Chapter 94
Autumn is crisp and clear, Guo Jia is escorted by Xiao Ren, Xiao Yi and a hundred personal guards to Guanghan County.

When Guo Jia left Chengdu, there was an eyeliner from the Qin family who conveyed the news back to Guanghan County. When Guo Jia arrived, the Guanghan clan became nervous again. Knowing that Guo Jia only brought a hundred guards, they relaxed a little. Be vigilant, but still send someone to secretly investigate Guo Jia's intentions.

The foundation of the Qin family is actually in Mianzhu, but when Guo Jia's army went south, they rested in Mianzhu, so the Qin family temporarily retreated to Ye County.

After finding out where Qin Mi lived, Guo Jia got off his horse in front of a grand house, and the guards watched the passers-by looking around vigilantly at intervals of three steps.

In broad daylight, the door of Qin Mi's house was tightly closed. Guo Jia asked Xiao Ren to knock on the door, but Xiao Ren returned without success. It seemed that the house in front of Guo Jia was empty.

The crowd of onlookers saw that Guo Jia had the door closed, and they all showed a playful look, watching how Guo Jia would respond.

Guo Jia, who always looked calm, stood by the door outside the mansion, and no longer let people knock on the door, just stood upright by the door, closed his eyes and meditated.

Xiao Ren and Xiao Yi didn't get Guo Jia's order, so they didn't dare to act rashly, they just glanced at the door of the mansion, secretly angry: The Qin family is so arrogant.

Guo Jia didn't believe that the Qin family didn't know he was here, so he came to Qin Mi's house specially, and Qin Mi must have known that Guo Jia was looking for him.

But even if Qin Mi wanted to see Guo Jia, he couldn't invite Guo Jia in so grandly, because he wanted to give the clan a posture of opposing Guo Jia.

The mystery here, Guo Jia and Qin Mi should both be tacit, so Guo Jia stood waiting outside the mansion gate, not the humble gesture of pretending to be a virtuous corporal as passers-by guessed, it would only make others despise, because Guo Jia Jia's status has not yet reached the point where a small favor can make the noble family feel grateful.

From around noon to sunset, Guo Jia remained motionless, closed his eyes and said nothing, and the Qin family never opened the gate of the mansion. Seeing that the sky was about to darken, Xiao Yi came forward and said to Guo Jia: "My lord, let's go back, my God." blacken."

"Let them all eat to fill their stomachs and leave me alone."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, he still stood in the same place, Xiao Yi walked back helplessly, and asked the guards to eat some dry food to satisfy their hunger.

For a whole day and night, Guo Jia stood outside the gate of Qin Mi's mansion, without sleep all night. If this was a visit to talents, his sincerity would be enough to move others, but Guo Jia and Qin's family were two opposite sides, and Guo Jia was quiet all day long. Standing outside the gate of the mansion is at best to keep the Qin family from pushing forward.

In the early morning of the next day, the door of Qin Mi's house was finally opened. The slightly tired Qin Mi stretched out her hand and said to Guo Jia with a wry smile, "General, please."

The Qin family has already given it to dismount, and with this step, Qin Mi can contact Guo Jia in an open and aboveboard manner.

Stretching his muscles and bones, Guo Jia smiled and looked refreshed. Instead of walking towards Qin Mi's house, he also stretched out his hand and said to Qin Mi: "Today, I want to take a walk in Guanghan County with Ziyi."

Guo Jia stepped on the flame horse, and Xiao Ren brought a horse for Qin Mi to ride on. Guo Jia and Qin Mi rode the horses side by side, and left slowly, followed by Guo Jia's personal guards.

Leaving Ye County and heading north along the field road, Guo Jia saw Qin Mi's sluggish look, and asked with a smile, "Could it be that Ziying didn't rest last night?"

Qin Mi cheered up, nodded on the horse and said, "The general stayed up all night outside the mansion. I dare not ignore this kind of heart, so I can only read it at night in the mansion."

Talking among smart people saves trouble. This show is going to be shown to the Qin family, and to the Guanghan clan. When Qin Mi learned that Guo Jia was rejected but did not leave, she guessed Guo Jia's identity. mean.

The farmers in the fields are busy with the autumn harvest. There are no natural disasters this year. When Guo Jia’s army went south, they also gave repeated orders not to disturb the people or trample on the farmland. Therefore, this year’s harvest is still very impressive. It can be regarded as a good harvest year.

"Do you know why, after taking Chengdu, I quickly sent people to surrender the counties?" Looking at the farmers who went to work in the fields at dawn, Guo Jia sighed secretly.

After cheering up, Qin Mi said casually: "In the autumn harvest season, the general must have all the counties surrendered before winter, so that the grain reserves can be replenished."

This is the most fundamental reason. Guo Jia's lifeblood is in the army, and the lifeblood of the army is in the military rations. After taking control of Chengdu, the reason why he quickly sent troops to the fourteen counties in the northern part of Yizhou was for food.

Looking at Qin Mi, Guo Jia said with a faint smile: "Today, Ziyan will follow me to see the autumn harvest in Guanghan County. With a good harvest, the people in Guanghan County must be able to spend the winter in peace. The coming year will also be a bumper year.”

