The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 405 Waterman's 7rd Army

Chapter 405 Waterman Seventh Army
Since the beginning of Ganning's northern attack on Xiangfan, Sun Quan brought Lu Xun to Chaisang and has not left, and has been paying attention to the battle situation in Jingzhou.

On the banks of the Chaisang Wai River, Sun Quan and Sun Quan stood proudly by the river one after another, overlooking the direction of Xiangfan in the northwest. There is actually no other scenery except the blue river and the majestic green mountains.

Ma Chao's rebellion, Gan Ning's disobedience, coupled with Guo Jia's preference for Wu Yi, his unconventional promotion of Mi Fang, and his lenient punishment of Wu Yi for framing Gan Ning, etc., it seems that the most stable Taiping Army in the Southwest has been dormant in an instant. Entered the eventful autumn.

"Bo Yan, I want to compete in the world, where should I take the first place?"

Sun Quan stood with his hands behind his back and suddenly asked a question.

Yiyin danced with the wind, as the youngest staff member in the Marquis Wu shogunate, Lu Xun only spat out two words.


Sun Quan raised his head and closed his eyes, repeating these two words in his heart.

Jingzhou will always be Jingzhou, the most important Jingzhou in the world!
Opening his eyes, with a cold light, Sun Quan looked at the sky.

It seems that Jiangdong's opportunity has come!
Gan Ning does not withdraw troops, good!
It's wonderful to have a battle with Cao Ren!
In the battle of Fancheng, it is best to fight like a catastrophe!
Previously, Gan Ning had [-] soldiers and horses, while Cao Ren in Fancheng had only [-]. But after Ban led seven armies to help, Cao Wei had the upper hand in terms of the number of soldiers and horses, and the battle of Fancheng was evenly matched!

"Cao Ren, Yu Jin, Gan Ning, fight a battle that will allow me to sweep Jingzhou!"

Sun Quan turned around and walked back towards Chaisang. When passing by Lu Xun, he said coldly, "Bo Yan, send an order to Jianye to mobilize all the troops from Jiangdong to Chaisang."

Lu Xun bowed to accept the order, already knowing Sun Quan's plan in his heart.

This is to wait for the Guo and Cao families to lose both outside of Fancheng, and then clean up the mess by surprise.

Zhou Yu in Jiangxia had [-] soldiers and horses, and now Sun Quan wanted to send the remaining [-] soldiers and horses from Jiangdong.

At the end of July, after Yu Jin led his army to Fancheng to rest for a whole day, he was ready to confront Gan Ning head-on.

On the same day, Yu Jin led his army into Fancheng, and the Taiping army built a high wall on the north side of Fancheng overnight, completely building a circle of high walls around the periphery of Fancheng, leaving only a gap like a passage in the southwest direction of Fancheng.

The sun was shining brightly, and there was no wind or cloud.

The gate to the south of Fancheng was slowly opened, and Yu Jin led the seven armies he brought out of Fancheng to declare war on the Taiping army.

Man Chong and Cao Ren stood on the tower to oversee the battle, with grim expressions, and the situation in front of them was not optimistic.

The high wall that Gan Ning built outside the city was very thick, more than two feet high, which was not easily destroyed by ordinary city hammers.

This continuous high wall has a gentle slope to the outside. Gan Ning walked up, surrounded by soldiers with bows and crossbows, condescending, stretching their bows and arrows, intimidating the enemy.

The forbidden army lined up, the shield soldiers took the lead, and the archers and pikemen protected the perimeter of the attacking troops.

No matter what, a wall must be demolished today, although no one knows what purpose Gan Ning built this wall.

"Gan Xingba! Do you have the guts to fight me?"

Seeing Gan Ning aloof and majestic, Yu Jin spoke out and fought fiercely.

Standing on the high wall, Gan Ning had a cold expression on his face, and he did not pretend to be challenged by the ban. Instead, he raised his chin and looked up at Cao Ren at the head of Fancheng.

"Cao Zixiao, this battle will never be forgotten!"

Cao Ren clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly a sense of tension spread in his heart. Gan Ning's overwhelming confidence made him feel uneasy.

Yu Jin, who was ignored, was furious immediately, and immediately ordered a frontal charge!

Shouting to kill Zhentian, Cao Wei's soldiers opened their mouths and charged forward without hesitation, but Gan Ning on the high wall was calm, waved his big hand, his cape fluttered, and not far behind him, a puff of smoke rose into the sky.

This is the signal!

The vanguard was less than a hundred steps away from where Gan Ning was. The long-range troops of the Taiping Army kept firing arrows, and the arrows rained down the walls.


A shock came from a distance, causing the battlefield where the shocking battle was fought to suddenly fall into silence, and everyone was startled.

On the top of Fancheng City, Cao Ren followed the prestige, walked west together with Man Chong, stood on a high place and bent down to have a look, his face turned pale immediately.


Cao Ren's eyes were tearing apart, as if he saw ghosts and gods!
To the northwest of Fancheng, in the high-wall passage, the flood rushing from afar is like a raging wild beast, sweeping in with the power to devour everything!

The waves were turbulent and furious, and the seven armies led by Yu Jin outside Fancheng were all stunned, as if the flood was overwhelming.

Tens of thousands of troops were drowned in the raging waves!

Cao Ren panted heavily, and fell to the ground in despair. Man Chong quickly ordered people to close the city gate, and ordered people to go to the granary to save food immediately. Go to help Cao Ren get up.

But Cao Ren firmly held Man Chong's arms with both hands, and asked through gritted teeth, "Military Master, where does this water come from?"

Man Chong's eyes were already wet, and he tremblingly said: "Han Shui."

