The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 4 The general trend of the world

Chapter 4 The general trend of the world
It has been two years since Guo Jia helped refugees. In 182 AD, Guo Jia became famous in Yingchuan for his extensive charitable deeds. More than two hundred children have been taught.

It was drizzling, and there were two handsome young men kneeling opposite each other in a wooden house next to the farmland. Among them, the young man in a beige gown was Guo Jia. Now he is almost 13 years old. With years of martial arts practice, he is tall and tall. He is mighty and fierce, yet masculine in his handsomeness.

Guo Jia poured tea for the young man opposite him, then looked out the window at the rain scene, sighed softly, "Yuan Zhi, you and I have known each other for a year, during this year, you always asked me about the general situation of the world, and I always kept my mouth shut. Answer, today, you and I can talk freely, okay?"

Xu Shu, who was holding a teacup and was about to drink water, was shocked, his expression of joy was obvious, he put down his teacup and bowed to Guo Jia, and said humbly, "Teach me in filial piety."

The person in front of Guo Jia is Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi. Although Xu Shu is only about 16 years old, he already has a good reputation, but his reputation is not in the scholar forest, but in the Jianghu.

Xu Shu, who likes to make friends with knight-errant heroes since he was young, has martial arts skills that are far superior to ordinary warriors. The young knight.

But as time goes by, Xu Shu knows that relying on his own force is only a drop in the bucket for the common people in the world. If he wants to save the world, he has to learn how to govern the world with peace and stability. With white eyes, the nobles naturally looked down on a righteous man like him, and his background also made many celebrities and great sages look down on him, so naturally they ignored him.

Feeling extremely lost, Xu Shu came to visit after hearing that Yingchuan's little grandpa was benevolent and wise. After listening to the learning for half a day outside the wooden schoolhouse, he hurriedly asked Guo Jia to be his teacher. Guo Jia was tabooing being an elder. Therefore, Xu Shu was introduced as a good friend to study knowledge together, so Xu Shu stayed with Guo Jia.

"Yuanzhi, what do you think is the world today?" Guo Jia looked at the drizzle outside the window, but he was thinking in his heart: Two years have passed, and Zhang Jiao will make trouble in two years, but the real chaos in the world is far away. The era, eight years away, and I really, really, can't wait.

Xu Shu pondered for a moment and then said solemnly: "The world is cruel, starvation is everywhere, and the common people eat each other. It's too horrible."

"Why? The Han Dynasty was once very prosperous. Why is the foundation of the dynasty that has lasted for 400 years to this day, but the country is full of holes?"

Guo Jia kept looking out of the window, and his tone was flat, while Xu Shu said indignantly: "The root cause is that the emperor is ignorant, allowing foreign relatives and eunuchs to monopolize power, chaos in the court, unclear government orders, and the corpses of all officials. One's own selfishness, disregarding the life and death of the people of the world, is really chilling. The second root cause is that the common people think that it is the disaster of the aristocratic family. Racking their brains to squeeze the people, driving them to a dead end step by step, if they had a little compassion and benevolence, then the current situation would not be like this."

Guo Jia turned his eyes back this time, turned to Xu Shu, stared at him for a long time and then smiled lightly: "Yuan Zhi, you always said that you abandoned literature and martial arts when you were young, and you were just a reckless man, what you said now is beyond what ordinary scholars can think of." Yes. However, I would like to add an objective factor, natural disasters. Although I live in a corner of Yingchuan, I have heard that natural disasters have continued in various places in recent years, or there have been severe droughts, years without rain, or floods, and tens of thousands of hectares of farmland have been destroyed. Once, if there were no natural disasters, the current situation would never be so miserable."

"Natural disaster? Is the sky going to perish?" Xu Shu muttered to himself, his expression changing, not knowing what he was thinking.

Guo Jia continued to ask: "Since Yuan Zhi already knows the root of the world's decline, then may I ask, what is Yuan Zhi's clever strategy to save the world?"

