Chapter 83
The peaks are connected with the jade base, the ground is connected with Jincheng, the sword pavilion is surrounded by Jiameng, and the Jialing is surrounded by Baishui.

This is how the ancients described the precipitousness of Jiameng Pass. The mountain peak directly connects to Yulei Mountain in Chengdu, and leads directly to Jincheng (Chengdu) dangerously. After Jiameng Pass in Jiange County, Jiange Road leads directly to Chengdu.

Jiameng Pass stands majestically between the mountain peaks. Since early in the morning, countless troops have gathered in front of Jiameng Pass. On the chariot in the middle of the battle, Guo Jia is sitting calmly, with a large banner on the chariot. , the pennant fluttered in the wind.

It has been four hours since the soldiers knocked on Jiameng Pass in the early morning. Seeing the red sun slanting to the west and dusk falling, Jiameng Pass has not yet been taken, which really made Guo Jia very angry.

Zhang Baiqi led [-] soldiers, Gan Ning and Zhou Tai had a total of [-] soldiers. A total of [-] soldiers and horses have stormed Jiameng Pass for more than three hours. Haven't been able to get it yet.

The soldiers carried the ladders and marched towards Jiameng Pass under the cover of crossbowmen. The ladders had already reached Jiameng Pass. The fighting on the towers never stopped for a moment, but the guards of Jiameng Pass were condescending and dropped solid stones , pouring down the boiling oil is to prevent the enemy from climbing the tower.

Closing the door and rushing the car hit again and again without success, but the rain of arrows on the tower never stopped.

This is a formidable pass, as long as the guards can't hold on, there is no way to outsmart it. If Guo Jia wants to win Jiameng Pass, he can only attack by force, and he doesn't have a well fence or a catapult, and the well fence can be used by crossbowmen Standing on a high place and shooting at the guards at the gate, the power is greatly increased. The catapult hits a larger area and is more lethal, but he has none of this. They slammed into the gate, but they all became living targets for closing the defenders.

"Yuan Zhi, how are the casualties?"

Guo Jia closed his eyes, the tragic battle situation not far away from Jiameng has already made his heart numb.

It was also the first time for Xu Shu to see a mountain of corpses. After thinking about it, he rode his horse beside Guo Jia and said, "General Zhang's troops suffered the heaviest casualties. Ten thousand, excluding the wounded, the casualties of Jiameng Pass guards will not exceed [-]."

Guo Jia, who was indifferent, did not ask any further questions, nor did he have any combat instructions, and the tragic battle continued.

After another hour, the two armies were still in a stalemate closing the gate tower, unable to attack or retreat, only corpses one after another lay in front of the gate.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Xu Shu said to Guo Jia with a sad face: "My lord, it will be night soon. The soldiers have been fighting hard for a day, and they are exhausted. It is better to withdraw the troops and fight again tomorrow."

No water, no rations, no matter how full he ate yesterday, he is still hungry now, how could Guo Jia not have thought of this, he himself feels empty in his stomach just sitting, but now he cannot retreat.

"Husband's battle is courageous, and the momentum is like a tiger. Yuanzhi, I led an army of nearly 15 soldiers to attack Jiameng Pass, and there were only [-] defenders in Guanzhong. During the first battle, they must have fear in their hearts. This moment is just the last thought of resistance in their hearts." I am driving them to fight to the death. If I retreat at this time, the Taiping army will definitely lose its spirit, and the defenders in the city will be more confident. If we fight again tomorrow, our army will suffer more casualties than today. To break Jiameng Pass, it can only be Today is the first battle, and we will take it later, the casualties will be heavy, and I will not be able to go south to capture Chengdu."

This is certainly the way of the art of war, but Guo Jia has yet to articulate the cruel reason that cannot be articulated.

He wants elite soldiers, elite soldiers, not trained, but killed!
No matter how hard the training is usually, no matter how strict the military discipline is, it seems that it is indeed a well-trained and strong army that prohibits orders, but the real tiger and wolf division can only be truly formed after the baptism of countless wars. It is not as quick as the killing of blood to promote the transformation of the master of killing fruit.

Observe and make appointments, accumulate thick and thin hair.

Even if he wins Yizhou, Guo Jia also knows that Yizhou can't afford to support more than 25 troops, at least in the early stage, so he has to save the best, attack Yizhou bloody battles, and lead the army south Nearly 15, I am afraid that no more than [-] will be left in the end.

Guo Jia didn't care, even if only [-] were left, he would be satisfied. An army of [-] tigers and wolves is far more powerful than an army of a million sheep.

"Tell Zhang Baiqi to lead the army back, Gao Shun, you lead the [-] infantry under your command to replace Zhang Baiqi, and within an hour, attack the tower for me!"

Guo Jia gave an order, and Gao Shun immediately took the order to command the soldiers to prepare to attack the city.

Gao Shun has [-] cavalry under his command, which can be regarded as Guo Jia's current trump card, and he also has [-] infantry under his command. The soldiers are strong and armored. To be invincible in every attack, you still have to go through the baptism of killing.

Jiameng Guan garrison was relieved to see Zhang Baiqi retreating with his army, but they did not expect that Gao Shun, who was equipped with armor and fighting equipment, would fill the vacancy left by Zhang Baiqi.

The defenders relaxed their will and became tense again, but the relaxation made them a little more timid.