"Impossible! Impossible! The water level of the Han River cannot rise to this height even in the rainy season!"

Cao Ren frantically questioned Man Chong, but Man Chong turned his eyes away, closed his eyes, and heard Cao Jun's screams and cries for help from outside the city, which hurt his heart.

"General, as long as you block the lower reaches of the Han River and save up for a period of time, you can do it."

Analyzing things from the results, Zhiru Manchong will be able to figure out everything, why Gan Ning first attacked Fancheng and only attacked from a distance, why he built the wall, why he left the north to wait for reinforcements to arrive before launching the attack, and so on.

Cao Ren got up and looked out of the city, seeing a vast ocean.

"Military division, are you just watching these soldiers die tragically?"

Cao Ren asked in a shy voice, the hand holding the stone wall was already bleeding.

Man Chong's teary eyes were dim, his heart was cold, and he shook his head slightly.

save?How to save?
Not only the outside of Fancheng was submerged by this flood, but even the inside of Fancheng was already flooded.

Outside Fancheng, it was hit by a flood, and all the troops brought by Yujin were washed away and submerged in the waves.And Man Chong immediately ordered the city gate to be closed, but it certainly couldn't stop the flood from flowing into Fancheng, but the city was not hit by the flood, but the water level kept rising.

The people in the city fell into panic, climbed up the houses and huddled together, and they didn't even have time to clean up the valuables at home. Fancheng was already wailing and a mess.

On the gentle slope around the high wall, soldiers of the Taiping Army carried numerous small boats up the high wall.

The boat entered the water, and the soldiers of the Taiping Army boarded the boat and began to easily kill Cao Jun who was struggling to survive in the water.

Gan Ning kept looking up at the top of Fancheng. When Cao Ren yelled in shock, the corners of Gan Ning's mouth turned up, finally revealing a cruel grin.

"Cao Zixiao, Kaesong surrenders, I will spare you!"

Cao Ren's long-suppressed anger completely exploded at this rampant clamor.

Pulling out his saber, Cao Ren stood on the top of the wall and leaned forward, almost falling to the bottom of the wall.

Crazy and ferocious, Cao Ren was like a wounded beast.

"Gan Ning, if I don't kill you, I swear I won't be a human being! I will smash your bones into ashes, smash your body into thousands of pieces, eat your flesh and sleep on your skin!"

Gan Ning tilted his head, dismissing Cao Ren's words, and raised his right hand, as if making a welcome gesture.

"Okay, wait for you! Hahahaha."

Laughing wildly as he was sure of winning, Gan Ning turned around and disappeared on the high wall.

Cao Ren's frenzied yelling seemed feeble, but he had no choice but to vent in this way.

The soldiers and horses led by Yu Jiansuo were all from the north, and the water quality was not good. Most of them drowned, and the rest were dying in the water.

In this battle, Gan Ning flooded the Seventh Army, and Megatron Huaxia!

Back in the commander's tent, Gan Jing quietly waited for the result of the battle. The frontline command no longer needed him. After killing Cao Jun in the water, he continued to confront Fancheng. Fancheng would no longer be able to hold on for a year like before.

He closed his eyes in the handsome tent and rested his mind. After an unknown amount of time, footsteps came from outside the tent, and Zhou Tai escorted a person into the handsome tent.

Gan Ning opened his eyes and took a look, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, with disdain on his face.

Yu Jin was wet and tied up. Although he was submerged in the tide, although he was not drowned, he was captured alive.

What a shame!
But he couldn't hold his head up right now, and he couldn't show any heroic spirit when facing Gan Ning.

"Yu Jin? Haven't you heard of a certain name?"

Gan Ning asked lightly.

Yu Jin was dejected, and said in a low voice: "The general has a brilliant record, in Megatron, everyone in the world doesn't know who doesn't know?"

With the illustrious military achievements of Gan Ning in the Taiping Army, compared with Cao Wei, any general in the Jiangdong camp is even worse.

Hearing what Yu Jin said, Gan Ning asked curiously, "Since you know, why are you here to die?"

Yu Jin breathed weakly, and said sadly: "The King of Wei has an order, and I dare not disobey it."

The disdain in Gan Ning's eyes was even greater. This Yu Jin's bones were not as hard as he imagined. Logically, the opponent, as one of the few generals around Cao Cao who had fought for more than ten years, should be loyal to Cao Wei, but Yu Jin's tone and His words revealed a wave of helplessness and timidity.

fear death?

Just be afraid of death!
"In that case, are you willing to surrender?"

Gan Ning walked up to Yu Jin and looked down at him.

Yu Jin bowed his head and hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said: "I wish, I wish to surrender."

Gan Ning bent down to untie him personally, and said: "Since you know the current affairs, then I will not make things difficult for you, but this matter needs to be reported to the lord, and I will send someone to send you to Chengdu, then how to arrange you will be decided by my lord. "

Stretching his muscles and bones, Yu Jin clasped his fists at Gan Ning and said in a guilty low voice, "Thank you General for not killing me. Everything is up to the General."

Gan Ning nodded casually, and then Zhou Tai took Yu Jin away, and after a while, someone else entered the account, almost rushing in.

Few people would rush into the camp of the commander in the army recklessly, and when those who came rushed in, they would shout at the top of their voices.

"Great governor! Great governor! Victory, haha, Cao Jun was killed!"

Gan Ning turned his head to look, and Dian described to him the flood-filled scene of the Fancheng battlefield, Gan Ning didn't blame him for being reckless, but smiled knowingly.

After all, Dianman also contributed to the flooding of the Seventh Army. It was Dianman who led the new army to reset the barriers in the lower reaches of the Han River. It took more than a month of hard work to create today's results!

(End of this chapter)

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