Chapter 52
Seeing a large number of family soldiers killed and injured, and Guo Jia was about to break out of the siege and escape, Yuan Shu was so anxious that when he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him, he immediately beamed with joy, turned around and raised his eyes to look, but his expression was stunned.

Luoyang Dongfang Wei didn't wait, but saw Cao Cao in armor and wearing a martial arts crown, leading a team of people and horses rushing over.

"Meng De? You came just in time! Quickly take down this traitor." Yuan Shu didn't care who came, as long as reinforcements came.

But Cao Cao reined in his horse and grabbed the reins, feeling uncertain in his heart.

Someone came to ask for help just now, saying that someone was committing murder in the city, Yuan Shu was in a dangerous situation and his life was in danger, Cao Cao became suspicious after hearing this, after all, the security in the city was not in the hands of the Xiyuan Army, and it is reasonable for the Dongfang Wei to come forward to quell the chaos, but he came If someone came to ask for help, if he didn't send troops, if Yuan Shu made a mistake, how could the Yuan family just let it go?I'm afraid it's hard to explain why he will be accused of refusing to save himself at that time.

So Cao Cao brought 1000 people to the rescue, but found that things were very different from what he thought. Where did Yuan Shu get assassinated?Why is Yuan Shu in danger?
In this situation, it is obvious that Yuan Shu led people to surround and kill others!

The corpses along the way were all Yuan Shu's family soldiers. Did Yuan Shu bring nearly a hundred family soldiers with him when he traveled?Ridiculous!
Cao Zhiran complained in his heart that the person who asked him for help was wrong, and there were many doubts, but at this moment, he was on the verge of riding a tiger, so why not help Yuan Shu?That's tantamount to slapping the Yuan family in the face in front of everyone in the world!

In a restaurant not far from where the incident happened, Yuan Shao stood at the window with a wine glass in his hand, looking sideways at Cao Cao who was coming on horseback. After drinking a glass of wine, Yuan Shao murmured: "Meng De, don't blame me Brother, you have been wronged. My uncle said that there is only one person in the Yuan family who can command the world. This person is me, Yuan Shao. And you have drifted away from me over the years. I know you want to win support among scholars, but My Yuan family is the leader of the gentry in the world. Man, I have offended you."

Yuan Shao who walked out of the restaurant left without looking back. Behind him, it was Cao Cao, Lieutenant of the Dianjun, who led a thousand soldiers to support Yuan Shu. Yuan Shao, who was walking steadily, remembered Yuan Kai's words to him.

"To kill Guo Jia, you can use the hands of Gonglu, and set up a trick to make Cao Aman become an accomplice. At first, you have to remember that there is only one member of the Yuan family who will win the support of the world's scholars, and that is you! You can give it to him, because what you will get is far greater and more important than a family fortune! Your father told you many times before his death that if Cao Ameng can help you, use it first and then kill him; If you kill Guo Jia, you will lose the hearts of poor scholars in the world. If Cao Aman assists you, you will be ridiculed by the people in the world, because people in the world will think that Cao Aman has no eyes and no eyes, and even helped Yuan Gonggong, who is so vicious and unkind. People do evil!"

Yuan Shao, who had disappeared on the streets of Luoyang in a blink of an eye, was firm in his heart: Uncle, I, Yuan Shao, will not disappoint you and father.

Yuan Kai, who is now the leader of the Yuan family, will not be like Yuan Feng who wants to recommend Yuan Shao but still has scruples about his son Yuan Shu. After all, both of them are biological sons, and he will always feel ashamed if he favors one more than the other. Yuan Feng will treat Yuan Shu in every possible way when he is alive. However, after Yuan Feng left, Yuan Kai, as the successor of the Yuan family, would not have too many scruples. In Yuan Kai's eyes, Yuan Shao is the successor of the Yuan family's prosperity. Sacrifice, including his son Yuan Shu!

Cao Cao looked at the three people who were fighting bloody battles. They were young, handsome and powerful, and immediately fell in love with talents. However, because of Yuan Shu's noisy side, he couldn't save the Yuan family's face. After all, Yuan Shu was the son of the Yuan family. , and it is also a childhood.

So Cao Cao ordered the three of them to be surrounded and forced to land, and a thousand soldiers with long swords were ordered to go and surround Guo Jia and the three of them.

Unexpectedly, at this time, behind Guo Jia and the others, on the side close to the city gate, several figures appeared on the next street.

Gan Ning and Zhou Tai appeared violently on the stage like a wolf like a tiger. As soon as he was killed, he smashed the necks and spines of the two swordsmen with one punch, grabbed the two long swords in his hands, and bravely entered the field.

The soldier standing out behind him looked back and saw Xu Chu Dianwei rushing towards him like two furious lions. The two of them hit the soldier's chest with their shoulders. Although they were protected by fine armor, the soldier who was hit still sprayed out A mouthful of blood flew backwards, like domino ribs, and a dozen soldiers fell one after another. Xu Chu Dianwei was so overbearing, he picked up the machete and rushed in. Facing the oncoming person, he kept walking and chopped down with his hands. overwhelming.

Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Xu Chu, Dianwei, the four of them fought four bloody paths and headed inward. Zhang Liao, Gao Shun followed closely behind, one on the left and one on the right, taking advantage of the chaos to kill. Although the two were not as powerful as Dianwei and Xu Chu, they were firm and soft. Bingji, fierce killer moves frequently came out, several heads soared into the sky, blood splashed all over the ground, no one dared to stop the sharp point.

Not long after, the six people rushed into the arena and joined Guo Jia and the others. When they saw Guo Jia's blood-stained white clothes, they couldn't help asking loudly. Didn't I tell you to leave Luoyang quickly?"

