The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 59 The Hegemony Strategy

Chapter 59 The Hegemony Strategy
On the wilderness path, Guo Jia, who had abandoned the carriage and only rode back on a steed, was refreshed. Cai Yan, who was nestled in his arms, frowned slightly. Fascinating.

Last night, the sky thundered and the ground was on fire, and Cai Yan, who had just tasted the cloud and rain, galloped recklessly to meet Guo Jia. At this time, he was not only sore, but also unable to lift up his spirit.

On the other hand, after one night, Guo Jia seemed to have been completely reborn, his former high spirits reappeared, and now he was full of energy, but now he had an inexplicable affection for Cai Yan.

The haze that gathered in his heart recently dissipated. Guo Jia knew that it was Cai Yan who woke him up. Because he was a time traveler, he didn't have the idea of ​​groveling in his bones. In the past, influenced by the historical trajectory, Guo Jia kept driving himself intellectually. I joined Cao Cao, but thinking about it now, Guo Jia in history only lived to be 38 years old. What is so scary about Guo Jia today?The big deal is to be a short-lived ghost again.

He should have thought that the famous Cai Wenji was not a person with a false name, and that a woman who could write such sonorous and passionate poems as "Poetry of Sadness and Anger" is more than a "miracle"?And she is well versed in classics and history, erudite and capable of writing, so she must know the truth of success and failure by taking history as a mirror, so her vision is far beyond comparison. The tyranny of the Qin Dynasty has no way, and a mighty peasant uprising has overthrown the final overlord of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period. , but now the Han Dynasty has the rebellion of the Taipingdao civilians first, and then the trouble of enfeoffing the princes, how can it not perish?

Sometimes emotions are so unpredictable. A few days ago, no matter how much Guo Jia looked at Cai Yan, he thought she was a willful and savage young lady, but now he wished to integrate her into his body, holding the rein with one hand and Cai Yan with the other. Liu Yaoli, sniffing the faint fragrance of her body, Guo Jia lowered his head and smiled softly in her ear: "I never thought that Cai Yan, who looked down on the heroes of the world, would panic and be at a loss after seeing blood."

Cai Yan didn't raise her eyes, and didn't bother to pay attention to Guo Jia's teasing. She was flustered after seeing the blood, and lost all her senses, so what?It was just that when he woke up in the morning and saw the blood under his body, he threw himself into his arms and trembled for a moment.

Guo Jia knew that flirting and scolding were not appropriate between the two of them, so he raised his head and looked at the green mountains and green fields, and said with a faint smile: "Daughter-in-law, I am now a prisoner of the imperial court, and I have no place to stand. , the city belongs to the territory, I don’t have any, what should I do now? I’m used to eating and sleeping in the open, but no matter what, I have to let my daughter-in-law be warm and well-fed, and have a stable life, so you can give me Guo Jia’s children with peace of mind, right?”

Cai Yan, who was leaning on Guo Jia's shoulder, opened Lingyun's eyes at this time, and whispered weakly: "Marry the daughter of the Zhen family, you will have money and food, gather the refugees, and you will have troops. As for the territory of the city, Five years after the emperor's funeral, the feudal lords are vying for hegemony, and the Central Plains is a land of hundreds of battles. It is not easy to rise, and it is on the cusp of the storm. The bitter cold in the north, and the threat of alien invasion from the south, hinder the predicament. Now, if you want to stand on your own, you have to go south , Jingzhou, and Yangzhou, the unowned land, are like a gift from heaven."

Guo Jia, who was swaying on the horse, looked down at Cai Yan in his arms. He knew what Cai Yan meant by the land without owner. None, such as Jingzhou Shepherd Wang Rui.

Blinking, Guo Jia kissed Cai Yan on the cheek and said, "Daughter-in-law, you said that Guo Jia went to Jingzhou and Yangzhou, would the gentry welcome me? They don't even accept the state shepherd, let alone me?"

Cai Yan rolled his eyes at him, and said in a bad tone: "Why do you always pretend to be ignorant? Or do you want to test me? Ever since the emperor issued an edict to change the governor to the governor of the state, the governor of the state is in charge of the military and political power. The land can be said to be in control of the universe, and there are conflicts and conflicts of interest between the state shepherd and the gentry under his rule. In the past, local officials were recommended by the gentry, and they held power by themselves. Now, the state shepherd appoints cronies to intervene in local government affairs at will. Tolerance? In Jingzhou and Yangzhou, the gentry do look down on you, but they will despise you even more. They will want to use your hand to get rid of the state shepherd and then control you.

Guo Jia looked up to the sky and laughed: Cai Wenji, if you were a man, you would surely rise like a comet in troubled times.

The gentry of the world are very self-confident and always think that they are wise only after they have read poetry and books. I don’t know how many gentry have done stupid things to seek skins from tigers. You must know that the gentry are holding pens in their hands, but the warlords are wielding butcher knives.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Daughter-in-law, let me ask you again, if I set foot in Jingzhou and Yangzhou, how many years will it take to calm the world?"

Cai Yan, who was facing Guo Jia's neck, closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said lightly: "If you enter Yangzhou first, you will plan Jingzhou, and if you enter Jingzhou first, you will conquer Yangzhou in the east, and then you will draw rivers to rule with the princes of the Central Plains. Rest for five years to stabilize the two places and reserve five. Ten years later, as long as the Central Plains have not yet been unified, they can sweep the north of the Yangtze River and take half of the country into their pockets. At this time, if the north is still undecided, take advantage of the situation to unify it. , the confrontation between the two sides of the strait, endure for another ten years, the north and the south will show off, and the winner will win the world. Calculated in this way, it will take at least 30 years to rule the world.”

