The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 293 It's Jingzhou Again

Chapter 293 It's Jingzhou Again
Guo Ye wanted to enlist in the army, but Guo Jia didn't agree to it outright, nor did he refuse, he just replied with a few days of consideration.

Regardless of the origin of the heroes, there are many famous generals and celebrities who soar into the sky and become famous in the wild, but Guo Jia still thinks that Guo Ye is too young.

Fortunately, except for the crusade against Gao Ding, there is no war under Guo Jia's rule, and even if Guo Ye joins the army, he will not report today, but go to the front tomorrow.

Guo Jia's consideration is only whether it is necessary for Guo Ye to serve as a soldier. If he only endures hardships in the barracks, it seems to be a big deal.

Guo Yu's full moon wine was very extravagant, and all the civil and military personnel from Chengdu were present, and the guests enjoyed themselves.

After the full moon, Guo Jia took Da Qiao's mother and son to Mount Emei, first to go to the Tianshi Palace to fulfill a wish, and second to ask Guo Yu for a peace talisman.

Over the years, Tianshi Palace has gained a good reputation, and the surrounding people will come to Tianshi Palace to pray for gods and blessings. If wealthy families want to drive away evil spirits and avoid evil, they will also invite Taoist priests from Tianshi Palace to perform deeds.

The Buddhist disciples that Guo Jia drove out of the country ten years ago would occasionally run back to preach without opening their eyes. Guo Jia didn’t like the bald donkey. Prisoners do hard labor together, repairing water conservancy and roads, etc.

This time when he went to Mount Emei, Guo Jia specially called Jia Xu.

He shared a carriage with Jia Xu, and his family was in another carriage.

"Wenhe, Ye'er wants to go to the army for training, what do you think?"

The wobbly Guo Jia was sitting by the window. He took Jia Xu with him to ask Jia Xu’s opinion. Although knowing a son is like a father, Jia Xu has taught Guo Ye by precepts and deeds over the years. Next, let alone Jia Xu is Guo Ye's teacher, asking his opinion is at least a reference material.

Guo Ye wanted to join the army, but Jia Xu didn't know about it. After stroking his beard, Jia Xu thought for a while and then smiled lightly: "Master Ye seems to have a long-term vision."

When Guo Jia heard it, he stared at it for a moment and thought for a while, then smiled, and said, "This kid really thinks far enough."

The Taiping Army's war in the south was in full swing, and it was impossible for Guo Ye to join the army to be sent to the southern battlefield, but now he wanted to join the army, mostly because he hoped that he could play a role in Guo Jia's conquest of the northwest.

Ordinary martial arts practice is completely different from serving as a soldier in the military camp. Serving as a soldier is definitely not just relying on force, military formation exercises, orders and prohibitions, all aspects are limited by regulations. Integrate into the army and prepare for Guo Jia's war to conquer the Northwest a few years later.

Marching and fighting is a matter of life and death. No matter how strong the theoretical knowledge is, it is just talking on paper. If you don't really experience it, you have no right to speak.

What Jia Xu appreciates about Guo Ye is that Guo Ye is down-to-earth and focuses on practice rather than empty talk. If he wants to go to war, he must first show the posture of a soldier, and he will not ask Guo Jia for an extraordinary appointment because of his status.

"What do you want, my lord?"

Jia Xu didn't make it clear whether he supported it or not, but instead asked Guo Jia.

After pondering for a while, Guo Jia said: "If Jin'er spoke, I would think he was flashy and wanted to impress the public, and I would definitely not agree. But Ye'er volunteered, so I can't make a decision. Wenhe, I think a person should He can display his talents on the stage that is most suitable for him, but after so many years, I still haven't found out what position Ye'er should be placed in, or in other words, I can't see which path he should take in the future."

In the future, Guo Ye will be literary or martial, and Guo Jia can't see through it. To put it bluntly, he is not outstanding in essays, and he is not outstanding in martial arts. It seems to be mediocre, but in fact he is better than ordinary people. .

Jia Xu said with a smile: "My lord is a little impatient, Mr. Ye is still young, you might as well give him more time, it is a good thing that he wants to join the army, it is better than staying at home and stick to the rules, it is also time for Mr. Ye to really open his eyes, see Take a look at the outside world."

Guo Jia nodded, thinking it made sense.

Rejecting Guo Ye's proposal is nothing more than letting him live an unchanging life and go to the military camp to suffer. If he is qualified, he will consider whether to let him go to the battlefield in the future.

Guo Jia, who was leaning on the carriage, looked up with his chin raised, and suddenly asked leisurely: "Wenhe, Yuan Shaoyi can't get sick, his body and mind sink, and he fears that he will die soon. Within five years, Cao Cao will unify the Central Plains and Hebei, and at the same time, I also want to take the Northwest, the South, the whole of Yizhou and even Kansai into my pocket, the confrontation between Kanto and Kansai is intensifying, if that happens, who should be my first target?"

Guo Jia didn't catch up with the battle of Guandu. Zhang Yan had been in Yizhou all along to guard against the Nanman. If he came 20 or [-], it could be easily resolved, but the overwhelming force of [-] came. As a result, Guo Jia had to withdraw his troops, and the situation in the northwest was also under Guo Jia's control. When he was about to send troops to the east, Yan Yan was left behind in Guanzhong to lead [-] soldiers and horses, just to guard against Han Sui.

In the end, Han Sui stepped into Ma Chao's territory. After Ma Chao led his army back, Han Sui immediately withdrew his troops, and the two families reconciled.

This is irrelevant, Han Sui is capricious, how can Ma Chao's newborn calf fight against an old fox like a professional rebel.

