for their hunger, and no one will put themselves in danger unless it is a last resort.

"Huh? Then as you said, Zhang Jiao's rebellion was not only wrong, but it's a pity that the world failed?" Pang Degong did not refute Guo Jia, but Huang Chengyan spoke for his friend.

Guo Jia sneered and said: "There is no way to tyranny the Qin Dynasty, and the grass and grass in the world will gather people to attack it. In a few years, Qin will perish."

This remark is heartbreaking!

Sima Hui, Duke Pang De, and Huang Chengyan all looked shocked.

Lord Pang De said in a deep voice: "Now that the Yellow Turban has been flattened and there is no war in the world, I just need to work hard, and we will be revived in a short time."

Guo Jia, who raised his head and laughed, finally saw clearly the faces of these so-called famous people, Zhongxing Dahan?The situation has developed to this day, and the great man is only one step away from existing in name only.

Seeing Guo Jia laughing wildly, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Huang Chengyan couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded: "Guo Jia, why are you laughing? Did Brother Ziyu say something wrong?"

Guo Jiazhi smiled and said disdainfully: "Although the Taiping Dao was defeated, it has already shaken the foundation of the great man. You only saw how Tyranny Qin fell, but you didn't see how Zhou Tianzi lost the country!"

The Qin Dynasty was overthrown by the peasant uprising, but Zhou Tianzi was ruled by princes.

Sima Hui, Pang Degong, and Huang Chengyan are all talented people, so they naturally understand the deep meaning of Guo Jia's words.

Immediately, Pang Degong said in a serious manner: "Fengxiao's words awakened the dreamer. The current situation is indeed like the emperor of Zhou enfeoffing the princes. If the emperor can wake up in time, the situation can still be controlled. If it takes a long time, the great man will be in danger."

Guo Jia lazily stood up and bowed to the three of them, shaking his head and said: "Now the power is held by the sick, disabled and women. The big man is not in danger, but will die sooner or later. Jia thanked Mr. Guo Shuijing for his kindness. take leave."

Turning around gracefully, Guo Jia couldn't see the angry and shocked expressions on the faces of the three celebrities behind him.

The sick refer to Emperor Han Ling who has been ill for a long time, the disabled refer to eunuchs, and the women refer to He Hou who is involved in politics.

In fact, Guo Jia still saved some face for these big Han celebrities. I really want to say it harshly, that is, once the Han Ling Emperor is buried, then the Han court will be widows, orphans and disabled people to rule the world!

Can the country be handed over to these people to govern?The big man is not dead, the law of heaven will not tolerate it.

And this time as a guest at Shuijing Mountain Villa, Guo Jia has gained a little bit. After listening to a political class, he can also figure out the attitude of these Jingxiang celebrities.

As for Sima Hui's two great apprentices in the future, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, who are still children, Guo Jia has no interest in meeting them at all.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, whoever wins one can rest in peace.

If Guo Jia doesn't believe this kind of nonsense, leave it to Liu Huangshu Xing Liu Anhan.

(End of this chapter)

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