Chapter 306
The camp where Han Sui's soldiers and horses were stationed was in the west of Jincheng. Those who stayed in the barracks and did not participate in the siege of Jincheng were Han Sui's subordinates, and even the most resourceful figure in the northwest except Jia Xu: Cheng Gongying.

The sound of horseshoes resounding in the east of Jincheng, Cheng Gongying walked out of the camp and looked towards the east, where the sky was covered by dust, Cheng Gongying knew that there were troops coming from the east, and not a few.

With a slight sigh in her heart, Cheng Gongying's face was solemn.

After sunset, Cheng Yi, Yang Qiu, Ma Wan, and Zhang Heng led the army back to the camp. The four of them got together to argue and argue.

In the tent, Cheng Gongying saw the fourth general returning and asked, "Ma Chao invited Guo Jia?"

The four generals shut up at the same time and gave Cheng Gongying an affirmative answer.

After fisting and clapping, Cheng Gongying sighed loudly, with a regretful expression.

"Ma Chao is leading a wolf into the house! Come on, he will die if he doesn't live under the fence, and Guo Jia will definitely not stand on the sidelines."

Cheng Gongying knew very well that Guo Jia must be waiting to reap the benefits.

But the situation has never been under Han Sui's control.

Han Sui had no food, and he was sure to perish.

If he asked Ma Chao for food, he would not be able to borrow it from Guo Jia, so Han Sui had only one way left, to beat Ma Chao and plunder the supplies of Ma Chao's territories.

The eagerness to attack Jincheng is to prevent Guo Jia from conquering Liangzhou in any name.

With Jincheng as a strong city, I dare not say that Han Sui will definitely be able to stop Guo Jia's army from attacking, at least his chances of winning in self-defense are a little higher.

The first thing Han Sui did after plundering the supplies was to return to the territory to recruit troops and horses, in order to replenish his strength in a hurry to prevent Guo Jia, a fierce tiger, from attacking.

"What are you afraid of? Today, Guo Jia's soldiers and horses entered Jincheng. I saw them clearly. The cavalry has a total of [-] to [-]. Ma Chao called to open the gate of the city. I looked at the leaders behind. , it should be Guo Jia, who looks quite young. Guo Jia is stupid, his mind is confused, what's the use of a good cavalry unit not fighting outside the city, getting into the city? I see, I will storm Jincheng tomorrow, as long as The city was destroyed, and Guo Jia was captured in one fell swoop, not to mention the Jincheng, but Guo Jia was used to blackmail Chang'an, to blackmail Chengdu, and he wanted nothing!"

Yang Qiu avoided the route of Yin Ling's flying cavalry entering the city, but he also secretly checked the number of Guo Jia's soldiers and horses when he swung his troops to meet south.

There is one thing that everyone is not sure about, that is, has Guo Jia come?
On the handsome flag of Yinling Flying Rider is the word Guo.

But Guo Jia is famous for playing false tricks on the battlefield, and he can really do things that can frighten the enemy away by putting on a big banner.

Yang Qiu had never met Guo Jia before, so he was only guessing, but his tone was very certain.

Cheng Yi, Ma Wan and Zhang Hengsan will agree with Yang Qiu's proposal.

Being able to capture Guo Jia alive is not only a matter of wealth and wealth at his fingertips, it is even a beautiful thing that Megatron has achieved success and fame!
Cheng Gongying's expression was uncertain, and the four generals were discussing enthusiastically, even discussing what to extort from Chang'an and Chengdu after Guo Jia was captured alive. Some people wanted countless money and food, and some wanted to make Guo Jia's forces withdraw. In Guanzhong, someone wants to exchange Guo Jia's life for his fairy-like wives and concubines in his backyard...

"Not good! Withdraw the troops!"

Cheng Gongying suddenly yelled.

This yell stunned the four generals, and the four looked at Cheng Gongying in puzzlement. Guo Jia sent ten thousand cavalry, and they entered the city to give up their advantage in horse battles. What's wrong with that?

Cheng Gongying looked anxious, and urged the four generals: "Everyone, hurry back to the camp and order the entire army to withdraw overnight, or it will be too late!"

"Why withdraw? Even if Jincheng has Guo Jia's reinforcements, Guo Jia's soldiers and horses have not brought food and grass, as long as they are trapped to death."

Ma Wan wanted to continue to attack Jincheng, and the other three generals also had the same idea.

The temptation to capture Guo Jia alive is too great, fame and fortune, if Guo Jia is captured, fame and fortune.

Cheng Gongying pointed at Mawan's nose and said angrily, "Are you sure it was Guo Jia who led the army into Jincheng? If not? Guo Jia has more than [-] troops in Guanzhong, and his only enemy in Guandong, Cao Cao, is attacking Hebei. Guo Jia can even go undefended at Hangu Pass without any danger. His cavalry has already arrived at Jincheng, where are his infantry? If you fail to take down Jincheng tomorrow, my lord's [-] soldiers and horses will all be buried here! You You thought it was Guo Jia who was stupid, but in fact Guo Jia just made you think he was stupid! After his pawns arrive, all the soldiers and horses in Jincheng will be mobilized, and then you won’t even have time to escape!”

The four generals looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one could use words to outline a bright future. From the fantasy of stepping into the clouds to the reality of falling into the deep, it seems that people have experienced a journey from life to death at this moment.

"Really, really? Guo Jia is really sure that ten thousand cavalry can hold the city?"

Now Yang Qiu dare not boast that it must be Guo Jia who entered the city. Whether Guo Jia is the bait or Guo Jia's cavalry is the bait, the meaning is different, but the risk is the same.

