The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 429 Sword Points at Xuzhou

Chapter 429 Sword Points at Xuzhou
The Taiping army swept across Jiangdong, and all the counties and cities surrendered. Occasionally, the local wealthy families who were secretly causing trouble were all wiped out by Dianman's army with a thunderous force.

During this period, no matter who jumped out, the Taiping Army would face it with a war stance. No matter whether you were a local tyrant or a small citizen, as long as you resisted, you would be killed without any room for maneuver.

During the war, even Guo Jia, known for his benevolence and righteousness, was in no mood to reason with others.

Within a month, Jiangdong was flat, and all counties and counties submitted letters to Jianye, expressing their willingness to bow down to Guo Ye.

At the same time, Guo Jia in Xiangyang also sent troops to sweep across the counties in southern Jing. While conquering Jiangdong, Guo Jia successfully acquired the area south of the Yangtze River.

Guo Ye, who was preparing to mobilize troops to Hefei in Jianye City, suddenly received a military order from Guo Jia.

In the Jianye barracks, Guo Ye paced back and forth, this military order was unexpected and troublesome to him.

There are not many people around him who can advise him, and the shortcoming is that if he wants to brainstorm, he must consult with Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong, and Lu Xun.

Thinking of his father's way of employing people, Guo Ye made up his mind, the so-called do not use suspicious people, and employ people without suspicion. Now that they have reached this point, there is no need to hide anything from these three people. The exchange of openness and honesty is for both parties.

Calling these three people into the tent, Guo Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly passed Guo Jia's military order to the three of them for review.

After the three of them read it, their expressions were not relaxed.

Because Guo Jia clearly asked Guo Ye to do two things. The first thing was to recruit talents from Jingzhou and Yangzhou.The second thing is to suppress the gentry.

The first thing is fairly easy to do, but it is not difficult to recruit talents who have not gone to Hebei, and who still have a little bit of thought about becoming an official.

The second is very difficult. First of all, both Jiangdong and Jingzhou have fully surrendered, and there is no war or disaster in name. Officials from all over the country have written letters of surrender.

Local tyrants and tyrants are the cause of disaster. Warlords are very easy to clean up. The gentry is different. The official side is also difficult to cause serious trouble. The most feared thing is forming a party for personal gain. The momentum formed after joining together will cause political turmoil.

It is impossible for Guo Jia to replace all the officials in a large area at once, otherwise the government affairs will be paralyzed, but in order to prevent these officials who originally served Sun Quan, Cao Wei, Liu Biao, etc. .

Guo Ye understands this truth very well. Now no one can tell who is planning to do something wrong, and who is sincerely surrendering and defending himself. Faced with this situation, first of all, he cannot be passive, and cannot wait until things develop. It is too late to deal with it after suffering.

Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong, and Lu Xun discussed all night, and finally came up with a plan for Guo Ye, and Guo Ye accepted it completely.

One month later, Xiangyang
Guo Jia and Pang Tong were walking in the courtyard, and Pang Tong handed Guo Jia a list of new talents.

Guo Jia looked at it very carefully. There are Li Yan, Jiang Wan, Ma Liang, Yu Fan, Fei Yi, etc. There are many talents in Jingzhou and Yangzhou, and many well-known celebrities from the Three Kingdoms are also listed.

However, Guo Jia looked around for a long time, but he didn't see the one person he had been thinking about all the time: Huang Zhong.

Asked about Pang Tong, Pang Tong replied helplessly: "My son went to Changsha to visit General Huang himself, but the other party refused, claiming to be old."

Guo Jia sighed lightly, and said: "If you don't want to work for me, then forget it, don't force it."

With one more Huang Zhong, Guo Jia is still unstoppable, and one less Huang Zhong, Guo Jia is still fearless, and there is no need to worry about a single talent.

Pang Tong saw that Guo Jia had finished reading the roster, and presented another bamboo slip, saying: "This is a strategy sent by the prince, I hope the lord will adopt it."

After Guo Jia took it, he opened it, smiled unconsciously, and asked as he walked, "Shi Yuan, have you seen this?"

Pang Tong smiled and said: "The lower officials have seen it, it seems that the son is not tested by the master's problem."

In this document, Guo Ye suggested that Guo Jia reshuffle the officialdom in Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and the upcoming states of the Central Plains, transfer some influential gentry in the local area in the name of promotion, and remove regional factions or potential powerful The forces are dispersed so that potential threats are eliminated.

If someone resists, it just proves that his heart is wrong, and he can be punished.

Putting away the bamboo slips, Guo Jia smiled lightly, turned to Pang Tong and said, "This kid, you didn't let me down."

After hearing this, Pang Tong quickly replied.

"The prince is indeed able to take care of himself, but the master still needs to cultivate it carefully for a few more years before he can become a weapon."

Guo Jia immediately looked at Pang Tong helplessly, and said, "Shi Yuan, when will you stop talking like this?"

Sighing softly, Pang Tong asked back: "Then why is my lord willing to give up the idea of ​​handing over power? My lord, you are only over 40 years old, and you have at least [-] years left. Why don't you want to ascend the throne?"

