Chapter 308

The sun was shining brightly, but Ma Chao, who was sitting opposite Pound in front of the stone table, felt chilled in his heart.

Pound put the dagger in front of Ma Chao and shook his head slightly.

He would not blame Ma Chao for abandoning him.

Monarchs, masters and servants, as a servant, he can't ask the monarch anything.

Since the world has a Cao Hong who can die for Cao Cao, and a Cao Hong who can pay the price of his life for Cao Cao's absurdity, Pang De can also sacrifice his life for Ma Chao.

It's a pity that the luck is bad. Pound is seriously ill and can't help Ma Chao when he is in danger, let alone hold Ma Chao back.

If Jincheng was destroyed and Pound died under Han Sui's saber, he would not blame Ma Chao at all.

But Guo Jia suddenly led an army to rescue, so Pound couldn't remain indifferent. Since Guo Jia was able to risk his life for him, how could Pang De ignore this friendship?

"Meng Qi, I want to ask you, do you know Guo Shijun's ambition?"

Instead of answering Ma Chao's question, Pound asked an irrelevant question.

Ma Chao was silent.

Guo Jia's ambition?
To put it bluntly, it is for the common people of the world to dominate the world, but to put it bluntly, it is a wolf ambition to dominate the world.

No matter which one is said, at least Guo Jia is definitely a pioneering monarch. Judging from his actions such as wanting to go out of the Guandong, deter Liu Biao, etc., he is definitely not a monarch who will live in peace with other princes.

In this world, it is precisely because of the princes from all directions that the country is not unified. Who can end this situation of separatism among the princes, who will be the new emperor, the Han Dynasty?The breath is exhausted.

Pound's question is actually tacit.

Seeing that Ma Chao didn't answer, Pound continued: "Meng Qi, if one day Guo Shijun meets you in arms, before the two armies face off, come and tell me, should I draw the sword for you and Guo Shijun? Facing each other? If I should, then wouldn’t I repay my kindness with revenge? If I shouldn’t, then I’m a disloyal person, in a dilemma, unable to make a choice, I think, it’s better to break it when it’s right.”

Loyalty is difficult to balance. Pound knew that he would be attacked by countless people if he chose to abandon Ma Chao, thinking that he had seen Ma Chao's weakness and switched to the stronger Guo Jia. Pound didn't care about these things. With Ma Teng in front of him, Pound would never choose to leave, but would rather bear the name of injustice and remain loyal to the Ma family.

Pang De didn't ask Ma Chao's ambitions, and he didn't abandon Ma Chao because Ma Chao had no ambitions.

But Ma Chao lowered his head and began to reflect.

What has he done all these years?
When Ma Teng was alive, Ma Chao's name suddenly rose to fame in the northwest, and besides the prestige of Jin Ma Chao, what else did he have?
After Ma Teng's death, except for the impulsive moment when Ma Chao wanted to avenge his father, he basically stayed in his own territory aimlessly, immersed in the glory of becoming a monarch, unable to extricate himself.

Looking at the heroes in the world, the two most powerful should be Guo Jia and Cao Cao, and the strength of these two people today did not happen overnight. Pioneering results.

But after thinking about it, Ma Chao realized that it was not that he had no space to develop, but that he might not have the direction and ambition at all.

There is no rule for the princes to fight for hegemony on their own. Ma Chao can unite with Han Sui, make false claims with Cao Cao, or even shoot a cold arrow in Guo Jia's back. Regardless of the probability of success, at least he doesn't even have this idea.

Are you still going on like this?
Those who have no deep ambitions have no visibly bright light; those who have no faint things have no great achievements.

If Ma Chao doesn't even know what he wants to get in this game of chess, then is it necessary for him to be a monarch?
In Guo Jia's eyes, Ma Chao is destined to be a general, no matter how tall he is, he will not be able to reach him.

The opposite of Ma Chao is Liu Bei. Liu Bei must be a monarch. No matter whether he is in exile or his life is hanging by a thread, Liu Bei is always a person who wants to be a monarch.

Ma Chao himself knew that he was actually at the end of his strength now, not to mention that Guo Jia was guarding him, even if Guo Jia did not defend him, it would be difficult for Ma Chao to cause much trouble unless he could really catch the thief and the king.

The territory under his rule is in a mess, the people flee for their lives, farming is neglected, the soldiers and civilians are exhausted and discouraged, and the people who do not feel safe under his monarchy will flee to Guanzhong with their families even if they have surplus food at home now.

Regardless of whether the people support Ma Chao or not, one thing is certain now. With Guo Jia's soldiers and horses in Jincheng, this Jincheng is considered safe. flee here.

Ma Chao felt ashamed that the monarch did his part.

"Lingming, let's go."

Ma Chao picked up a glass of wine, raised his head and drank it all, then got up and turned his back on Pound and walked into the mansion.

Ma Chao couldn't hate Pound, especially since Pound had worked for the Ma family for more than ten years and had such an open showdown, Ma Chao felt somewhat guilty towards Pound.

It's a foregone conclusion, it's a done deal, Pound is going to leave, and Ma Chao killing him won't help, it's all the result of losing Pound anyway, so it's better to get together and break up.

Pound came to work for Guo Jia. This is a scene that Guo Jia is happy to see. Over the years, since Guo Jia has dealt with the Han and Ma families, he has given Pound more respect than others expected. Even if Pang De does not come to serve him, Guo Jia at least It feels like they won't be enemies.

