Chapter 45 Prince Liu Xie
Luoyang Changle Palace

In the emperor's bedroom, the pale and weak Emperor Ling of Han was lying on the dragon couch in a drowsy state. When the eunuch Jian Shuo came to the couch, he bowed and called softly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

After slightly opening his eyes, Emperor Ling of Han saw that the person in front of him was Jian Shuo, and asked feebly, "Aiqing, what's the matter?"

After Jian Shuo winked at the maid at the side, the maid came forward to rub the shoulders and legs of Emperor Han Ling understandingly. After the Emperor Han Ling showed a little relief, Jian Shuo reported softly: "Liu Yan, the shepherd of Youzhou, is on the table." , please go to Yizhou to serve as the state shepherd, your Majesty will make a decision."

Closing his eyes again and moaning slightly, Han Lingdi frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Who is Yizhou Mu?"

Jian Shuo immediately replied, "It's Qie Jian."

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty suddenly realized, and asked again: "How is he under the rule of Yizhou?"

Jian Shuo replied again: "According to the memorial written by Youzhou Mu Liuyan, Qie Jian was extravagant and extravagant in Yizhou, extortionate and extortionate, and even the tax sent last year was reduced by [-]%."

Hearing this, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty opened his eyes, revealed some light, and snorted angrily: "He is so courageous! Since Liu Yan wants to go to Yizhou, let him go, but first send the money to My inner treasury."

Jian Shuo complied, and went on to report: "Xun Shuang made a statement to vindicate Guo Jia, a poor scholar in Yingchuan. A few days ago, Hedong Weijia and Xuzhou Mu Taoqian framed Guo Jia and framed him for murder. Xun Shuang has evidence to reverse Guo Jia's case." , These evidences have been sent to His Majesty's internal treasury, and this old slave has already seen it, Guo Jia was indeed wronged."

The proof is a thousand pieces of gold.

Although Han Lingdi was sick in bed, when he talked about money, he became discerning. When he saw Jian Shuo's playful smile, he felt sorry for him, and with a smile, he said, "Well, since that Guo Jia She was wronged, what should I do, Ai Qing will figure it out."

After Jian Shuo reported these two things, he was about to leave, but Han Lingdi kept him and dismissed the maids around him. Jian Shuo didn't know why, but he saw that Han Lingdi suddenly cheered up and raised his body to face Jian. Shuo said solemnly: "Aiqing, my health is getting worse and worse, but I haven't established a crown prince yet, why have I been forcing me to wear braids, but I know that if I do, Aiqing and Father will die There is no place for burial, and besides, my heart belongs to Xie'er, he is young and smart, he will become a great weapon if he is sharpened, but I am afraid that we will not be able to wait for the day when Xie'er can be alone, love, you, you can replace me Teach and take care of Xieer well."

Jian Shuo, who couldn't help being moved, had tears in his eyes, knelt down in front of Emperor Han Ling's bed with sobs, and said resolutely: "Your Majesty, this old servant obeys the order. I will definitely live up to your majesty's entrustment. The Prince's Association will definitely live up to your majesty's expectations."

Han Lingdi closed his eyes and nodded, then lay down slowly.

After bowing backwards and leaving the emperor's bedroom, Jian Shuo went straight to the prince's office.

At this time, Liu Xie, who was not yet eight years old, was studying. Seeing Jian Shuo coming, Liu Xie asked him why he came. After coming out of the bedroom, His Majesty told the old slave to take care of His Highness with all his heart, His Majesty said bluntly that he wanted to make His Highness the crown prince."

After hearing the news, Liu Xie was not overjoyed, and the little adults usually showed a sad face. Jian Shuo was surprised by the performance of the prince Xie at the moment, but he also praised him in his heart, and asked, "Why is your highness not happy but worried?"

Liu Xie shook his head bitterly and said: "The emperor's grandmother also said several times that the father and the emperor should be isolated and become the prince, but now the power in the court falls into He Jin's party, the orphan is weak, and it is not from the queen. The emperor's announcement to the world that he would be the crown prince would not only attract fierce opposition from the generals, but even civil and military officials in the Manchu dynasty would not agree to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones. An orphan cannot be crowned prince."

People value self-knowledge, and it is very rare for a person to calmly recognize the situation when facing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers seems to be at his fingertips.

Jian Shuo, who had seen countless people, had a higher evaluation of the Prince's Association. He walked up to the Prince's Association and said softly: "Your Highness can clearly see the current situation, which is enough to see that His Highness is very talented. Please rest assured, Your Highness, Mr. Nuding wholeheartedly supports His Highness."

Although these words are touching, the Prince Xie also understands in his heart: if the emperor's brother Liu Bian ascends the throne, how can the eunuch party end well?
But Prince Xie still had a very touched look on his face at this time, and said: "Lord Jian treats Xie as much as a mountain, and the agreement will be engraved in his heart."

Jian Shuo said with a solemn expression: "If your Highness wants to gain a foothold in the court, I am afraid that you need to rely on external forces. Now there is one person who may relieve His Highness's worries, but this person is as mad as a wolf and has a high self-confidence. control."

The prince Xie was puzzled and asked, "Who is it?"

"Yingchuan Guo Jia." Jian Shuo closed his eyes and spit out four words.

The prince Xie frowned, never heard of this person's name, so he asked: "What is so special about this son?"