After flattening the south and resting for a period of time, Guo Jia will start planning for the northwest. Whether it is Ma Chao or Han Sui, he doesn't pay attention to it. It is only a matter of time before he unifies Kansai.

The question Guo Jia is thinking now is whether his strategic center of gravity should be in the south or in the north after conquering the northwest.

In the south, he wanted to fight Jingzhou, and Liu Biao had 20 troops in Jingzhou. If Guo Jia had less than 50 troops, he might marry someone else if he went to fight Jingzhou.

In the north, it means a direct confrontation with Cao Cao. The two great heroes of the East and the West will compete first. Either you die or I die.

After the swaying carriage fell into a brief silence, Jia Xu said, "If Cao Cao dominates Hebei, he will occupy the territory of the seven states in the world, including Ji, Qing, You, Bing, Yan, Yu, Xu, and part of Sizhou. His territory is already half of the country, the city belongs to the territory, and the money, food, soldiers and horses are above the lord, and when Cao Cao annexes Hebei, he will definitely be wary of the lord sending troops from Hangu Pass. It is not easy to attack the lord. The Xiongguan in Guanzhong can make it difficult for Cao Cao to advance. Therefore, after Cao Cao unified Shandong, he will most likely turn his attention to the south. With half of the country and Jingzhou and Yangzhou, he only needs to consume with the lord. If you go down, you will be able to rule the world.”

In terms of the basic overall situation, Guo Jia deeply agrees with Jia Xu's opinion.

Shu Han and Soochow could not defeat Cao Wei. You can look at it separately. Shu Han’s money, food, soldiers and horses are not even half of Cao Wei’s. The world was shattered, but it was a pity that Soochow couldn't afford to spend with Cao Wei. Fighting wars cost money, food, and population.

With more money, more food and more people, more soldiers and horses, faster recovery after the war, and faster replenishment of resources.

"No matter what, Guanzhong must not be lost first."

Jia Xu made the first conclusion.

If Guo Jia loses Guanzhong, it means that the comprehensive strength comparison between him and Cao Cao is getting bigger and bigger, and this gap will increase over time.

"If there is no Guanzhong, I'll just submit to the imperial court and bow down."

Guo Jia closed his eyes and said in a low voice.

Yuan Shao has a good card. The four prefectures in Hebei are rich and have many soldiers and generals. But Yuan Shao can really waste this good card. So many soldiers and horses swept the Central Plains regardless of the troops. Instead, he wanted to confront Cao Cao at Guandu. It is no different from playing cards with four twos to bring out the two kings. The good cards are wasted, and the rest are waiting to lose.

The biggest card in Guo Jia's hand is Guanzhong.

Regardless of the strategic position or the impact on the overall strength, Guanzhong is the top priority. This big card is the hole card that determines whether Guo Jia can compete in the world!
When Qin was unified and Liu Bang proclaimed himself emperor, they all waited for an opportunity to sweep the Central Plains after they were exhausted and watched the enemies outside Kansai.

Now Guo Jia's situation is very different from the previous two founding kings, because Cao Cao is about to unify the Central Plains and Hebei, and Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Sun Quan of Jiangdong are obviously impossible to pose a threat to Cao Cao.

"If there is no change, in five to eight years time, Cao Cao will be even stronger, and my lord will have solved all his worries. At that time, it will be Jingzhou that will determine the trend of the world."

After Jia Xu finished speaking expressionlessly, Guo Jia closed his eyes and listened. After a while, he said coldly: "Jingzhou, Jingzhou, Jingzhou will always be!"

The grim expression suddenly eased, and Guo Jia suddenly asked: "Can Wenhe guess Jiangdong Sun Quan's attitude towards Jingzhou?"

Jia Xu blurted out: "Think about it day and night."

Guo Jia laughed out loud.

Just now he suddenly thought that if Sun Quan succeeds to the throne, then a person who refuses to serve Sun Ce should have already become an official.

Lu Su!

In the conversation on the couch between the two principal ministers, there was a strategy suggested by Lu Su to Sun Quan.

Taking Jingzhou, the Yangtze River is extremely resistant to Cao Cao. As for whether Lu Su will follow Sun Quan's advice to go to Xichuan to seize Yizhou, hum, Guo Jia is very curious.

"My lord, if Cao Cao seeks Jingzhou, my lord can take the opportunity to send troops from Hangu Pass. If Cao Cao attacks my lord first, then my lord will use Guanzhong as bait to hold Cao Cao back, and take advantage of the situation to go straight down the river and sweep Jingzhou."

Jia Xu changed the subject again.

One south and one north, Jia Xu's strategy was nothing more than adapting to Cao Cao's movements. Cao Cao went to attack Jingzhou, Guo Jia attacked the Central Plains, Cao Cao attacked Guanzhong, and Guo Jia dragged Cao Cao to attack Jingzhou.

This strategy has a premise that Jingzhou has the ability to resist, and it is impossible to be defeated in a single battle.

But Guo Jia opened his eyes and asked, "What if Liu Biao dies?"

Jia Xu was taken aback by the question.

Who can know when Liu Biao died?

If Liu Biao is really a long-lived star, it would not be too unusual to live another three to forty years even if he is nearly half a century old.

"If Liu Biao dies within ten years, I'm afraid Jingzhou will be within easy reach of Cao Cao."

Jia Xu frowned.

The reason is very simple, the Jingxiang family would never join Guo Jia, and if there is no hero, it is obviously more cost-effective to take refuge in Cao Cao than Guo Jia. In danger of overthrowing the nest, the Jingxiang family does not have the courage to fight Cao Cao to the death, Jia Xu understands Ninety-nine out of ten people in the wealthy and noble families who are rich and honored are greedy for life and afraid of death.

(End of this chapter)

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