Xu Shu raised his head and looked at Guo Jia, sighed, shook his head and said: "The current situation, the Han Dynasty is in jeopardy, if you want to rule the world, you have to be a wise king. To clear up the court and renovate the family, only the king is wise, the ministers are wise, the government is well-organized, and the officials are clear... ..."

Xu Shu didn't continue talking because he knew that this was impossible.

Guo Jia nodded to agree with this statement, but he still asked: "Then according to what Yuanzhi said, isn't this world hopeless?"

Xu Shu pondered for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "I remember Feng Xiao once said that since Emperor Huan, the government has been corrupt, and the people have no means of living. Today, Emperor Ziling sells officials and nobles. This is a sign of the country's ruin. I deeply believe it. The current situation If there is to be great order in the world, there must be great chaos first, and if there is chaos, the heroes of the world will surely rise from all directions, Qin loses his deer, and the heroes will fight together. At that time, the Ming Lord will win the country and the world will be ruled."

These words can be described as rebellious, but they are the truth, and those with foresight and talent must be able to see this, but Guo Jia has talked with others over the years, and there are only two people who can really speak freely. Cai and Xu Shu.

First of all, both of them came from poor families. Now that the emperor is ignorant and ministers, and has no way to serve the country, for them, if the world is really in chaos, they must find a wise master and vote for them. As for whether the Han Dynasty will perish or not, that is the second.Secondly, Guo Jia is now considered a celebrity in Yingchuan. He does not have to be cautious in his actions, but he must also avoid misfortune from his mouth. Facing another friend, Xun Yu, Guo Jia will never say that the big man is about to perish. , the world has been favored by the emperor, even though Xun Yu can see that the man's spirit is declining, he dare not think about the subjugation of the country.

Guo Jia asked again: "If the world is in chaos, how will the family survive in the troubled times?"

This question caused Xu Shu to fall into deep thought, but the industrious and intelligent Xu Shu quickly cleared his mind, and replied in a deep voice: "If the world is in chaos, there will inevitably be mobs everywhere. Although the family is strong, it may be in danger of being overthrown. The aristocratic family will definitely support the hero and let the people of insight in the family join the Ming lord's tent to serve, so as to protect the safety of the family, and secondly, if the Ming lord they fancy can really win the world, then the family will definitely be better than before."

"Yuan Zhi said every word and every word, if a hero in troubled times wants to do something, soldiers and horses, money and food, counselors and generals, and territorial cities are all indispensable conditions, and rich and famous families can provide money and food to recruit soldiers and horses, and the children of aristocratic families are not all mediocre. Generations, in troubled times, the role of aristocratic families should not be underestimated." Guo Jia poured another cup of tea for Xu Shu, and gently pushed the cup in front of him.

Xu Shu suddenly looked sad, and said bitterly: "If the world is in chaos today, the family will be one of them. If they take over the world in the future, the family will also be one. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shu said in a hateful voice: "Yingchuan is a rich place, with outstanding people, and there are many wealthy families. A few days ago, several wealthy families jointly signed a letter to the imperial court to tell the imperial court that Feng Xiao's intention to raise the dead was wrong. If the Xun family hadn't come forward to manage Luoyang To excuse Fengxiao, I am afraid that Fengxiao is facing a catastrophe today, so it can be seen that the family is narrow-minded and has a treacherous heart, so it is difficult for my generation to be tolerated."

Regarding this matter, Guo Jia just smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously. He knew that there were many people offended by his pride in recent years. Yingchuan College invited him many times but was declined politely. He was quite dissatisfied, and the prestige he established among the people by helping refugees made many big families in Yingchuan secretly hate him.

Although it seemed nothing had happened on the surface, Guo Jia saw clearly the faces of the aristocratic families in his heart, and secretly made up his mind that if the world was in chaos in the future, he must not be merciful to these aristocratic families.

Today I was discussing the general trend of the world with Xu Shu, and I didn’t want the topic to go too far, so Guo Jia said: “Yuan Zhi, just now you and I predicted that the chaos will come, so I will ask more carefully, how did the world get into chaos? When did the chaos start? Time?"