Guo Jia, who closed his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth, was immersed in a kind of spiritual enjoyment, listening to Cai Yan's words, like nectar pouring into his heart, enjoy!

However, he will not be dazzled by the beautiful blueprint. Daydreaming can be done, but he must be self-aware and see the situation clearly.

"Daughter-in-law, you missed Yizhou. How can you ignore the largest state in the world?"

30 years to unify the world, according to Cai Yan's strategy, there are three steps, the first step is to gain a foothold in the south, the second step is to sweep the Central Plains, and the last step is to unify the world.

Among them, it took ten years to lay the foundation for Jingzhou and Yangzhou, and another ten years for Tubazhong's principles, and ten years for the final establishment of the world, and 30 years, which is already less, because Guo Jia's starting point is stronger than anyone else's. Low.

Cai Yan raised his neck sullenly, stared at Guo Jia's smiling eyes, and said coldly: "You still want to test me? Hmph. Although Liu Yan is ambitious, his luck is bad. When he is about to die, there will be a great chaos in Yizhou when he is in peace. At that time, you will enter Sichuan and Shu from Jingzhou, and it will be easy to seize Yizhou. When you enter the Central Plains in the future, you can send troops from both the north and the south. The states south of the North Yellow River?"

Kissing Cai Yan fiercely, until she was about to suffocate, and when her thin vermilion lips were slightly red and swollen, Guo Jia's lips and tongue retreated, and a trace of crystal saliva slowly elongated on the tip of their tongues and finally broke off. Guo Jia looked at Cai, who was slightly blurred. Yan pressed her forehead and said in a deep voice, "Daughter-in-law, I suddenly want to tear your clothes off."

Cai Yan blushed, looked at Guo Jia without flinching, raised a slightly charming chuckle, and said, "Being willing to have fun under your body does not mean that you have completely conquered me."

Guo Jia looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. In the hearty laughter, he said with pride: "Daughter-in-law, I, Guo Jia, have accepted your plan to become a hegemony. However, you still underestimate the heroes of the world. If I, Guo Jia, Without the burning of the Changsha, without the riots in Xuzhou, I am afraid you would never have my name in your heart. Those who are taller than me but not famous, there are many people in the car. Besides, my daughter-in-law, you have a very high vision, and there are many people who are mistaken. You forgot that the Yuan family’s foundation was in Runan, and my entry into Yangzhou was just a dream come true. In the land of Jingzhou, there is still a fierce tiger, Sun Wentai. Besides, the Jingxiang family has a large number of talented people, and Jingzhou is deep. "

Cai Yan frowned deeply, then looked at Guo Jia, and sighed, "Why do you always like to pour cold water on others when they are at their best?"

Guo Jia smiled but did not answer, hugged Cai Yan tightly in his arms, looked at the boundless sky, and said silently: Wife, your grand strategy is enough to make the world's counselors feel ashamed.

Take Jingzhou, enter Sichuan and Shu, and dominate the world.

Twelve years later, Lu Su and Sun Quan made the best policy.

20 years later, Kongming and Liu Beilong were right.


Guo Jia, who returned to the foot of Taihang Mountain, unexpectedly saw his friend Xi Zhicai whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

After getting off the horse and letting Cai Yan go back to the house, Guo Jia quickly walked up to Xi Zhicai and asked, "Are all the children safe at home?"

Xi Zhicai nodded with a warm smile on his face, and looked at Cai Yan's back with deep meaning, and said jokingly: "The little grandpa is really carefree, and he is full of flair wherever he goes."

Guo Jia laughed at himself, took Xi Zhicai's forearm aside, and asked in a low voice, "How did you know I'm here?"

Xi Zhicai stroked his lush goatee, and said casually: "Yuan Zhi and I met Zhen Yao, the third son of the Zhen family, after we left Yingchuan with our fellow villagers. He heard the news and went to Yingchuan to look for Fengxiao. With the assistance of the Zhen family, Yuan Zhi and I took our fellow villagers to temporarily shelter in the territory of Chenliu country. I think that day you fled from Luoyang to the east, and you had to divert halfway. If you went south, you would have to enter Yingchuan. It is expected that you will go north, so let the Zhen family send people to look for you in the northern part of Sizhou, and the heavens will finally pay off."

Although Guo Jia did not make the decision to switch routes to the north halfway, it would be the same if it was Guo Jia. Xi Zhicai's deduction was not bad, and Guo Jia would not admire him for such a trivial matter, as expected.

"Feng Xiao, what are you going to do next?" Xi Zhicai put away his smile and looked serious.

Guo Jia also had a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to Jizhou."

Xi Zhicai's expression changed, he frowned and said, "At this moment, will the Zhen family still help you?"

Talking to a smart person is to save worry and effort, Guo Jia said flatly: "If the Zhen family doesn't help me, I will destroy the Zhen family in the future. On the contrary, I, Guo Jia, will live up to the Zhen family."

Xi Zhicai closed his eyes with a solemn face, and said softly: "Feng Xiao is going here, and both light and dark places need the company of the dead."

Guo Jia, with a heavy heart, knew that this trip to Zhen's house might be full of murderous intentions, but he still had to go.

While the two were talking, Xiao Ren rushed over and said to Guo Jia and the two: "Young Grandpa, there are ten people coming on horseback."

ten people?

Guo Jia ordered: "You and Xiao Yi protect the female relatives in the house, let Wen Yuan and Gong Xiao lie in ambush in the dark outside the house, and the others wait here with me to see who is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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