Chapter 339 12 Year Winter
Uncharacteristically, Guo Jia stayed at Mi Zhen's place for ten days without asking about political affairs. This matter spread with the wind, and in just a few days, not only Chengdu, but the whole Shu County was well known.

In essence, this is a trifle. Ordinary people just give it up as a joke after dinner. Heroes love beauties. The appearance of a mediocre lord is at most just being criticized by the moralists for being immoral, but whether he should be blamed morally is another matter. It is unspoken that she will be Guo Jia's woman sooner or later, even if she is not for the rest of her life, she will already be labeled as Guo Jia.

Everyone under Guo Jia's rule can ignore this matter, but one person cannot.

Mi Fang.

Since joining Guo Jia, Mi Fang escaped from the imperial examination and was only assigned to be the magistrate of a small county in Shu County for more than ten years.

The same official position has different status in different places.

With Guanzhong, Liu Bang has the foundation to seek hegemony in the world. People in Guanzhong look down on the superiority of people outside Guanzhong because this is the hometown of emperors.

Liu Xiu made his fortune in Nanyang, and the officials in Nanyang had a good position in the political structure of the Eastern Han Dynasty because it was the hometown of emperors.

Although Guo Jia conquered Guanzhong and subdued Liangzhou, Chengdu is his base camp and the foundation of his invincibility. Therefore, being an official in Shu County, where Chengdu is located, is far more important than other counties. Promising and superior.

But Mi Fang has never been a person with outstanding talents, and he has not been diligent and dedicated, so he has not been promoted for more than ten years. No wonder others have prejudice against him. It is because of his ability and achievements that he has shown, so he can only stay in this position. .

Mi Fang's biggest bargaining chip is Mi Zhen, he tries every means to make Mi Zhen win Guo Jia's favor, he has talked about it for more than ten years, but Mi Zhen remains unmoved.

In fact, this is a difficult situation for a strong man, even if Mi Zhen wants to see Guo Jia, let alone let Guo Jia abandon so many wives and concubines with both ability and virtue, and spoil her alone.

The sky paid off, and Mi Fang finally made this day come.

He hastily rushed to Taoyuan Village to meet Guo Jia, just to let Guo Jia remember that Mi Zhen still has an older brother.

He came outside the attic on the seventh day of Guo Jia's stay here, and Guo Jia didn't see him.

Eighth day, no see.

On the ninth day, no see.

On the tenth day, when Mi Fang was in despair, Guo Jia agreed to see him.

And Guo Jia didn't shy away from where he met him.

It was in Mi Zhen's boudoir.

The smell in the room is obscene and the spring is beautiful.

Even the obscene clothes in the bellyband were scattered on the ground and no one took care of them. Mi Zhen was lying naked under the quilt facing the wall, covering her head and not daring to see anyone, while Guo Jia was only wearing a pair of trousers and sitting topless on the edge of the bed. One leg was bent and landed on the bed. He was holding green tea and drinking it calmly.

Although the woman lying on the bed was his sister, Mi Fang didn't dare to raise her head to look around, and he didn't expect such a lecherous scene after walking up to the attic.

Cold sweat flowed out, Mi Fang didn't know what to do.

Usually, people who can see the king will either die a miserable death or live a glorious life. Mi Fang can't figure out how Guo Jia intends to treat him.

"Zi Fang, how many years have you been in Shu County?"

Guo Jia put down the teacup, leaned his elbows against his knees, and dragged half of his chin with his palms, tilting his head with a calm expression.

Mi Fang swallowed her saliva, and quickly said: "Ten, 11 years."

In the past 11 years, the faces that Mi Fang could still see were older officials than him, and the faces he couldn't see, that is, officials who had been eliminated and dismissed, he didn't want to see again.

"I've wronged you for making you a county magistrate. Next spring, you can go to Liangzhou to take up the post. Just stay in Liangzhou and help Meng Qi manage political affairs. Go down."

After Guo Jiaping finished speaking plainly, Mi Fang was stunned, and then she showed a smile and saluted Guo Jia, then turned and left in a hurry.

Looking at his back, Guo Jia narrowed his eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

Liangzhou is definitely not as rich as Yizhou, and the natural environment is not as good as that of the south, but Mi Fang is very happy.

In Yizhou, he was an ordinary county magistrate among hundreds of counties, and the number of officials who had pressured him was countless.

If he goes to Liangzhou to serve as the other driver, there is only one Liangzhou governor, Ma Chao, on his head.

Who is Ma Chao?


Literati look down on this kind of person a little bit, and they also have a feeling that they can play with them at will.

Even if Mi Fang is honest and honest, he is still under one person and above ten thousand people in Liangzhou!
This is simply a leap into the sky and a rising status!
Inside the gauze tent, Mi Zhen heard the sound of Mi Fang's leaving footsteps, she turned her head slowly, with a haggard complexion and disheveled hair.

Slender fingers slid across her delicate face. Guo Jia sat on the bed and looked down at her. Calm and indifferent.

"Follow me home today."

Guo Jia's words were light, but they were an order.

