Chapter 427
Everything was as Guo Jia expected, Cao Ren led an army of [-] troops out of the city for a decisive battle, the purpose was to hold back the Taiping Army in Xiangfan, create an opportunity for Xu Huang to take another [-] troops to Xuchang, and then concentrate his forces to retreat to Hebei.

If the Taiping Army had a total of nearly 20 soldiers approaching the city from the north to the south, the [-] Cao soldiers in Fancheng would probably be trapped to death.

When Guo Jia came outside Fancheng in person, the great war had already broken out. Cao Ren led his army out of the city and went straight to the west, and fought head-on with Wu Yi and Wu Ban, who had only 10 troops. The two armies fought, and the scene was chaotic. Thousands of people gathered on the east bank of the Han River to fight to the death, shouting and shaking the sky.

Cao Ren took the lead bravely, with a completely determined attitude that he regarded death as home, and even Man Chong raised his sword and went into battle, putting his life and death aside.

Fazheng originally wanted Wu Yi and Wu Ban to calmly deploy to defend against the enemy, but he also expected something wrong. He never expected that Cao Ren would dare to come out of the city to fight, and like a mad dog, he would not play his cards according to common sense. , the purpose of the name is probably to die together.

Blood filled the world, Guo Jia looked at the dusty bloody battle field, closed his eyes and sighed slightly.

Leaving aside the actions of the Cao family, Cao Cao’s talents are probably military prodigy, and he also has Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Chun and other dragon and tiger generals. , Cao's family, Xiahou's family, they are really good generals!

After Cao Hongneng gave up his life for Cao Cao twice, Cao Ren also has the courage to die for Xu Huang today, in order to bring a glimmer of life to the Cao family.

"Cao Zixiao is more than just a lucky general."

Without Cao Ren, Cao Cao would not have easily won the frequent victories in the Southern and Northern Wars. Without Cao Ren, it would be doubtful whether Cao Cao could win the Battle of Guandu. Today, Cao Ren is still making the greatest contribution to Cao Wei with his life. , maybe he is not a world-renowned general with a brilliant record, but he is the low-key mainstay of Cao Wei's rise from the cracks and almost winning the world's foundation.

With all the heroes in the world, Guo Jia has long been mentally prepared for this moment. There are countless heroes who have their own ambitions and their own masters. It is more or less regrettable to personally bury the heroes who Guo Jia secretly admires. But to conquer the world, you die and I die.

With a calm face, he ordered the attack. Guo Jia now has a strong army in his hands, and he is outnumbered by the crowd. Naturally, he wants to minimize casualties. In the battle between Cao Ren and Wu Yi and Wu Ban, both sides are [-], evenly matched, but Guo Jia will not wait. Sending the next general to fight after the battle over there is the work of fools on the battlefield.

Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Gao Shun, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and other generals led [-] troops into the battlefield, leaving only Xiao Ren with nearly [-] guards to guard Guo Jia, and Yan Yan who also rushed to Fancheng Naturally, they rushed into the battlefield with [-] infantry.

Cao Ren, who fought bloody battles, led the Cao army into a tight siege. No one surrendered, no one threw away their helmets and armor, and they all fought to the last moment. Although Cao Jun was defeated very quickly in the absolute disadvantage.

Cao Ren was stabbed several times, and the last corpse looked like a bloody man. It was almost impossible to distinguish his identity from the bloody and bloody corpse. Man Chong died fairly decently, with an arrow piercing through his chest.

The [-] Cao army was wiped out, and the [-] troops led by Wu Yi and Wu Ban were also severely damaged, losing [-] troops, but Guo Jia still took nearly [-] troops into Xiangyang to rest first.

People in Xiangyang are in a panic, but the pleasantness of autumn makes the city particularly bleak.

The former State Shepherd's Mansion belonged to Liu Biao. After Liu Biao's death, Liu Cong, his successor, surrendered to Cao Cao. This State Shepherd's Mansion became the property of Cao Wei, and now it is in the hands of Guo Jia.