Cheng Gongying put away his angry expression and sneered: "Ma Chao's 1 men can hold Jincheng for five days, and 5000 men can hold it for at least three days. Now that there are [-] more defenders, even if they stand on the top of the city with their fists , How long will it take you to break through Jincheng? I really want to know the result, you can try it. Everyone, the power to dispatch troops and horses is in your hands. It is up to you to decide whether to attack or retreat. I have decided to return to Wuwei overnight. Goodbye."

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Gongying bid farewell to the four of them, and walked out of the handsome tent without looking back.

There was a moment of silence in the commander's tent, and the four of them left one after another in silence, returning to their respective camps and immediately proceeding to withdraw the troops.

When Ma Chao entered the city, he was cheered by the guards. Guo Jia followed closely behind and followed Ma Chao to Pound's residence on horseback.

In a dark room with a strong smell of medicine, Pound was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were dull, his body was limp, his body was cold and sweating all the time, and he would feel dizzy after taking two steps out of bed. The smearing of ashes in the middle is distressing.

Abandoned son.

Ma Chao broke through, but Pound did not keep up due to illness. In all fairness, Pang De did not blame Ma Chao. He was a burden at this time, and he did not want himself to be a stumbling block for Ma Chao.

However, Jincheng, who was left under heavy siege by the lord like this, would feel lost to the end.

Listening to the tragic shouts of killing in the city for several days, Pound hated himself for being helpless and could only sit and wait for death. There was a lot of cheers before, which should be the cheers of the soldiers and civilians defending the city after the enemy retreated at night.

"Lingming, where is Lingming? Where is Lingming?"

An anxious shout came from the courtyard outside the room.

Pang De, who was lying on the bed, heard the voice familiar, and a figure suddenly appeared in his dead heart. Just when he was doubtful, the door of the room was slammed open from the outside.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone into the room, and the light slanted into the interior presented the scene of Wei Chen drifting away. Pang De barely stood up and looked up. A figure blocked the light from the door, and he couldn't see the appearance of that person clearly in the dim vision. But Pound was even more convinced in his heart who the person in front of him was.

The visitor rushed to the bed, and the person who caught Pound's eyes was Guo Jia.

"Ling Ming, how is your health? Where is the doctor? Are you seriously ill?"

Guo Jia's close care made Pang De stunned for a moment and then burst into tears.

"My lord, I..."

Pound had mixed feelings, but was choked up and speechless.

Guo Jia put his hand on his shoulder and said, "You don't need to say anything, rest assured, I'll find a doctor for you right away."

After finishing speaking, Guo Jia turned around and left, ordering to find the healers in the city.

After Guo Jia left, Ma Chao walked into Pound's room. Pang De, who had put away his tears, wanted to stand up and salute Ma Chao, but was stopped by Ma Chao.

"My lord, how many soldiers and horses did Guo Shijun bring on this trip? Can you repel the enemy army outside the city?"

Pound cared more about Jincheng's safety than himself.

Ma Chao said not optimistically: "Guo Shijun came to Jincheng with [-] cavalry all day and night, and did not confront the enemy outside the city. Now Jincheng is still under siege."

When Pang De heard it, his face changed drastically.

"Guo Shijun has strong soldiers and strong horses. He only needs to send [-] troops to break the siege of Jincheng. Why did he only bring [-] cavalry?"

Ma Chao looked sluggish, and said shyly: "But Mr. Guo only has [-] cavalry. After hearing that you were trapped in Jincheng, he immediately ordered a long-distance attack. The follow-up troops may not arrive until later. , as long as we hold on for a few days, Jincheng will be able to turn the crisis into safety."

With a stunned expression, Pound was speechless.

Guo Jia led the cavalry to Jincheng himself, did he hear that he was trapped here?
Bringing only [-] troops to risk himself, Pang De asked himself that his life was not as precious as Guo Jia's.

Ma Chao knew that if Guo Jia hadn't heard of Pound's troubles, he might not have rushed to Jincheng in such a hurry. He is at least an aboveboard man.

Even if Han Sui's food was deducted, Ma Chao was confident and confident, and did not beat around the bush.

After Guo Jia led the army into the city, he asked Gan Ning to take over the city defense, which was also agreed by Ma Chao.

Ma Chao had no choice but to fight with one mind. Guo Jiaqiang naturally wanted to dominate the situation. It was definitely impossible for Ma Chao to command Guo Jia's troops.

As for whether Guo Jia would annex Ma Chao's territory directly after taking the dominant position, Ma Chao didn't even have to think about it. He couldn't even stop Han Sui, so how could he stop Guo Jia?Regardless of whether Guo Jia robbed or secretly robbed, Ma Chao is a weakling who is at the mercy of others.

He asked people to go around the city to look for a doctor. Guo Jia saw that Pound was fine, so he didn't ask again. The patient needed to recuperate, rather than being enthusiastically disturbed by others.

Going up to the top of the city, the scenery outside the city was dim under the night. Before Guo Jia could see the movement of the enemy camp, Gan Ning walked over with some disinterestedness, and whispered to Guo Jia: "My lord, Han Sui's soldiers The horse is retreating, is it going out of the city to pursue it?"


Guo Jia thought for a while and smiled lightly: "There are capable people under Han Sui's tent. Such a decisive retreat, whether it is to fear me or preserve strength, is not a decision that ordinary people can make."

According to Guo Jia's previous prediction, Han Sui's soldiers and horses saw him enter the city. If they did not attack Jincheng by force, they would at least have to wait and see for a few days. Someone in the formation must have guessed Guo Jia's intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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