Jian Shuo stretched out his hand to invite the prince to sit down, and the two sat on their knees facing each other. Jian Shuo told Guo Jia's deeds one by one.

In fact, Jian Shuo began to pay attention to Guo Jia a long time ago. The reason was that the Yingchuan gentry jointly submitted a petition to the imperial court to sue Guo Jia for raising dead men in Yingchuan. Suppressed, but at that time, Jian Shuo fell in love.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Guo Jia set fire to the Changshe, Jian Shuo paid more attention to this person after he got the news. As for the following things, he had secretly sent someone to pay close attention to Guo Jia's every detail.

After listening to Guo Jia's deeds over the past few years, the prince Xie's expression changed, and he murmured: "This person is called a Yingchuan ghost. , making a big disturbance in Xuzhou, this son is really rebellious like a jackal, and now he has no power and power, how can he be allowed to work for him? What's more, this person's heart is hard to fathom, if he uses it improperly, he will be devoured by him."

Prince Xie, who was undecided, raised his head and looked at Jian Shuo. Since Jian Shuo recommended this person, he might have a different opinion, so he humbly asked for advice.

After thinking for a long time, Jian Shuo said: "This man is known as a ghost, good at making tricks, and wins in danger. When the Changsha was burned down, Guo Jia led a hundred civilians to attack the Yellow Turban at night. Linjiang robbery, if Guo Jia didn't see that the county magistrate Qie Yuan was cowardly, he probably wouldn't have dared to turn Linjiang upside down. , Bold and outrageous, it is considered exhaustive strategy. And Guo Jia looks down on the noble family, the old slave guesses that this son is up for sale."

Prince Xie's eyes widened suddenly, he was calculating in his mind, after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly felt reasonable, and said uncertainly: "Master Jian means that Guo Jia traveled all over the world deliberately causing trouble, making it known to everyone, and then thinking about it." Do you want to win the appreciation of a high-ranking and powerful person? Use this to rise to the top? If so, Gu Dao really wants to meet him. According to the character of this person who is cunning and winning, he must also know the truth of seeking wealth in danger. If he can help the lonely king to conquer the world, then he is the lonely Zhang Zifang!"

"Your Highness is wise. Here is an imperial edict that His Majesty just approved, which is to pardon Guo Jia's past crimes. If His Highness presents this edict to Guo Jia in person, it will definitely make this person serve His Highness wholeheartedly." The prepared pardon edict, in fact, before seeing Emperor Ling, he knew that Emperor Han Ling would approve it, because Emperor Han Ling could have trouble with anyone, but he would not have trouble with money.

Prince Xie stood up happily to accept the imperial edict, and he pulled Jian Shuo to secretly go out of the palace to meet Guo Jia, but unexpectedly he collided with a court lady outside the palace.

"Your Highness, forgive me, Your Highness forgive me..." The court lady kneeling on the ground kept begging for mercy.

The prince patted the dust together, vaguely saw that the maid was a little bit pretty, so he asked her to look up.

Seeing the palace maid slowly raised her head, the prince Xie looked in a daze, and even Jian Shuo lamented that this woman is beautiful and seductive.

But Jian Shuo became worried again. Although the prince Xie was still a child, it was not uncommon for princes to be serious about the secrets of the palace, so he looked towards the prince Xie, wanting to remind him secretly.

Unexpectedly, the Prince's Association also turned to look at Jian Shuo, and even said: "Master Jian, if you want this person alone, can you take care of him?"

Jian Shuo frowned slightly, he wanted to help the prince to win the country, not playing around with women.

Seeing that Jian Shuo was silent, the Prince Xie added: "Didn't Master Jian say that Guo Jia was a vagabond? Going alone to recruit Guo Jia, just relying on an imperial edict is a bit suspicious of showing favor. Why don't you use this Rare beauties in the world are also given to him, since Guo Jia is a romantic talent, he will definitely not refuse."

Suddenly realized Jian Shuo smiled, nodded in praise and said, "Your Highness's move can be described as a combination of kindness and power. In this way, the old slave will help His Highness send this girl out of the palace."

After finishing speaking, Jian Shuo came to the kneeling maid and asked, "What position do you hold in the palace? What is your name?"

The maid said in panic, "This servant was ordered to be in charge of the Diaochan crown, and after entering the palace, she changed her name to Diaochan."

After Guo Jia and his party came to Luoyang, they temporarily lived in Xun Yu's mansion. Xun Yu had been in Luoyang for several years, and as Xun Yu's uncle Xun Shuang became an official again, the Xun family gradually regained a foothold in the court. Having a house in Luoyang, where every inch of land is expensive, is considered a status symbol.

When Diao Chan was sent to Xun Yu's mansion and given to Guo Jia by name, everyone looked at Guo Jia with weird expressions.

Why is this man so lucky?Wherever he went, he was warmly entertained, and wherever he went, he was accompanied by beautiful women. Before entering Luoyang, he was a criminal committed by the imperial court. After entering Luoyang, the palace had not issued an edict to pardon him, so why did he send the beautiful woman first?And she's an alluring beauty!
"Cough cough."

Guo Jia coughed a few times, and he was a little confused. Hearing Diao Chan's name shocked him for a long time. After confirming that it was not sent from Situ Wangyun's residence, he finally understood.

This is life, I can't stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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