The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 8 The Great Teacher

Chapter 8 The Great Teacher
For three days in a row, Guo Jia was invited by Zhang Jiao to live in the base of Taipingdao's preaching in Yecheng. During these three days, Zhang Jiao and Guo Jia were inseparable, eating and sleeping together.Although Zhang Jiao is half a hundred people, he respects this young man Guo Jia very much. The two talked about everything from ancient times to the present, from the rise and fall of ancient dynasties to the rise and fall of the world today.

However, Guo Jia was deeply impressed after reading the Taiping Taoist missionary program "Taiping Jing", which not only advocated the maintenance of feudal imperial power, but also advocated treating the people well.It has to be said that it is of constructive significance in this era. Of course, compared with the more advanced and sound regimes and political systems of later generations, it is naturally different. The "Taiping Jing" is undoubtedly in line with the ideological and social status quo of this era.

"Second brother, do you think that the elder brother and the younger brother have so many words to talk about? These days, I can't get in a word with the elder brother. Now that my Taiping Dao is in full swing, the elder brother doesn't think about big things. Isn't it a bad thing for a young man to waste his time?" Zhang Liang looked at his second brother Zhang Bao with a sad face, and his expression was quite anxious.

But Zhang Bao said calmly and calmly: "Brother is doing big things now."

"What's the big deal with being with an underage boy all day long?" Zhang Liang didn't believe it.

Zhang Bao patiently explained: "Guo Jia has strategy and talent. I have benefited a lot from just listening to him, and it is thought-provoking. If my Taiping Dao raises an issue in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult to accomplish it simply by relying on numbers. There are a lot of talents, but they are all reckless and powerful Kong Wu, and they are comparable to the generals of the Han court in terms of fighting, but my Taipingdao lacks military advisers who can strategize and win thousands of miles."

"Second brother, do you mean that elder brother wants to recruit Guo Jia to be my Taipingdao military advisor? I think that kid is just a talker, just talking on paper." Zhang Liang looked displeased, obviously not reconciled to a young man taking on such an important role.

But Zhang Bao turned cold, and scolded Zhang Liang: "Third brother, the way of peace is the most important thing, and being arrogant will only make things wrong! You and I don't need to speculate here, everything is left to the elder brother's decision."

At this moment, Zhang Jiao walked out of the house holding Guo Jia's hand, smiling, obviously in a very happy mood. He saw the two brothers in the courtyard, so he asked, "Is there something important?"

Zhang Liang glanced sideways at Guo Jia, hesitant to say anything, Guo Jia saw this, and said to Zhang Jiao: "The great virtuous teacher has business to do, so Jia leaves first."

After finishing speaking, he wanted to leave, but was pulled back by Zhang Jiao, and said earnestly: "Feng Xiao and I have been friends for many years, and we have already confided in each other. I, Zhang Jiao, have nothing to hide from Feng Xiao. Zhang Liang, you just say it's okay."

Zhang Liang had no choice but to cup his fists and respectfully said, "Brother, a few days ago there was news from various states in the Central Plains. The people in each state have heard about my Taiping Dao, benevolent and chivalrous. Many people have sold their property and come to vote. The total number has reached hundreds of thousands."

"Good good!"

Zhang Jiao was overjoyed, he stroked his beard and laughed endlessly, and Guo Jia was a little amazed, he didn't expect that Taiping Dao would have such a powerful appeal, now that Taiping Dao is so powerful, Zhang Jiao's rebellion might be even stronger than before, just waiting for a plan Make trouble.

Then Zhang Jiao asked the two brothers to convey the news, arranged for the people in each state to settle in to serve, and prepared to go to each state to inspect in person.

After returning to the inn, Guo Jia rested overnight, and went out to the city with Xu Shu in the early morning.

The air in the mountain trails is fresh and the lush greenery is refreshing. Guo Jia and Xu Shu climbed the mountain side by side without rushing. On the way, Guo Jia told Xu Shu the news that Taiping Road has gathered millions.

Xu Shu's complexion changed immediately, and he asked, "Zhang Jiao is about to turn his back?"

Looking up at the misty mountain top, Guo Jia shook his head and said: "Although the Dao of Taiping has achieved great momentum, it is far from the time to make an attack. There are millions of people but no soldiers and horses. If they rebel at this time, the imperial army With the momentum of thunder, Taiping Dao will be wiped out in the blink of an eye."

Xu Shu thought for a while, and couldn't help admiring Guo Jia. He said: "Millions of people are fighting, and the momentum is overwhelming. Even if Zhang Jiao doesn't have military talent, he can make long-term plans. There are many generals who lead troops to fight in the Taiping Road." , but there are few strategists who can win thousands of miles, and the Taiping Dao cannot openly reorganize the army. With so many millions of civilians, I am afraid that even if they have planned for a long time, it will be difficult to achieve success. However, there are so many people and great influence. I am afraid that, as Feng Xiao expected, the emperor will delegate power to the governors of the prefectures and counties, and by then, the days of warlords will come."

Walking to the middle of the mountain, Guo Jia stopped and looked back, overlooking the city of Ye, and the sky was boundless as far as he could see.

"Yuanzhi, I expect that although the Taiping Dao will fail, it will continue for several years. When the world is in chaos and the warlords divide it, you and I will be adults. At that time, where will you and I go?"

Xu Shu followed Guo Jia's gaze to look at the sky, and with a sudden surge of pride, he said in a loud voice: "Find the master of the world, save the people from the fire and water, and build a meritorious service that lasts forever."

