Chapter 438

Yecheng was completely blocked by the outside world just like after Guo Ye ordered it.

The method Guo Ye used was very simple. He widened the river outside the city as much as possible, and then rebuilt a wall along the side on the other side of the river, similar to that when Gan Ning attacked Fancheng in the north, but the wall outside Yecheng Taller, thicker and stronger!

On the outside of this wall, a deep pit nearly a mile long was dug!
Only narrow aisles can lead to the high wall, and there is a sentry tower every ten feet on the wall, on which ten people can stand condescendingly and use strong bows to fend off the enemy.

It is conceivable that in such a situation, if the people of Yecheng want to come out, they must first bypass the traps such as the horse-rejecting wall and the horse trap built by Cao Wei himself, and then come to the river. The river is wide and the water is deep. Will hit a thick wall!They also faced intensive shooting by the Taiping Army on the wall.

As early as when Cao Wei retreated to Hebei, Cao Pi had hoarded enough food for three years in Yecheng. The Taiping Army also guessed this.

But now the Taiping Army doesn't care, let alone three years, it doesn't matter if Yecheng consumes energy for ten years.

Anyway, it has been isolated from the world.

Only tens of thousands of troops are needed in Yecheng to trap the enemy to death, and Guo Ye can dispatch troops more calmly to sweep Jizhou and Youzhou.

Yecheng, the imperial palace

Cao Pi locked himself in his bedroom, seeing no one, having fun with the harem concubines all day long, with a mentality of not caring about the torrent of the outside world at all.

Cao Wei's veterans came to see him every day, but they were all turned away.

Cheng Yu, Xun You and others all know that Cao Pi has already lost his heart.

At the beginning, Xun You's suggestion was not adopted to go out to the city for a decisive battle. Now, the opponent is adding fuel to the fire, making Cao Pi's plan to defend Yecheng into a cocoon.

The morale of the army was broken, and the situation went from bad to worse.

Those who are most anxious to get angry are the countless high-ranking and wealthy families in Yecheng.

Some of them were the gentry who were originally from Hebei, some who fled from the Central Plains, and even some wealthy families who wanted to invest in Cao Pi's crisis to earn a high position. However, this time, they all fell into panic.

Is money and food useful?Does power work?
Can they break through the blockade outside Ye City?
The military camp was in chaos, mutiny broke out suddenly, and Yecheng fell into unprecedented chaos only one month after being besieged.

The rule of law has been destroyed, and people's hearts are in chaos.

There are vicious thugs everywhere, and every day there are people who rush out of the city to flee for their lives but die halfway.

Within two months, the four prefectures in Hebei fell, but Yecheng was the only one that was not captured by the Taiping army.

And overnight, the imperial palace built by Cao Pi was burned, and the city of Ye was instantly engulfed in flames, and the whole city suddenly became a purgatory on earth.

The Taiping army sent out all the elites and destroyed cities and villages everywhere, but Guo Ye stayed in the barracks outside Yecheng. In his eyes, Yecheng was the most important place, and there should be no changes here.

When the fire ignited, Guo Ye was sleeping soundly. After being woken up by Zhang Yi, Guo Ye got up immediately, put on his clothes and walked out of the handsome tent. Deng Ai patted his face to wake himself up, while holding Guo Ye The horse came.

Guo Ye didn't leave any ink marks, got on his horse and rushed to the periphery of the blockade outside Yecheng with a team of personal soldiers.

Through the narrow road, he climbed up the ladder to the sentry tower on the city wall. Guo Ye looked towards the direction of Yecheng.

"Where is the hottest place?"

Guo Ye pointed to Ye City, and Deng Ai spread out a map of Ye City beside him, and replied, "My lord, it's the imperial palace."

Guo Ye immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to be prepared to prevent anyone from escaping in the chaos. This is not good, and it will be Cao Pi's treacherous plan to hide the truth."

On the periphery, Guo Ye didn't know why Yecheng was on fire, especially because Cao Pi wanted to use such a commotion to get out of his shell.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, people from all directions in Yecheng flocked to the periphery, some carrying large wooden boards, and some carrying boxes of gold, silver and jewelry.

Guo Ye looked down at the people fleeing across the river under the wall. He didn't need to give orders. Anyone who came into range would be shot and killed mercilessly by the Taiping Army.

Even if there are not enough people, these people rush into the river and have nowhere to escape.

Behind him was the raging flames, and in front of him was the stagnant water. On the other side of the river, there was no shore, only a high and strict wall.

The people fleeing for their lives were rich and poor, and they belonged to different religions. There were densely packed corpses floating on the river, and the river had already been stained red with blood. Therefore, the fleeing people could only retreat and face the people on the city wall outside the range of the Taiping army. Beg for surrender in order to survive.

Bustling and noisy, the scene in front of you is disturbing to watch.

And Guo Ye stood on the sentry tower and watched all this indifferently.

Suddenly, in the safe area on the other side of the river in front of him, someone kept waving and shouting at him.

"Young Master, Young Master! Dare to ask, is Young Master Ye the one who commands the army?"

Guo Ye stared at him, and saw that the person waving at him was wearing an official uniform, full of elegance, dragging his family and some simple luggage behind him.

"Who are you?"

Guo Ye asked loudly.

Seeing that Guo Ye responded to him, the man hastily let go of the hand of the young man beside him, stepped forward, straightened his clothes, saluted respectfully, and then said loudly, "Young master, Xia Zhongyou, with Guo Shijun has a little relationship, please forgive me, and I am willing to surrender to Guo Shijun."

