Chapter 332 Willing to go alone

When Cao Cao's troops approached Youzhou, the senior officials who surrendered before suddenly surrendered and rebelled again!
When marching and fighting, the most taboo is to be led by the nose by the enemy, so when Cao Cao led his army to Youzhou, he ignored the rebellion of senior officials. After all, he only occupied the four prefectures of Hebei militarily, and had not yet begun to rule administratively.

The siege of Luping was successfully lifted after Cao Cao personally led the army, and Cao Jun drove the Wuhuan army led by Ta Dun out of the Great Wall.

Another winter passed, and in the spring of the 11th year of Jian'an, after Cao Cao occupied Youzhou, he sent his army back to Bingzhou to clean up the senior officials.

Gao Gan was defeated and fled to Jingzhou. He was beheaded by Du Wei Wang Yan halfway and sent to claim credit for Cao Cao.

The four prefectures in Hebei were all pacified.

The spring breeze was refreshing, and Cao Cao stood on the Huguan City of Bingzhou, looking indifferently to the northeast.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were not dead yet, and he was always uneasy.

Going out of the Great Wall and crusade against Wuhuan is a difficult problem that must be solved!

In the 11th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao returned in triumph.

Outside of Xuchang, hundreds of officials greeted each other, and even the emperor Liu Xie went out of the city to wait for Cao Cao.

Blue silk brocade gown, crimson cloak, Cao Cao returned with a deadpan horse leading the army, and many civil and military officials lined the road to meet them, many of them had expressions of trepidation.

It is very likely that their affair with Yuan Shao has already been revealed.

And what would Cao Cao, the murderous god with a bad reputation, do?
All the officials who had correspondence with Yuan Shao were very upset.

Chances are, today will be the last time you see the sunrise.

Cao Cao came to Xuchang with his victorious army, dismounted from his horse, first saluted Liu Xie, and then ordered someone to place the boxes of letters in front of the eyes of hundreds of officials at the gate of the city. Cao Cao took a torch and threw it casually. On top of the wooden box, then turned and entered the city.

The flames were not high, but many officials watched closely.

Save your life!
Moreover, there is also a sense of gratitude to Cao Cao!

Liu Xie watched with a complex expression as Cao Cao, who was superior to him in terms of momentum and majesty, entered the city, and left without paying any attention to the courtesy of the emperor and ministers. This is simply a kind of contempt!
However, in the eyes of the surrounding officials looking at Cao Cao's back, in addition to admiration and admiration, there is also timidity and retreat. Few people will cast hatred on Cao Cao.

The situation is changing, the white clouds are gray, and Liu Xie looks up at the bright sky, but he can't even see a glimmer of dawn.

Today's Cao Cao, sits on the seven states of the world, and half of the country is in his hands.

After returning to Xuchang, Cao Cao abolished the three princes and became the prime minister himself, surpassing all officials!

This is already a sign of a powerful minister revealing his ambitions!

In the Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty, the prime minister was an official position at the level of the Sangong at that time. Cao Cao was not a pioneer, but just restored the prime minister system.

The prime minister, on the other hand, can open a mansion independently and have his own office system.

Therefore, Cao Cao could legitimately set his prime minister's office in Yecheng. Xuchang was still the imperial capital, but it was no longer the central institution of Cao Cao's rule. All real power was in Cao Cao's hands and moved to Yecheng.

With Bingzhou, Cao Cao can guard against Guo Jia who sent troops from Hangu Pass in the Sili area. The Yellow River Ferry and Nanyang are both in Cao Cao's hands. Even if Guo Jia wants to send troops from Hangu Pass, it will be very difficult. Using a metaphor Even if it emerges from Hangu Pass, it may be attacked from three sides.

In the strategic planning of the past few years, Cao Cao wanted to swallow Hebei. Now that Hebei is in his hands, the strategy for the next few years will have to be re-formulated.

Everyone thought that Cao Cao should set his sights on the south, but Cao Cao unexpectedly threw out a target.


No one agrees!

Cao Cao may be lonely at this moment. Historically, he had Guo Jia who supported his decision, but now, the only Guo Jia who can understand him is his enemy. The fate of Luoyang went to another extreme as early as 20 years ago.

Against all odds, Cao Cao wanted to beat Wuhuan!
With half of the country as capital, Cao Cao needs to prepare for such an unpredictable war for a long time.

The four prefectures in Hebei need to speed up their recuperation, farm fields to raise soldiers, officials and people to be frugal, and put an end to extravagance. All the actions of the territories under Cao Cao's rule are preparations for the conquest of Wuhuan.

The difficulty of conquest of Wuhuan does not lie in the number of troops, nor in the countermeasures between the enemy and us, but the most difficult thing is the geographical advantage.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang fled to Liucheng and took refuge in Tadun. Cao Cao wanted to attack Liucheng with his army. The first problem was the poor road.

From Hebei to Liucheng, there is no post road, no highway, and the only way to cross the Great Wall is the mountain path. It is very difficult for ordinary traffickers and pawns to walk this way, let alone thousands of troops?It is difficult for people to walk, and transporting food, grass and luggage is something that I dare not even think about.

In order to launch the war against Wuhuan, Cao Cao ordered people to open two canals in central Hebei while storing strategic materials, one named Pinglu Canal and the other named Quanzhou Canal (this Quanzhou is not Quanzhou, Fujian).The function of these two canals is to transport grain by water, from the central part of Hebei to the eastern part of Hebei, for the needs of the war.

Cao Cao's war preparations to conquer Wuhuan are in full swing, while Guo Jia, who is far away in Chengdu, lives a very comfortable and leisurely life.

