Chapter 318 Invulnerable
Standing on the Great Wall of the Hexi Corridor, Gan Ning looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back. The shouts of killing in the distance kept rising and falling, and he knew that the battle situation was developing as expected.

Looking straight ahead out of the corner of his eye, Gan Ning saw Wu Yi who was leading the spearmen at the foot of the Great Wall.

Gan Ning frowned slightly, Wu Yi was assigned to Jinfan Army after being recruited by Guo Jia.

At that time, Wu Yi was just a corps leader.

More than ten years have passed, and Wu Yi is now a general who commands thousands of people. Although it was not Gan Ning who appointed him to his current position, at least Gan Ning is kind to Wu Yi in promoting him. When he was at the bottom of Jinfan Army When climbing up step by step, Wu Yi might have been forgotten by Guo Jia without Gan Ning's respect and promotion.

Guo Jia issued a secret order to Gan Ning to suppress Wu Yi, but Gan Ning was puzzled.

According to Wu Yi's previous actions in the army, he must be a role model in the army. He loves and cares for the soldiers.

But in that dispute a few days ago, Gan Ning saw another Wu Yi, a Wu Yi who made him feel strange and disgusted.

Could it be because Wu Yi married his younger sister to Guo Jia?

Gan Ning couldn't find a more suitable explanation for Guo Jia's secret order.

In the 400-year political history of the Han Dynasty, foreign relatives were a political force that could not be ignored. They even rode on the heads of the gentry at the end of the Han Dynasty when they formed parties for personal gain and cultivated the power of the powerful.

The Zhen family and the Wu family are the relatives under the rule of Guo Jia, the feudal lord who is now attracting attention all over the world.

Gan Ning's eyes were indifferent. Maybe Guo Jia's original intention was to prevent the erroneous things from happening, and he didn't want Wu Yi to have unreasonable thoughts, so he gave him this secret order.

Judging from the lessons learned by the big man, such precautions are very necessary. Gan Ning is willing to be this villain, and if Wu Yi really has thoughts that he shouldn't have, then Gan Ning will even put aside his past friendship and drive Wu Yi into eternal doom. place.

bang bang
The sound of horseshoes came from the northeast, Gan Ning suppressed other thoughts in his mind, and stared there.

"The whole army obeys the order and prepares to meet the enemy!"

Gan Ning gave an order, and the soldiers outside the Great Wall waved their spears in unison, the spears pointing outward, dazzlingly sharp.

At this time, the Xiliang iron cavalry had no commander, and flew to the other side like a headless chicken, without any rules at all.

Ma Chao was running towards the Great Wall in the midst of the chaos, while waving his spear to harvest the lives of the enemy. No one around him dared to come within ten steps.

After being shot and killed by Zhang Liao's crossbowmen, less than [-] Xiliang iron cavalry traveled westward and finally came to the foot of the Great Wall.

Seeing that there was a stone wall blocking the way ahead, and there were fearless pikemen in neat formations, the Xiliang iron cavalry who was fleeing desperately was completely panicked.

Suddenly, the horse running in the front sank to the ground, and the cavalry flew up from the horse and fell heavily to the ground.

Most of the cavalry in the front fell off their horses, either dead or injured.

Trapped in a horse pit!
Trapped carbine!
The only advantage of the pikemen with their backs against the cavalry is that their weapons are slightly longer. If the cavalry were to charge up, it would be difficult to stop them.

But in this environment, spearmen can meet the enemy calmly.

There are ravines and horse traps in front of the army formation. Even if the cavalry came around, at least the speed of the cavalry must have slowed down in the winding and narrow road. It is an option to sink the horse's spear and cut the horse's leg or directly pick the cavalry. Even if you have a red rabbit horse that can overcome these traps without fear of pikemen, can you still smash your head into the city wall to open a way out?
The overall situation has been decided, and the odds of victory are in hand.

Gan Ning ordered to attack after seeing the Xiliang cavalry rein in their horses.

The cavalry lost their speed advantage, and just being condescending didn't necessarily make them much better than infantry, especially when facing pikemen, who were also armed with a lot of weapons.

Wu Yi took the lead and rushed forward as the vanguard. Some of the Xiliang iron cavalry wanted to escape, but they turned their horses around, but they didn't know where to flee.

To the north, there are Zhang Liao's crossbowmen.To the east, there are Mengda's archers, and to the south, there are silver-feathered flying cavalry.

A dead end.

As a result, some people knelt down and surrendered, and some fought to the death without fear of death. The battlefield outside the Great Wall fell into a chaotic battle.

Ma Chao and Wu Yi are the most shining protagonists on the battlefield. Wu Yi's blade is unstoppable, and Ma Chao's golden gun dances wildly to kill all directions.

Gan Ning looked down at the battlefield with a calm expression. The sense of accomplishment he gained from the battlefield was no longer in killing people and licking blood, but in leading the war, pushing the enemy into a desperate situation step by step, and controlling the situation from the beginning of the war.

Of course, this is also related to his role as the commander of the Northwest Expedition. He wants to issue orders. If he also enters the battlefield, if the battlefield changes, he may not be able to command the entire army immediately.

Silver feather flying cavalry, archers, and crossbowmen slowly approached from three sides, encircling Xiliang iron cavalry at the foot of the Great Wall.

It is naturally easy to win by outnumbering the few.

Not long after, the battle came to an end, the Xiliang army either died or surrendered, and the ground was stained with blood.

