Chapter 41
In March of Yangchun, the weather was sunny and sunny. After Guo Jia left Qiaojun to avoid Xuzhou's pursuers, he entered Yanzhou from Chenliuguo and went north. Chenliuguo was close to Yingchuan. After the turmoil in Xuzhou subsides, return to Yingchuan.

After half a day's journey, they arrived at Jiwu County, where Guo Jia and his party planned to rest. The official road at the foot of the forest was empty, and Guo Jia and his party chatted and walked slowly without worry.

Suddenly a person came rushing on the road ahead, and there were nearly a hundred pursuers behind that person, it looked like officers and soldiers chasing a thief.

Reining in their horses, Guo Jia and the others looked at the development of the situation ahead. The fleeing man was shirtless, with a cloth belt around his waist, and his burly and majestic upper body showed strong muscles that contained strength. , with rough facial features, as if born with a fierce and evil appearance.

The officers and soldiers holding the swords were less than ten steps away from the murderer. The murderer knew what was going on behind him, so he ran to a big tree by the side of the road, wrapped his arms around the big tree as thick as a bucket, and with another exertion, he managed to kill the big tree. Trees uprooted!
Holding the big tree and sweeping backwards, sweeping away the pursuers behind him, then raised the tree over his head and threw it with all his strength, the falling tree swept across the sky and crushed the pursuers!
"This man is as brave as Zhong Kang." Guo Jia looked at the man and said calmly.

Although Xu Chu was dissatisfied, he also admitted that he could not uproot that big tree so easily.

"In terms of strength, I'm not as good as him." Gan Ning said generously.

Zhou Tai even praised: "This man's courage is rare in the world."

But then, Zhou Tai said: "However, since this person was hunted down by the officers and soldiers, it seems that he may have done something evil to end up like this."

Guo Jia raised his head and laughed, "Youping's words are wrong. If I say so, I, Guo Jia, will be doing evil to the world. Why don't I go up and ask the truth, if this person is evil, I will surrender this thief for the government. There are other secrets, huh, huh, then naturally we can't help the evildoers."

Several people nodded their heads and rode their horses forward. After Guo Jia asked the four tigers of the Xiao family to protect Xiao Qiao, he also dismounted and walked away.

Gan Ning, Xu Chu, and Zhou Tai were the first to join the battle, separating the fierce man from the officers and soldiers, using the tree lying on the road as a boundary.

The fierce man was obviously a little jealous and guarded against Guo Jia's people, and retreated to the foot of the mountain, as if he might turn around and flee into the forest at any time. Although the officers and soldiers had knives in their hands, they couldn't hold back Xu Chu, Gan Ning, Zhou The figures like the three male peaks in Thailand were so mighty with their bare hands that they had no choice but to take a few steps back to see what this sudden group of people wanted to do.

Guo Jia came slowly, looked at the officers and soldiers first, and asked, "What crime did this person commit?"

"He killed the county magistrate!" The officer's answer was justified, as if it seemed to be justified, the officer and soldier were ready to move, and took a step forward to continue besieging and killing the murderer.

Gan Ning, who was standing in the middle with his arms folded, glared at the officers and soldiers, and shouted, "Go back! Killing the county magistrate is a fart. I can't count the number of county officials who have been killed. If the county magistrate harms one party, then It should be killed!"

Hulala A group of officers and soldiers took a few steps back, shocked by Gan Ning's momentum, swallowed in fear, and muttered in their hearts: I was ordered to chase an assassin, why did I meet a group of butchers?
Guo Jia turned to the fierce man again and asked, "Why did you kill the county magistrate?"

The fierce man panted heavily and said coldly: "My brother was murdered by the county magistrate, and I avenged my brother, what's wrong? Seeing that your book grows so greasy, you must be a bastard with pomp."

After that, the fierce man raised his fist and hit Guo Jia.

So indiscriminately do it?Guo Jia was stunned, the fierce man's fist struck in front of him, and a figure suddenly blocked in front of Guo Jia.

The fierce man's fist fell into Xu Chu's palm, and he raised another punch, but was still blocked by Xu Chu, and the two began to fight with each other.

Guo Jia walked out from behind Xu Chu. Seeing the two of them competing for strength, he chuckled and said, "Hey, why do you think I'm not a good person? Besides, if I want to harm you, do I need to talk nonsense to you?"

The fierce man was gnashing his teeth and suppressing Xu Chu with all his strength. He stepped forward and leaned forward suddenly.

A long sword rested on the fierce man's neck, Guo Jia shook his head and sighed, "Why can't you be reasonable?"

As soon as the fierce man withdrew his strength, Xu Chu stepped back a few steps, rubbed his wrists, his eyes were amazed, and he thought to himself: this guy is so powerful?
Even Gan Ning and Zhou Tai were overwhelmed by this competition, they were inferior to Xu Chu in terms of force, now Xu Chu was also defeated by that man for a while, it shows that the fierce man is not small.

However, no matter how fierce a person is, he will never be able to hold the sword to his neck.

"I said earlier that you are not a good person, do it. If you want me to beg for mercy, it is a dream." The fierce man did not give Guo Jia any face, and used the current fact to confirm his previous theory.

Guo Jia rubbed his temples and retracted the sword, the reason seemed to be unreasonable.

