Chapter 289
Around Guo Jia, there are still many people who believe that the truth of this world exists in poetry and etiquette.

When Guo Jia withdrew his troops from Guanzhong and returned to Chengdu, some officials suggested that Guo Jia send someone to negotiate with the south, and explain to Meng Huo, the leader and vanguard, that it was Yong Kai who was behind the instigation, not Guo Jia's intention to force the south.

Guo Jia did not adopt the strategy suggested by a large number of people only on the surface, and he simply dismissed it in his heart.

He even found it ridiculous.

Could it be that if an envoy was sent to explain to Meng Huo calmly, Meng Huo would suddenly realize that he dropped his weapon, and then came to Chengdu to sing "Hallelujah" with Guo Jia?

Truth is in the hands of the powerful.

Now, Guo Jia has the image of a winner, and what he says is the truth.

Leaving aside the intention to surrender to the south before, it was Yong Kai's obstruction that led to the current situation of fighting between the north and the south. At present, Guo Jia's army is playing triumphant songs, and the people in the south have only one way to go.

The south was originally Guo Jia's territory. This time, for the south, it was not a matter of courtesy before soldiers. Instead, Guo Jia reversed the order. In fact, he only needs to implement his plan step by step, and he can't stop someone from making trouble. He can lift the butcher's knife once and then he can lift it a second time.

The elders of the southern barbarian tribes who were hijacked to Chengdu were sent away with great fanfare by Guo Jia. Guo Jia needed them to convey his goodwill. In this way, Gao Ding, the king of Yue Junyi, would be helpless if he wanted to call on the people to resist Guo Jia.

A month later, Meng Huo sent his people back to the south, only to return again.

This time the interview with Meng Huo was very formal, all civil and military officials from Chengdu were present, and Guo Jia sat in the chair and looked at Meng Huo, who was hesitant to speak, amusedly.

"Meng Huo, what else do you want? You might as well say it boldly, I won't be stingy if I can satisfy it."

After Meng Huo bowed his head in silence for a long time, under the curious eyes of everyone, Meng Huo suddenly knelt down in the hall and said to Guo Jia: "Please take me in, I want to join the army and serve you under the command of the envoy. "

If the south is subordinated, Guo Jia will not allow private armed forces to appear in his territory. Whether you are the leader of the tribe or the king elected by the people, Guo Jia will not tolerate the existence of military forces that are out of control.

After thinking for a while, Guo Jia turned his gaze to Qin Mi, and said, "Ziyu, I have a mission for you. You accept this person for now and teach him the truth when you have time."

Qin Mi was very surprised, but stepped out and calmly accepted the job.

Meng Huo stared at Qin Mi suspiciously for a while, then turned his head and asked Guo Jia, "Master, is this person hiding something?"

Guo Jia replied, "You can kill ten of them with one hand."

When Meng Huo heard this, he became even more confused.

"Then why is the envoy? What can I learn from him?"

Guo Jia said indifferently: "Meng Huo, remember, you have a strong fist, but no wise mind. This time, you are to blame for the disaster in the south. If you are a person who is meticulous in thinking and planning before acting, you will not easily Instigated by Yong Kai. Regardless of strength, if you use it for good, you will be righteous, and if you use it for evil, you will be evil. If you want to work for me, you must not just be an impulsive and violent man who acts without thinking. Wise man, how much you can learn from him is your blessing."

After thinking seriously, Meng Huo came to Qin Mi and bowed to him, and Qin Mi calmly returned the bow.

Just as Meng Huo was about to step back, he turned his head and said to Guo Jia: "Your Majesty, the children of my clan are willing to follow you with me. I wonder if your Majesty will accept it?"

Guo Jia did not agree to this matter, but said: "This matter will be discussed after Gaoding is eliminated. Right now, I don't have any extra money and food to support the new army. If the weather is good in the coming year, there will be no resistance to expanding a new army." would be too big."

After Meng Huo left, there was a moment of silence in the hall.

Guo Jia put on a serious look and asked softly, "How is the situation in Kanto?"

Several months after the Battle of Guandu came to an end, Guo Jia finally brought up this topic again.

Fei Shi went out and replied: "Yuan Shao fled back to Hebei after his defeat. He couldn't afford to be ill. His three sons are in charge of Hebei territory. According to the news from Hebei, it seems that Yuan Shao's civil and military forces have great differences on the matter of establishing an heir. After Cao Cao withdrew his army and returned to Xuchang, he began to recuperate. He did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. In terms of military strength, Yuan Shao was still several times stronger than Cao Cao. Liu Biao also withdrew after his lord ordered the navy to withdraw. Liu Bei, who fled to Jingzhou, was sent to Xinye by Liu Biao Stationed. Sun Quan, the young master of Jiangdong, stabilized the situation and promoted a lot of talents, and Jiangdong was calm after Sun Ce's death."

Close your eyes and fall into deep thought, Guo Jia is considering the strategy after unifying Kansai.

The Battle of Guandu was a turning point in the fate of the Yuan and Cao families, but Yuan Shao did not withdraw from the stage of history when he was defeated, and Cao Cao did not win and instantly rule the North.

It is difficult to estimate how many soldiers Yuan Shao lost at Guandu. He died in the battle and was killed by Cao Cao 20. According to preliminary estimates, Yuan Shao lost nearly [-] soldiers at Guandu.