There is no longer an enemy standing on the battlefield, either lying down to die, or kneeling down.

Ma Chao, who was covered in blood, couldn't finish it. He raised his neck, twisted his head, and let out a long roar.

"Haven't Meng Qi killed enough?"

Zhang Liao, who came on horseback, did not go into battle to kill the enemy. He was in command of the crossbowmen. What was more important was the advance and retreat of the [-] crossbowmen than to strike with a knife.

Picking up half a piece of cloth from the corpse on the ground, Ma Chao wiped the tiger-headed golden gun, and said to Zhang Liao, who smiled peacefully: "Brother Wenyuan, this is the most boring but also the most hearty fight I have ever played in my life. battle."

Hearing this, Zhang Liao shook his head and chuckled.

In Ma Chao's eyes, the battle may be a fight to the death between the two armies, but today he fought a one-sided massacre, and the opponent had no room to fight back.

Zhang Liao didn't make a sound, he didn't mean to look down on Ma Chao.

They have different views on war.

War is a means, not an end.

Waging war is not to provide a stage for the brave and ruthless.

To live a peaceful life, no one would risk their lives to go to the battlefield, but the world is peaceful, and the princes must first be wiped out through war.

Ma Chao's raids and massacres all the way vented all his suppressed emotions in recent years.

At this moment, his nerves suddenly relaxed, and he was able to smile heartily, looking past Zhang Liao's back, where, there were three bound people who were lowering their heads but still raised their eyes from time to time to glance at him in horror.

Yang Qiuma and Li Kan abandoned their horses and fell to the ground to escape the shooting of the crossbowmen, but they were also captured by Zhang Liao. Although Cheng Gongying, who fell from the horse with an arrow, escaped with his life by chance, he did not die between the horseshoe and the arrow. However, he did not escape the fate of being a prisoner.

"Does Meng Qi want to kill these three people to vent his hatred?"

Zhang Liao asked calmly.

The Taiping Army did not have military rules for killing prisoners, but at this time, Zhang Liao could sell Ma Chao a favor and hand over the three to Ma Chao to kill.

Comparing heart to heart, Han Sui's eight generals besieged Jincheng, and it is natural for Ma Chao to hate them. Coupled with the battle outside Zuli City, even though Zhang Liao's son Zhang Hu was not in the army, he knew in his heart that Gan Guiguo Ye Dianman and Xu Yi met this group of Xiliang soldiers outside Zuli City. Whether it was giving Ma Chao a favor or avenging the juniors he cared for, Zhang Liao could turn a blind eye.

But Ma Chao smiled and said: "If you kill these rats, you will only dirty my gun. If I want to vent my hatred, I will take the head of the dog thief Han Sui."

After being angry, Ma Chao felt calm at the moment, Yang Qiu and the others had made him no longer even have the desire to stare.

Zhang Liao nodded with a smile, and at the same time had a new view on Ma Chao. People who can break free from hatred are absolutely extraordinary.

Riding his horse towards the Great Wall, Zhang Liao recalled what Guo Jia had said to these generals.

"A man who can control his anger is already a leader. If he can control his prostate, he is a saint."

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Zhang Liao said to himself in puzzlement: "No matter who asks the lord what this prostate is, the lord just laughs and doesn't answer. I don't understand the second half of the sentence, but at least the first half of the sentence makes sense. Anger, anger , after killing Han Sui, Meng Qi, if you serve the lord wholeheartedly, the lord will add another peerless general."

Cleaning up the battlefield and counting the casualties, the outcome of this battle is not in front of Gan Ning's eyes, but the deployment before the start. The real moment of decision is when he decides to set up an ambush outside the Great Wall, and the Xiliang Army takes its own initiative. The snare passes by here.

"To the governor, our army killed 190 and 420 people, wounded 260 and [-], captured more than [-] horses, and surrendered [-] and [-] soldiers."

On the Great Wall, Gan Ning calmly listened to the post-war statistics, and waved his hands to let people go down.

At this time, Zhang Liao escorted three captives Yang Qiu, Ma Wan, and Li Kan to Gan Ning, clasped his fists and said, "Commander, these three are Yang Qiu, Ma Wan, and Li Kan, among the eight generals of Han Sui. Cheng Gongying, a military advisor under Han Sui's tent, was captured, and he was being bandaged because he was wounded by an arrow. Dare I ask the governor, how to deal with these three people and Cheng Gongying?"

Ma Chao already dismissed these people, and Zhang Liao was also very curious to see how Gan Ning would deal with these captives.

After all, up to now, Gan Gui's life and death are still unknown, and if the news does not come for a day, the possibility of bad news will gradually increase when it comes.

Gan Ning glanced at the three trembling people who were silent like cicadas. Those three people didn't even have the courage to raise their heads. Gan Ning lightly waved his hands and said, "Take them to Chang'an, and leave them to the Lord."

Zhang Liao didn't seem to be surprised by this answer. They were all the first to follow Guo Jia's side, and they were more or less infected with Guo Jia's detached mentality.

For a general with a heavy army in his hand, the most taboo thing is to act emotionally. Gan Ning can kill people in a fit of anger today, but in the future, the enemy may take advantage of his emotional weakness. A man who can restrain his anger has not lost his blood, but is more invulnerable.

Gan Ning and Zhang Liao knew each other well, today they don't need to kill to prove themselves, because their hands were stained with the blood of the world more than ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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