At this time Xu Chu came up and said to the fierce man: "I, Xu Chu, are not as strong as you, but you are too ignorant. The little grandpa kindly saved you, just to distinguish right from wrong. If you kill the county magistrate out of morality, I promise you You can leave today safe and sound."

Guo Jia's heart twitched when he heard Xu Chu's words: Killing is justified?What is the use of Wang Fa?That's all, in troubled times, reasoning doesn't make sense, big fists are the last word.

The fierce man was taken aback, looked at Guo Jia, and asked suspiciously: "You scholar, are you the little prince? Yingchuan little prince?"

In the territory of Chen Liuguo, Yingchuan is next door. If people here have never heard of Guo Jia's name, it is even less likely that they have heard of it in other places.

Guo Jia thought it was funny, there is a difference between a celebrity and a person's name, and someone who is famous will listen to you seriously, so he nodded immediately and said, "My servant, Yingchuan Guo Jia."

The fierce man hesitated for a while before he said: "I heard that the little grandpa Yingchuan is a good man. Well, I, Dianwei, will believe you once. I killed the county magistrate to avenge my brother. The reason for this is..."

What Dian Wei said, Guo Jia didn't listen carefully, because he was immersed in shock.

Is there a magpie flying by when you go out today?
Sure enough, there is great blessing after the catastrophe. If there was no such thing in Xuzhou City, I am afraid that Guo Jia has already gone north to Qingzhou at this time. How could he turn to Yuzhou to avoid Xuzhou's pursuers, meet Xu Chu, and then go north to Yanzhou. Dian Wei.

"This person deserves to be killed!" Zhou Tai's fists were clenched, and Guo Jia was awakened from the shock by this angry shout.

He looked at the expressions of Zhou Tai, Gan Ning, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei next to him. They were all filled with righteous indignation. It seemed that Dian Wei's murder was really justified, otherwise the four of them wouldn't be fighting against each other at this time. look like.

As for whether Dian Wei, a commoner, has the right to kill people, these people probably never had such a concept.

After thinking for a while, Guo Jia walked up to the officers and soldiers, looked at their terrified faces, and said with a kind smile, "Everyone, you see that this strong Dianwei man killed for a reason, why don't you just let him go."

When the officers and soldiers heard this, they were not willing to agree, and someone immediately said: "This man killed the county magistrate. I was ordered to chase after him. How can I return without success?"

Guo Jia scratched his head, pulled out his sword with a groan, and continued to speak softly in front of the officers and soldiers whose expressions changed greatly: "Are you really not letting him go?"

Nearly a hundred officers and soldiers turned pale with fright, because behind Guo Jia, Gan Ning Zhou Tai, Dian Wei Xu Chu walked towards them with fists clenched and murderous.

Looking at their burly and majestic figures, the officers and soldiers no longer had the courage to stay here, dragged the wounded and scattered, and fled back the same way.

"Thank you."

Guo Jia withdrew his sword and waved to the officers and soldiers with a smile.

Turning around and looking at Dian Wei, Guo Jia smiled and said, "Dian Wei, the pursuers have retreated, what are your plans?"

Dian Wei stroked his bald head, and said in a daze, "I don't know either."

Xu Chu walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and suggested: "Just come with us, I plan to follow the little grandpa to join the Ming Lord, and make contributions in the battlefield in the future."

When Dian Wei heard this, he was a little moved, and raised his head to look at Guo Jia, as if asking for his approval.

What else can Guo Jia say about this?Does it reject people thousands of miles away?That's going to be struck by lightning!

So after taking a piece of Xu Chu's commoner clothes and putting them on for him, Guo Jia took Dian Wei with him and gave him the sign: Evil Comes.

The group continued to head north.

Jizhou Julu County
In the deep mountains, a group of luxuriously dressed officials are climbing the mountain through thorns and thorns.

The person walking in the middle of the team was Liu Yan, the shepherd of Youzhou, and the young man beside him was his eldest son Liu Fan.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Liu Fan asked Liu Yan puzzled: "Father, you are a shepherd of Youzhou, what are you doing in Jizhou? And what in this Julu County can make you suffer this crime by running so far away?" ?”

Liu Yan looked at the misty clouds in the mountains, and thoughtfully said: "In this mountain, there are people who are beyond the world."

Liu Fan couldn't figure out what unworldly experts could be in this remote mountainous area. At this moment, on their way, an old man in a gray Taoist robe indifferently blocked their way.

Separated from his subordinates and walked to the front, Liu Yan saw the old man with blue eyes and a childlike face, holding a goosejack stick in his hand, with awe-inspiring demeanor, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, and said: "Liu Yan, the shepherd of Xiayouzhou, came here specially I am asking to see an expert, please guide me."

The old man looked the same, and after Liu Yan raised his head, he waved to him and said, "Follow me."

Liu Yan stepped forward with joy, and followed the old man to a remote place. Liu Yan immediately knelt down and said, "Now that the world is in ruins and the common people are in trouble, I am a clan member of the Han family. I can't bear the emperor to torture the people. I ask Nanhua Immortal to guide me."

The old man Nanhua stared at Liu Yan for a long time, and then said: "The air flow of the dragon flows to the southwest, Yizhou, which can raise the spirit of the emperor!"

Liu Yan was overjoyed after hearing this, kowtowed and thanked, and left.

On the top of the mountain, looking down at the back of Liu Yan and his party going away, the old man Nanhua sighed softly: "The same is true of Zhang Jiao 30 years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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