The Jingxiang aristocratic family had been united in support of Liu Biao, but they were ravaged when Cao Cao went south. Whether it was wealth or private armed forces, they were all destroyed. This mess came to Guo Jia, and it was easy to clean up.

The autumn is crisp and the leaves are withered. Standing in the courtyard, Guo Jia looked at this bleak scene, filled with emotion in his heart.

Fazheng approached, stood behind Guo Jia, and said, "My lord, the governor and General Pang are back."

With his head held high, Guo Jia asked softly, "Did Xu Huang escape?"

Fazheng said: "Yes, the governor led his troops to chase overnight, and he overtook Xu Huang on the border of Jingyu. He won the first battle, and then General Pang also led his cavalry to arrive. However, Xia Houshang and Cao Zhen in Xuchang rushed out and rescued Xu Huang. Xu Huang and [-] Cao troops were captured, and the spies reported that after returning to Xuchang, the three of them withdrew to Yecheng overnight with [-] troops."

Hearing this news, Guo Jia was not depressed. Maybe Xia Houshang and Cao Zhen rescued Xu Huang by accident. They probably intended to go to Fancheng, but they got in touch with Xu Huang on the way and learned about the situation in Xiangfan. So he could only lead his army back to Hebei to strengthen the defense force of the empty Yecheng.

Fazheng took out a bamboo slip and presented it to Guo Jia, saying, "My lord, this is the northern battle report sent by General Wen Yuan."

The information sent earlier was only rough, and now this one is the detailed battle loss ratio, process, and other trivial details.

After Guo Jia took it and opened it, he who had a calm expression suddenly frowned.

There is a captive, there is a man willing to surrender.

Sima Yi!
After closing the bamboo slips, Guo Jia said to Fazheng, "Send news to Luoyang and ask Meng Qi to bring Sima Yi to me."

It was not a surprise for Fazheng to hear this order. Guessing that Guo Jia had mentioned Sima Yi and praised him, then maybe Guo Jia wanted to meet Sima Yi in person and entrust him with a heavy responsibility after inspecting it.

Now that the prisoner was mentioned, Fazheng thought of the two of them, and said to Guo Jia: "My lord, Wenpin does not want to surrender. He said, either my lord will kill him, or let him go back to the fields and live in seclusion. To be an official."

Wenpin is a brave and resourceful general. If Cao Cao hadn't been buried in Chibi, I'm afraid Cao Wei would not have forgotten this talent in Xiangyang.

As for Kuai Yue, he was probably near the end of his life. Since Xiangyang was taken over by Cao Wei, he was bedridden with ailments, and he has not improved for more than a year.

When Guo Jia heard these two news, he just said indifferently: "Let Wenpin go back to the fields to live in seclusion, and the Kuai family don't have to visit the door to bother them anymore. As long as there is no disturbance, there will be less troubles if nothing happens."

Still the same sentence, I am lucky if I win, but my life is lost.

The pursuit of talents is something that Guo Jia never slackens, but everyone has their own ambitions, and they cannot be forced.

Guo Jia, who is in full swing, will not be able to move an inch without anyone, even if there are a few more world wizards, it will only be like adding wings to a tiger, not like a fish in water like Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang.

After Fazheng left, Gan Ning and Pang De came to see Guo Jia to return with guilt.

But Guo Jia didn't blame the two, so that they don't have to worry about this trivial matter.

With Cao Wei's defeat in the war and strategic retreat south of the Yellow River, the Central Plains was completely out of control for a while, Yanzhou and Yuzhou fell into chaos, and the gentry and wealthy families fled to Hebei with their wealth. In this regard, Guo Jia just let Gan Ning and Zhang Yan With [-] soldiers and horses, Pang Tongfa was accompanying the army and took over Yanzhou and Yuzhou.