Guo Jia pouted, pointed at Pang Tong, and whispered to him with a slightly gritted expression: "Pang Shiyuan, you are trying to harm me! I lived for 40 years, suffered hardships when I was young, and worked hard when I grew up. What do you want me to do for 40 years? Sitting on that dragon chair and reviewing memorials every day, working hard every day? Let me tell you, I don’t have the consciousness that a great man will sleep after death. It’s time for me to enjoy myself.”

Rolling his eyes and looking elsewhere, Pang Tong felt uncomfortable.

All the heroes in the world are trying their best to be wise and brave, for what purpose?
Isn't it the rule of the world?
Fortunately, Guo Jia said that ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor was like suffering. Seeing that the world is at his fingertips, he wanted to get away.

Pang Tong, Qin Mi, Xi Zhicai and other counselors knew Guo Jia's plan when they formulated the plan with Guo Jia to destroy Cao. It can also be delayed for a few years, so that he can dispel his thoughts. As a result, Guo Jia was not fooled at all, and he had seen through Pang Tong's little tricks long ago. Guo Jia directly rejected all the things that made Guo Jia proclaim himself emperor.

The two continued walking in silence. The courtyard was bleak and autumn was desolate. Guo Jia suddenly remembered that he had decided to take Xuzhou before winter, so he asked, "Hey, where is Ye'er now? According to the plan, he should be in the Hefei, join me in Xuchang in half a month."

Disappointed for the time being, Pang Tong said: "According to the days, the son should be on his way back to Jianye from Yuyao, and he will go to Hefei in a few days."

Guo Jia asked inexplicably, "He went to Yuyao? What is he doing?"

Pang Tong was even more surprised, and asked back: "Propose marriage, my lord doesn't know?"

"Marriage proposal? Which girl has he taken a fancy to?"

Guo Jia was really surprised.

Pang Tongtong touched the short beard on his chin, blinked, and looked at Guo Jia suspiciously.

How could Guo Jia not know about such a big matter as the prince going to propose marriage, no matter whether he was the monarch or his father?

Seeing that Guo Jia didn't seem to be joking, Pang Tong told the truth.

"The son should not be the girl from the family he likes. He made six marriages in one go."

Guo Jia took a deep breath.

His own son was going to get married, but he was kept in the dark as a father, and this son was quite courageous, marrying six at a time?Why not add one more to make up the Seven Fairies?
"Oh, it's kind of interesting. His mother is almost dying of anxiety about his marriage. When I mentioned this matter to him before, he said heartlessly that he didn't want to start a family. Now it's good. This is a one-step process. There are many wives and concubines. "

Guo Jia walked forward with a smile, and the scene of withered trees in the courtyard was no longer so sad.

Pang Tong caught up and reminded Guo Jia, "I'm afraid there is a purpose in doing this."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

After tidying up his arguments, Pang Tong said softly: "The six marriages set by the son are Yuyao Yu, Xingyang Zheng, Nanyang Xu, Runan He, Lujiang Zhou, and Langya Wang."

After talking about these six families, Guo Jianning brows and pondered.

These six families are not actually the most powerful families in the area, but they also have good energy. They have just developed or are declining, but they all have some weight among the gentry.

There are many gentry families in the world. This is the mess left by the end of the Han Dynasty, and there are still famous families everywhere. It is just that the gentry, the wealthy, and the big surnames must be clearly distinguished, and the camps can still be divided according to different forces.

Suddenly chuckling, Guo Jia turned his head and patted Pang Tong on the shoulder, asking, "Shi Yuan, are you still worried that Ye'er won't be able to sit on the dragon chair?"

Pang Tong smiled wryly and said, "My lord, you should know that that's not the meaning of being an official. It's not that the son is not good enough, but we hope that the lord can stay."

Guo Jia shook his head slightly, and Pang Tong continued: "The son is learning from the lord, and he has already penetrated three points."

What does Guo Ye want to marry into six families with good backgrounds all at once?It's nothing more than dividing the gentry. Some people are honored, some are hurt, some laugh, and naturally some cry.

Guo Jia has always suppressed the gentry, but under Guo Jia's rule, there are also many families that enjoy endless prosperity and wealth, such as Zhang Yi's family.

Marrying with Guo Ye is basically climbing the big tree of Guo Jia.

Although Guo Ye is still the crown prince, in the concept of this era, the crown prince, the crown prince, or the crown prince are not easy to change, because this is to shake the foundation of the country!

In addition, Guo Ye led the troops out of Badong, went down to Jingzhou, and swept Jiangdong. He became famous in the first battle, and his prestige in the army suddenly increased.

Marriage with Guo Ye is a guarantee for the future, and these six families are naturally happy to agree.

This is also what Guo Ye learned from Guo Jia. When dealing with the gentry, if you can’t come up and oppress them with a strong wrist, this will inevitably make them united to resist, and you can’t win them all. This will make the original group of the Guo Jia Group dissatisfied. The method is naturally to gradually weaken, divide and break, and finally uproot.

In the end, Guo Ye didn't even know what the girls from these six families looked like, so he came to propose marriage in a hurry, which fell into the eyes of outsiders. This was Guo Ye's way of winning people's hearts and cultivating his own power.

After the marriage was settled, Guo Ye rushed to Hefei night and night to meet Wei Yan. Jiangdong left Dianman and led an army of [-] to stabilize the overall situation.
(End of this chapter)

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