When Zhong Yao said this, countless people around him also agreed, saying that they would surrender to Guo Jia, and immediately expressed their loyalty, and some even knelt and kowtowed.

Guo Ye knew that Zhong Yao was a person who should not be underestimated in Cao Wei's officialdom, and his weight was not light.

But he ignored the other party's willingness to surrender, and instead asked, "How did the fire start in the city?"

Zhong Yao was silent, hesitating to speak, but someone beside him crazily raised his neck and shouted at Guo Ye.

"King Chen, it's King Chen, King Chen is crazy! He burned down the palace, and set fires everywhere in the city, and wants everyone to be buried with him!"

When Guo Ye heard this, he fell into deep thought.

King Chen, after Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, he not only reduced Liu Xie to the rank of king, but also made all his brothers kings.

Cao Zhi was named King Chen!

Is Cao Zhi crazy?That Cao Zijian, who is so talented and full of poetry, actually burned down the Cao family's palace?
Is it anger at Cao Pi?

Inherited everything from Cao Cao, but destroyed everything from Cao Cao.

Cao Zhi has reason to be angry!
Guo Ye looked at the smoky Yecheng, and now that Yecheng was burned, not only the resplendent palace was burned, but also countless grains!
As a result, Yecheng obviously couldn't last long.

Thinking of this, Guo Ye felt a little excited, and when he was about to turn around and leave, Zhong Yao saw the situation below and hurriedly shouted: "Young Master, Young Master! I wish to make my wish, and please let the whole family live. I will do my best for this life." Make you loyal."

Zhong Yao has wives and concubines behind him, as well as his children, including Zhong Hui, a general in the post-Three Kingdoms era in history.

Guo Ye just looked down at Zhong Yao from the spot for a moment, clearly seeing a glimmer of expectation in Zhong Yao's despair.

Still turned and left, Guo Ye didn't give him any answer.

After getting off the sentry tower and walking outside through the narrow road, Guo Ye got on his horse and immediately returned to the barracks, wrote a secret letter in hand, and sent Zhang Yi to personally deliver it to Guo Jia.

Ten days later, everyone in the north and south of the river learned about the battle situation in Yecheng.

However, it is very different from the real battle situation.

Cao Pi closed the city, then slaughtered all the officials and people in the city, and finally burned the city to commit suicide!
Cao Cao is famous for massacring the city, and it is not surprising that Cao Pi is now known by outsiders to also massacre the city.

It is not abnormal for people to act insanely when they are in a desperate situation.

Outside of Yecheng, Guo Ye listened to the information every day, and sometimes climbed up the sentry tower to watch.

The ground was full of hunger, and the ashes after the burning of the city were scattered with the wind. The besieged Yecheng was not only a dead city, but also a mass grave!
"My lord, how did the outside world know about the battle report of Yecheng, and it is so ridiculous?"

Deng Ai followed Guo Ye, looking down at the unbearable scene inside the wall.

Guo Ye closed his eyes and sighed slightly, "Because of this crime, I will blame Cao Pi."

On that day, Guo Ye sent a secret letter to Guo Jia, informing him of the situation, and suggested that rumors should be released, and the Cao family should be blamed for the annihilation of Yecheng.

Guo Jia naturally agreed.

After another month and a half, there was no trace of life inside or outside Yecheng.

Guo Ye ordered to raze the city of Ye and burn all the corpses, but all Taiping soldiers who participated in this battle will be rewarded generously, but from now on, this battle can only be buried in the bottom of my heart.

This is an era where people say what they say, and an era where the truth can always be rewritten. When ninety percent of the people in the world talk about Cao Pi's evil deeds, even if a soldier of the Taiping Army who personally participated in the battle told another fact, it would still be true. No one would believe it either.

Going out in spring and ending in late summer, Guo Ye led his army to attack Hebei in the north. In less than half a year, he conquered the four states of Hebei with almost no damage.

After the death of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, the troubled times where the princes from all over the world ruled the roost by separatism have finally come to an end!

The person who was able to put the banner on the top of the country in the end was surnamed Guo.

After razing Yecheng and completely obliterating the city in history, Guo Ye returned triumphantly with his soldiers and horses.

Stepping on the road leading to Luoyang, Guo Ye's eyes were full of excitement, even in the scorching summer, he felt like a spring breeze.

With green mountains and green waters, he feels relaxed and happy. Guo Ye, who is riding a horse, can't help thinking that in the near future, his most admired father will rule the world and create a new prosperous world. He can't restrain his excitement.

Outside Luoyang City
Guo Ye was about to lead the army into the city, but outside the city, he saw a man leading civil officials out of the city to meet him.

Xu Shu.

Getting off his horse, Guo Ye was about to salute Xu Shu, but he was stunned as if struck by a bolt from the blue.

Xu Shu led all the officials around him, bowed and saluted, and said in unison: "My lord!"

"Master Xu, you, you are wrong! Father is not here!"

Guo Ye was suddenly panicked, Xu Shu has always been prudent, and he would never make such a move for no reason.

And Xu Shu took out a letter from his bosom, handed it to Guo Ye, and said calmly: "My lord will understand everything after reading it."

Guo Ye took the letter with trembling hands, opened it, turned around like crazy, got on his horse, raised his whip and headed east.

(End of this chapter)

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