Chapter 408
As soon as the news of Xu Huang's arrival in Fancheng reached Sun Quan's ears, Sun Quan knew that it was Cao Pi's intention to stick to Fancheng. The time is right.

Immediately, Sun Quan resolutely ordered Zhou Yu in Jiangxia to lead Lu Meng, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Lu Fan, Ding Feng, Lu Xun and others to march westward. The vanguard led by Lu Meng turned into a merchant brigade from the river to Nanjun outside the city of Jiangling.

Cross the river in white clothes!

Disguised as a merchant fleet, Lv Meng led the vanguard of the Jiangdong Army in white and brocade robes. There were only a few hundred people.

Lu Meng sent a polite subordinate to answer the question. The Taiping Army officers at the top of the city saw that their outfits were not suspicious, but they were going to enter the city at midnight. This matter was no small matter, so they went to ask the city guard Jiang Qin to open the city gate to find out the identity of the other party. The command.

The tightly closed city gate had just opened a gap, and after the creaking sound came, a cold light suddenly appeared under the night light, Lu Meng drew a long knife from behind and rushed up first, and inserted the knife into the gate that had already fallen, ready to open In the gap of the city gate, the blade turned over, and the opening of the city gate was even wider, and all the soldiers in white pulled out the long knives hidden behind them, bravely stepped forward to smash open the city gate, and filed in, inflicting a fatal blow on the soldiers of the Taiping Army who were guarding the city below. hit.

Blood splattered, screams and killings pierced the night sky, and the world was silent and noisy for a moment.

Jiangling City has only nearly [-] defenders. As Gan Ning’s rear dispatch base for the northern attack on Fancheng, the only threats around the Taiping Army are Jiangdong and Jingnan counties. Invading Jiangling, and the Taiping Army and Jiangdong were allies. In order to mobilize the largest force to conquer Fancheng, Gan Ning partly did not take Sun Quan seriously, and partly because of his allies' relationship.

The [-] defenders had to guard the gates on all four sides, and at the same time be responsible for the security of the city. Coupled with the alternating shifts, the defensive force at one gate was naturally pitifully small, and they were killed by the white-clothed soldiers led by Lu Meng in just a moment.

However, the sound of screams and fighting seemed to break the tranquility of Jiangling, and the news that came along with the wind was bound to alarm the defenders of the city.

Lu Meng didn't care, Jiangdong's [-] troops will rush to Jiangling under the leadership of Zhou Yu within an hour. As long as the city gate is guarded for an hour, Jiangdong will be able to capture Jiangling without any effort.

Under the cold moonlight, Lu Meng suddenly turned his eyes and saw dozens of horses tied inside the city gate. These horses were used by the city gate order to transmit information to the government office in the city as quickly as possible. He left [-] soldiers to guard the city. Then he brought hundreds of people, those who had horses rode, and those who had no horses ran away, and went to the government office in the city with him.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Now the Taiping armies from all sides are rushing towards the south gate of the city, but Lu Meng went the opposite way and entered the heart of the enemy army, directly capturing the government office in the city.

Da da da

On a moonlit night, the streets were unimpeded, and the people did not dare to go out to watch even if they heard the movement outside. Lu Meng led a hundred soldiers along the main road and went straight to the Jiangling government office.

The horse's hooves were flying, and Lu Meng became suspicious. He didn't even meet a single enemy soldier on the way, which was really unbelievable.

Even if the defenders from the east and the west did not meet him on the wrong road, at least if the defenders from the north facing the south came to rescue the lost south gate, they would definitely meet him on a narrow road, but there was not a single defender, even patrolling None of the defenders!
The strange encounter had the answer when Lu Meng rushed to the Jiangling government office.

Outside the government office, on the main road leading to the north city gate, the Taiping army gathered together, there were more than 2000 people, and each array was retreating in an orderly manner.

"Stop the dog thief!"

Lu Meng completely disregarded the situation that the enemy was outnumbered, and angrily rushed forward to fight.

And Jiang Qin, who led the retreat, did not turn his head back, let two hundred soldiers meet Lu Mengduan, and continued to retreat calmly.

Pang Tong took the time to look back and watch Lu Meng in white leading hundreds of Jiangdong Army and Taiping Army to fight, with a vague sneer on his face all the time.


I don't know who it is called?

Ha ha.

Lu Meng cut down one person on horseback. After the Taiping army was cut off, under the moonlight, Pang Tong and Jiang Qin's 2000 people retreated and gradually drifted away. But it made Lu Meng feel afraid.

The other party seemed to have been attacked by surprise, but he was still confident!

However, the opponent is indeed retreating!

The Taiping Army left in Jiangling was after all a logistics force, and its combat power was hard to compare with the elite army. After some fighting, all of them were killed by the Jiangdong elite pioneers led by Lu Meng, and there were less than 30 people left by Lu Meng's side. .

Yi Jiang Remnant bravely pursued the poor bandits. Lü Meng was extremely brave. With less than 30 men, he dared to chase Jiang Qin and Pang Tong's 2000-strong army. However, they chased all the way outside the city gate to the north of Jiangling, and all they saw was the endless darkness of the night.

Lu Meng looked up to the sky and sighed deeply, feeling very sorry.

After all, let the other party escape.

The lost mood was quickly put away, Lu Meng was filled with ambition again, turned around and strode towards the city with firm eyes.

Jiangling, you got it!

Leading an army from Jiangxia County to attack Jiangling by surprise, Zhou Yu and the general in the army rode horses and galloped, ordering the whole army to march quickly in the dark night.