"This, this, filial piety, I have little talent and little learning, how can I predict what will happen in the future? Today I can lie about the future of the world, and it is also the merit of Feng Xiao's teaching. If Feng Xiao doesn't hesitate to teach me, I will be grateful."

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he bowed his hands and looked like he was humbly asking for advice. This was something that Guo Jia had no choice but to do. He hoped that his friends would be more easy-going, but he repeatedly urged Xu Shu to return in vain.

Guo Jia stood up and went to the window, looked up at the gray sky, and asked, "Do you know who Zhang Jiao is?"

After sorting out his thoughts, Xu Shu replied: "It is rumored that in the early years, this person preached to all parts of the Central Plains, and he used talisman water spells to heal diseases and save people. You can hear his good name from the north to all the states in the Central Plains. During the ten years of Taiping Dao, there were millions of believers, or even quite a few. Officials all respect Taiping Dao."

"Then you say that if Zhang Jiao is rebellious, what will the court do?"

"Heavy troops must be sent to suppress them! Zhang Jiao will be defeated! But why did Zhang Jiao turn against him? Even though he has millions of believers, they are all unarmed civilians. Compared with the regular army, they are simply vulnerable." Xu Shu Although he didn't believe it, his heart was pounding.

This person is known as a great virtuous teacher, and his followers are all over the Central Plains and the northern states. If he climbs up and shouts, I am afraid that most of the country will be in chaos!

Guo Jia returned to his seat with a light smile and sat down, and said softly: "If you can win the hearts of the people in the eight prefectures of Ji, Qing, You, Yang, Yan, Jing, Xu, and Henan, there will be millions of people listening to you." Serve your life, don’t you have any other thoughts? You and I are both from humble backgrounds. If we were born in the worst-hit states and counties, I’m afraid it would be hard to survive. If a great virtuous teacher saves the lives of both of you and me, wouldn’t you work for him? Talented people are not rare among millions of civilians. Zhang Jiao has many capable people. Taiping Taoism has been preaching for nearly 20 years, and it has developed to the point where it is today. Is Zhang Jiao still willing to be a religious leader? Even if he is willing, the people around him Will you be willing? As the situation intensifies, Taipingdao's rebellion is inevitable."

Xu Shu was terrified when he heard it, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead. After wiping it off, he said with lingering fear, "If Feng Xiao's words are right, the Han Dynasty may be in danger of overthrow."

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "You also said that Zhang Jiao will be defeated. Although the Han Dynasty is in decline, it has not yet reached the point of disintegration."

Xu Shu showed doubts on his face, and asked hesitantly: "If Zhang Jiao is defeated, what does it have to do with the general trend of the world? There have been many rebellions in recent years. How is Zhang Jiao's rebellion different?"

Guo Jia closed his eyes and said, "If Zhang Jiao rebels, half of the country will be at war. If the Son of Heaven wants to wipe out the rebels quickly, will the imperial court have enough soldiers?"

Xu Shu understood, understood immediately, and lost his voice: "Could it be that the Son of Heaven is so ignorant that he will release the general's power?"

Guo Jia opened his eyes and praised: "It's easy to talk to a smart man. In order to wipe out the huge bandit army as soon as possible, the emperor must let the county guards around the country expand the army to suppress the bandits. Those who win here will be destroyed here. Although Zhang Jiao was defeated, he was shaken." The foundation of the great man, the fall of the imperial power, the chaos of the world, and the day when all the heroes rise together are not far away."

The room fell silent, Xu Shu took a long time to calm down his excitement, and asked thoughtfully, "But will Zhang Jiao really rebel?"

Guo Jia didn't answer, but instead asked, "Yuan Zhi, do you want to go to Yecheng, Jizhou with me?"

Xu Shu was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What are you going to do in Yecheng?"

"Zhang Jiao is in Ye City."

(End of this chapter)

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