Chapter 399
The world is bustling for profit.

It has been more than [-] years since the Han Dynasty fell apart and separated from the princes. Today, I am afraid that the common people of the new generation do not have the slightest sense of belonging to the Han Dynasty.

It is undeniable that there are still loyal and patriotic people who support the Han family, but this group is already very rare.

The reason why many of the gentry under Cao Wei’s rule were to collude with the imperial party, and even to fight against Cao Wei’s rule unanimously at a certain moment, was that the gentry needed a banner and a political force they could rely on.

Letting these suppressed, idled, and divided gentry groups elect a representative to contend with Cao Wei, it is tantamount to forcing the Cao family to kill.

It is conceivable that these gentry secretly supported Liu Xie to regain power. If they can rule the world, then the spring of the gentry will come again, and what they need is just another puppet emperor.

Therefore, Cao Pi has to think about a countermeasure, how to win over these gentry, once successful, then Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, will live and die, and no one will care about it. Cao Wei will further consolidate his status and power, and will reach a level that is even more superb than that of Cao Cao's era. .

Meditating in the study as always, Cao Pi was upset and couldn't think of a good solution. The gentry was always a hidden danger, and now Cao Pi seemed helpless to deal with the situation left by Cao Cao.

If Cao Cao was trying to win over the gentry, then Cao Pi would be very relaxed now. If Cao Cao and Guo Jia uprooted the gentry, Cao Pi would be able to do whatever he wanted, but Cao Cao used the strategy of the gentry to suppress the gentry in a two-pronged approach. Controlled, no matter which side is heavy and which side is light, it will cause adverse consequences.

Strategies have always changed according to changes in the current situation. How could Cao Cao beat the gentry to death with one blow by coercing the emperor to order the princes?
Even though Cao Cao hated the gentry's corpses and vegetarian meals, he still had to leave them some living space, but Cao Pi couldn't think of a way to overcome this situation.

Sima Yi came to see Cao Pi with the battle report from Xiangfan. Cao Pi collected his thoughts, and after reading the battle report, he immediately asked Sima Yi to summon Xun You, Cheng Yu, Chen Qun, Cui Yan and others to discuss the matter.

The atmosphere in the study was dignified, and Cao Wei's advisers were not optimistic after seeing the Xiangfan battle report.

Cao Pi's military strategy is naturally not as good as the few people in the room. He is not a self-willed monarch. He keeps a low profile and waits patiently for the countermeasures of several advisers.

Cui Yan suggested that Cao Zhen from Wancheng lead the army to support Fancheng. Whether it is to strengthen the defenders of Fancheng or cooperate with Cao Ren and Gan Ning in the decisive battle, the odds of winning should be more than [-]%.


Cheng Yu objected to Cui Yan's suggestion as soon as he said it.

The eyes of Cheng Yu, who looked old, still shone with wisdom.

Someone wrote a letter to Cao Pi and Cheng Yu deliberately rebelled. Cheng Yu knew about it, and it was Cao Pi who talked with him openly and honestly, just to show his trust in Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu didn't need Cao Pi's statement at all. He lived to the age when he knew his destiny He has long looked down on everything, and those low-level tricks of his political opponents are like clowns. His loyalty to the Cao family is the result of painstaking efforts over the past 20 years, and no one can erase it.

Looking around the crowd calmly, Cheng Yu said calmly: "Who do you think the enemy is now? Is it Gan Ning? Wrong, it's Guo Jia. Guo Jia has always been far-sighted. Right in the middle of my arms."

Everyone in the study looked dignified, including Cao Pi, and nodded in agreement.

If you think that the crisis in Fancheng can be solved by dealing with Gan Ning, then Cao Wei will perish sooner or later!
No matter who in the Taiping Army has high prestige and is invincible, they cannot do without the man who truly dominates the overall situation.

Cao Wei's enemy is only Guo Jia.

Xun You said indifferently: "Guo Jia has repeatedly predicted the enemy first, and Gan Ning attacked Fancheng in the north. The plan may not be as simple as a Fancheng."

Even after Xun You said that, all the people present were heavy-hearted and their brains were spinning.

Cheng Yu had read the battle report, which contained Man Chong's analysis of the Taiping Army's siege strategy. In the confrontation between the two sides, there were not many casualties, but perhaps the Taiping Army wanted to exhaust the long-range forces of the Fancheng defenders.

If Cao Zhen in Wancheng led his army to support Fancheng, he might fall into a trap. The [-] Taiping army outside Fancheng, plus the total of [-] Taiping troops in Shangyong Xincheng, could not be guaranteed to be waiting for reinforcements from Cao Wei!

But Fancheng must be rescued!
It's just that Cheng Yu objected to the mobilization of Wancheng's troops.

Because he was afraid that this was Guo Jia's plan to attack the west or divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"Xiliang Iron Cavalry, Silver Feather Flying Cavalry, neither participated in the battle, so we have to defend!"

Sima Yi explained Cheng Yu's worries in one word, and at the same time sighed silently.

Before Cao Cao sent his army south last year, his deployment in Sili was a tripod formation. Cao Xiu was guarding the northern part of Sili, Zhang Jai was in Luoyang, and Cao Zhen was stationed in Wancheng.

Cao Zhen in Wancheng was not only a transit point to contact Xiangfan, but also a barrier to shake Wuguan.

If Wancheng's soldiers and horses are transferred away, will Ma Chao, who has not yet appeared on any battlefield, lead [-] cavalry out of Wuguan and straight into the heart of the Central Plains! ?
Guo Jia's use of troops has always been full of intrigues. If the siege of Fancheng is fake, weakening the defensive power of Sili, and then letting the Northwest Wolf Brocade and Ma Chao lead the army into the Central Plains, then the Central Plains of Cao Wei will fall completely!
Cao Pi closed his eyes and meditated. The soldiers and horses in Wancheng could not move, nor could the [-] soldiers led by Xia Houshang in Xuchang.