Gao Shun's [-]-sword shield soldiers are the strongest in Guo Jia's army. They climb up the ladder very fast, and they are not afraid of killing intent. It can be called a strong soldier.

After this new charge, half an hour later, Gao Shun's troops finally went up to the tower. Although they couldn't capture the tower on a large scale, the defenders in the city were shocked and counterattacked frantically, trying to drive the enemy off the tower. , Cut off the way they attacked and killed.

Guo Jia, who was watching the battle with a blank face, knew in his heart that Zhang Baiqi, Gan Ning, and Zhou Tai three generals who led the army to attack the city were just cannon fodder, and the casualties would certainly not be small. Trump cards and murderous intentions are often only used when the two armies are at a stalemate, and they can turn the tide of the battle in one fell swoop and dominate the universe.

"Xu Chu, Dian Wei, order you two to lead the army to storm the city gate, and don't miss the opportunity created by General Gao."

The war opportunity is fleeting, and the attention of Jiameng Pass defenders is mostly attracted by Gao Shun on the tower. Although the city gate is not empty, it is inevitable that the resistance will be reduced.

Xu Chu and Dian Wei led the army forward, followed by the army pushing the chariot, and they got off their horses when they were a hundred steps away from Jiameng Pass.

Wearing heavy armor and holding weapons, the two walked forward side by side. The two rows of sword and shield soldiers in front held their shields high to resist the rain of arrows shot from the tower.

Both of them were strong generals as strong as a mountain, their steps were steady and loud, accompanied by the crisp sound of their armor, they were unparalleled in power.

Xu Chu Dianwei walked towards the city gate without blinking, Xu Chu Dianwei showed no fear, Guo Jia looked from behind, and in the afterglow of dusk, he could only see two people wearing capes on their backs, a bear and a tiger glowing brightly.

In front of the gate of Jiamengguan, there were already two ramming vehicles constantly hitting the gate, but they couldn't shake the gate at all.

After Xu Chu Dianwei arrived, the chariot behind them also pushed up, and the four chariots stood side by side. Xu Chu Dianwei supported the chariot on the left and the right, and then Xu Chu ordered to the soldiers behind him: "Look at me and General Dian. Let’s move and break open the city gate together!”

I have to say that generals like Dian Wei and Xu Chu can always make the soldiers feel at ease, and have a feeling that they are following the right person. It has been half a day since they hit the city gate. Dian Wei and Xu Chu came together, and suddenly their momentum was high, their confidence was surging, and they nodded in unison.

After Xu Chu and Dian Wei looked at each other, they yelled in unison, and then used all their strength to hold the chariot and ram it towards the city gate. The two chariots in the middle were rammed into the city gate with force by the soldiers.

As if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the city gate, which had been motionless for half a day, trembled. Excitement burst into the eyes of the soldiers. They saw the hope of breaking the city.

On the one hand, the defenders in the pass moved back and forth to rush up the tower to defend against the offensive outside the city, and at the same time fought with Gao Shun's troops at the gap in the tower. Now, the defenders defending the gate turned pale with fright, and their hearts were broken.

bang bang

Every impact made the defenders tremble with fear, because the city gate trembled more and more, and cracks had begun to appear in the middle of the gate.

bang bang
The city gate gate is broken!

The defenders went forward to resist the gate with manpower, but they were unable to resist the trend of Xu Chu Dianwei's attacking the gate.

The gate of the city was wide open, and even the gate on one side was smashed in half. Xu Chu Dianwei looked at the defenders lying on the ground inside the gate, and without saying a word, he raised his weapon and went forward to fight.

The two walked forward side by side, their pace never slowing down. Facing the soldiers coming up, they waved their swords and halberds with one hand. In front of you, raise your shield to block the arrows.

Dian Wei turned around and took ten short halberds from his subordinates, then turned around and waved his hand, and the short halberds flew like javelins and hit several crossbowmen.

Seeing the general's majesty, the soldiers behind him were all encouraged, and bravely rushed forward to fight the defenders.

After Xu Chu and Dian Wei broke open the city gate, Guo Jia, who was sitting on the chariot, immediately stood up, drew his sword, and shouted at Jiameng Pass: "All generals obey the order! Enter Jiameng Pass!"

The city gate was lost, and enemy troops flooded into the pass, and the defenders on the tower collapsed in an instant, fleeing or surrendering.

The city gate was not enough for Guo Jia's army to sweep through Jiameng Pass in a short time, but the soldiers climbed up the ladder from outside the pass to capture the city tower, and the tide flooded into Jiameng Pass.

The setting sun is like blood, and the Jiameng Pass under the afterglow is like a mountain of bones, blood staining the ground, which makes people feel horrified.

After entering Jiameng Pass and listening to Xu Shu's post-war statistics, Guo Jia frowned. Gan Ning Zhou Tai, Xu Chu Dianwei, Zhang Baiqi Gao Shun, the six generals took the lead and sent [-] soldiers to capture Jiameng Pass. There were more than [-] dead, more than [-] who were wounded for a short or long time and could no longer fight. Although there were nearly [-] soldiers, it was impossible for these [-] soldiers to be incorporated into the army immediately. In Chengdu, there are all their parents and folks there, so they can only hand in weapons and armor to arm their own army.

Looking at Jiange Road in the south, Guo Jia gritted his teeth and sighed: What a great pass, I lost [-] troops!

(End of this chapter)

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