Guandu was defeated, Yuan Shao's troops were not completely wiped out, but they were already seriously injured. After he fell ill, he fell into a slump, and his ambition to win the Central Plains had been shattered. What made the Yuan family worse was the three sons vying for the throne. Entering the white-hot stage, the terminally ill Yuan Shao has been unable to control the overall situation.

Guo Jia predicted that in the next long period of time, Cao Cao would make two-handed preparations. On the one hand, he would keep an eye on him who lived in Kansai, and on the other hand, he would wait to take over the territories in the north.

But it doesn't matter, Guo Jia has decided to take it slow and steady.

The next step after flattening the South is to conquer the Northwest, and then properly manage the acquired territory. This will take at least five years. During the same period, Cao Cao may be able to take all of Hebei into his pocket, and the two major forces in the Kanto and Kansai will rise at the same time. It indicates that the future confrontation will be more intense.

Walking in the backyard of the mansion, Guo Jia took the hands of the two sons. Before parting, Guo Jia suddenly asked: "Ye'er, Jin'er, do you know why Cao Cao didn't attack Hebei?"

Yuan is strong and Cao is weak, this is the strength comparison before Guandu.

After Guan Du, it seemed that Yuan Qiang and Cao Ruo were still the same.

However, Yuan Shao's morale has been beaten. Hebei's soldiers from top to bottom are dismayed when they hear Cao Cao. The [-] prisoners who were killed are already the nightmare of everyone in Hebei. Therefore, Cao Cao's beating Yuan Shao, in addition to the burden of food and grass, There are hardly any concerns.

The two sons fell into deep thought. Guo Jia let go of their hands and said with a smile: "Think about this question slowly. Perhaps, after ten years, you will really understand the meaning of this."

Brothers fought against each other, causing trouble to Xiaoqiang. Cao Cao did not attack Hebei because he wanted to capture him. If he attacked, the Yuan brothers would fight together.

Guo Jia hoped that the two sons could understand a truth that has never changed: brothers are of one heart, and their profits cut through gold.

The Yuan family is heading towards ruin step by step. The red sun in the north is falling, but a new star is quietly rising in the south.

The exact opposite of the Yuan family is the Sun family. After Sun Ce died, Sun Quan came to power, and the whole Sun family worked together to protect Jiangdong. If the Yuan brothers could have the demeanor of the Sun family, even if the mighty Yuan Shao died, he would be able to rest in peace.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the bathroom was full of mist, and Guo Jia felt very comfortable soaking in the warm pool water.

Someone posted it from behind, and Guo Jia knew who it was even with his eyes closed.

"It's an old couple, are you still playing with the flirtations of ten years ago?"

Guo Jia is not the only one in the pool, his wives and concubines are all there. In fact, he also wants to indulge, but when he thinks of the fate of the founder of Jiuchi Meat Forest, he shudders.

Zhen Jiang, Xiao Qiao, and Diao Chan looked at Cai Yan who was teased by Guo Jia.

Cai Yan, who hugged Guo Jia from behind without any clothes on, slid close to his body and slid in front of him, pretending to be sad and said: "Could it be that the husband despises the concubine's old age?"

Cai Yan, who has long since faded from her young and girlish demeanor, is now at the time when she is full of mature charm. Guo Jia lifted her chin, and the other hand restlessly went around her back and hips, and put it in front of her eyes, mysteriously Said: "Daughter-in-law, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I prefer mature women. Compared with you ten years ago, your allure is simply incomparable."

With Guo Jia's waist sandwiched between her legs, Cai Yan once again showed a shy rosy face, and whispered softly in Guo Jia's ear: "The concubine finally understands why my husband has been delaying accepting the sisters of the Qiao family as concubines. The fruit is not ripe."

"The concubine has forgotten the business."

Cai Yan patted his forehead, his skin was rosy, and suppressed the beating and restless mood, Cai Yan looked at Guo Jia and said seriously: "Ye'er is not young, and many people have come to visit my concubine recently. Ye'er is the matchmaker. It's up to the husband to make up his mind on this matter."

Guo Jia was taken aback, and turned around beside Cai Yan with his back to the pool. The three women who had been watching them not far away thought that Guo Jia would put on a good show with Cai Yan, but they suddenly died down.

"Yes, Ye'er is not young anymore."

In terms of real age, Guo Ye is 13 years old after the new year, and the ancients are one year older, he is 14 years old.

It may be fine for a 14-year-old child to be placed in an ordinary family, but in a high-ranking family, it is normal for a fourteen-year-old to get married and start a family.

"Does Ye'er have someone in mind?"

Guo Jia asked suddenly.

He's not kidding, even if he judges others by himself, Guo Jia had a crush on someone when he was twelve or thirteen years old in his last life. This age is when the love begins, and Guo Jia naturally doesn't pretend to be a moralist and think it's immoral.

"Probably not, I've never heard him mention any girl."

Cai Yan is not very sure, as the child grows up, he hides all the thoughts in his heart. Even if the parents are strict, they may not be able to understand all the children's thoughts.

"Then ask him what he thinks first. If he has no idea, you can handle it for him."

(End of this chapter)

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