In Jincheng, facing Pound's vote, Guo Jia could not be overjoyed, but just received Pound with great etiquette, and then sent Pound to Chang'an to recuperate.

Cao Cao once had a life-and-death crisis in Wancheng. It was a bit too much to sleep with Aunt Zhang Xiu, but it was Cao Cao's excessive poaching that caused Cao Cao's death.

Guo Jia likes to learn from other people's lessons, so he stayed in the Taiping Army barracks very strictly in Jincheng, and he didn't even say hello to the soldiers under Ma Chao's command.

The monarch is most jealous of others poaching the wall. Although Ma Chao is not a good monarch, he will not tolerate this kind of thing happening, so Pang De joined Guo Jia. At the same time, Pang De didn't need Guo Jia to greet him with such a glamorous ostentation. He didn't think it would be a glorious thing to leave Ma Chao and join Guo Jia.

Two days later, Zhang Liao as the commander, Meng Da and Wu Yi as the lieutenants led [-] infantry to Jincheng, but there was no battle to fight. Han Sui's troops retreated cleanly and returned to Wuwei. An envoy came to explain to Guo Jia.

When he beat Ma Chao, it was Ma Chao who deducted the food first, so Han Sui was not unreasonable.

Guo Jia did not reply to Han Sui, but first asked Hanzhong to escort [-] stone grains to Jincheng.

In any case, the people are innocent. Guo Jia must show his love for the people when he is in Jincheng, and give Ma Chao another [-] shi and grain. one.

From Hanzhong to Jincheng, you can take the Wudu Yinping to Longxi, which will take about half a month to a month.

When Guo Jiabing came to the northwest, Cao Cao had already attacked Hebei in the Kanto for several months.

If Cao Cao really used 100% of his strength to fight Yuan Tan to death, Yuan Tan would definitely not be able to stop him, even if he defended to the death, but Cao Cao was only building momentum and did not try his best. After several months of stalemate, Cao Cao continued to attack There is no choice but to withdraw the troops.

After Cao Cao withdrew his troops from Hebei, he took his soldiers and horses to Nanyang Wancheng without stopping, where he stationed troops.

This time, the two families of the South and the North are worried and happy.

Liu Biao was very nervous. He had Cao Cao in the north, Guo Jia in the west, and Sun Quan in the east. There was no room for him to be caught between the three families, let alone provoke others, or even compromise.

Fortunately, Liu Biao had a watchdog. Liu Bei who was stationed in Xinye was used by Liu Biao to defend against Cao Cao. Although Liu Bei had few troops, he at least had unparalleled strong generals. It was in Liu Biao's advantage to consume Cao Cao.

Liu Biao was overly nervous, he was very sensitive now, he would be on pins and needles if any soldiers and horses stationed at the border of his territory, really counted, Cao Cao actually occupied Wancheng, and had already stepped into his territory of Jingzhou Mu.

Cao Cao stationed troops in Wancheng not to fight Liu Biao, but to show his bluff to the Yuan brothers in Hebei.

Yuan Tan, who had successfully resisted Cao Cao, was so confident that even his father Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao. He even drew with Cao Cao, and now Cao Cao went to fight Liu Biao again, and the crisis in Hebei was temporarily lifted.

Yuan Shang, who also had a higher official position in Yecheng, also became jealous of his elder brother.

Cao Cao!
His elder brother can actually block Cao Cao!

When Yuan Shao was alive, he didn't see how outstanding this elder brother was, but now he is unstoppable.

Yuan Tan was not reconciled to the fact that Yuan Shang was his younger brother, but he was on top of him. Yuan Shang was afraid that Yuan Tan would develop into a serious confidant. The two brothers had similar temperaments.
Cao Cao played the trick of bluffing with two hands and successfully caused the two brothers in Hebei to fight a civil war. It is a huge profit!
Now, he just sits and waits for the two brothers to decide the winner, and then goes to end the battle at the end of the battle.

At the end of summer, Fei Shi, as the Sima of another department, escorted food and grass from Hanzhong to Jincheng. Guo Jia led the army out of the city to meet him, and Ma Chao, as the host, naturally also went out of the city to receive him.

Watching the grain trucks entering Jincheng one after another, Guo Jia suddenly called Ma Chao aside.

The wilderness outside the city was vast, and Guo Jia said to Ma Chao gently: "Meng Qi, your territory is safe and sound, and it's time for me to lead my army back to Chang'an."

Ma Chao refused to chase Guo Jia away, but Guo Jia offered to leave by himself.

After solving the crisis of Han Sui's attack, he sent food to Ma Chao, and Guo Jiaren's righteousness was exhausted.

Ma Chao stood in front of Guo Jia with his head bowed, Xiaqiu breeze was refreshing, his messy hair fluttered lightly, Ma Chao suddenly made a move that shocked Guo Jia and even everyone present outside the city.

Jin Machao, who was famous in all directions in the northwest, bent his legs and fell to his knees in front of Guo Jia without warning.

Fei Shi, who was standing in the distance directing the transportation of food, saw this scene, and his heart couldn't be more shocked.

Once upon a time, he asked Guo Jia if he planned to recruit Ma Chao.

Guo Jia once said: Jin Machao is young and ambitious, and he is the master of others. He will not bow his head to others until he is in desperate situation.

But now, Fei Shi understood.

It's not that Guo Jia wants to recruit Ma Chao.

It was Guo Jia who forced Ma Chao to the point where he had to take the initiative to contribute!

(End of this chapter)

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