Guo Jiaqing couldn't help fantasizing about Cao Cao's appearance in his mind. It was said in history that Cao Cao's appearance was not good. In this era of judging people by their appearance, Cao Cao's appearance is really unbearable. See, for fear of losing the face of the big country.

Thinking about Cao Cao's behavior style and the situation left in the future, Guo Jia vacillated and murmured, "Master? Even if there are heroes all over the world, who would dare to move the world? Who can really do it?" Treat the people well?"

Cao Cao couldn't do it, and Tucheng was bloodthirsty.Liu Bei couldn't do it, the generation of hypocrisy and hypocrisy, avenging their brothers' vengeance on their own, went on an expedition to Soochow. Lu Xun burned down the Shu Han in Yiling, and the strength of the Shu Han was greatly injured, and how many orphans and widows were added behind the scenes. Sun Quan It can't be done, the old Sun Quan is as ignorant as a pig, and the meritorious ministers can't die under his hands, so how can we talk about the people?What's more, the descendants of Sun Quan, the subjugated king of Eastern Wu, were more tyrannical than Jie and Zhou!
Hearing Guo Jia's self-talk, Xu Shu sighed and said: "As Feng Xiao said, the world will be in chaos in the future, and there will be heroes everywhere, but they must be descendants of famous families and dignitaries, who will recruit the world's talents with fame. I dare not move the aristocratic family rashly, and move the whole body with one hair, for fear of losing the hearts of scholars in the world."

Guo Jia had no choice but to turn around and continue climbing the mountain, and said as he walked, "I have talked with Zhang Jiao day and night in recent days, and I discovered something."

"What's the matter?" Xu Shu asked immediately.

"Zhang Jiao must drink a bowl of soup after eating. I guess Zhang Jiao is seriously ill."

"I think Zhang Jiao's complexion is normal, not sick." Xu Shu was very surprised.

Guo Jia sighed: "This is exactly what I am worried about. The outside is not sick, but the inside may be terminally ill."

Xu Shu sneered, and said, "Taipingdao uses spells to save people, but Zhang Jue himself drinks soup and medicine to cure diseases. It's ridiculous. Although Zhang Jiao is reckless, he can incite the people to use it in the name of preaching. It is very human As far as it is possible, if the Taiping Dao can develop for another ten years, Zhang Jiao's rebellion, the outcome is hard to predict."

This point solved Guo Jia's doubts. Although Zhang Jiao is over half a hundred years old, he is still strong and strong. If he can stay dormant for another ten years, the way of peace spreads all over the country, and he plans to do something for several years, then it will be successful. Opportunities will be greatly increased, but why did Zhang Jiao make trouble after two years?Through contact with Zhang Jiao, Guo Jia finally understood the reason. Zhang Jiao knew that his fate was not long, so he hastily planned the incident, and then kept the plot secret.

In the days that followed, Guo Jia stayed by Zhang Jue's side to advise, and Zhang Jue also cited Guo Jia as his confidant. Guo Jia's many constructive suggestions to Zhang Jiao were adopted. Guo Jia was adopted son, but was rejected by Guo Jia politely.

At the end of the year, Zhang Jiao wanted to go to the states of the Central Plains to inspect, in fact, to discuss important matters with his confidants. Zhang Jiao asked Guo Jia to go with him, but Guo Jia refused.

On the official road leaving Yecheng, Guo Jia and Xu Shu rode their horses slowly, and Xu Shu asked puzzledly: "In the past six months, Zhang Jiao has shown great love for Feng Xiao, gifting horses and swords, and treating him as a guest of honour, his love even surpasses that of Feng Xiao. His two younger brothers, this time Zhang Jiao went south to ask Feng Xiao to go with him, I guess Zhang Jiao wanted to introduce Feng Xiao to everyone in the core group of Taiping Dao Central, why did Feng Xiao refuse?"

Guo Jia is also very grateful to Zhang Jiao. For the past six months, Zhang Jiao has been meticulous and caring for him. Zhang Jiao has no children, and the end is approaching. He wants to pass on the foundation to Guo Jia, but Guo Jia can't. Yes, he said indifferently: "Since you and I have expected that everything in Taiping Dao will fail, the most urgent thing is to leave as soon as possible. When the great virtuous teacher returns from his southern tour, I will say goodbye in person."

Hearing this reason, Xu Shu nodded secretly in his heart. Once the Taipingdao took action, anyone involved with the Taipingdao would become a rebel. Guo Jia's worries were unreasonable.

"Feng Xiao has always sneered at the aristocratic family, why is he going to visit the Zhen family in person now?" Xu Shu rolled his eyes and said jokingly.

Guo Jia knew what Xu Shu said was intentional, so he didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "I'm going back to Yingchuan soon, we should go to Zhen's house for reason and reason, and besides, I have a relationship with Miss Zhen's family. After parting for half a year, I miss you in my heart, so I will go here to relieve my lovesickness. Haha."

"Well, you Guo Fengxiao, you really say what you think in your heart, you can say it without hiding anything about Meng Lang, you are really a vagabond, I want to see if you entered the Zhen family's house, will you?" Being beaten out by the Zhen family, I, Xu Shu, don't believe that you dare to tell the Zhen family that you are going here to relieve the pain of lovesickness!"

Guo Jia ignored Xu Shu, whipped his whip, and the horse under his crotch galloped, and Guo Jia's hearty laughter came from the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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