Afterwards, Gan Ning led an army of [-] troops to Xiaopei, and the soldiers pointed at Xuzhou.

During these ten days, Guo Jia waited for the person he wanted to meet in Xiangyang.

Sima Yi, who had expressed his willingness to surrender, quickly cheered up after experiencing the bitterness of failure. Before serving the Cao family, Sima Yi sneered at what the Cao family had done. That's the case, he doesn't need to keep the festival for the Cao family.

Sima Yi is confident now, mostly because of his status and identity. In terms of status, he is an important minister who is highly regarded by Cao Pi. In terms of status, his Sima family has a high prestige among the gentry, but the power of the family is not strong. Sima Yi expected him to surrender to Guo. Jia, even if his talent is excluded, Guo Jia must treat him kindly, because this is a heavy blow to Cao Wei's morale, and it is also needed for Guo Jia's strategy of dividing up the gentry and defeating them one by one.

But being escorted to Xiangyang by Ma Chao, Sima Yi didn't understand why Ma Chao still brought the corpses of Zhang Jaw and Gao Lan with him.

When Sima Yi and Ma Chao came to Xiangyang, the answer was revealed.

On Mount Xian, the autumn wind is bleak, and the Taiping Army is standing all over the mountains and plains. On the flat ground on the mountainside, a large-scale tomb was built here.

Guo Jia stood in front of the tomb with a solemn expression, but when he learned of Ma Chao's arrival, he ordered people to bring the corpses of Zhang Jai and Gao Lan and bury them in the tomb.

Sima Yi approached Guo Jia slowly, and carefully looked at Guo Jia's back. He was slender and tall, and he never lost sight of the crowd.

"Sima Zhongda, do you know who is buried here?"

Guo Jia turned his back to Sima Yi and asked softly.

Sima Yi thought of Zhang Jai and Gao Lan who had just been buried, and after careful thought, he came up with the answer.

"The fierce general of the King of Wu and the Son of Heaven."

King Sun Quan of Wu, Emperor Cao Pi.

Guo Jia heard it in his ears and sneered disdainfully.

Among the heroes of the world, even if Uncle Liu Huang is counted, Guo Jia is still the one with the lowest position, and even his current official position is nowhere to be discussed. It was an official position in the Han Dynasty, but the Han Dynasty died.

Guo Jia turned around, and Sima Yi first looked at his mature and gentle face, then looked past Guo Jia, and saw the words on the tombstone: Tomb of Heroes.

Guo Jia walked slowly to the side of the mountain, looked down at the forest at the foot of the mountain, and said leisurely, "About 20 years ago, a hero who was famous all over the world fell here. He wanted to join forces with the Kwantung Army, but he was the only one who killed Hua Xiong, broke Lu Bu, and went straight to the battle. In Luoyang, Taishi Dong who dared to steal Longting was forced to move to the capital in embarrassment, but he died here, at the hands of a little-known Huang Zu."

"Jiangdong tiger, Sun Wentai!"

Although Sima Yi was still an ignorant and ignorant child at that time, he knew everything that happened in the world clearly.

Guo Jia turned around again, looked at the solemn tomb, and said, "Zhou Gongjin, Huang, Cheng, and Han, the three veterans, Lu Ziming, Cao Zixiao, Zhang Junyi and others who I regard as heroes are all buried here. Inside, Sima Zhongda, do you think you are qualified enough to go in?"

Sima Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, like a glow on his back.

How would he respond to this sentence?
After Guo Jia withdrew his gaze, he walked down the mountain.

Sima Yi was about to step up to follow, but Xiao Ren walked over and waved his sword.

The blood was like a waterfall, and Sima Yi wanted to ask Guo Jia why until he died.

The well-dressed corpse was lifted up and down by the Taiping Army and came to the side of the mountain. After shaking twice, it was thrown out and rolled down the mountain.
(End of this chapter)

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