Gan Ning curled his lips and said: "Joke, the little grandpa is in trouble, how can I just sit and watch?"

Zhou Tai put the machete on his shoulder, and hummed: "Could it be that the little prince looks down on me, Zhou Tai? Is it a heroic act to steal a life alone?"

Xu Chu gritted his teeth and said, "I said that the young grandpa is my savior, how could he not come?"

Dian Wei touched Guangming's head, grinned and said: "I will follow the little grandpa, hehe."

Zhang Liao glanced at Xiao Zhong and said: "The little grandpa and my righteous brother are in danger, if I, the elder brother, don't come to rescue me, how can I gain a foothold in the world?"

Gao Shun clenched the machete in his hand, and said calmly: "Could it be that the little grandpa thinks that I, Gao Shun, cannot share weal and woe with you?"

Seeing the determination and sincerity in the eyes of several people, Guo Jia was deeply moved. He stopped talking and turned his eyes to the general who was sitting on a horse not far away. , with bright eyes, thought of someone in his heart, so he shouted loudly: "Who is coming?"

Yuan Shu's soldiers had all died. At this time, Yuan Shu wished to smash Guo Jia's corpse into thousands of pieces, but Cao Cao ordered to surround him without killing him, which made him furious. However, as the people around Guo Jia entered, Cao Cao's soldiers Dozens of people were also killed or injured, which gave Yuan Shu an excuse.

"Meng De, this person is ganging up with cronies to make trouble, do you want to sit idly by as a lieutenant of the Dian Army? Kill this person and his followers as soon as possible! Avoid future troubles!"

Cao Cao glanced at the stern Yuan Shu, snorted coldly, and looked up at Guo Jia. Not only did he have admiration for Guo Jia in his heart, but also the heroes around Guo Jia made him feel infinite respect.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao, is the Lieutenant of the Dian Military Academy of the Xiyuan Army. Today, your Excellency caused chaos in the imperial city. Cao Cao can only deal with it fairly. I hope that you will be arrested without a fight. If there is any other inside story, Cao Cao is willing to be a guarantee, and you will not be wronged. I hope you will suffer. Think twice."

Looking at the man on the horse, Guo Jia had mixed feelings.

Emperor Wu of Wei, I didn't expect you and me to be in such a situation when we first met!

Slowly breathing a sigh of relief, Guo Jia shouted to Cao Cao again: "Cao Mengde, Guo Jia in Xiayingchuan wants me to surrender, yes, can you guarantee that I and my brothers are safe and sound? Don't rush to answer me , you have to ask yourself two questions, first, if the Yuan family is in trouble, can you explain it! Second, if the court pursues it, can you bear the consequences!"

Yingchuan Guo Jia!

Cao Cao closed his eyes, fully aware that he must not be cunning when talking to such a wise man, otherwise he would be seen through. He really loves and recruits Guo Jia's business.

However, Guo Jia's two problems made him overwhelmed.

Yuan Shu's family and soldiers were all buried here. Will Yuan Shu let it go?Cao Cao didn't believe it, and if the Yuan family made trouble, Cao Cao might be uprooted after finally gaining some foundation in the imperial city.

If the imperial court pursues today's bloody case in the city, how can he bear the consequences as a small lieutenant of Dianjun? If he does not hand over the rioters to the imperial court, let alone set foot in Luoyang, I am afraid that the Cao family will be in great trouble.

Cao Cao could not give Guo Jia a satisfactory answer to these two questions. In other words, he could not guarantee that Guo Jia would be safe and sound if he surrendered.

Cao Cao was silent, Guo Jia saw that he knew the answer, and immediately looked up to the sky and laughed.

"A capable minister in troubled times, a traitor in troubled times. Cao Mengde, Cao Mengde! If you dare to break with the Yuan family today, I, Guo Jia, will sell this life to you! But you dare not! Brothers, I said before that Luoyang is a Looking for a hero for you, you have repeatedly asked me who this person is, now, I tell you, it is the person in front of you, Cao Cao!"

Guo Jia pointed at Cao Cao, and Cao Cao looked shocked. He never thought that Guo Jia would come to serve him.

However, Guo Jia is known as a ghost, and he has both good and bad reputations, and is known all over the world.

Who can assert that what Guo Jia said at this time is the truth?Cao Cao became suspicious, thinking that this was Guo Jia's trick.

Whether it is true or false, Cao Cao may not be able to tell the difference in his life.

But Gan Ning Zhou Tai, Xu Chu Dianwei, Zhang Liao Gao Shun looked Cao Cao up and down, and each showed a look of disdain.

At this time, appearance is not an exaggeration, but Cao Cao's appearance is not enough to make people admire. Moreover, Cao Cao led the troops to surround the crowd, and the six people secretly hated him. How can they be effective?

"Little grandpa, I won't accept you this time. This person is not worthy." Gan Ning sneered and looked at Cao Cao.

Xu Chu also shook his head and said, "Little Grandpa, I only respect heroes. If he dares to get off his horse and fight, I might look at him differently."

Zhang Liao looked at Cao Cao and sighed, "Young Grandpa, what is so special about this man? With his talent, why bother to join him?"

The others also shook their heads in confusion, but Guo Jia looked up to the sky and laughed again after hearing this.

Looking at Cao Cao, Guo Jia was quite angry at this time, and scolded: "Cao Mengde, do you know how many heroes you have disappointed today in order to help Yuan Gonglu? Let me tell you! You will never know that you lost today. What!"

It's nothing to worry about Guo Jia without me, but Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei have all left you. What you have lost is not just a mere counselor, but a peerless general who can be worth a hundred thousand soldiers!
(End of this chapter)

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