The summer night was sweltering, but Zhou Yu's face was cold and his heart was cold.

The positive conversation with Guo Jia kept replaying in my mind.

"One day, I will lead my troops to flatten Jiangdong!"

These words lingered in Zhou Yu's heart like a nightmare.

In fact, Zhou Yu disapproved of Sun Quan's reneging on the covenant, because it was breaking the promise of the world.

However, compared with the dishonesty of the world, Jiangdong's survival is obviously more important.

If Gan Ning captured Fancheng, even if Guo Jia lost Guanzhong and shifted his strategic focus to the south, Jiangdong would be the first to suffer.

Life and death depend on the front line, and Jiangdong has reached the point where he has to betray the covenant in order to protect himself.

The purpose of this surprise attack on Nanjun was not only to capture Jiangling, but more importantly, to wipe out the [-] Taiping troops led by Gan Ning.

Ahead, there is an army of [-] troops from Cao Wei in Fancheng.

In the rear, Jiangling, the supply place of the Taiping Army, fell, and Jiangdong had [-] troops.

Gan Ning on the front line of Xiangfan will be caught in a dilemma, unable to advance or retreat. To the east is the territory of Jiangdong and Cao Wei. If he goes there, he will seek his own death. The only way out is Xincheng and Shangyong in the northwest.

However, the person guarding the new city is Wu Yi, a pair of secret enemies who are already in the same situation as Gan Ning, and who might want to kill each other in their hearts.

Zhou Yu expected that with Gan Ning's relationship with Wu Yi and Gan Ning's arrogance, he might not surrender to Wu Yi. He would put all his eggs in one basket and either attack Fancheng or fight back at Jiangling.

However, the [-] army has no food and grass supply, no matter if it is Fancheng or Jiangling, as long as they stick to it, Gan Ning will be exhausted and the [-] troops under his command will be destroyed without attack.

Gan Ning was defeated, Guo Jia was like a broken arm, and the rebellion of Ma Chao in Guanzhong cut off the connection between Zhang Liao's [-] soldiers and horses in Hangu Pass and Wuguan and Guo Jia. From prosperity to decline!
After leading the army to Jiangling without stopping, Zhou Yu ordered the army to take over Jiangling, and asked Lu Fan and Ding Feng to rearrange the city defense affairs, and then entered the Jiangling government office with others to listen to the reports from all sides.

The government office is brightly lit, everything is orderly, and it seems that there has not been a sudden chaos.

Zhou Yu paced back and forth in the hall. When he heard that Lu Meng had entered the city, he immediately went to capture and kill Jiang Qin and Pang Tong, only to find that the other party led the army to retreat. He frowned, feeling ominous in his heart.

Why did Jiang Qin and Pang Tong react so quickly?

Why did the first reaction after learning that there was an enemy attack be to run away without resisting?Moreover, it can organize more than 2000 troops in an instant.

It seems that the withdrawal is prepared.

There is a reluctant explanation, perhaps Jiangling is already weakly defended, once the city gate falls, Jiang Qin and Pang Tong also know that it is unrealistic to send troops to rescue, so it is better to run away directly as a plan.

However, the escape of these two people was too calm and weird.

Lu Xun frowned, and said in public: "It seems that Jiangling was not captured by our army, but offered by the enemy."

Everyone didn't like to hear these words, it sounded like they had erased the credit of Jiangdong Army.

The generals in the army dismissed Lu Xun, thinking that he was just a scholar, as Sun Quan's aide, he was obviously not qualified to dictate what to do when marching and fighting.

After Ding Feng entered the hall and informed Zhou Yu of the situation in the city, Lu Meng said to Lu Xun with disdain, "If the enemy intends to send a Jiangling City to our army, will it include food, grass and luggage as well?"

That's right, there is a large amount of food and grass hoarded in Jiangling, many of which are follow-up resources prepared for Ganning's northern attack on Xiangfan, and these have already been collected by Jiangdong.

If Jiang Qin and Pang Tong really sent Jiangling to Jiangdong on purpose, is it necessary to send food, grass and luggage as well?

The general in the hall thought about it and felt that Lu Meng's words made sense.

The fact that Jiang Qin and Pang Tong were able to withdraw calmly was only regarded as the quick response of the other party.

But Lu Xun sneered in his heart: If the other party is willing to give away such an important city, will he be stingy with food and grass?
It's just that although Lu Xun was suspicious, he couldn't figure out the other party's intentions.

So he couldn't come up with a reason that could explain it, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart.

Zhou Yu pondered for a moment. Now that the surprise attack on Jiangling and the quarrel with Guo Jia became a fact, it should be more thorough.

"Lu Meng, order the soldiers to rest quickly and recharge their batteries for two days, and then you lead an army of [-] to take Yidu County and Jianping County as quickly as possible."

Lu Meng was excited, and embraced the order.

Zhou Yu got up to leave, but also to rest and recuperate. Next, he will very likely face Gan Ning's most intense counterattack in his dying struggle.

Within five days, Jianping County, Yidu County, which had been captured by the Taiping Army for less than a year in Jingzhou, was declared to have fallen, and the three counties located in the south of Jingzhou were planted with Jiangdong flags.

Jiang Qin and Pang Tong, who had been evacuated from Jiangling, came to the front line of Xiangfan under the escort of [-] soldiers, and informed Gan Ning of the news of Jiangling's fall.

(End of this chapter)

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