"From this point of view, the only option is to send the newly recruited soldiers and horses in the past six months to support Fancheng."

After Cao Pi finished speaking, he looked around. Sima Yi, Cheng Yu, Xun You, Cui Yan and others had no objections.

Who to send?
Xia Houyuan?Xu Huang?Li Dian?The ban? .
After thinking about it, Cao Pi decided to let Yu Jin lead his army to support Fancheng.

After Cao Pi took office, he began to recruit troops in Hebei. He immediately wrote the military order himself and asked Yu Jin to lead the seven troops recruited from various places to the south.

A decision was made on military operations. Just as the discussion was about to end, Sima Yi suggested to Cao Pi: "The King of Wei might as well contact Jiangdong Sun Quan secretly and encourage him to attack the Taiping Army with our army."

If Sun Quan was willing to stab Guo Jia in the back, Cao Pi would definitely be overjoyed, but at this moment he asked suspiciously: "Jiang Dong and Guo Jia are allies, but Sun Quan has a grudge against me. Will he help me?"

"This method works."

Cheng Yu nodded in agreement with Sima Yi's suggestion.

And Sima Yi explained his intention to Cao Pi: "Sun Quan didn't help King Wei, but saved Jiangdong. Just imagine, King Wei, if the Taiping Army captures Fancheng, the Central Plains will be in Guo Jia's pocket. At that time, Jiangdong can survive? Jiangdong and Guo When Jia formed an alliance, King Wei was dominant. Now the situation is different. Guo Jia is the strongest of the three. Jiangdong now has no sense of security for Guo Jia as an ally. Instead, he is afraid. Sun Quan married his sister and daughter. I am afraid that Guo Jia will turn his back on him, so we must make friends with Guo Jia, so that Guo Jia can conquer the Jiangdong innocent and dare not act rashly."

After listening to Sima Yi's analysis, others nodded frequently, Cao Pi followed his suggestion, and sent someone to send a letter to Jiangdong as quickly as possible.

After the discussion was settled, several counselors resigned one after another, but Chen Qun stayed in the study.

Cao Pi was about to ask Chen Qun what else to do, Chen Qun took out a roll of bamboo slips from his sleeve robe and presented it to Cao Pi with both hands, bowed his head and said indifferently: "Wei Wang, this is the countermeasure for the matter that Wei Wang asked my subordinates a few days ago. "

After hearing this, Cao Pi's eyes lit up, how to win over the gentry for his own use, Cao Pi asked Chen Qun, but he didn't expect Chen Qun to come up with a way, so he took the bamboo slips and opened them for a look.

The Ninth Rank Official Law? !

Cao Pi watched intently, and his expression, which had just been relieved, became dignified again.

Chen Qun's proposal is only a prototype, but the essence is very clear.

This nine-rank official law is a step further than the Han Dynasty's investigation system, and the ranks are divided according to the family background.

This is equivalent to monopolizing official positions in the hands of the gentry, and it is legal.

The common people want a carp to jump over the dragon's gate, wishful thinking!

After Cao Pi saw it, he didn't respond immediately, and Chen Qun bowed to leave.

Meditating alone in the study, the bamboo slips in Cao Pi's hands were as heavy as a mountain.

He knew very well what it meant to implement this system.

This is the trade of political interests!
Why is Guo Jia popular?Will the common people support him physically and mentally?

In essence, Guo Jia exchanged political interests for it.

The Yizhou gentry was suppressed by Liu Yan before Guo Jia entered Shu, and Guo Jia was also cleaned once after he took over, which led to the uprooting of the gentry group under his rule.

However, Guo Jia introduced the way of obtaining scholars through the imperial examination system, which is tantamount to handing over political interests to all the common people under his rule, so Guo Jia was supported by the common people.

In terms of the strategy of attacking the gentry, Guo Jia carried out a step-by-step plan, and when the time was right, he gave a blow to the top. It was not that the Yizhou gentry had no chance to fight against Guo Jia, but they missed it and were deceived by Guo Jia. It was first divided, then weakened, and finally suffered the disaster of thunder.

As for Guanzhong, when Guo Jia captured it, there were no gentry at all. After being poisoned by Dong Zhuo and Li Jue and Guo Si, Guanzhong was deserted for thousands of miles. Even if there were surviving gentry, they all fled after Guo Jia took over. Kanto.

After 20 years of development, there are no noble families under Guo Jia's rule, and the selection of scholars through the imperial examination has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Cao Wei is different, Cao Wei's situation is too complicated.

Hebei is the mess left by Yuan Shao, and it is the huge power of the Shandong family run by the Yuan family of the fourth generation and third father.

In the Central Plains, because Cao Cao rose from the cracks all the way, things could not be done absolutely, leaving enough room for the gentry to survive.

Now, what Cao Pi has to solve is to make changes in the political line.

He couldn't balance the contradiction and coexistence between the common people and the noble people, so he had to make a choice between the two.

Cao Pi held the bamboo slips and kept tapping his palms, muttering to himself.

If he and Guo Jia follow the same route, then there will inevitably be a surrender faction inside.

Because since Cao Wei can't give them more benefits, or they have the same treatment in front of Guo Jia and Cao Pi, why must they stand on Cao Pi's side?

Conversely, if Cao Pi wins over the gentry, then when Guo Jia strikes, the internal unity will be unprecedented, because when Cao Wei falls, these gentry will lose their political interests.


Cao Pi took a deep breath, his expression firm, he had already made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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