Mi Zhen shrunk her body, pressed against Guo Jia's body, and nodded her head lightly.

Such an ending was far better for her than her previous fate. She not only got rid of the fate of a lonely life, but also committed herself to a man she had longed for.

What more do you want to ask for?
After Guo Jia returned to the mansion, he simply performed a concubine ceremony.

Then, the whole Yizhou government was shaken!

Guo Jia sent people eight hundred miles to recall Fazheng and Xu Shu from Chang'an urgently.

The autumn wind is bleak, and the flowers wither.

Inside and outside of Guo Jia's mansion, the guards guarded Guo Jia's study room from the outside world.

On one wall of the study room was hung a map of the thirteen prefectures of Han, Jiangshan, and Guo Jia knelt under the map with his back facing the wall. On the left and right sides, Xi Zhicai, Pang Tong, Jia Xu, and Qin Mi sat quietly.

The four of them already saw that what was going to happen was unusual.

And this is no longer a secret discussion, it is definitely an important discussion.

Fazheng and Xu Shu, who came from the outside in servants, were startled when they saw the seamless deployment of soldiers and horses inside and outside the mansion.

The first thought was that someone was rebelling, and the guards were defending the Guo Mansion.

Stepping into the study room, the two saluted Guo Jia who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed, and then sat down respectively.

Guo Jia opened his eyes, but the ancient well was silent.

The six people sitting below, in terms of internal affairs talents, Xi Zhicai and Qin Mi are enough to make Guo Jia have no worries, and in terms of strategizing, Fazheng, Pang Tong, Xu Shu, Jia Xu are all rare geniuses in the world.

Guo Jia said: "Everyone, before I tell you what I have called you to discuss this time, I hope that you will keep your mouth shut about what you plan today for the next few years, or even until the day you die."

The six people in the hall had a look on their faces, and immediately agreed with their hands.

These six people already knew the importance and stakes, without Guo Jia saying it, they all knew what to say and what was the most appropriate thing to say forever, but Guo Jia still asked them, which meant that what they planned today was no small matter.

Xu Shu originally wanted to open his mouth to question Guo Jia when he met Guo Jia.

Selecting scholars through imperial examinations to select talents and appoint talents is the political line that Guo Jia has been following since he entered Yizhou. However, why did he insist on the strategy for nearly 20 years and give up for a Mi Fang?
Mi Fang is about to take up the post of Biejia in Liangzhou, the official document of Yizhou Prefecture has been released, and officials from all over the country have already known about it.

Perhaps, Mi Fang had been the magistrate of Shu County for more than ten years, and even if he had no credit, he had worked hard, so his promotion could not be considered too reluctant.

But the timing is wrong!

Mi Fang should not be promoted after Guo Jianna Mi Zhen, even if Mi Fang is really talented, in order to avoid suspicion, it should not be promoted at this time.

When outsiders saw this situation, they would think that Guo Jia was nepotism, and Mi Fang became his brother-in-law, so Guo Jia was promoted to such an unattainable height all of a sudden.

Xu Shu originally thought that Guo Jia had lost his mind in the pain, but now seeing Guo Jia's resolute expression, he understood that Guo Jia was never confused, and there was a reason for everything, but it was inconvenient to explain.

The eyes of the six people focused on Guo Jia, and Guo Jia stood up slowly. On the map behind him was an unopened map.


The whereabouts of the map unfold!

This is exactly the same as the map at the back, which is the thirteen prefectures of the Han River and Mountains.

However, there are a lot of markings on this map, dots circled, and straight lines of text, which make a simple map depict intricately.

Jia Xu's eyes saw the northwest territory for the first time.

Liangzhou!Why is there a sign of war on the map of Liangzhou? !
Qin Mi saw the Hangu Pass in Guanzhong, where there was a sign of fighting swords, with Guo on the left and Cao on the right.

What Fazheng saw was Hanzhong, and there was a route along the river to Shangyong in Jingzhou. This should be an advancing route.

Xu Shu looked at the map of Jiangdong in disbelief, there was an arrow from east to west, and the patterns of ships gathered in groups in Chibi!
Xi Zhicai stared at the map of Jingzhou, wondering why a group of soldiers and horses with the word "Gan" written on them appeared outside Fancheng again!

The person who was most shocked was Pang Tong. He stared at Jingzhou intently. There was a route from Xinye that bypassed Xiangyang and went straight to Jiangxia. On this route, there were two words: Liu, Zhuge.

Liu, in Xinye is Liu Bei.


Could it be Zhuge Kongming?

The minds of the six were shocked. This map has countless and intricate marking patterns, or lines, or war symbols, or names, from the northwest to Yizhou, and even from Yecheng, Hebei to Jiangdong Jianye.

Guo Jia put away his sword, faced the six people, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, what I plan today is a strategic plan for the next few years, and this plan has only one purpose: to destroy Cao!"

Jian'an 12th winter
Cao Cao Jin Weigong plus Jiuxi.

Liu Biao of Jingzhou was seriously ill.

Xinye Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times.

Zhuge Kongming has left the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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