In the early morning sunshine, on the martial arts arena in the backyard of the Guo Mansion, a man and a woman fisted and kicked each other, and a pair of figures flickered around, fighting indiscriminately.

The battle was at a stalemate, the two arms staggered and intertwined, Zhu Rong's back was pressed against Guo Jia's chest and could not break away from Guo Jia's restraint, Guo Jia's strength was dominant, and one hand slowly pinched her neck under Zhu Rong's fierce resistance.

"That's it for today."

Guo Jia suddenly let go of Zhu Rong and walked to the sidelines. His daughter Guo Ying jumped over and gave him a towel. Guo Jia wiped his sweat and looked back at Zhu Rong.

Tired and exhausted, Zhu Rong bent over and gasped for breath.

Guo Jia walked over and handed her the towel, and Zhu Rong didn't come out either, and wiped the sweat off his face after taking it.

"Seeing that you don't practice martial arts very much on weekdays, I didn't expect you to have such great strength."

Zhu Rong said out of breath, looking up at the sun, it is not vicious, but it is also hot.

Guo Jia sat down cross-legged, shrugged and said, "Maybe when I will go to the battlefield, if I don't even have the strength to run for my life, wouldn't I be looking for my own death if I go?"

Zhu Rong sat opposite her, and her tight clothes allowed her to see her slender figure at a glance, which made her look like a woman.

"I don't understand, you have so many generals, why do you have to lead your own troops to fight? Your generals are killed, you can train or promote more generals, but if you die on the battlefield, this Yizhou, Wouldn't Guanzhong and Liangzhou be in chaos?"

Guo Jia put his right hand against his chin and said with a smile: "If the enemy is a shrimp soldier and a crab general, I naturally don't need to lead the troops to go out in person, but if it is a battle that determines life and death, how can I entrust my fate to others? As you said, Military generals can be killed in battle, and the monarch must not lose, but the gains and losses of a war are not only in the short-term, but also in the overall situation. For example, if Prime Minister Cao of Kanto leads the army to attack Hangu Pass, I must go north in person , why? Because if Guanzhong falls, it is not a question of how many soldiers died. If it is destined to be defeated in Guanzhong, I will die there myself. If I don’t go, I will just live another 20 years. The overall strength gap between Prime Ministers Cao will become wider and wider, and one day, Yizhou will also belong to him."

Zhu Rong also tilted her head, and happened to meet Guo Jia's eyes. After a moment of silence, she suddenly asked, "Do you really want to be emperor?"

Guo Jia was stunned.

Blunted: "Is there any advantage to being an emperor?"

Zhu Rong was also surprised, and asked, "Isn't it possible to be an emperor to do whatever you want?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "No, you are wrong. What does it mean to be king? It is a responsibility. It is a responsibility to the people of the world, and it is a responsibility to the Chinese nation. Therefore, the emperor must first work hard and work hard. If you can't do it , then he will not only be stigmatized for thousands of years, but even be a sinner of the entire nation. In troubled times, I can’t help myself. I have studied hard since I was a child, and I dare not slack off every day. , if the right time and people are in harmony, I will help the world as I am now. Being the emperor is not my pursuit, because in my eyes, it is a painful thing. If I live in such an environment all my life, then I will When I die, I will feel sad for my life."

Zhu Rong's eyes were confused. Maybe she hadn't seen all the Han people, but she had also heard and seen many Han people talking about the superiority and authority of being an emperor. It seemed that everyone in the world respected the Son of Heaven. What about a painful thing?
Everything in the world can take whatever they want, who wouldn't want such power?
"In this case, I heard that Cao Cao helped the Han emperor to unify the north of the Yellow River. If you don't want to be the emperor, then go and turn your enemy into a friend with Cao Cao. The Han family will be unified again? Liu Biao of Jingzhou is a Han. If the relative of the emperor, Sun Quan in Yangzhou, doesn’t surrender, isn’t he courting death?”

Zhu Rong's question may be the question in many people's minds now.

It can also be disproved that Guo Jia has ambitions to replace the Han Dynasty and proclaim himself emperor.

Otherwise, now he and Cao Cao's territories add up to eighth of the world.

Liu Biao and Sun Quan, if they don't surrender, will they really pay the lives of the three clans?

Guo Jia looked up at the sky with misty eyes.

"Zhu Rong, you're right. If I submit a petition to the Xuchang court to hand over military power, the country will indeed be unified in the blink of an eye. But this day, my surname will no longer be Liu, but Cao. Of course, I'm not interested. I don't mind if the Cao family becomes the emperor, but what kind of situation will the fate of the Han people go? You don't know, I don't know, the power of the dynasty is first of all internal, but in my eyes, Cao Cao ruled The internal regime under the government is not strong enough, not strong enough to sit firmly in the country and lead the Chinese nation on the road to prosperity."

In fact, Guo Jia's previous life was just an ordinary person, a role that can no longer be found in the crowd.

But now, he has the opportunity to grasp his destiny and rewrite history. At this moment, he has no choice to shrink back. Even if he is wrong and he becomes a sinner of history, he would rather insist on going on like this.

In this critical era when the aristocrats began to develop, Guo Jia wanted to kill the power of the aristocrats in the cradle, and shatter the dream of those aristocratic families who wanted their children and grandchildren to become masters without effort!

Perhaps in every era, the children of the rich and powerful are born with inexhaustible glory and wealth.

However, Guo Jia cannot tolerate such a thing becoming a system, and the use of power for personal gain exists in this country legally, reasonably and aboveboard.

(End of this chapter)

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