Unable to guess what Guo Jia was planning, Qin Mi didn't ask any questions, and followed Guo Jia wandering around in Guanghan County.

At sunset, after turning a big circle and returning to Ye County, Guo Jia grabbed the reins and asked Qin Mi who was puzzled softly: "Ziyu, after this day, you and I are in Guanghan County separately. I visited around the county, may I ask, how many farmers do you think there are in Guanghan County?"

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Qin Mi said uncertainly based on his own guess, "It should be at least sixty to seventy thousand."

Guo Jia pretended to be surprised and said: "That's strange. I did a rough calculation of the accounts reported by the prefect of Guanghan to Chengdu. There are only more than [-] households in Guanghan, and less than [-] rural households. Why do you come up with [-] to [-] households?" s answer?"

Sixty to seventy thousand is still Qin Mi who did not dare to guess boldly, and now he finally understands what Guo Jia meant when he saw him.

Showing a bitter smile, Qin Mi shook her head and remained silent.

Which powerful family in the whole world is not hiding the peasants privately, and not reporting them is for their own interests, not to mention Guanghan County, it is the same in all counties and countries.

Putting away the surprise he pretended on purpose, Guo Jia asked Qin Mi another question.

"Ziyu, the Han Dynasty has fallen, and the morals of the world have fallen. In your opinion, why?"

Qin Mi was able to answer this question seriously.

"The first emperor was stupid, the imperial court was corrupt, treacherous ministers seized power, and poisoned the world. But today, when the son is young, the national traitor Dong Zhuo steals the Dragon Court and acts perversely. The common people suffer, disasters continue, and the Central Plains are raging. People's hearts are in chaos, and the world is in trouble."

Qin Mi really dared to tell the truth, and he was able to spit out disrespectful words to Emperor Han Ling. Guo Jia was very relieved, at least Qin Mi didn't perfunctory him.

Turning his head to look at Qin Mi, Guo Jia stared at him with burning eyes, and asked, "In Ziyu's heart, am I also a traitor?"

Qin Mi laughed wryly when he heard this, and lowered his head and said in a low voice: "As far as the matter is concerned, the general captured Yizhou and Minqiu without any crime. To the princes of the world, what the general did is indeed a rebellion, but to the people of Yizhou, what the general has done for the time being is far more than a hundred times stronger than Qiejian Liu Yan."

This comment is very pertinent. For the princes of the world, that is, for the Han Dynasty, Guo Jia is a traitor, but for the common people, Guo Jia is still a good ruler for the time being.

With Qin Mi's words, Guo Jia could continue the conversation.

"Ziyu, your answer to the previous question may be the same thing that scholars all over the world will say. How can I know how well the people in various places are doing? The emperor wants to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, who should do it? In my eyes, Dong Zhuo is not qualified enough to truly bring chaos to the world, but the powerful families in various places are enough to make the country There's a lot of chaos."

Qin Mi showed a dignified look, looked at Guo Jia questioningly, and signaled Guo Jia to continue talking.

Looking at the farmers who were busy in the fields from morning to night, Guo Jia said indifferently: "Family of five, there are no fewer than two servicemen. They plow in spring and work in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter. They are sent to corvee labor. They can't escape the wind and dust in spring and the heat in summer. You can't avoid the rain in autumn, and you can't avoid the cold and frost in winter. During the four seasons, you work so hard, but you are still plagued by floods and droughts, and you are extorted. If things go on like this, the people have to sell their land, and even sell themselves as slaves. In the past, farmers were divided into three classes. Up to now, Zixi, can you tell me how many people are still in the upper class? Farmer? Is it a sub-farmer?"

Qin Mi struggled, he couldn't answer the question, the wealthy family owns ten thousand hectares of fertile land, their desires are hard to fill, they will always find ways to incorporate the land in the hands of the people into their own pockets, and the people who are forced to have nowhere to go can only become the labor force of the wealthy family, fate It was completely in the hands of the rich.

Guo Jia rode to Qin Mi's side, reached out to hold his forearm, and said with a sad face, "Most of the people are illiterate, they don't understand the principle of governing the country and the world, and they don't care who is the son of heaven, who is the pillar of the country, and who It was the rebellion of the country and the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans. All the eight states responded to Zhang Jiao's rebel army. Millions of people rose up. Do these millions of people know who they should overthrow? They really do. Did the emperors above the temple do anything? Do they really understand who is beneficial to the country and who is harmful to the country in the court? Ziyu, you can regard me as a careerist, someone who wants to steal the country and usurp the name However, if I, Guo Jia, want to rise up and dominate the world, I must win people's hearts. No matter how big the country is, it is not as big as people's hearts. I understand that I, Guo Jia, want to win the hearts of the people of the world, not cater to the nobles and oppress the people."

Qin Mi gritted his teeth and trembled uncontrollably. Guo Jia's hand on his arm made him feel heavy.

The world belongs to the people.

The human heart is the heart of all peoples.

Looking at Guo Jia, Qin Mi struggled endlessly.

If you protect the interests of the family, isn't it oppressing the people in disguise?What is the use of reading a book of sages?

(End of this chapter)

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